Обсуждение: problems logging in through phpPgAdmin


problems logging in through phpPgAdmin

"Davenport, Julie"

We are using phpPgAdmin 4.2.3 on Redhat Linux 5 to access local postgres 8.4 databases and some remote postgres 8.0 and 7.4 databases.  If I set the pg_hba.conf settings to “trust” I can login to phpPgAdmin with any password at all or with no password at all.  If I change the “trust” to “md5” I get “Login Failed” errors on every login (we always login as postgres), even though the password is correct.  When this happens I check the log in pg_log folder, and all it says is “FATAL:  password authentication failed for user "postgres"”.  In the phpPgAdmin config.inc.php file, we have this setting:

$conf['extra_login_security'] = false;

We are not having any problems logging into the databases from the command line.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.







Re: problems logging in through phpPgAdmin

John DeSoi
On Sep 26, 2011, at 10:16 AM, Davenport, Julie wrote:

> We are using phpPgAdmin 4.2.3 on Redhat Linux 5 to access local postgres 8.4 databases and some remote postgres 8.0
and7.4 databases.  If I set the pg_hba.conf settings to “trust” I can login to phpPgAdmin with any password at all or
withno password at all.  If I change the “trust” to “md5” I get “Login Failed” errors on every login (we always login
aspostgres), even though the password is correct.  When this happens I check the log in pg_log folder, and all it says
is“FATAL:  password authentication failed for user "postgres"”.  In the phpPgAdmin config.inc.php file, we have this
> $conf['extra_login_security'] = false;
> We are not having any problems logging into the databases from the command line.

Is the pg_hba.conf line where you changed "trust" to "md5" host or local? I think phpPgAdmin uses only host

John DeSoi, Ph.D.

Re: problems logging in through phpPgAdmin

John DeSoi
On Sep 26, 2011, at 2:19 PM, Davenport, Julie wrote:

> If I use this combination:
> local   all         all                               trust
> host    all     all    md5
> or this:
> local   all         all                               md5
> host    all     all    md5
> then we cannot login at all -- even if we put in the correct password, we get "Login Failed" on the screen, and we
justsee " FATAL:  password authentication failed for user "postgres"" in the log under pg_log. 

And you say you tested psql from the command line like this

psql -U postgres -h

and it prompts you for the password and accepts the one you are entering with phpPgAdmin?

And PHP is running on the same server as Postgres?

What is the IP address used in your phpPgAdmin configuration? If it is not, you might need to use the
explicitIP address in your pg_hba.conf. 


John DeSoi, Ph.D.

Re: problems logging in through phpPgAdmin

John DeSoi
On Sep 26, 2011, at 3:16 PM, Davenport, Julie wrote:

> psql srn_mst
> and it will get me into the database whether I have the line set to trust or md5.  And does not ask for a password
eitherway (never does).  This is how I always access the database from the command line. 

Right, because you are trusting local connections and that is what is used because there is no -h option provided.

> When I tried the way you suggested:
> psql -U postgres -h -d srn_mst
> if set to trust, this logs me in (does not ask for password of course).
> If set to md5, this command asks me for password, but when I put it in, gives me this error:
> psql: FATAL:  password authentication failed for user "postgres"
> (same as what is happening through the application).

Which means that you don't really know the postgres password :). If you can't access postgres this way, it is not going
towork with phpPgAdmin either. You can login using the local connection and then change the postgres password.  

> Yes, PHP and phpPgAdmin and postgresql are all running on the same linux server (where this database srn_mst
> This is the enry in my phppgadmin conf file config.inc.php for this server:
> // Soarapp
>        $conf['servers'][3]['desc'] = 'Soarapp';
>        $conf['servers'][3]['host'] = 'localhost';
>        $conf['servers'][3]['port'] = 5432;
>        $conf['servers'][3]['defaultdb'] = 'template1';
>        $conf['servers'][3]['pg_dump_path'] = '/usr/bin/pg_dump';
>        $conf['servers'][3]['pg_dumpall_path'] = '/usr/bin/pg_dumpall';
> Not sure if that is what your question refers to...

I was referring to the "host" setting. If you get the password fixed where it works with psql and it still does not
workwith phpPgAdmin, try changing the host setting to 

John DeSoi, Ph.D.

Re: problems logging in through phpPgAdmin

"Davenport, Julie"
This is what is in our pg_hba.conf file now, and it lets us login with no password or wrong password:


# "local" is for Unix domain socket connections only
local   all         all                               trust
# IPv4 local connections:
host    all     all    trust
host srn_mst postgres <IP of remote server1> trust
host debase postgres  <IP of remote server2> trust
host all all <IP of local server> md5
# IPv6 local connections:
host    all         all         ::1/128               ident
host    all     all    trust

If I use this combination:
local   all         all                               md5
host    all     all    trust

same thing - we can login with no password or wrong password

If I use this combination:
local   all         all                               trust
host    all     all    md5
or this:
local   all         all                               md5
host    all     all    md5

then we cannot login at all -- even if we put in the correct password, we get "Login Failed" on the screen, and we just
see" FATAL:  password authentication failed for user "postgres"" in the log under pg_log. 

I also changed this line from trust to md5:
host all all <IP of local server> md5
and as long as the line above
host    all     all    trust
is trust we can get in, and if it is md5, we cannot (in other words, it seems to override the line with the actual IP
ofthe local server). 

Julie A. Davenport
Senior Systems Engineer
Distance Education & Educational Technology
Central Texas College

-----Original Message-----
From: John DeSoi [mailto:desoi@pgedit.com]
Sent: Monday, September 26, 2011 12:44 PM
To: Davenport, Julie
Cc: pgsql-admin@postgresql.org
Subject: Re: [ADMIN] problems logging in through phpPgAdmin

On Sep 26, 2011, at 10:16 AM, Davenport, Julie wrote:

> We are using phpPgAdmin 4.2.3 on Redhat Linux 5 to access local postgres 8.4 databases and some remote postgres 8.0
and7.4 databases.  If I set the pg_hba.conf settings to "trust" I can login to phpPgAdmin with any password at all or
withno password at all.  If I change the "trust" to "md5" I get "Login Failed" errors on every login (we always login
aspostgres), even though the password is correct.  When this happens I check the log in pg_log folder, and all it says
is"FATAL:  password authentication failed for user "postgres"".  In the phpPgAdmin config.inc.php file, we have this
> $conf['extra_login_security'] = false;
> We are not having any problems logging into the databases from the command line.

Is the pg_hba.conf line where you changed "trust" to "md5" host or local? I think phpPgAdmin uses only host

John DeSoi, Ph.D.

Re: problems logging in through phpPgAdmin

"Davenport, Julie"
Sorry, when I said we had no trouble getting in from the command line, I meant that I could do the following to get
intodatabase named srn_mst (after su-ing to postgres user): 

psql srn_mst

and it will get me into the database whether I have the line set to trust or md5.  And does not ask for a password
eitherway (never does).  This is how I always access the database from the command line.  When I tried the way you

psql -U postgres -h -d srn_mst

if set to trust, this logs me in (does not ask for password of course).
If set to md5, this command asks me for password, but when I put it in, gives me this error:
psql: FATAL:  password authentication failed for user "postgres"
(same as what is happening through the application).

Yes, PHP and phpPgAdmin and postgresql are all running on the same linux server (where this database srn_mst resides).

This is the enry in my phppgadmin conf file config.inc.php for this server:
// Soarapp
        $conf['servers'][3]['desc'] = 'Soarapp';
        $conf['servers'][3]['host'] = 'localhost';
        $conf['servers'][3]['port'] = 5432;
        $conf['servers'][3]['defaultdb'] = 'template1';
        $conf['servers'][3]['pg_dump_path'] = '/usr/bin/pg_dump';
        $conf['servers'][3]['pg_dumpall_path'] = '/usr/bin/pg_dumpall';
Not sure if that is what your question refers to...



-----Original Message-----
From: John DeSoi [mailto:desoi@pgedit.com]
Sent: Monday, September 26, 2011 1:58 PM
To: Davenport, Julie
Cc: pgsql-admin@postgresql.org; Hussey, Latasha
Subject: Re: [ADMIN] problems logging in through phpPgAdmin

On Sep 26, 2011, at 2:19 PM, Davenport, Julie wrote:

> If I use this combination:
> local   all         all                               trust
> host    all     all    md5
> or this:
> local   all         all                               md5
> host    all     all    md5
> then we cannot login at all -- even if we put in the correct password, we get "Login Failed" on the screen, and we
justsee " FATAL:  password authentication failed for user "postgres"" in the log under pg_log. 

And you say you tested psql from the command line like this

psql -U postgres -h

and it prompts you for the password and accepts the one you are entering with phpPgAdmin?

And PHP is running on the same server as Postgres?

What is the IP address used in your phpPgAdmin configuration? If it is not, you might need to use the
explicitIP address in your pg_hba.conf. 


John DeSoi, Ph.D.

Re: problems logging in through phpPgAdmin

"Davenport, Julie"
OK, I see what you are saying.  I guess we need to reset the password of the postgres user inside the database.  I'm
outof the office but will try this next week when I'm back in.  Thanks much for your help. 

From: John DeSoi [desoi@pgedit.com]
Sent: Monday, September 26, 2011 3:06 PM
To: Davenport, Julie
Cc: pgsql-admin@postgresql.org; Hussey, Latasha
Subject: Re: [ADMIN] problems logging in through phpPgAdmin

On Sep 26, 2011, at 3:16 PM, Davenport, Julie wrote:

> psql srn_mst
> and it will get me into the database whether I have the line set to trust or md5.  And does not ask for a password
eitherway (never does).  This is how I always access the database from the command line. 

Right, because you are trusting local connections and that is what is used because there is no -h option provided.

> When I tried the way you suggested:
> psql -U postgres -h -d srn_mst
> if set to trust, this logs me in (does not ask for password of course).
> If set to md5, this command asks me for password, but when I put it in, gives me this error:
> psql: FATAL:  password authentication failed for user "postgres"
> (same as what is happening through the application).

Which means that you don't really know the postgres password :). If you can't access postgres this way, it is not going
towork with phpPgAdmin either. You can login using the local connection and then change the postgres password. 

> Yes, PHP and phpPgAdmin and postgresql are all running on the same linux server (where this database srn_mst
> This is the enry in my phppgadmin conf file config.inc.php for this server:
> // Soarapp
>        $conf['servers'][3]['desc'] = 'Soarapp';
>        $conf['servers'][3]['host'] = 'localhost';
>        $conf['servers'][3]['port'] = 5432;
>        $conf['servers'][3]['defaultdb'] = 'template1';
>        $conf['servers'][3]['pg_dump_path'] = '/usr/bin/pg_dump';
>        $conf['servers'][3]['pg_dumpall_path'] = '/usr/bin/pg_dumpall';
> Not sure if that is what your question refers to...

I was referring to the "host" setting. If you get the password fixed where it works with psql and it still does not
workwith phpPgAdmin, try changing the host setting to 

John DeSoi, Ph.D.