Обсуждение: Proposal: Store "timestamptz" of database creation on "pg_database"


Proposal: Store "timestamptz" of database creation on "pg_database"

Fabrízio de Royes Mello
Hi all,

This proposal is about add a column "datcreated" on "pg_database" to store the "timestamp" of the database creation.

A couple weeks ago I had a trouble with a PostgreSQL instance, actually our ERP had some strange behaviors with some data loss, but I searched for ERRORs in log files (OS and PG) and I found nothing.

Looking at the files and directories in the cluster noticed something strange, the date / time of the file "base/9999/PG_VERSION" (database of our ERP) was different compared to when we create it. So I used the following SQL to check the date / time of creation of the databases in the cluster:

fabrizio=# SELECT datname, (pg_stat_file('base/'||oid||'/PG_VERSION')).modification AS datcreated
fabrizio-#   FROM pg_database;
  datname  |       datcreated       
 template1 | 2012-12-26 12:11:53-02
 template0 | 2012-12-26 12:11:54-02
 postgres  | 2012-12-26 12:11:54-02
 fabrizio  | 2012-12-26 12:12:02-02
(4 rows)

This isn't an elegant solution to do that, but worked fine. However, why not we have a column to store this information?

Somebody have another idea?


Fabrízio de Royes Mello
Consultoria/Coaching PostgreSQL
>> Blog sobre TI: http://fabriziomello.blogspot.com
>> Perfil Linkedin: http://br.linkedin.com/in/fabriziomello
>> Twitter: http://twitter.com/fabriziomello

Re: Proposal: Store "timestamptz" of database creation on "pg_database"

Josh Berkus
On 12/26/12 4:48 PM, Fabrízio de Royes Mello wrote:
> Hi all,
> This proposal is about add a column "datcreated" on "pg_database" to store
> the "timestamp" of the database creation.

I agree that it would be useful.  However, if we're going to get into
created dates, we should at least consider adding them to the other
catalogs, particularly pg_class.

Josh Berkus
PostgreSQL Experts Inc.

Re: Proposal: Store "timestamptz" of database creation on "pg_database"

Stephen Frost
* Josh Berkus (josh@agliodbs.com) wrote:
> On 12/26/12 4:48 PM, Fabrízio de Royes Mello wrote:
> >This proposal is about add a column "datcreated" on "pg_database" to store
> >the "timestamp" of the database creation.
> I agree that it would be useful.  However, if we're going to get
> into created dates, we should at least consider adding them to the
> other catalogs, particularly pg_class.

I was thinking more-or-less the same thing.  Along those lines, however,
perhaps we should put them into a separate catalog to avoid the
increased size of pg_class and friends..?  Also, we'd probably have 2 of
those, one for global and one for per-database objects, ala pg_depend
and pg_shdepend, and then a view that brings it all together, resolves
the OIDs to names, etc.

Re: Proposal: Store "timestamptz" of database creation on "pg_database"

Tom Lane
Stephen Frost <sfrost@snowman.net> writes:
> * Josh Berkus (josh@agliodbs.com) wrote:
>> On 12/26/12 4:48 PM, Fabr�zio de Royes Mello wrote:
>>> This proposal is about add a column "datcreated" on "pg_database" to store
>>> the "timestamp" of the database creation.

>> I agree that it would be useful.  However, if we're going to get
>> into created dates, we should at least consider adding them to the
>> other catalogs, particularly pg_class.

> I was thinking more-or-less the same thing.

This has been debated, and rejected, before.

To mention just one problem, are we going to add nonstandard,
non-backwards-compatible syntax to every single kind of CREATE to allow
pg_dump to preserve the creation dates?  Another interesting question is
whether we should likewise track the last ALTER time, or perhaps whether
a sufficiently major ALTER redefinition should update the creation time.

I'm inclined to think that anyone who really needs this should be
pointed at event triggers.  That feature (if it gets in) will allow
people to track creation/DDL-change times with exactly the behavior
they want.
        regards, tom lane

Re: Proposal: Store "timestamptz" of database creation on "pg_database"

Stephen Frost
* Tom Lane (tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us) wrote:
> To mention just one problem, are we going to add nonstandard,
> non-backwards-compatible syntax to every single kind of CREATE to allow
> pg_dump to preserve the creation dates?

Perhaps 'ALTER' would be a better place to put it, but concerns around
how to make pg_dump work with it hardly strikes me as a serious argument
against this.  I agree that we may be overloading ourselves with syntax
but that's a compromise we made long ago in order to have pg_dump be
able to act like a regular 'user'.

> Another interesting question is
> whether we should likewise track the last ALTER time, or perhaps whether
> a sufficiently major ALTER redefinition should update the creation time.

Yes, tracking the last 'ALTER' time would be useful as well, as it's own
field.  'ALTER' wouldn't change the 'CREATE' time, except perhaps if it
has an explicit 'make the CREATE time X' option.

> I'm inclined to think that anyone who really needs this should be
> pointed at event triggers.  That feature (if it gets in) will allow
> people to track creation/DDL-change times with exactly the behavior
> they want.

I considered that and rejected it.  Event triggers will be great to
allow people to customize and/or specialize exactly what is tracked and
how, but I dislike that they would be the only way to get this
information.  I'm on the fence about if, assuming event triggers go in,
we provide this kind of information through a 'default' set of event
triggers.  I wouldn't want users to be able to modify those event
triggers and I'd expect the results to go into a system table that we
wouldn't want users messing with either.

This information could be extremely useful for forensics, debugging, ETL
processes (many of which create tables as part of their processes), etc.

Re: Proposal: Store "timestamptz" of database creation on "pg_database"

Josh Berkus
> This information could be extremely useful for forensics, debugging, ETL
> processes (many of which create tables as part of their processes), etc.

I'd say "moderately useful" at best.  Quite a number of things could 
make the creation dates misleading or not distinctive (think partition 
replacement, restore from pg_dump, replicas, etc.).   ALTER dates would 
be more useful, but as Tom points out, would need the 
user-configurability which can only be delivered by something like event 

Josh Berkus
PostgreSQL Experts Inc.

Re: Proposal: Store "timestamptz" of database creation on "pg_database"

Stephen Frost
* Josh Berkus (josh@agliodbs.com) wrote:
> >This information could be extremely useful for forensics, debugging, ETL
> >processes (many of which create tables as part of their processes), etc.
> I'd say "moderately useful" at best.  Quite a number of things could
> make the creation dates misleading or not distinctive (think
> partition replacement, restore from pg_dump, replicas, etc.).
> ALTER dates would be more useful, but as Tom points out, would need
> the user-configurability which can only be delivered by something
> like event triggers.

To be honest, I really just don't find this to be *that* difficult and
an intuitive set of rules which are well documented feels like it'd
cover 99% of the cases.  pg_dump would preserve the times (though it
could be optional), replicas should as well, etc.  We haven't even
started talking about the 'hard' part, which would be a 'modification'
type of field..

Re: Proposal: Store "timestamptz" of database creation on "pg_database"

Dimitri Fontaine

Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us> writes:
>>>> This proposal is about add a column "datcreated" on "pg_database" to store
>>>> the "timestamp" of the database creation.
> I'm inclined to think that anyone who really needs this should be
> pointed at event triggers.  That feature (if it gets in) will allow
> people to track creation/DDL-change times with exactly the behavior
> they want.


Stephen Frost <sfrost@snowman.net> writes:
> To be honest, I really just don't find this to be *that* difficult and
> an intuitive set of rules which are well documented feels like it'd
> cover 99% of the cases.  pg_dump would preserve the times (though it
> could be optional), replicas should as well, etc.  We haven't even
> started talking about the 'hard' part, which would be a 'modification'
> type of field..

Here's a complete test case that works with my current branch, with a
tricky test while at it, of course:
   create table public.tracking   (       relation     regclass primary key,       relname      name not null,  -- in
caseit changes later       relnamespace name not null,  -- same reason       created      timestamptz default now(),
  altered      timestamptz,       dropped      timestamptz       );      create or replace function
public.track_table_activity()returns event_trigger     language plpgsql   as $$   begin     raise notice 'track table
activity:% %', tg_tag, tg_objectid::regclass;     if tg_operation = 'CREATE'     then       insert into
public.tracking(relation,relname, relnamespace)            select tg_objectid, tg_objectname, tg_schemaname;
elsiftg_operation = 'ALTER'     then       update public.tracking set altered = now() where relation = tg_objectid;
  elsif tg_operation = 'DROP'     then       update public.tracking set dropped = now() where relation = tg_objectid;
        else       raise notice 'unknown operation';     end if;   end;   $$;      drop event trigger if exists
track_table;     create event trigger track_table                     on ddl_command_trace            when tag in
('createtable', 'alter table', 'drop table')             and context in ('toplevel', 'generated', 'subcommand')
executeprocedure public.track_table_activity();      drop schema if exists test cascade;      create schema test
createtable foo(id serial primary key, f1 text);      alter table test.foo add column f2 text;      select
relation::regclass,* from public.tracking;      drop table test.foo;      select * from public.tracking;      select *
frompublic.tracking;   -[ RECORD 1 ]+------------------------------   relation     | tracking   relname      | tracking
 relnamespace | public   created      | 2012-12-27 17:02:13.567979+01   altered      |    dropped      |    -[ RECORD 2
]+------------------------------  relation     | 25139   relname      | foo   relnamespace | test   created      |
2012-12-2717:02:26.696039+01   altered      | 2012-12-27 17:02:29.105241+01   dropped      | 2012-12-27

Maybe the best way to reconciliate both your views would be to provide
the previous example in the event trigger docs?

Dimitri Fontaine
http://2ndQuadrant.fr     PostgreSQL : Expertise, Formation et Support

Re: Proposal: Store "timestamptz" of database creation on "pg_database"

Fabrízio de Royes Mello

On Thu, Dec 27, 2012 at 2:13 AM, Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
> This has been debated, and rejected, before.

I know this discussion...

> To mention just one problem, are we going to add nonstandard,
> non-backwards-compatible syntax to every single kind of CREATE to allow
> pg_dump to preserve the creation dates?  Another interesting question is
> whether we should likewise track the last ALTER time, or perhaps whether
> a sufficiently major ALTER redefinition should update the creation time.

I agree with you because now we have Event Triggers...

> I'm inclined to think that anyone who really needs this should be
> pointed at event triggers.  That feature (if it gets in) will allow
> people to track creation/DDL-change times with exactly the behavior
> they want.

Exactly, but Event Triggers [1] don't cover "CREATE DATABASE" statement, and for this reason I propose the patch to add a single column "datcreated" on shared catalog "pg_database".

Fabrízio de Royes Mello
Consultoria/Coaching PostgreSQL
>> Blog sobre TI: http://fabriziomello.blogspot.com
>> Perfil Linkedin: http://br.linkedin.com/in/fabriziomello
>> Twitter: http://twitter.com/fabriziomello

Re: Proposal: Store "timestamptz" of database creation on "pg_database"

Fabrízio de Royes Mello

On Thu, Dec 27, 2012 at 2:04 PM, Dimitri Fontaine <dimitri@2ndquadrant.fr> wrote:
> Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us> writes:
> >>>> This proposal is about add a column "datcreated" on "pg_database" to store
> >>>> the "timestamp" of the database creation.
> >
> > I'm inclined to think that anyone who really needs this should be
> > pointed at event triggers.  That feature (if it gets in) will allow
> > people to track creation/DDL-change times with exactly the behavior
> > they want.
> Agreed.


> Maybe the best way to reconciliate both your views would be to provide
> the previous example in the event trigger docs?


If all of you agree I can improve the event trigger docs...


Fabrízio de Royes Mello
Consultoria/Coaching PostgreSQL
>> Blog sobre TI: http://fabriziomello.blogspot.com
>> Perfil Linkedin: http://br.linkedin.com/in/fabriziomello
>> Twitter: http://twitter.com/fabriziomello

Re: Proposal: Store "timestamptz" of database creation on "pg_database"

Stephen Frost

* Dimitri Fontaine (dimitri@2ndQuadrant.fr) wrote:
> Here's a complete test case that works with my current branch, with a
> tricky test while at it, of course:

Apparently I've managed to miss the tricky case..?

Sure, dropping tables, schemas, etc, would have an impact on the values.
Dropping a table and then recreating it would be akin to deleteing a row
and then inserting a new one- the create value would be set to the time
of the new table being created and information about the dropped table
would be lost.

I'm not thinking of this as audit tracking where every action is logged.

I agree that what I was suggesting would be possible to implement with
event triggers, but I see that as a rather advanced feature that most
users aren't going to understand or implement.  At the same time, those
more novice users are likely to be looking for this kind of information-
being told "oh, well, you *could* have been collecting it all along if
you knew about event triggers" isn't a particularly satisfying answer.

That's my 2c on it.

I agree that having the example in the docs would be nice- examples are
always good things to include.

Re: Proposal: Store "timestamptz" of database creation on "pg_database"

Dimitri Fontaine
Stephen Frost <sfrost@snowman.net> writes:
> Apparently I've managed to miss the tricky case..?

That shouldn't be tricky as a user, but has been a tricky subject every
time we've been talking about implement Event Triggers in the past two
years, so I though I would include it:
   create schema test      create table foo(id serial primary key, f1 text);
   create event trigger track_table                     on ddl_command_trace            when tag in ('create table',
'altertable', 'drop table')             and context in ('toplevel', 'generated', 'subcommand')      execute procedure

The trick is that you then want to fire the event trigger for a command
in a 'subcommand' context, as seen in the logs provided by the "snitch"
   NOTICE:  snitch event: ddl_command_end, context: SUBCOMMAND   NOTICE:           tag: CREATE TABLE, operation:
CREATE,type: TABLE   NOTICE:           oid: 25139, schema: test, name: foo   
> Sure, dropping tables, schemas, etc, would have an impact on the values.

we don't have, as of yet, support for a 'cascade' context. We will need
some heavy refactoring to get there, basically forcing the cascade drops
to happen via ProcessUtility(), but having a single DropStmt to handle
that I guess it shouldn't be very hard to do.

> being told "oh, well, you *could* have been collecting it all along if
> you knew about event triggers" isn't a particularly satisfying answer.

True that.

Now, having at least a way to do that without resorting to hacking the
backend or writing a C coded extension sure feels nice enough an answer
to me here.

Dimitri Fontaine
http://2ndQuadrant.fr     PostgreSQL : Expertise, Formation et Support

Re: Proposal: Store "timestamptz" of database creation on "pg_database"

Fabrízio de Royes Mello
Hi all,

And about proposal that originated this thread... I proposed only to add a column on shared catalog "pg_database" with timestamp of its creation.

Event triggers don't cover "CREATE DATABASE" statement. 


Fabrízio de Royes Mello
Consultoria/Coaching PostgreSQL
>> Blog sobre TI: http://fabriziomello.blogspot.com
>> Perfil Linkedin: http://br.linkedin.com/in/fabriziomello
>> Twitter: http://twitter.com/fabriziomello

Re: Proposal: Store "timestamptz" of database creation on "pg_database"

Josh Berkus
On 12/28/12 4:05 AM, Fabrízio de Royes Mello wrote:
> Hi all,
> And about proposal that originated this thread... I proposed only to add a
> column on shared catalog "pg_database" with timestamp of its creation.
> Event triggers don't cover "CREATE DATABASE" statement.

Works for me, in that case.

You'd need something a lot more mature than checking the file timestamp
on PG_VERSION, though.

Josh Berkus
PostgreSQL Experts Inc.

Re: Proposal: Store "timestamptz" of database creation on "pg_database"

Dimitri Fontaine
Fabrízio de Royes Mello <fabriziomello@gmail.com> writes:
> Event triggers don't cover "CREATE DATABASE" statement.

The reason why is because you create Event Triggers in a specific
database and they only get run when you happen to be connected to that
specific database.

So for example say you install your Event Trigger in the "postgres"
database but then do a CREATE DATABASE while connected to "mydb", the
Event Trigger is not installed and will not fire.

It's the same analysis about tablespaces and roles, for all global
objects in fact. I don't think there's much of a technical
implementation reason why not supporting Event Triggers on those, it's
all about POLA violation.

I personnaly think that given a good documentation coverage having Event
Trigger on global objects could be useful enough, even if you would have
to install them in every database when you want them to fire no matter

Dimitri Fontaine
http://2ndQuadrant.fr     PostgreSQL : Expertise, Formation et Support

Re: Proposal: Store "timestamptz" of database creation on "pg_database"

Stephen Frost

* Dimitri Fontaine (dimitri@2ndQuadrant.fr) wrote:
> I personnaly think that given a good documentation coverage having Event
> Trigger on global objects could be useful enough, even if you would have
> to install them in every database when you want them to fire no matter
> what.

I disagree.  If we're going to have what are essentially 'global' event
triggers, then they should go into a shared catalog- the user shouldn't
be required to install them everywhere to get coverage.  In addition,
they should always fire in the same database (eg: postgres), so you
could reasonably have a single log of 'CREATE DATABASE' commands being
run.  Of course, then we get into the technical issues which prevent
that, such as having one backend connected to database xyz but needing
to run commands in the postgres database.

So, for my 2c, I do think there's a technical challenge which would have
to be overcome to have global event triggers.

Re: Proposal: Store "timestamptz" of database creation on "pg_database"

Dimitri Fontaine
Stephen Frost <sfrost@snowman.net> writes:
> I disagree.  If we're going to have what are essentially 'global' event
> triggers, then they should go into a shared catalog- the user shouldn't
> be required to install them everywhere to get coverage.  In addition,

I understand your view point, and if we think we will be able to get
that in the future, then I think we should be careful not to implement
something else in the mean time.

> they should always fire in the same database (eg: postgres), so you
> could reasonably have a single log of 'CREATE DATABASE' commands being
> run.  Of course, then we get into the technical issues which prevent
> that, such as having one backend connected to database xyz but needing
> to run commands in the postgres database.
> So, for my 2c, I do think there's a technical challenge which would have
> to be overcome to have global event triggers.

It sounds to me like either autonomous transaction with the capability
to run the independant transaction in another database, or some dblink
creative use case. Another approach would be to get plproxy into core
as a Foreign Data Wrapper for FOREIGN FUNCTION that would target

Given that, we could maybe have an internal setup that allows us to run
foreign functions in the postgres database from any other one, providing
what we need for Global Event Triggers.

Oh, I don't see that happening in 9.3.

Dimitri Fontaine
http://2ndQuadrant.fr     PostgreSQL : Expertise, Formation et Support

Re: Proposal: Store "timestamptz" of database creation on "pg_database"

Stephen Frost
* Dimitri Fontaine (dimitri@2ndQuadrant.fr) wrote:
> It sounds to me like either autonomous transaction with the capability
> to run the independant transaction in another database, or some dblink
> creative use case. Another approach would be to get plproxy into core
> as a Foreign Data Wrapper for FOREIGN FUNCTION that would target
> PostgreSQL.
> Given that, we could maybe have an internal setup that allows us to run
> foreign functions in the postgres database from any other one, providing
> what we need for Global Event Triggers.

Of those, I'd think autonomous transactions is by far the most likely
and also useful for other sitatuions.  I don't see dblink or plproxy
being used for this.  Having some internal setup which allows us to run
foreign functions in other databases seems more-or-less akin to
autonomous transactions also.

> Oh, I don't see that happening in 9.3.

I agree, didn't mean to imply otherwise.

Re: Proposal: Store "timestamptz" of database creation on "pg_database"

Andres Freund
On 2012-12-29 09:59:49 -0500, Stephen Frost wrote:
> * Dimitri Fontaine (dimitri@2ndQuadrant.fr) wrote:
> > It sounds to me like either autonomous transaction with the capability
> > to run the independant transaction in another database, or some dblink
> > creative use case. Another approach would be to get plproxy into core
> > as a Foreign Data Wrapper for FOREIGN FUNCTION that would target
> > PostgreSQL.
> >
> > Given that, we could maybe have an internal setup that allows us to run
> > foreign functions in the postgres database from any other one, providing
> > what we need for Global Event Triggers.
> Of those, I'd think autonomous transactions is by far the most likely
> and also useful for other sitatuions.  I don't see dblink or plproxy
> being used for this.  Having some internal setup which allows us to run
> foreign functions in other databases seems more-or-less akin to
> autonomous transactions also.

I don't think autonomous transactions are the biggest worry
here. Transactions essentially already span multiple databases, so thats
not really a problem in this context. Making it possible to change
catalogs while still being active in another database seems *far*
harder. To the point where I would say its not really feasible.

A shared table for event triggers sounds like it would be the far easier
solution (9.4+ that is).


Andres Freund

-- Andres Freund                       http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training &

Re: Proposal: Store "timestamptz" of database creation on "pg_database"

Stephen Frost
* Andres Freund (andres@2ndquadrant.com) wrote:
> I don't think autonomous transactions are the biggest worry
> here. Transactions essentially already span multiple databases, so thats
> not really a problem in this context. Making it possible to change
> catalogs while still being active in another database seems *far*
> harder. To the point where I would say its not really feasible.

There's two pieces- one is changing catalogs and the other is being able
to have multiple top-level transactions running in a single backend.  I
agree that transactions already span multiple databases but I was
expecting the global event trigger to need to run in its own transaction
in the other database, similar to autonomous transactions (though those
could be running in the same database, thus omitting the catalog switch
issue).  Spawning a new backend which connects to any database and gets
a new transaction would handle both, which is what I was thinking about.

> A shared table for event triggers sounds like it would be the far easier
> solution (9.4+ that is).

But what happens when it fires and tries to insert a record into a
table..?  Does that table have to exist in every database or the event
fails?  If it exists in every database, the admin/user/whomever has to
go hunting through all the databases to get a complete picture..
Neither is very good, imv.

Re: Re: Proposal: Store "timestamptz" of database creation on "pg_database"

Robert Haas
On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 10:26 AM, Andres Freund <andres@2ndquadrant.com> wrote:
> A shared table for event triggers sounds like it would be the far easier
> solution (9.4+ that is).

The problem is that the event trigger table is a just a pointer to a
function, and there's no procedure OID to store in that shared catalog
unless you also have a proposal for making pg_proc into a shared
catalog ... which would also require making pg_language into a shared
catalog, and maybe a few others.

Robert Haas
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

Re: Proposal: Store "timestamptz" of database creation on "pg_database"

Robert Haas
On Wed, Dec 26, 2012 at 11:13 PM, Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
> This has been debated, and rejected, before.
> To mention just one problem, are we going to add nonstandard,
> non-backwards-compatible syntax to every single kind of CREATE to allow
> pg_dump to preserve the creation dates?  Another interesting question is
> whether we should likewise track the last ALTER time, or perhaps whether
> a sufficiently major ALTER redefinition should update the creation time.

Well, IMHO, there is no need for any syntax change at all.  CREATE
TABLE and CREATE DATABASE should just record the creation time
somewhere, and that's all.  If you dump-and-reload, the creation time
changes.  Deal with it, or hack your catalogs if you really care that

I find the suggestion of using event triggers for this to miss the
point almost completely.  At least in my case, the time when you
really wish you had some timestamps is when you get dropped into a
customer environment and need to do forensics.  The customer will not
have installed the convenient package of event triggers at database
bootstrap time.  Their environment will likely be poorly configured
and completely undocumented; that's why you're doing forensics, isn't

I know this has been discussed and rejected before, but I find that
rejection to be wrong-headed.  I have repeatedly been asked, with
levels of exasperation ranging from mild to homicidal, why we don't
have this feature, and I have no good answer.  If it were somehow
difficult to record this or likely to produce a lot of overhead, that
would be one thing.  But it isn't.  It's probably a hundred-line
patch, and AFAICS the overhead would be miniscule.

Robert Haas
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

Re: Re: Proposal: Store "timestamptz" of database creation on "pg_database"

Stephen Frost
* Robert Haas (robertmhaas@gmail.com) wrote:
> On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 10:26 AM, Andres Freund <andres@2ndquadrant.com> wrote:
> > A shared table for event triggers sounds like it would be the far easier
> > solution (9.4+ that is).
> The problem is that the event trigger table is a just a pointer to a
> function, and there's no procedure OID to store in that shared catalog
> unless you also have a proposal for making pg_proc into a shared
> catalog ... which would also require making pg_language into a shared
> catalog, and maybe a few others.

This was why I was suggesting that there be a single database in which
the events would actually fire and that's where the function itself
would also be stored.  The information to pass to the function would
have to be collected and represented logically from the calling
database, of course, and it wouldn't be possible to make changes in the
database where the modification happened without using something like
dblink, but I could still see there being a lot of good use cases for
such a thing.

All pie-in-the-sky currently though, of course, but that's along the
lines of what I was thinking.

Re: Proposal: Store "timestamptz" of database creation on "pg_database"

Tom Lane
Robert Haas <robertmhaas@gmail.com> writes:
> [ on creation timestamps ]
> I know this has been discussed and rejected before, but I find that
> rejection to be wrong-headed.  I have repeatedly been asked, with
> levels of exasperation ranging from mild to homicidal, why we don't
> have this feature, and I have no good answer.  If it were somehow
> difficult to record this or likely to produce a lot of overhead, that
> would be one thing.  But it isn't.  It's probably a hundred-line
> patch, and AFAICS the overhead would be miniscule.

If I believed that it would be a hundred-line patch, and would *stay*
a hundred-line patch, I'd be fine with it.  But it won't.  I will
bet a very fine dinner that the feature wouldn't get out the door
before there would be demands for pg_dump support.  And arguments
about whether ALTER should or should not change the timestamp.
And I doubt you counted psql \d support in that hundred lines.
So this is just a can of worms that I'd rather not open.
        regards, tom lane

Re: Proposal: Store "timestamptz" of database creation on "pg_database"

Stephen Frost
* Robert Haas (robertmhaas@gmail.com) wrote:
> Well, IMHO, there is no need for any syntax change at all.  CREATE
> TABLE and CREATE DATABASE should just record the creation time
> somewhere, and that's all.  If you dump-and-reload, the creation time
> changes.  Deal with it, or hack your catalogs if you really care that
> much.

I'd be alright with this also, tbh.  Not preserving such information
across pg_dump's wouldn't really be all *that* much of a loss.

As for hacking at the catalogs, I do find that a rather terrible
recommendation, ever.  I'm currently trying to convince people at $work
that hacking at pg_database to modify datallowconns is really not a
good or ideal solution (and requires a lot more people to have
superuser rights than really should, which is practically no one, imo).
Annoyingly, we don't seem to have a way to ALTER DATABASE to set that
value, although I *think* 'connection limit = 0' might be good enough.

> I find the suggestion of using event triggers for this to miss the
> point almost completely.  At least in my case, the time when you
> really wish you had some timestamps is when you get dropped into a
> customer environment and need to do forensics.  The customer will not
> have installed the convenient package of event triggers at database
> bootstrap time.  Their environment will likely be poorly configured
> and completely undocumented; that's why you're doing forensics, isn't
> it?

Exactly, that's what I was trying to get at upstream.

> I know this has been discussed and rejected before, but I find that
> rejection to be wrong-headed.  I have repeatedly been asked, with
> levels of exasperation ranging from mild to homicidal, why we don't
> have this feature, and I have no good answer.  If it were somehow
> difficult to record this or likely to produce a lot of overhead, that
> would be one thing.  But it isn't.  It's probably a hundred-line
> patch, and AFAICS the overhead would be miniscule.


Re: Proposal: Store "timestamptz" of database creation on "pg_database"

Stephen Frost
* Tom Lane (tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us) wrote:
> If I believed that it would be a hundred-line patch, and would *stay*
> a hundred-line patch, I'd be fine with it.  But it won't.  I will
> bet a very fine dinner that the feature wouldn't get out the door
> before there would be demands for pg_dump support.

Fine, how about a function that can be called by pg_dump (and anyone
else who has the rights and feels the need) to set that value?  That
avoids all need for any new syntax and still gives us the pg_dump and
friends support that will apparently be asked for.

> And arguments
> about whether ALTER should or should not change the timestamp.

There is no case where ALTER should change the *creation* time, imo.

> And I doubt you counted psql \d support in that hundred lines.
> So this is just a can of worms that I'd rather not open.

The last psql \d support change that I looked at (thanks Jon) had a
diffstat (excluding documentation and whitespace changes) of:

sfrost@beorn:/home/sfrost/Downloads> cat qq | diffstat               describe.c |    5 +++++1 file changed, 5

Just saying. ;)

Re: Proposal: Store "timestamptz" of database creation on "pg_database"

Robert Haas
On Wed, Jan 2, 2013 at 9:12 PM, Stephen Frost <sfrost@snowman.net> wrote:
> * Tom Lane (tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us) wrote:
>> If I believed that it would be a hundred-line patch, and would *stay*
>> a hundred-line patch, I'd be fine with it.  But it won't.  I will
>> bet a very fine dinner that the feature wouldn't get out the door
>> before there would be demands for pg_dump support.
> Fine, how about a function that can be called by pg_dump (and anyone
> else who has the rights and feels the need) to set that value?  That
> avoids all need for any new syntax and still gives us the pg_dump and
> friends support that will apparently be asked for.

TBH, I don't think anyone has any business changing the creation
timestamp.  Ever.  For me, the fact that pg_dump wouldn't preserve
this information would be a feature, not a bug.  I mostly meant to
point out that someone could bypass it if they cared enough, not to
recommend it.  Honestly, I'd probably *rather* store this information
someplace where it couldn't be changed via SQL *at all*.  But I don't
think we have such a place, so I'm happy enough to store it in the
catalogs, with the associated risks of catalog hackery that entails.

>> And arguments
>> about whether ALTER should or should not change the timestamp.
> There is no case where ALTER should change the *creation* time, imo.


>> And I doubt you counted psql \d support in that hundred lines.
>> So this is just a can of worms that I'd rather not open.
> The last psql \d support change that I looked at (thanks Jon) had a
> diffstat (excluding documentation and whitespace changes) of:
> sfrost@beorn:/home/sfrost/Downloads> cat qq | diffstat
>  describe.c |    5 +++++
>  1 file changed, 5 insertions(+)
> Just saying. ;)

Yeah, I don't think this is really a problem.  I would expect the psql
support for this feature to be not a whole lot more complicated than
that.  Sure, it might be more than 5 lines of raw code if it requires
an additional version of some query for which we're currently using
the same version for both PG93 and PG92, but it's hardly fair to cite
that as an argument for not doing this.  Such changes are almost
entirely boilerplate.

Robert Haas
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

Re: Proposal: Store "timestamptz" of database creation on "pg_database"

Fabrízio de Royes Mello

* Robert Haas <robertmhaas@gmail.com> wrote:
> I know this has been discussed and rejected before, but I find that
> rejection to be wrong-headed.  I have repeatedly been asked, with
> levels of exasperation ranging from mild to homicidal, why we don't
> have this feature, and I have no good answer.  If it were somehow
> difficult to record this or likely to produce a lot of overhead, that
> would be one thing.  But it isn't.  It's probably a hundred-line
> patch, and AFAICS the overhead would be miniscule.

Hi all,

The attached patch add a new column into 'pg_database' called 'datcreated' to store the timestamp of database creation.

If this feature is approved I could extend it to add a column into 'pg_class' to store creation timestamp too.

I think we can discuss about psql support to show this new info about databases...


Fabrízio de Royes Mello
Consultoria/Coaching PostgreSQL
>> Blog sobre TI: http://fabriziomello.blogspot.com
>> Perfil Linkedin: http://br.linkedin.com/in/fabriziomello
>> Twitter: http://twitter.com/fabriziomello

Re: Proposal: Store "timestamptz" of database creation on "pg_database"

Pavel Stehule
2013/1/3 Stephen Frost <sfrost@snowman.net>:
> * Robert Haas (robertmhaas@gmail.com) wrote:
>> Well, IMHO, there is no need for any syntax change at all.  CREATE
>> TABLE and CREATE DATABASE should just record the creation time
>> somewhere, and that's all.  If you dump-and-reload, the creation time
>> changes.  Deal with it, or hack your catalogs if you really care that
>> much.
> I'd be alright with this also, tbh.  Not preserving such information
> across pg_dump's wouldn't really be all *that* much of a loss.
> As for hacking at the catalogs, I do find that a rather terrible
> recommendation, ever.  I'm currently trying to convince people at $work
> that hacking at pg_database to modify datallowconns is really not a
> good or ideal solution (and requires a lot more people to have
> superuser rights than really should, which is practically no one, imo).
> Annoyingly, we don't seem to have a way to ALTER DATABASE to set that
> value, although I *think* 'connection limit = 0' might be good enough.
>> I find the suggestion of using event triggers for this to miss the
>> point almost completely.  At least in my case, the time when you
>> really wish you had some timestamps is when you get dropped into a
>> customer environment and need to do forensics.  The customer will not
>> have installed the convenient package of event triggers at database
>> bootstrap time.  Their environment will likely be poorly configured
>> and completely undocumented; that's why you're doing forensics, isn't
>> it?
> Exactly, that's what I was trying to get at upstream.
>> I know this has been discussed and rejected before, but I find that
>> rejection to be wrong-headed.  I have repeatedly been asked, with
>> levels of exasperation ranging from mild to homicidal, why we don't
>> have this feature, and I have no good answer.  If it were somehow
>> difficult to record this or likely to produce a lot of overhead, that
>> would be one thing.  But it isn't.  It's probably a hundred-line
>> patch, and AFAICS the overhead would be miniscule.
> +1


yes, this task can be simply solved by EVENT TRIGGERS, but native
implementation can carry some unification - and time of creation is
basic attribute that I would to see everywhere. And I am not alone


Pavel Stehule

>         Thanks,
>                 Stephen

Re: Proposal: Store "timestamptz" of database creation on "pg_database"

Hannu Krosing
On 12/28/2012 03:14 AM, Stephen Frost wrote:
> I agree that what I was suggesting would be possible to implement with 
> event triggers, but I see that as a rather advanced feature that most 
> users aren't going to understand or implement. At the same time, those 
> more novice users are likely to be looking for this kind of 
> information- being told "oh, well, you *could* have been collecting it 
> all along if you knew about event triggers" isn't a particularly 
> satisfying answer. That's my 2c on it. I agree that having the example 
> in the docs would be nice- examples are always good things to include. 
If what you want is something close to current unix file time semantics 
(ctime, mtime, atime) then why not just create a function to look up 
these attributes on database directory and/or database files ?


Re: Proposal: Store "timestamptz" of database creation on "pg_database"

Andres Freund
On 2013-01-03 11:03:17 +0100, Hannu Krosing wrote:
> On 12/28/2012 03:14 AM, Stephen Frost wrote:
> ...
> >I agree that what I was suggesting would be possible to implement with
> >event triggers, but I see that as a rather advanced feature that most
> >users aren't going to understand or implement. At the same time, those
> >more novice users are likely to be looking for this kind of information-
> >being told "oh, well, you *could* have been collecting it all along if you
> >knew about event triggers" isn't a particularly satisfying answer. That's
> >my 2c on it. I agree that having the example in the docs would be nice-
> >examples are always good things to include.
> If what you want is something close to current unix file time semantics
> (ctime, mtime, atime) then why not just create a function to look up these
> attributes on database directory and/or database files ?

Because too many things change those. Moving to a different tablespace,
a rewriting ALTER TABLE, etc.


Andres Freund

--Andres Freund                       http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training &

Re: Proposal: Store "timestamptz" of database creation on "pg_database"

Pavel Stehule
2013/1/3 Hannu Krosing <hannu@krosing.net>:
> On 12/28/2012 03:14 AM, Stephen Frost wrote:
> ...
>> I agree that what I was suggesting would be possible to implement with
>> event triggers, but I see that as a rather advanced feature that most users
>> aren't going to understand or implement. At the same time, those more novice
>> users are likely to be looking for this kind of information- being told "oh,
>> well, you *could* have been collecting it all along if you knew about event
>> triggers" isn't a particularly satisfying answer. That's my 2c on it. I
>> agree that having the example in the docs would be nice- examples are always
>> good things to include.
> If what you want is something close to current unix file time semantics
> (ctime, mtime, atime) then why not just create a function to look up these
> attributes on database directory and/or database files ?

Implementation of ctime, mtime, atime will have little bit higher
impact than just creation time - and these values should be moved to
statistics instead bloated pg_class.

You cannot use a filesystem data, because some requests are solved by
cache not by filesystem.

I had to emulate MySQL fields - and this was a first implementation,
but totally useles - now we have a solution based on enhancing pg_stat
and it works as expected



> ----------------
> Hannu
> --
> Sent via pgsql-hackers mailing list (pgsql-hackers@postgresql.org)
> To make changes to your subscription:
> http://www.postgresql.org/mailpref/pgsql-hackers

Re: Proposal: Store "timestamptz" of database creation on "pg_database"

Bernd Helmle

--On 2. Januar 2013 23:04:43 -0500 Robert Haas <robertmhaas@gmail.com> 

> TBH, I don't think anyone has any business changing the creation
> timestamp.  Ever.  For me, the fact that pg_dump wouldn't preserve
> this information would be a feature, not a bug.  I mostly meant to
> point out that someone could bypass it if they cared enough, not to
> recommend it.  Honestly, I'd probably *rather* store this information
> someplace where it couldn't be changed via SQL *at all*.  But I don't
> think we have such a place, so I'm happy enough to store it in the
> catalogs, with the associated risks of catalog hackery that entails.

This is exactly what Informix does, it stores creation or modification 
dates of a table in its system catalog (systables.created, to be specific). 
Any export/import of tables doesn't preserve the dates, if you restore a 
database (or table), the creation date is adjusted. I'm not aware of any 
SQL interface to influence this.


Re: Proposal: Store "timestamptz" of database creation on "pg_database"

Hannu Krosing
On 01/03/2013 05:04 AM, Robert Haas wrote:
> O
> Yeah, I don't think this is really a problem.  I would expect the psql
> support for this feature to be not a whole lot more complicated than
> that.  Sure, it might be more than 5 lines of raw code if it requires
> an additional version of some query for which we're currently using
> the same version for both PG93 and PG92, but it's hardly fair to cite
> that as an argument for not doing this.  Such changes are almost
> entirely boilerplate.
Here is a pl/python function which gives you "the real" database 
creation time.

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION database_create_ts(INOUT dbname text, OUT 
ctime timestamp)
LANGUAGE plpythonu AS
import os, time
res = plpy.execute("""select datname,                             current_setting('data_directory') ddir,
             oid as dboid                        from pg_database where datname like '%s';""" % 
for row in res:    dbpath = '%(ddir)s/base/%(dboid)s' % row    stat = os.stat(dbpath)    yield row['datname'],
'%04d-%02d-%02d%02d:%02d:%02d+00' % 

SELECT * FROM database_create_ts('template%');


Re: Re: Proposal: Store "timestamptz" of database creation on "pg_database"

Hannu Krosing
On 01/03/2013 11:18 AM, Andres Freund wrote:
> On 2013-01-03 11:03:17 +0100, Hannu Krosing wrote:
>> On 12/28/2012 03:14 AM, Stephen Frost wrote:
>> ...
>>> I agree that what I was suggesting would be possible to implement with
>>> event triggers, but I see that as a rather advanced feature that most
>>> users aren't going to understand or implement. At the same time, those
>>> more novice users are likely to be looking for this kind of information-
>>> being told "oh, well, you *could* have been collecting it all along if you
>>> knew about event triggers" isn't a particularly satisfying answer. That's
>>> my 2c on it. I agree that having the example in the docs would be nice-
>>> examples are always good things to include.
>> If what you want is something close to current unix file time semantics
>> (ctime, mtime, atime) then why not just create a function to look up these
>> attributes on database directory and/or database files ?
> Because too many things change those. Moving to a different tablespace,
> a rewriting ALTER TABLE, etc.
Can't we actually fix these to preserve file creation date like tar does 
and still keep
unix file semantics ?

So it is as about agreeing on what we actually want this "create time"
mean opening a can of worms as tom predicted ?

For example, how would this work in replication context ?

> Greetings,
> Andres Freund
> --
>   Andres Freund                       http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
>   PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

Re: Proposal: Store "timestamptz" of database creation on "pg_database"

Stephen Frost
* Fabrízio de Royes Mello (fabriziomello@gmail.com) wrote:
> The attached patch add a new column into 'pg_database' called 'datcreated'
> to store the timestamp of database creation.

Please use hard-tabs (not spaces) and the column should come before the
variable length records (see the comment in pg_database.h).

Re: Proposal: Store "timestamptz" of database creation on "pg_database"

Stephen Frost
* Hannu Krosing (hannu@krosing.net) wrote:
> If what you want is something close to current unix file time
> semantics (ctime, mtime, atime) then why not just create a function
> to look up these attributes on database directory and/or database
> files ?

Because, as noted before, those aren't always going to be correct.
Database files can be rewritten and recreated based on certain commands
(eg: CLUSTER).  Perhaps there's a fork that isn't, but that almost seems
like it's more painful to try and figure out than just hooking in with
the CREATE command.

Re: Re: Proposal: Store "timestamptz" of database creation on "pg_database"

Stephen Frost
* Hannu Krosing (hannu@krosing.net) wrote:
> Can't we actually fix these to preserve file creation date like tar
> does and still keep
> unix file semantics ?

I'm not sure that I really see the advantage to trying to use the
filesystem to keep this information for us..?

> So it is as about agreeing on what we actually want this "create time"
> mean opening a can of worms as tom predicted ?

I agree that we need to hash out what, exactly, the values mean, but I
don't think that's a terribly difficult thing to do.

> For example, how would this work in replication context ?

If it's stored in the database catalogs, this is clear- it's replicated
just like the catalog, and then you don't have to worry about trying to
ensure that the file creation timestamp in the filesystem is right...

Re: Proposal: Store "timestamptz" of database creation on "pg_database"

Fabrízio de Royes Mello

On Thu, Jan 3, 2013 at 11:13 AM, Stephen Frost <sfrost@snowman.net> wrote:
> * Fabrízio de Royes Mello (fabriziomello@gmail.com) wrote:
> > The attached patch add a new column into 'pg_database' called 'datcreated'
> > to store the timestamp of database creation.
> Please use hard-tabs (not spaces) and the column should come before the
> variable length records (see the comment in pg_database.h).

You all right... I fixed it in attached patch.


Fabrízio de Royes Mello
Consultoria/Coaching PostgreSQL
>> Blog sobre TI: http://fabriziomello.blogspot.com
>> Perfil Linkedin: http://br.linkedin.com/in/fabriziomello
>> Twitter: http://twitter.com/fabriziomello

Re: Proposal: Store "timestamptz" of database creation on "pg_database"

Fabrízio de Royes Mello
<div dir="ltr"><br />On Thu, Jan 3, 2013 at 11:33 AM, Fabrízio de Royes Mello <<a
href="mailto:fabriziomello@gmail.com">fabriziomello@gmail.com</a>>wrote:<br />><br />><br />> On Thu, Jan
3,2013 at 11:13 AM, Stephen Frost <<a href="mailto:sfrost@snowman.net">sfrost@snowman.net</a>> wrote:<br /> >
><br/>> > * Fabrízio de Royes Mello (<a href="mailto:fabriziomello@gmail.com">fabriziomello@gmail.com</a>)
wrote:<br/>> > > The attached patch add a new column into 'pg_database' called 'datcreated'<br /> > >
>to store the timestamp of database creation.<br />> ><br />> > Please use hard-tabs (not spaces) and
thecolumn should come before the<br />> > variable length records (see the comment in pg_database.h).<br /> >
><br/>><br />> You all right... I fixed it in attached patch.<br />><br /><br />Please... discard this
patch...I make a mistake... soon I send the new one.<br /><br />Regards,<br /><br />--<br />Fabrízio de Royes Mello<br
/>Consultoria/Coaching PostgreSQL<br />>> Blog sobre TI: <a
href="http://fabriziomello.blogspot.com">http://fabriziomello.blogspot.com</a><br/>>> Perfil Linkedin: <a
href="http://br.linkedin.com/in/fabriziomello">http://br.linkedin.com/in/fabriziomello</a><br/> >> Twitter: <a

Re: Re: Proposal: Store "timestamptz" of database creation on "pg_database"

Hannu Krosing
On 01/03/2013 02:17 PM, Stephen Frost wrote:
> * Hannu Krosing (hannu@krosing.net) wrote:
>> Can't we actually fix these to preserve file creation date like tar
>> does and still keep
>> unix file semantics ?
> I'm not sure that I really see the advantage to trying to use the
> filesystem to keep this information for us..?
If we would treat "database" as a file in this case then it would give 
us pre-defined meaning :)
>> So it is as about agreeing on what we actually want this "create time"
>> mean opening a can of worms as tom predicted ?
> I agree that we need to hash out what, exactly, the values mean, but I
> don't think that's a terribly difficult thing to do.
>> For example, how would this work in replication context ?
> If it's stored in the database catalogs, this is clear- it's replicated
> just like the catalog, and then you don't have to worry about trying to
> ensure that the file creation timestamp in the filesystem is right...
But then some customer comes and wants it to mean "when was this replica 
database created" ?
>     Thanks,
>         Stephen

Re: Proposal: Store "timestamptz" of database creation on "pg_database"

Stephen Frost
* Fabrízio de Royes Mello (fabriziomello@gmail.com) wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 3, 2013 at 11:13 AM, Stephen Frost <sfrost@snowman.net> wrote:
> > Please use hard-tabs (not spaces) and the column should come before the
> > variable length records (see the comment in pg_database.h).
> You all right... I fixed it in attached patch.

You also need to fix the Anum_* values to match what's in the struct
definition now..

I'd recommend that you look over the code more closely and ensure that
you're ordering everything correctly throughout and that it all makes

Re: Re: Proposal: Store "timestamptz" of database creation on "pg_database"

Stephen Frost
* Hannu Krosing (hannu@krosing.net) wrote:
> But then some customer comes and wants it to mean "when was this
> replica database created" ?

That's an entirely different question, imv, than what we're talking

I'm not saying that it won't be asked, but as it's a different question,
we can look to answer it in a different way.

Re: Re: Proposal: Store "timestamptz" of database creation on "pg_database"

Hannu Krosing
On 01/03/2013 02:42 PM, Stephen Frost wrote:
> * Hannu Krosing (hannu@krosing.net) wrote:
>> But then some customer comes and wants it to mean "when was this
>> replica database created" ?
> That's an entirely different question, imv, than what we're talking
> about.
> I'm not saying that it won't be asked, but as it's a different question,
> we can look to answer it in a different way.
How is "what does database creation date mean?" a different question ?

It is same question as :

what is the creation date of db when I create a replica of my database 
from backup?

does it depend on how I restore my replica ?

can I restore it from pg_dump and still have same creation date ?

etc. etc.


Re: Re: Proposal: Store "timestamptz" of database creation on "pg_database"

Robert Haas
On Thu, Jan 3, 2013 at 8:46 AM, Hannu Krosing <hannu@2ndquadrant.com> wrote:
> How is "what does database creation date mean?" a different question ?
> It is same question as :
> what is the creation date of db when I create a replica of my database from
> backup?
> does it depend on how I restore my replica ?
> can I restore it from pg_dump and still have same creation date ?
> etc. etc.

I think you (and Tom) are doing an excellent job of making a simple
problem seem complicated.  Suppose a man comes walking out of the
desert looking exhausted and collapses on our front doorstep,
muttering, in a semi-conscious state, the single word "water".   Now
this is a somewhat incoherent utterance, so there are several
objections that might be raised:

- It is not clear what the man wants done with the water.
- The amount of water to be provided is unspecified.
- Does he want tap water, bottled water, or club soda?
- Furthermore, if we do give him water, he might go on to ask for a
few crackers and a phone call; we could end up spending the whole
morning on this.
- In a situation of extreme thirst, a solution involving a proper
electrolyte balance would likely be superior to plain water.

Of course, these objections miss the point.  Even an imperfect
solution will be better than no solution at all.  And it is very
likely that if we simply provide whatever hydrating agent lies closest
to hand, we'll get full marks.

Similarly, in the present situation, I believe that there is little
reason to suppose that the simplest possible implementation of this
feature won't resolve the overwhelming majority of the needs that
people have.  We have many features about which users might raise the
same kinds of questions that you are raising about this one, and they
do, and those questions are perfectly valid.  But they are not reasons
to remove those features, and the questions you raise are not reasons
to avoid having this one.  They are simply things that must be
documented and explained, just as we need to do with every other
feature we ship.  And if someone is not perfectly happy with the
design, it won't be the first time for that, either.  It does not mean
that it's worse than not having anything.

Robert Haas
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

Re: Proposal: Store "timestamptz" of database creation on "pg_database"

Peter Eisentraut
On 1/2/13 11:08 PM, Fabrízio de Royes Mello wrote:
> The attached patch add a new column into 'pg_database' called
> 'datcreated' to store the timestamp of database creation.
> If this feature is approved I could extend it to add a column into
> 'pg_class' to store creation timestamp too.

While I'm entirely in favor of this feature in general, I think this is
the wrong way to approach it.  It will end up like the CREATE OR REPLACE
support: We add it for a few commands in one release, for a few more
commands in the next release, for almost all commands in the following
release, and now we're still not done.

If we're going to store object creation time, I think we should do it
for all objects, stored in a separate catalog, like pg_depend or
pg_description, keyed off classid, objectid.  And have a simple C
function to call to update the information stored there.

That would also make storing the modification time, which I'd ask for
next, easier.

Re: Re: Proposal: Store "timestamptz" of database creation on "pg_database"

Peter Eisentraut
On 1/3/13 6:34 AM, Hannu Krosing wrote:
>>> If what you want is something close to current unix file time semantics
>>> (ctime, mtime, atime) then why not just create a function to look up
>>> these
>>> attributes on database directory and/or database files ?
>> Because too many things change those. Moving to a different tablespace,
>> a rewriting ALTER TABLE, etc.
> Can't we actually fix these to preserve file creation date like tar does
> and still keep
> unix file semantics ?

I don't think that would be a good idea, because various file system
tools might actually want to look at, say, the mtime to know what to
back up.  Also, none of those file attributes are the *creation* time,
so we wouldn't actually solve the original problem.

Re: Proposal: Store "timestamptz" of database creation on "pg_database"

Pavel Stehule
2013/1/3 Peter Eisentraut <peter_e@gmx.net>:
> On 1/2/13 11:08 PM, Fabrízio de Royes Mello wrote:
>> The attached patch add a new column into 'pg_database' called
>> 'datcreated' to store the timestamp of database creation.
>> If this feature is approved I could extend it to add a column into
>> 'pg_class' to store creation timestamp too.
> While I'm entirely in favor of this feature in general, I think this is
> the wrong way to approach it.  It will end up like the CREATE OR REPLACE
> support: We add it for a few commands in one release, for a few more
> commands in the next release, for almost all commands in the following
> release, and now we're still not done.
> If we're going to store object creation time, I think we should do it
> for all objects, stored in a separate catalog, like pg_depend or
> pg_description, keyed off classid, objectid.  And have a simple C
> function to call to update the information stored there.
> That would also make storing the modification time, which I'd ask for
> next, easier.


> --
> Sent via pgsql-hackers mailing list (pgsql-hackers@postgresql.org)
> To make changes to your subscription:
> http://www.postgresql.org/mailpref/pgsql-hackers

Re: Proposal: Store "timestamptz" of database creation on "pg_database"

Robert Haas
On Thu, Jan 3, 2013 at 9:18 AM, Pavel Stehule <pavel.stehule@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2013/1/3 Peter Eisentraut <peter_e@gmx.net>:
>> On 1/2/13 11:08 PM, Fabrízio de Royes Mello wrote:
>>> The attached patch add a new column into 'pg_database' called
>>> 'datcreated' to store the timestamp of database creation.
>>> If this feature is approved I could extend it to add a column into
>>> 'pg_class' to store creation timestamp too.
>> While I'm entirely in favor of this feature in general, I think this is
>> the wrong way to approach it.  It will end up like the CREATE OR REPLACE
>> support: We add it for a few commands in one release, for a few more
>> commands in the next release, for almost all commands in the following
>> release, and now we're still not done.
>> If we're going to store object creation time, I think we should do it
>> for all objects, stored in a separate catalog, like pg_depend or
>> pg_description, keyed off classid, objectid.  And have a simple C
>> function to call to update the information stored there.
>> That would also make storing the modification time, which I'd ask for
>> next, easier.
> +1


Robert Haas
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

Re: Proposal: Store "timestamptz" of database creation on "pg_database"

Alvaro Herrera
Peter Eisentraut escribió:

> If we're going to store object creation time, I think we should do it
> for all objects, stored in a separate catalog, like pg_depend or
> pg_description, keyed off classid, objectid.  And have a simple C
> function to call to update the information stored there.


We require two catalogs though, one shared, one database-local.

Would we track ctime of subsidiary objects such as constraints etc?

Álvaro Herrera                http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

Re: Proposal: Store "timestamptz" of database creation on "pg_database"

Fabrízio de Royes Mello

On Thu, Jan 3, 2013 at 11:41 AM, Stephen Frost <sfrost@snowman.net> wrote:
* Fabrízio de Royes Mello (fabriziomello@gmail.com) wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 3, 2013 at 11:13 AM, Stephen Frost <sfrost@snowman.net> wrote:
> > Please use hard-tabs (not spaces) and the column should come before the
> > variable length records (see the comment in pg_database.h).
> You all right... I fixed it in attached patch.

You also need to fix the Anum_* values to match what's in the struct
definition now..

I'd recommend that you look over the code more closely and ensure that
you're ordering everything correctly throughout and that it all makes

Now I fixed it.


Fabrízio de Royes Mello
Consultoria/Coaching PostgreSQL
>> Blog sobre TI: http://fabriziomello.blogspot.com
>> Perfil Linkedin: http://br.linkedin.com/in/fabriziomello
>> Twitter: http://twitter.com/fabriziomello

Re: Proposal: Store "timestamptz" of database creation on "pg_database"

Fabrízio de Royes Mello
On Thu, Jan 3, 2013 at 12:30 PM, Alvaro Herrera <alvherre@2ndquadrant.com> wrote:
> Peter Eisentraut escribió:
> > If we're going to store object creation time, I think we should do it
> > for all objects, stored in a separate catalog, like pg_depend or
> > pg_description, keyed off classid, objectid.  And have a simple C
> > function to call to update the information stored there.
> +1


> We require two catalogs though, one shared, one database-local.

Have you a suggestion for the names of this new two catalogs?

> Would we track ctime of subsidiary objects such as constraints etc?

If we're going to this way I think yes...

As Peter said we can start add it for a few commands in one release (maybe first for shared objects) and then for a few more commands in a next release, and next... until we cover all commands...


Fabrízio de Royes Mello
Consultoria/Coaching PostgreSQL
>> Blog sobre TI: http://fabriziomello.blogspot.com
>> Perfil Linkedin: http://br.linkedin.com/in/fabriziomello
>> Twitter: http://twitter.com/fabriziomello

Re: Re: Proposal: Store "timestamptz" of database creation on "pg_database"

Hannu Krosing
On 01/03/2013 03:09 PM, Robert Haas wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 3, 2013 at 8:46 AM, Hannu Krosing <hannu@2ndquadrant.com> wrote:
>> How is "what does database creation date mean?" a different question ?
>> It is same question as :
>> what is the creation date of db when I create a replica of my database from
>> backup?
>> does it depend on how I restore my replica ?
>> can I restore it from pg_dump and still have same creation date ?
>> etc. etc.
> Of course, these objections miss the point.  Even an imperfect
> solution will be better than no solution at all.  And it is very
> likely that if we simply provide whatever hydrating agent lies closest
> to hand, we'll get full marks.
This is what I did with my sample pl/python function ;)
> Similarly, in the present situation, I believe that there is little
> reason to suppose that the simplest possible implementation of this
> feature won't resolve the overwhelming majority of the needs that
> people have.  We have many features about which users might raise the
> same kinds of questions that you are raising about this one, and they
> do, and those questions are perfectly valid.  But they are not reasons
> to remove those features, and the questions you raise are not reasons
> to avoid having this one.  They are simply things that must be
> documented and explained, just as we need to do with every other
> feature we ship.  And if someone is not perfectly happy with the
> design, it won't be the first time for that, either.  It does not mean
> that it's worse than not having anything.
If we made sure that things like CLUSTER or moving to
another tablespace would keep file ctime, then this would
answer 98% of requests .

Even without keeping them, this would be giving the chap "water" ...

So my proposal is to just have a pg_database_createtime(dbname)
function and solve the simple part of the problem.


Re: Proposal: Store "timestamptz" of database creation on "pg_database"

Alvaro Herrera
Fabrízio de Royes Mello escribió:

> As Peter said we can start add it for a few commands in one release (maybe
> first for shared objects) and then for a few more commands in a next
> release, and next... until we cover all commands...

No, he was describing a pessimistic scenario that he doesn't want us to
be on.

Álvaro Herrera                http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

Re: Proposal: Store "timestamptz" of database creation on "pg_database"

Greg Stark
On Thu, Jan 3, 2013 at 2:06 AM, Stephen Frost <sfrost@snowman.net> wrote:
> I'd be alright with this also, tbh.  Not preserving such information
> across pg_dump's wouldn't really be all *that* much of a loss.

I think it would be mandatory for pg_dump not to restore this info
actually. A fair amount of work has gone into pg_dump -s to ensure
that the output is identical for identical databases.  OIDs were
removed and the sort order was changed to be deterministic for
example. Any "alter table set creation time 'xxx'" will defeat that

When last I managed a production Postgres database I would use pg_dump
-s to regenerate a schema file that was checked into revision control.
And when I migrated changes live I would rerun pg_dump -s and diff
that against the checked in schema.


Re: Re: Proposal: Store "timestamptz" of database creation on "pg_database"

Robert Haas
On Thu, Jan 3, 2013 at 11:15 AM, Hannu Krosing <hannu@2ndquadrant.com> wrote:
> This is what I did with my sample pl/python function ;)

Yeah, except that the "c" in "ctime" does not stand for create, and
therefore the function isn't necessarily reliable.  The problem is
even worse for tables, where a rewrite may remove the old file and
create a new one.  I mean, I'm not stupid about this: when I need to
figure this kind of stuff out, I do in fact look at the file times -
mtime, ctime, atime, whatever there is.  Sometimes that turns out to
be helpful, and sometimes it doesn't.  An obvious example of the
latter is when you're looking at a bunch of files that have just been
untarred from a backup device.

Robert Haas
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

Re: Re: Proposal: Store "timestamptz" of database creation on "pg_database"

Christopher Browne
On Thu, Jan 3, 2013 at 12:27 PM, Robert Haas <robertmhaas@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 3, 2013 at 11:15 AM, Hannu Krosing <hannu@2ndquadrant.com> wrote:
>> This is what I did with my sample pl/python function ;)
> Yeah, except that the "c" in "ctime" does not stand for create, and
> therefore the function isn't necessarily reliable.  The problem is
> even worse for tables, where a rewrite may remove the old file and
> create a new one.  I mean, I'm not stupid about this: when I need to
> figure this kind of stuff out, I do in fact look at the file times -
> mtime, ctime, atime, whatever there is.  Sometimes that turns out to
> be helpful, and sometimes it doesn't.  An obvious example of the
> latter is when you're looking at a bunch of files that have just been
> untarred from a backup device.

Yep, and I think that the behaviour of tar pretty nicely characterizes
what's troublesome here.  It is quite likely that a tar run will *capture*
the creation time of a file, but if you pull data from a tar archive, it is
by no means obvious that the filesystem can or will accept that date
and apply it to the extracted copy.

I'd contrast pg_dump with tar in that the former is intended as more of
a "logical" dump than the latter, so that, in keeping with Greg Stark's
comments, these timestamps Should Not be captured or carried forward
by pg_dump.

The interaction with streaming replication is pretty analogous to the
interaction one might expect to get out of filesystem snapshot
technologies like DRBD, zfs, btrfs, LVM.  If we put a creation time
into pg_database or pg_class, then streaming replication will, as a
"physical" replication mechanism, carry the timestamp forward into
replicas, in pretty much exactly the same fashion that timestamps
would be carried onto clones/snapshots by the filesystem
snapshotting systems.

And in contrast, I'd expect Andres Freund's logical replication
infrastructure *NOT* to carry these dates over, but rather to establish
fresh new creation dates on a replica.  (And from a forensic perspective,
that's a perfectly fine thing.)

I imagine that we should be careful to put these forensic timestamps
onto things with some care.

- Putting them on pg_database seems like a fine idea.
- Putting them on pg_attribute seems mighty dodgy; I don't expect I'd
often care, and this change increases the size of an extremely heavily
accessed system table
- I am equivocal about putting them on pg_class.  That increases the
size of a pretty big, heavily accessed system table.
- Perhaps there are other relevant tables (pg_event_trigger,
pg_extension, FDW tables, pg_language, pg_proc, pg_tablespace); I
don't feel so strongly about them, but if you're puzzling over what
went wrong with an extension, event trigger, or FDW, time of creation
seems like it might be useful.
When confronted by a difficult problem, solve it by reducing it to the
question, "How would the Lone Ranger handle this?"

Re: Re: Proposal: Store "timestamptz" of database creation on "pg_database"

Robert Haas
On Thu, Jan 3, 2013 at 12:54 PM, Christopher Browne <cbbrowne@gmail.com> wrote:
> Yep, and I think that the behaviour of tar pretty nicely characterizes
> what's troublesome here.  It is quite likely that a tar run will *capture*
> the creation time of a file, but if you pull data from a tar archive, it is
> by no means obvious that the filesystem can or will accept that date
> and apply it to the extracted copy.
> I'd contrast pg_dump with tar in that the former is intended as more of
> a "logical" dump than the latter, so that, in keeping with Greg Stark's
> comments, these timestamps Should Not be captured or carried forward
> by pg_dump.
> The interaction with streaming replication is pretty analogous to the
> interaction one might expect to get out of filesystem snapshot
> technologies like DRBD, zfs, btrfs, LVM.  If we put a creation time
> into pg_database or pg_class, then streaming replication will, as a
> "physical" replication mechanism, carry the timestamp forward into
> replicas, in pretty much exactly the same fashion that timestamps
> would be carried onto clones/snapshots by the filesystem
> snapshotting systems.
> And in contrast, I'd expect Andres Freund's logical replication
> infrastructure *NOT* to carry these dates over, but rather to establish
> fresh new creation dates on a replica.  (And from a forensic perspective,
> that's a perfectly fine thing.)

I agree all around.

And to take a step back and speak a bit more broadly about this, I
believe that, more and more, we can't rely on the operating system to
do things for us any more.  Five or ten years ago, maybe people were
running Linux, and PostgreSQL was a part of that.  Now, more and more,
people are running PostgreSQL, and Linux (or Windows, or some other
OS) is a way to make that happen.  At least when I talk to customers,
places where the OS behavior bleeds into what the database server does
are not viewed as features.  Telling people that we use the OS
collation facilities, or that we use the OS buffer cache, or that we
don't provide a scheduler because Linux has cron and Windows has
scheduled tasks, or that people should examine file timestamps to try
to work out when a relation was created results in bemusement, or
sometimes incredulity.  Many people are understanding of the idea that
we don't have the manpower to implement everything ourselves, but very
few customers I've spoken with think that planning to rely on the OS
facilities is a sound design principle.  It's true, as we've often
said here, that leveraging the OS facilities means that we get the
benefit of improving OS facilities "for free" - but it also means that
we never exceed what the OS facilities are able to provide.  And
frankly, as in this case, the OS facilities are often poorly suited to
what users actually want.  We obviously do not want to go bonkers and
take over everything from the OS, but I don't think we should be
afraid to rotate the knob a little bit in that direction.  The fact
that people are pushing us to go there is a sign of our success.  We
are the ecosystem.

I do have a concern about catalog bloat.  I think it would be easy to
add so many knobs that we end up slowing the system down and bloating
the size of an otherwise-empty database, or one with lots of SQL
objects.  Let's not do that.  But let's not do nothing, either.

Robert Haas
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

Re: Re: Proposal: Store "timestamptz" of database creation on "pg_database"

Peter Eisentraut
On 1/3/13 3:26 PM, Robert Haas wrote:
> It's true, as we've often
> said here, that leveraging the OS facilities means that we get the
> benefit of improving OS facilities "for free" - but it also means that
> we never exceed what the OS facilities are able to provide.

And that should be the deciding factor, shouldn't it?  Clearly, the OS
timestamps do not satisfy the requirements of tracking database object
creation times.

Re: Re: Proposal: Store "timestamptz" of database creation on "pg_database"

Fabrízio de Royes Mello

On Fri, Jan 4, 2013 at 4:07 PM, Peter Eisentraut <peter_e@gmx.net> wrote:
On 1/3/13 3:26 PM, Robert Haas wrote:
> It's true, as we've often
> said here, that leveraging the OS facilities means that we get the
> benefit of improving OS facilities "for free" - but it also means that
> we never exceed what the OS facilities are able to provide.

And that should be the deciding factor, shouldn't it?  Clearly, the OS
timestamps do not satisfy the requirements of tracking database object
creation times.


And IMHO we must decide what we do or if we'll don't anything.

In this thread was discussed many ways to how to implement and how not implement, so I compile some important points discussed before (sorry if I forgot something): 

* the original proposal was just to add a column in shared catalog 'pg_database' to track creation time (I already sent a patch [1]), but the discussion going to implement a way to track creation time off all database objects

* some people said if we implement that then we must have some way to alter creation times by SQL (ALTER cmds) and also have a way to dump and restore this info by pg_dump/pg_restore. Some agreed and others disagree.

* we talk about implement it with EventTriggers, but they not cover shared objects (like databases, roles, tablespaces,...), and someone talked to extend EventTriggers to cover this kind of objects or maybe we have a way to create *shared tables* (this is what I understood). This way force to every people implement your own track time system or maybe someone share a extension to do that.

* also we discuss about create two new catalogs, one local and another shared (like pg_description and pg_shdescription) to track creation times of all database objects.

Please fix if I forgot something. Anyway, we must decide what to do.

I don't know enough, but I have another idea. What you guys think about we have tables like "stats tables" to track creation times, with a GUC to enable or disable this behavior.


Fabrízio de Royes Mello
Consultoria/Coaching PostgreSQL
>> Blog sobre TI: http://fabriziomello.blogspot.com
>> Perfil Linkedin: http://br.linkedin.com/in/fabriziomello
>> Twitter: http://twitter.com/fabriziomello

Re: Re: Proposal: Store "timestamptz" of database creation on "pg_database"

Stephen Frost
* Fabrízio de Royes Mello (fabriziomello@gmail.com) wrote:
> * also we discuss about create two new catalogs, one local and another
> shared (like pg_description and pg_shdescription) to track creation times
> of all database objects.

Creating a separate catalog (or two) every time we want to track XYZ for
all objects is rather overkill...  Thinking about this a bit more, and
noting that pg_description/shdescription more-or-less already exist as a
framework for tracking 'something' for 'all catalog entries'- why don't
we just add these columns to those tables..?  This would also address
Peter's concern about making sure we do this 'wholesale' and in one
release rather than spread across multiple releases- just make sure it
covers the same set of things which 'comment' does.

Also, I don't think we really need a GUC for this.

Re: Re: Proposal: Store "timestamptz" of database creation on "pg_database"

Fabrízio de Royes Mello
<div dir="ltr"><br />* Stephen Frost <<a href="mailto:sfrost@snowman.net">sfrost@snowman.net</a>> wrote:<br
/>><br/>> * Fabrízio de Royes Mello (<a href="mailto:fabriziomello@gmail.com">fabriziomello@gmail.com</a>)
wrote:<br/> > > * also we discuss about create two new catalogs, one local and another<br />> > shared
(likepg_description and pg_shdescription) to track creation times<br />> > of all database objects.<br />><br
/>>Creating a separate catalog (or two) every time we want to track XYZ for<br /> > all objects is rather
overkill... Thinking about this a bit more, and<br />> noting that pg_description/shdescription more-or-less already
existas a<br />> framework for tracking 'something' for 'all catalog entries'- why don't<br /> > we just add
thesecolumns to those tables..?  <br /><br />But those tables are filled only when we execute COMMENT ON statement...
thenyour idea is create a 'null' comment every time we create a single object... is it?<br /><br />Regards,<br /><br
/>--<br/>Fabrízio de Royes Mello<br />Consultoria/Coaching PostgreSQL<br />>> Blog sobre TI: <a
href="http://fabriziomello.blogspot.com">http://fabriziomello.blogspot.com</a><br/>>> Perfil Linkedin: <a
href="http://br.linkedin.com/in/fabriziomello">http://br.linkedin.com/in/fabriziomello</a><br/> >> Twitter: <a

Re: Re: Proposal: Store "timestamptz" of database creation on "pg_database"

Stephen Frost
* Fabrízio de Royes Mello (fabriziomello@gmail.com) wrote:
> But those tables are filled only when we execute COMMENT ON statement...
> then your idea is create a 'null' comment every time we create a single
> object... is it?

Yes, and have the actual 'description' field (as it's variable) at the
end of the catalog.

Regarding the semantics of it- I was thinking about how directories and
unix files work.  Basically, adding or removing a sub-object would
update the alter time on the object itself, changing an already existing
object or sub-object would update only the object/sub-object's alter
time.  Creating an object or sub/object would set its create time and
alter time to the same value.  I would distinguish 'create' from
'ctime', however, and have our 'create' time be only the actual
*creation* time of the object.  ALTER table OWNER TO user; would update
"table"s alter time.

Open to other thoughts on this and perhaps we should create a wiki page
to start documentating the semantics.  Once we get agreement there, it's
just a bit of code. :)

Re: Re: Proposal: Store "timestamptz" of database creation on "pg_database"

Fabrízio de Royes Mello
<div dir="ltr"><br />* Stephen Frost <<a href="mailto:sfrost@snowman.net">sfrost@snowman.net</a>> wrote:<br
/>><br/>> Yes, and have the actual 'description' field (as it's variable) at the<br />> end of the catalog.<br
/>><br />> Regarding the semantics of it- I was thinking about how directories and<br />> unix files work.
 Basically,adding or removing a sub-object would<br />> update the alter time on the object itself, changing an
alreadyexisting<br /> > object or sub-object would update only the object/sub-object's alter<br />> time.
 Creatingan object or sub/object would set its create time and<br />> alter time to the same value.  I would
distinguish'create' from<br /> > 'ctime', however, and have our 'create' time be only the actual<br />>
*creation*time of the object.  ALTER table OWNER TO user; would update<br />> "table"s alter time.<br />><br
/><br/>Understood... a "COMMENT" is a database object, then if we add a creation time column to
pg_description/shdescriptiontables how we track his creation time?<br /><br /> <br />><br />> Open to other
thoughtson this and perhaps we should create a wiki page<br />> to start documentating the semantics.  Once we get
agreementthere, it's<br />> just a bit of code. :)<br />><br /><br />+1<br /><br />Regards,<br /><br />--<br
/>Fabríziode Royes Mello<br />Consultoria/Coaching PostgreSQL<br />>> Blog sobre TI: <a
href="http://fabriziomello.blogspot.com">http://fabriziomello.blogspot.com</a><br/>>> Perfil Linkedin: <a
href="http://br.linkedin.com/in/fabriziomello">http://br.linkedin.com/in/fabriziomello</a><br/> >> Twitter: <a

Re: Re: Proposal: Store "timestamptz" of database creation on "pg_database"

Stephen Frost
* Fabrízio de Royes Mello (fabriziomello@gmail.com) wrote:
> Understood... a "COMMENT" is a database object, then if we add a creation
> time column to pg_description/shdescription tables how we track his
> creation time?

When it's NULL it "doesn't exist", in this case, when it transistions
from NULL, it becomes created.  A transistion from non-NULL to non-NULL
would be an alter, and a transistion from non-NULL to NULL would be a

Re: Re: Proposal: Store "timestamptz" of database creation on "pg_database"

Robert Haas
On Fri, Jan 4, 2013 at 1:07 PM, Peter Eisentraut <peter_e@gmx.net> wrote:
> On 1/3/13 3:26 PM, Robert Haas wrote:
>> It's true, as we've often
>> said here, that leveraging the OS facilities means that we get the
>> benefit of improving OS facilities "for free" - but it also means that
>> we never exceed what the OS facilities are able to provide.
> And that should be the deciding factor, shouldn't it?  Clearly, the OS
> timestamps do not satisfy the requirements of tracking database object
> creation times.

Yes, I think so.

But I am not entirely sold on tracking the creation time of every SQL
object.  It might be all right, but what about catalog bloat?

I am on board for databases, and for tables, at any rate.

Robert Haas
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

Re: Re: Proposal: Store "timestamptz" of database creation on "pg_database"

Robert Haas
On Sat, Jan 5, 2013 at 11:04 AM, Stephen Frost <sfrost@snowman.net> wrote:
> * Fabrízio de Royes Mello (fabriziomello@gmail.com) wrote:
>> * also we discuss about create two new catalogs, one local and another
>> shared (like pg_description and pg_shdescription) to track creation times
>> of all database objects.
> Creating a separate catalog (or two) every time we want to track XYZ for
> all objects is rather overkill...  Thinking about this a bit more, and
> noting that pg_description/shdescription more-or-less already exist as a
> framework for tracking 'something' for 'all catalog entries'- why don't
> we just add these columns to those tables..?  This would also address
> Peter's concern about making sure we do this 'wholesale' and in one
> release rather than spread across multiple releases- just make sure it
> covers the same set of things which 'comment' does.

I suspect that trying to shoehorn this into
pg_description/pg_shdescription will contort both features
unnecessarily, but I'm willing to be proven wrong.

> Also, I don't think we really need a GUC for this.

Indeed, a GUC would seem to me to defeat the entire point of the feature.

Robert Haas
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

Re: Re: Proposal: Store "timestamptz" of database creation on "pg_database"

Peter Eisentraut
On 1/5/13 11:04 AM, Stephen Frost wrote:
> Creating a separate catalog (or two) every time we want to track XYZ for
> all objects is rather overkill...  Thinking about this a bit more, and
> noting that pg_description/shdescription more-or-less already exist as a
> framework for tracking 'something' for 'all catalog entries'- why don't
> we just add these columns to those tables..?  This would also address
> Peter's concern about making sure we do this 'wholesale' and in one
> release rather than spread across multiple releases- just make sure it
> covers the same set of things which 'comment' does.

Yeah, actually, the other day I was thinking we should get rid of all
the system catalogs and use a big EAV-like schema instead.  We're not
getting any relational-database value out of the current way, and it's
just a lot of duplicate code.  If we had a full EAV system, we could
even do in-place upgrade.

Obviously, this isn't going to happen any time soon or ever, but I think
I agree with your concern above as a partial step.

Re: Re: Proposal: Store "timestamptz" of database creation on "pg_database"

Pavel Stehule
2013/1/8 Peter Eisentraut <peter_e@gmx.net>:
> On 1/5/13 11:04 AM, Stephen Frost wrote:
>> Creating a separate catalog (or two) every time we want to track XYZ for
>> all objects is rather overkill...  Thinking about this a bit more, and
>> noting that pg_description/shdescription more-or-less already exist as a
>> framework for tracking 'something' for 'all catalog entries'- why don't
>> we just add these columns to those tables..?  This would also address
>> Peter's concern about making sure we do this 'wholesale' and in one
>> release rather than spread across multiple releases- just make sure it
>> covers the same set of things which 'comment' does.
> Yeah, actually, the other day I was thinking we should get rid of all
> the system catalogs and use a big EAV-like schema instead.  We're not
> getting any relational-database value out of the current way, and it's
> just a lot of duplicate code.  If we had a full EAV system, we could
> even do in-place upgrade.


now we have a thousands tables, I am not sure so EAV can get good performance


> Obviously, this isn't going to happen any time soon or ever, but I think
> I agree with your concern above as a partial step.
> --
> Sent via pgsql-hackers mailing list (pgsql-hackers@postgresql.org)
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Re: Re: Proposal: Store "timestamptz" of database creation on "pg_database"

Stephen Frost
* Pavel Stehule (pavel.stehule@gmail.com) wrote:
> 2013/1/8 Peter Eisentraut <peter_e@gmx.net>:
> > On 1/5/13 11:04 AM, Stephen Frost wrote:
> > Yeah, actually, the other day I was thinking we should get rid of all
> > the system catalogs and use a big EAV-like schema instead.  We're not
> > getting any relational-database value out of the current way, and it's
> > just a lot of duplicate code.  If we had a full EAV system, we could
> > even do in-place upgrade.
> >
> -1
> now we have a thousands tables, I am not sure so EAV can get good performance

To be honest, my first reaction to this was an assumption that it was
pure sarcasm..

Seriously tho, the argument for not putting these things into the
various individual catalogs is that they'd create bloat and these items
don't need to be performant.  I would think that the kind of timestamps
that we're talking about fall into the same data category as comments on

If there isn't a good reason for comments on objects to be off in a
generic "this is for any kind of object" table, then perhaps we should
move them into the appropriate catalog tables?

Re: Re: Proposal: Store "timestamptz" of database creation on "pg_database"

Peter Eisentraut
On Tue, 2013-01-08 at 17:17 -0500, Stephen Frost wrote:
> Seriously tho, the argument for not putting these things into the
> various individual catalogs is that they'd create bloat and these
> items
> don't need to be performant.  I would think that the kind of
> timestamps
> that we're talking about fall into the same data category as comments
> on
> tables.
> If there isn't a good reason for comments on objects to be off in a
> generic "this is for any kind of object" table, then perhaps we should
> move them into the appropriate catalog tables?

I think basic refactoring logic would support taking common things out
of the individual catalogs and keeping them in a common structure,
especially when they are for amusement only and not needed in any
critical paths.  All the ALTER command refactoring and so on that's been
going on is also moving into the direction that for data definition
management, there should be mainly one kind of object with a few
variants here and there.