Обсуждение: psql metaqueries with \gexec


psql metaqueries with \gexec

Corey Huinker
Often, I'm faced with a long .sql script that builds some objects, then builds things on top of them.

This means that some of the queries I wish to run are dependent on the state of things that are unknown at the time of writing the script.

I could give up, and make a python script that mostly just strings together SQL statements. That's ugly and cumbersome.

I could do some wizardry like this:

$ create table foo( a integer, b text, c date);
$ select coalesce( ( select string_agg(format('create index foo(%I);',attname),E'\n') 
                   from pg_attribute 
                   where attrelid = 'foo'::regclass 
                   and attnum > 0 order by attnum),
                 '') as sql_statements

For those of you not willing to parse that, that's a dictionary query with a 1-column result set formatted into sql with a ';' appended, string aggregated with a newline delimiter, with the final result set coalesced with an empty string because \gset will error on an empty result set. I then immediately put that psql variable back into the command buffer, where I hope that I meta-wrote valid SQL. If it hurt to read, you can imagine what it was like to write.

I could use \g and pipe the results to another psql session...but that will happen in another transaction where my objects might not exist yet.

I would also like the log to show what commands were run.

For that reason, I created the psql command \gexec

It is like \g and \gset in the sense that it executes the query currently in the buffer. However, it treats every cell in the result set as a query which itself should be immediately executed. 

$ create temporary table gexec_temp( a int, b text, c date, d float);
$ select format('create index on gexec_temp(%I)',attname)
from pg_attribute
where attrelid = 'gexec_temp'::regclass
and attnum > 0
order by attnum
create index on gexec_temp(a)
create index on gexec_temp(b)
create index on gexec_temp(c)
create index on gexec_temp(d)

Execution order of the statements is top to bottom, left to right.

$ select 'select 1 as ones', 'select x.y, x.y*2 as double from generate_series(1,4) as x(y)'
union all
select 'select true as is_true', 'select ''2000-01-01''::date as party_over'
(1 row)

y double
- ------
1      2
2      4
3      6
4      8
(4 rows)

(1 row)

(1 row)

Empty result sets do nothing:

$ select 'select 1 as expect_zero_rows ' where false

The results are just strings which are sent to SendQuery(), where they succeed or fail on their own merits

$ select 'do $$ begin raise notice ''plpgsql block executed''; end;$$' as block
from generate_series(1,2)
do $$ begin raise notice 'plpgsql block executed'; end;$$
NOTICE:  plpgsql block executed
do $$ begin raise notice 'plpgsql block executed'; end;$$
NOTICE:  plpgsql block executed

I am not sure that "gexec" is the right name for this command. Others considered were \execute_each, \meta, \gmeta, \geach, as well as adding a "<" parameter to the \g command.

Many thanks to Pavel Stěhule for giving me some direction in this endeavor, though he might not agree with the design.

Re: psql metaqueries with \gexec

Jim Nasby
On 2/19/16 7:32 PM, Corey Huinker wrote:

Wow, and I thought *I* liked metaprogramming! :)

I like what you've proposed, though I am wondering if you considered 
doing something server-side instead? It seems a shame to do all this 
work and exclude all other tools.

I frequently find myself creating a function that is just a wrapper on 
EXECUTE for this purpose, but obviously that has transactional limitations.

FWIW, I also wish we had something better than format() for this stuff. 
I did create [1] towards that end, but it currently depends on some C 
code, which is cumbersome.

> I am not sure that "gexec" is the right name for this command. Others
> considered were \execute_each, \meta, \gmeta, \geach, as well as adding
> a "<" parameter to the \g command.

\gexec sounds fine to me. I would think \g < would be something done at 
the shell level...

Jim Nasby, Data Architect, Blue Treble Consulting, Austin TX
Experts in Analytics, Data Architecture and PostgreSQL
Data in Trouble? Get it in Treble! http://BlueTreble.com

Re: psql metaqueries with \gexec

Corey Huinker
I like what you've proposed, though I am wondering if you considered doing something server-side instead? It seems a shame to do all this work and exclude all other tools.

I have, but my solutions closely mirror the one you mention in the next paragraph.
I frequently find myself creating a function that is just a wrapper on EXECUTE for this purpose, but obviously that has transactional limitations.

...and query text visibility, and result visibility, and error handling, etc. In this case, we're leveraging the psql environment we'd already set up, and if there's an error, \set ECHO queries shows us the errant SQL as if we typed it ourselves..

FWIW, I also wish we had something better than format() for this stuff. I did create [1] towards that end, but it currently depends on some C code, which is cumbersome.

For the most party, I'm pretty thrilled with format(), though:
- I'll admit to being grumpy about the %1$s notation, but I have no better suggestion. 
- I'd also like it if there were a %I variant that accepted schema qualified names and %I-ed both, though I see the inability to tell the difference between a schema dot and a really-named-that dot.
- I'd love it if there were a %C format that took a pg_class oid and formatted the qualified schema name. As it is i just use %s and cast the parameter as ::regclass

[1] https://github.com/decibel/trunklet-format/blob/master/doc/trunklet-format.asc

That's intense. I'll ask you about that in an off-list thread.

Re: psql metaqueries with \gexec

Pavel Stehule

FWIW, I also wish we had something better than format() for this stuff. I did create [1] towards that end, but it currently depends on some C code, which is cumbersome.

For the most party, I'm pretty thrilled with format(), though:
- I'll admit to being grumpy about the %1$s notation, but I have no better suggestion. 
- I'd also like it if there were a %I variant that accepted schema qualified names and %I-ed both, though I see the inability to tell the difference between a schema dot and a really-named-that dot.
- I'd love it if there were a %C format that took a pg_class oid and formatted the qualified schema name. As it is i just use %s and cast the parameter as ::regclass

The design of the "format" function is not closed. Try to send prototype and patch. The possibility to do PostgreSQL customization was strong reason why we didn't implemented "sprintf" and we implemented "format".



Re: psql metaqueries with \gexec

"Daniel Verite"
    Corey Huinker wrote:

> ...and query text visibility, and result visibility, and error handling,
> etc. In this case, we're leveraging the psql environment we'd already set
> up, and if there's an error, \set ECHO queries shows us the errant SQL as
> if we typed it ourselves..

BTW, about error handling, shouldn't it honor ON_ERROR_STOP ?

With the patch when trying this:

=> set ON_ERROR_STOP on
=> select * from (values ('select 1/0', 'select 1/0')) AS n \gexec

it produces two errors:
ERROR:    division by zero
ERROR:    division by zero

I'd rather have the execution stop immediately after the first error,
like it's the case with successive queries entered normally via the
query buffer:

=> \set ON_ERROR_STOP on
=> select 1/0; select 1/0;
ERROR:    division by zero

as opposed to:

=> \set ON_ERROR_STOP off
=> select 1/0; select 1/0;
ERROR:    division by zero
ERROR:    division by zero

Best regards,
Daniel Vérité
PostgreSQL-powered mailer: http://www.manitou-mail.org
Twitter: @DanielVerite

Re: psql metaqueries with \gexec

Corey Huinker
On Mon, Feb 22, 2016 at 10:08 AM, Daniel Verite <daniel@manitou-mail.org> wrote:
        Corey Huinker wrote:

> ...and query text visibility, and result visibility, and error handling,
> etc. In this case, we're leveraging the psql environment we'd already set
> up, and if there's an error, \set ECHO queries shows us the errant SQL as
> if we typed it ourselves..

BTW, about error handling, shouldn't it honor ON_ERROR_STOP ?

With the patch when trying this:

=> set ON_ERROR_STOP on
=> select * from (values ('select 1/0', 'select 1/0')) AS n \gexec

it produces two errors:
ERROR:  division by zero
ERROR:  division by zero

I'd rather have the execution stop immediately after the first error,
like it's the case with successive queries entered normally via the
query buffer:

=> \set ON_ERROR_STOP on
=> select 1/0; select 1/0;
ERROR:  division by zero

as opposed to:

=> \set ON_ERROR_STOP off
=> select 1/0; select 1/0;
ERROR:  division by zero
ERROR:  division by zero

Yes, I would like it to honor ON_ERROR_STOP. I'll look into that.

Re: psql metaqueries with \gexec

Alvaro Herrera
Pavel Stehule wrote:

> The design of the "format" function is not closed. Try to send prototype
> and patch. The possibility to do PostgreSQL customization was strong reason
> why we didn't implemented "sprintf" and we implemented "format".

Probably not terribly useful here, but for the DDL-deparse patch I came
up with a syntax to format JSON objects, which used %-escapes; each
escaped element corresponds to a string literal, or to an object.  So
you'd have %{table}D where the "table" element in the JSON object could
be a simple string which is expanded verbatim (plus quoting if
necessary), or it could be a JSON object with something like { schema =>
"public", name => "students" }, where each element is expanded and
quoted as necessary; if the "schema" is null or it doesn't exist, it
expands only the name, obviously omitting the dot.

Álvaro Herrera                http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Remote DBA, Training & Services

Re: psql metaqueries with \gexec

Corey Huinker
On Mon, Feb 22, 2016 at 11:30 AM, Corey Huinker <corey.huinker@gmail.com> wrote:
On Mon, Feb 22, 2016 at 10:08 AM, Daniel Verite <daniel@manitou-mail.org> wrote:
        Corey Huinker wrote:

> ...and query text visibility, and result visibility, and error handling,
> etc. In this case, we're leveraging the psql environment we'd already set
> up, and if there's an error, \set ECHO queries shows us the errant SQL as
> if we typed it ourselves..

BTW, about error handling, shouldn't it honor ON_ERROR_STOP ?

With the patch when trying this:

=> set ON_ERROR_STOP on
=> select * from (values ('select 1/0', 'select 1/0')) AS n \gexec

it produces two errors:
ERROR:  division by zero
ERROR:  division by zero

I'd rather have the execution stop immediately after the first error,
like it's the case with successive queries entered normally via the
query buffer:

=> \set ON_ERROR_STOP on
=> select 1/0; select 1/0;
ERROR:  division by zero

as opposed to:

=> \set ON_ERROR_STOP off
=> select 1/0; select 1/0;
ERROR:  division by zero
ERROR:  division by zero

Yes, I would like it to honor ON_ERROR_STOP. I'll look into that.

Well, that was easy enough. Turns out that pset.on_error_stop is checked in MainLoop, whereas the other pset.on_* vars are checked in SendQuery().

My original idea had been to push each cell into a in-memory temp file handle and call MainLoop() on each. Pavel suggested that temp files of any sort were a bad idea, hence using SendQuery instead. It's probably for the best.

# select 'select 1,2,3', 'select 1/0', 'select 4,5,6'
... # \gexec
 ?column? | ?column? | ?column?
        1 |        2 |        3
(1 row)

Time: 0.151 ms
ERROR:  22012: division by zero
LOCATION:  int4div, int.c:719
Time: 0.528 ms
 ?column? | ?column? | ?column?
        4 |        5 |        6
(1 row)

Time: 0.139 ms
Time: 0.595 ms
# \set ON_ERROR_STOP 1
# select 'select 1,2,3', 'select 1/0', 'select 4,5,6' \gexec
 ?column? | ?column? | ?column?
        1 |        2 |        3
(1 row)

Time: 0.137 ms
ERROR:  22012: division by zero
LOCATION:  int4div, int.c:719
Time: 0.165 ms
Time: 0.284 ms

Does \set ON_ERROR_STOP mess up regression tests? If not, I'll add the test above (minus the \set VERBOSITY verbose-isms) to the regression.

In the mean time, update patch attached.

Re: psql metaqueries with \gexec

Corey Huinker
In the mean time, update patch attached.

Really attached this time. 


Re: psql metaqueries with \gexec

Jim Nasby
On 2/22/16 11:47 AM, Alvaro Herrera wrote:
> Pavel Stehule wrote:
>> The design of the "format" function is not closed. Try to send prototype
>> and patch. The possibility to do PostgreSQL customization was strong reason
>> why we didn't implemented "sprintf" and we implemented "format".
> Probably not terribly useful here, but for the DDL-deparse patch I came
> up with a syntax to format JSON objects, which used %-escapes; each
> escaped element corresponds to a string literal, or to an object.  So
> you'd have %{table}D where the "table" element in the JSON object could
> be a simple string which is expanded verbatim (plus quoting if
> necessary), or it could be a JSON object with something like { schema =>
> "public", name => "students" }, where each element is expanded and
> quoted as necessary; if the "schema" is null or it doesn't exist, it
> expands only the name, obviously omitting the dot.

Where did the "D" in "%{table}D" come from?

BTW, the syntax I chose for [1] is similar to format's, except I elected 
to stick with % instead of $. So you do


where type is s, L or I. I don't think it'd be hard to support an object 
with 'schema' and 'name' keys.

Jim Nasby, Data Architect, Blue Treble Consulting, Austin TX
Experts in Analytics, Data Architecture and PostgreSQL
Data in Trouble? Get it in Treble! http://BlueTreble.com

Re: psql metaqueries with \gexec

Alvaro Herrera
Jim Nasby wrote:
> On 2/22/16 11:47 AM, Alvaro Herrera wrote:
> >Pavel Stehule wrote:
> >
> >>The design of the "format" function is not closed. Try to send prototype
> >>and patch. The possibility to do PostgreSQL customization was strong reason
> >>why we didn't implemented "sprintf" and we implemented "format".
> >
> >Probably not terribly useful here, but for the DDL-deparse patch I came
> >up with a syntax to format JSON objects, which used %-escapes; each
> >escaped element corresponds to a string literal, or to an object.  So
> >you'd have %{table}D where the "table" element in the JSON object could
> >be a simple string which is expanded verbatim (plus quoting if
> >necessary), or it could be a JSON object with something like { schema =>
> >"public", name => "students" }, where each element is expanded and
> >quoted as necessary; if the "schema" is null or it doesn't exist, it
> >expands only the name, obviously omitting the dot.
> Where did the "D" in "%{table}D" come from?

The I in %{foo}I was for "identifier" (of course) and I *think* the D
was for "double identifiers" (that is, qualified).  I expanded the idea
afterwards to allow for a third name for things like
catalog.schema.name, so I guess it's a misnomer already.

It's not released code yet.  You can see an example here
just scroll down a few hundred lines to about 7/16ths of the page (yes,

(One thing I had to come up with was processing of arrays, which you
also see in that example JSON -- it's the specifiers that have a colon
inside the {}.  The part after the colon is used as separator between
the array elements, and each element is expanded separately.)

Álvaro Herrera                http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Remote DBA, Training & Services

Re: psql metaqueries with \gexec

Jim Nasby
On 2/22/16 5:13 PM, Alvaro Herrera wrote:
> Jim Nasby wrote:
>> On 2/22/16 11:47 AM, Alvaro Herrera wrote:
>>> Pavel Stehule wrote:
>>>> The design of the "format" function is not closed. Try to send prototype
>>>> and patch. The possibility to do PostgreSQL customization was strong reason
>>>> why we didn't implemented "sprintf" and we implemented "format".
>>> Probably not terribly useful here, but for the DDL-deparse patch I came
>>> up with a syntax to format JSON objects, which used %-escapes; each
>>> escaped element corresponds to a string literal, or to an object.  So
>>> you'd have %{table}D where the "table" element in the JSON object could
>>> be a simple string which is expanded verbatim (plus quoting if
>>> necessary), or it could be a JSON object with something like { schema =>
>>> "public", name => "students" }, where each element is expanded and
>>> quoted as necessary; if the "schema" is null or it doesn't exist, it
>>> expands only the name, obviously omitting the dot.
>> Where did the "D" in "%{table}D" come from?
> The I in %{foo}I was for "identifier" (of course) and I *think* the D
> was for "double identifiers" (that is, qualified).  I expanded the idea
> afterwards to allow for a third name for things like
> catalog.schema.name, so I guess it's a misnomer already.
> It's not released code yet.  You can see an example here
> https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/%3C20150224175152.GI5169%40alvh.no-ip.org%3E
> just scroll down a few hundred lines to about 7/16ths of the page (yes,
> really)
> (One thing I had to come up with was processing of arrays, which you
> also see in that example JSON -- it's the specifiers that have a colon
> inside the {}.  The part after the colon is used as separator between
> the array elements, and each element is expanded separately.)

Ahh, very interesting.

Something that would probably be helpful for these kind of things is if 
we had a set of complex types available that represented things like the 
arguments to a function. Something like (parameter_mode enum(IN, OUT, 
INOUT), parameter_name name, parameter_type regtype, parameter_default 
text). A function might be represented by (function_schema name, 
function_name name, function_parameters ..., function_language, 
function_options, function_body).

In any case, having anything along these lines in core would be useful, 
assuming that the individual facility was exposed as well (as opposed to 
only being available inside an event trigger).
Jim Nasby, Data Architect, Blue Treble Consulting, Austin TX
Experts in Analytics, Data Architecture and PostgreSQL
Data in Trouble? Get it in Treble! http://BlueTreble.com

Re: psql metaqueries with \gexec

Jim Nasby
On 2/22/16 1:01 PM, Corey Huinker wrote:
>     In the mean time, update patch attached.
> Really attached this time.

I'm getting a warning from this patch:

common.c:947:8: warning: variable 'success' is used uninitialized
whenever 'if' condition is true [-Wsometimes-uninitialized]
                         if (pset.gexec_flag)
common.c:995:9: note: uninitialized use occurs here
         return success;
common.c:947:4: note: remove the 'if' if its condition is always false
                         if (pset.gexec_flag)
common.c:937:15: note: initialize the variable 'success' to silence this
         bool            success;
                                 = '\0'
1 warning generated.

(note that I'm using CC='ccache clang -Qunused-arguments

>     for (r = 0; r < nrows; r++)
>     {
>         for (c = 0; c < ncolumns; c++)
>         {

Normally we don't use gratuitous {'s, and I don't think it's helping
anything in this case. But I'll let whoever commits this decide.

> diff --git a/src/bin/psql/tab-complete.c b/src/bin/psql/tab-complete.c
> index 5f27120..0f87f29 100644
> --- a/src/bin/psql/tab-complete.c
> +++ b/src/bin/psql/tab-complete.c
> @@ -1280,8 +1280,8 @@ psql_completion(const char *text, int start, int end)
>          "\\dm", "\\dn", "\\do", "\\dO", "\\dp", "\\drds", "\\ds", "\\dS",
>          "\\dt", "\\dT", "\\dv", "\\du", "\\dx", "\\dy",
>          "\\e", "\\echo", "\\ef", "\\encoding", "\\ev",
> -        "\\f", "\\g", "\\gset", "\\h", "\\help", "\\H", "\\i", "\\ir", "\\l",
> -        "\\lo_import", "\\lo_export", "\\lo_list", "\\lo_unlink",
> +        "\\f", "\\g", "\\gexec", "\\gset", "\\h", "\\help", "\\H", "\\i", "\\ir",
> +        "\\l", "\\lo_import", "\\lo_export", "\\lo_list", "\\lo_unlink",

FWIW, it's generally better to leave that kind of re-wrapping to the
next pg_indent run.

I added tests for ON_ERROR_STOP. New patch attached.

The patch still needs to document this feature in the psql docs (and
maybe the manpage? not sure how that's generated...)
Jim Nasby, Data Architect, Blue Treble Consulting, Austin TX
Experts in Analytics, Data Architecture and PostgreSQL
Data in Trouble? Get it in Treble! http://BlueTreble.com


Re: psql metaqueries with \gexec

Jim Nasby
The following review has been posted through the commitfest application:
make installcheck-world:  tested, passed
Implements feature:       tested, passed
Spec compliant:           not tested
Documentation:            not tested

Still needs documentation.

The new status of this patch is: Waiting on Author

Re: psql metaqueries with \gexec

Corey Huinker

I'm getting a warning from this patch:

1 warning generated.

Fixed that one.

(note that I'm using CC='ccache clang -Qunused-arguments -fcolor-diagnostics')

        for (r = 0; r < nrows; r++)
                for (c = 0; c < ncolumns; c++)

Normally we don't use gratuitous {'s, and I don't think it's helping anything in this case. But I'll let whoever commits this decide.

Good to know in the future. I can remove or leave to the committer.

diff --git a/src/bin/psql/tab-complete.c b/src/bin/psql/tab-complete.c
index 5f27120..0f87f29 100644
--- a/src/bin/psql/tab-complete.c
+++ b/src/bin/psql/tab-complete.c
@@ -1280,8 +1280,8 @@ psql_completion(const char *text, int start, int end)
                "\\dm", "\\dn", "\\do", "\\dO", "\\dp", "\\drds", "\\ds", "\\dS",
                "\\dt", "\\dT", "\\dv", "\\du", "\\dx", "\\dy",
                "\\e", "\\echo", "\\ef", "\\encoding", "\\ev",
-               "\\f", "\\g", "\\gset", "\\h", "\\help", "\\H", "\\i", "\\ir", "\\l",
-               "\\lo_import", "\\lo_export", "\\lo_list", "\\lo_unlink",
+               "\\f", "\\g", "\\gexec", "\\gset", "\\h", "\\help", "\\H", "\\i", "\\ir",
+               "\\l", "\\lo_import", "\\lo_export", "\\lo_list", "\\lo_unlink",

FWIW, it's generally better to leave that kind of re-wrapping to the next pg_indent run.

Good to know in the future. Not much point in undoing it now, I suppose.

I added tests for ON_ERROR_STOP. New patch attached.

I was wondering if ON_ERROR_STOP tests were verbotten because you only get to kick the tires on one feature...

The patch still needs to document this feature in the psql docs (and maybe the manpage? not sure how that's generated...)

doc/src/sgml/ref/psql-ref.sgml is the source for both html and man pagers.

I'm on it. I didn't expect the name "gexec" to survive first contact with the community.

Patch attached. Changes are thus:
- proper assignment of success var
- added documentation to psql manpage/html with examples pulled from regression tests.

Not changed are:
- exuberant braces, can remove if someone wants me to
- attempt at line-wrappng the enumerated slash commands, leave that to pg_indent


Re: psql metaqueries with \gexec

Robert Haas
On Mon, Mar 14, 2016 at 7:54 AM, Corey Huinker <corey.huinker@gmail.com> wrote:

> Patch attached. Changes are thus:
> - proper assignment of success var
> - added documentation to psql manpage/html with examples pulled from
> regression tests.
> Not changed are:
> - exuberant braces, can remove if someone wants me to
> - attempt at line-wrappng the enumerated slash commands, leave that to
> pg_indent

Jim, can you re-review this?

Robert Haas
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

Re: psql metaqueries with \gexec

Tom Lane
Robert Haas <robertmhaas@gmail.com> writes:
> Jim, can you re-review this?

I'm not Jim, but I have a question: what's the motivation for the
Fortran-order traversal of the result (down rows before across columns)?
It seems less than intuitive to do it that way.  Perhaps there's a good
reason, but I do not see any defense of this choice in the thread.

I also note that the patch seems to be missing resetting gexec_flag
in some error exit paths, possibly allowing the \gexec to be applied
to the next query unexpectedly.  It should clear that in all the same
places where gfname or gset_prefix get cleared.
        regards, tom lane

Re: psql metaqueries with \gexec

Corey Huinker
On Sun, Apr 3, 2016 at 4:26 PM, Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
Robert Haas <robertmhaas@gmail.com> writes:
> Jim, can you re-review this?

I'm not Jim, but I have a question: what's the motivation for the
Fortran-order traversal of the result (down rows before across columns)?
It seems less than intuitive to do it that way.  Perhaps there's a good
reason, but I do not see any defense of this choice in the thread.

If I am understanding you correctly, it does work the way you find intuitive: all results from the first row are executed before any in the second row, so


will execute the queries in order: a, b, c, d as is shown in the changes to the sgml and the test cases.

Did you get the impression of Fortran-ordering from the phrase "top-to-bottom, left-to-right order" in the sgml patch? If so, would calling it "rows first" or something else be more clear?

Or am I misunderstanding you and you find the order a, c, b, d more intuitive?

I also note that the patch seems to be missing resetting gexec_flag
in some error exit paths, possibly allowing the \gexec to be applied
to the next query unexpectedly.  It should clear that in all the same
places where gfname or gset_prefix get cleared.

Will do!

I'm only seeing one place where those two vars are deallocated and nulled, and that's at the tail end of SendQuery. Were you expecting more than just that?

Re: psql metaqueries with \gexec

Tom Lane
Corey Huinker <corey.huinker@gmail.com> writes:
> On Sun, Apr 3, 2016 at 4:26 PM, Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
>> I'm not Jim, but I have a question: what's the motivation for the
>> Fortran-order traversal of the result (down rows before across columns)?

> If I am understanding you correctly, it does work the way you find
> intuitive: all results from the first row are executed before any in the
> second row, so

Oh, I hadn't checked the code closely enough to realize that, but I see
you're right.  The patch's documentation seems very confusing on the
point, though:

+         The secondary queries are executed in top-to-bottom, left-to-right order, so the command

I took that as meaning what I said above.

>> It should clear that in all the same
>> places where gfname or gset_prefix get cleared.

> I'm only seeing one place where those two vars are deallocated and nulled,
> and that's at the tail end of SendQuery. Were you expecting more than just
> that?

That may be the only place; I've not looked around.
        regards, tom lane

Re: psql metaqueries with \gexec

Corey Huinker
+         The secondary queries are executed in top-to-bottom, left-to-right order, so the command

I took that as meaning what I said above.

Would using the term https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Row-major_order be more clear?

     The secondary queries are executed in row-major order, so the command...

If so, it will probably aide in translation as well.

>> It should clear that in all the same
>> places where gfname or gset_prefix get cleared.

> I'm only seeing one place where those two vars are deallocated and nulled,
> and that's at the tail end of SendQuery. Were you expecting more than just
> that?

That may be the only place; I've not looked around.

Yeah, seems that there might have been multiple ones in the past, but all paths now funnel through the sendquery_cleanup: goto.


Re: psql metaqueries with \gexec

Tom Lane
Corey Huinker <corey.huinker@gmail.com> writes:
>>> +         The secondary queries are executed in top-to-bottom,
>>> left-to-right order, so the command

>> I took that as meaning what I said above.

> Would using the term https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Row-major_order be more
> clear?

Meh, I suspect a lot of people don't know that term.  Perhaps something
like "The generated queries are executed in the order in which the rows
are returned, and left-to-right within each row if there is more than one
        regards, tom lane

Re: psql metaqueries with \gexec

Corey Huinker
<div dir="ltr"><div class="gmail_extra"><div class="gmail_quote">On Sun, Apr 3, 2016 at 7:43 PM, Tom Lane <span
dir="ltr"><<ahref="mailto:tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us" target="_blank">tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us</a>></span> wrote:<br
/><blockquoteclass="gmail_quote" style="margin:0 0 0 .8ex;border-left:1px #ccc solid;padding-left:1ex"><span
class="">CoreyHuinker <<a href="mailto:corey.huinker@gmail.com">corey.huinker@gmail.com</a>> writes:<br />
>>>+         The secondary queries are executed in top-to-bottom,<br /> >>> left-to-right order, so
thecommand<br /><br /> >> I took that as meaning what I said above.<br /><br /> > Would using the term <a
target="_blank">https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Row-major_order</a>be more<br /> > clear?<br /><br /></span>Meh, I
suspecta lot of people don't know that term.  Perhaps something<br /> like "The generated queries are executed in the
orderin which the rows<br /> are returned, and left-to-right within each row if there is more than one<br />
column."<br/><br />                         regards, tom lane<br /></blockquote></div><br /></div><div
class="gmail_extra"><br/></div><div class="gmail_extra">I like it. Change forthcoming.</div><div
class="gmail_extra"><br/></div><div class="gmail_extra"><br /></div><div class="gmail_extra"><br /></div></div> 

Re: psql metaqueries with \gexec

Corey Huinker

On Sun, Apr 3, 2016 at 8:42 PM, Corey Huinker <corey.huinker@gmail.com> wrote:
On Sun, Apr 3, 2016 at 7:43 PM, Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
Corey Huinker <corey.huinker@gmail.com> writes:
>>> +         The secondary queries are executed in top-to-bottom,
>>> left-to-right order, so the command

>> I took that as meaning what I said above.

> Would using the term https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Row-major_order be more
> clear?

Meh, I suspect a lot of people don't know that term.  Perhaps something
like "The generated queries are executed in the order in which the rows
are returned, and left-to-right within each row if there is more than one

                        regards, tom lane

I like it. Change forthcoming.

Changes since last submission:

Patch attached. Changes are thus:
- rebased
- pset.gexec_flag unconditionally set to false at end of SendQuery
- wording of documentation describing execution order of results
- rebasing allowed for undoing the re-wrap of enumerated slash commands.

Still not changed:
- exuberant braces, can remove if someone wants me to

Re: psql metaqueries with \gexec

Tom Lane
Corey Huinker <corey.huinker@gmail.com> writes:
> Patch attached. Changes are thus:
> - rebased
> - pset.gexec_flag unconditionally set to false at end of SendQuery
> - wording of documentation describing execution order of results
> - rebasing allowed for undoing the re-wrap of enumerated slash commands.

I whacked this around some and committed it.  The main thing that was
broken is that it didn't work nicely at all if you'd set FETCH_COUNT.
I experimented with different approaches to that, and ultimately decided
that the best answer is to disable use of ExecQueryUsingCursor for the
\gexec master query.  We can still let it be used for the individual
generated queries, though.

I didn't much like the regression test setup, either.  Tests that
have to be at the end of their test files aren't very nice, unless
you give them their very own test file, which checking ON_ERROR_STOP
didn't seem worth.  To me it's far more important that the code
respond to cancel_pressed (which, ahem, it wasn't) and we have no
mechanism for testing that in a pg_regress script.  So I just dropped
that aspect of it and put the test in a more logical place in the file.
        regards, tom lane

Re: psql metaqueries with \gexec

Corey Huinker
On Mon, Apr 4, 2016 at 3:31 PM, Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
Corey Huinker <corey.huinker@gmail.com> writes:
> Patch attached. Changes are thus:
> - rebased
> - pset.gexec_flag unconditionally set to false at end of SendQuery
> - wording of documentation describing execution order of results
> - rebasing allowed for undoing the re-wrap of enumerated slash commands.

I whacked this around some and committed it.  The main thing that was

broken is that it didn't work nicely at all if you'd set FETCH_COUNT.

Mmm, yeah, I hadn't considered cursor fetches, but in the use cases (at least the ones I can imagine for this) you wouldn't want fetches.
I experimented with different approaches to that, and ultimately decided
that the best answer is to disable use of ExecQueryUsingCursor for the
\gexec master query.  We can still let it be used for the individual
generated queries, though.

Fine by me.

I didn't much like the regression test setup, either.  Tests that
have to be at the end of their test files aren't very nice, unless
you give them their very own test file, which checking ON_ERROR_STOP
didn't seem worth.  To me it's far more important that the code
respond to cancel_pressed (which, ahem, it wasn't) and we have no
mechanism for testing that in a pg_regress script.  So I just dropped
that aspect of it and put the test in a more logical place in the file.

I think it was Jim that added the ON_ERROR_STOP check. I wasn't sure how to properly test that.

Thanks for finding (and fixing) the cancel_pressed issue.