Обсуждение: ERROR: cache lookup failed for type


ERROR: cache lookup failed for type

Hello all,

I have been using a particular function for years without issue but
recently tried the Alpha releases of PostGreSQL.  I loaded the database
into 9.5 Alpha1 release and did not have problems. After upgrading to
Alpha2, I started getting this error on executing the function. I didn't
reload the database this time as it should not be required.
   ERROR:  cache lookup failed for type 1082   CONTEXT:  compilation of PL/pgSQL function "ds_stats" near line 1

I queried the data type 1082 references and found it is the "date" data

# select oid,typowner,typname from pg_type where oid = 1082 ;oid  | typowner | typname
------+----------+---------1082 |       10 | date
(1 row)

The function is simple with the following definition:

# CREATE FUNCTION ds_stats( date, text) RETURNS integer   LANGUAGE plpgsql   AS $_$
DECLARE   -- inserts new statistics into doc_stats   -- table calculated from the documents table   -- 1st argument is
thepublished date   -- 2nd argument is the source   pub_date ALIAS FOR $1;   pub_source ALIAS FOR $2;   new_stat
BEGIN   select into new_stat   published, count(*), split_part(filename,'/', 5)   from documents   where published =
pub_dateand   split_part(filename,'/', 5) = pub_source   group by published, split_part(filename,'/', 5) ;   IF found
then     delete from documents_statistics where published = pub_date and
source = pub_source;
      insert into documents_statistics ( published, articles, source )      values ( new_stat.published,
new_stat.articles,new_stat.source );      return new_stat.articles;   else      delete from documents_statistics where
published= pub_date and
source = pub_source;      return 0;   END IF;


The table documents_statistics has definition:

CREATE TABLE documents_statistics (   published date,   articles bigint,   source text

I use the function in queries like:

select ds_stats('2015-08-10'::date, 'wp_news') ;

I dropped the function and can now not add it back to the database. Also
doing a simple query on the table filtering on the published field does
not present any problems.  I was going to submit this as a bug against
the new 9.5alpha2 release but thought I would run this by this group
before doing so.  Any thoughts?



Re: ERROR: cache lookup failed for type

Adrian Klaver
On 08/16/2015 05:58 PM, Stuart wrote:
> Hello all,
> I have been using a particular function for years without issue but
> recently tried the Alpha releases of PostGreSQL.  I loaded the database
> into 9.5 Alpha1 release and did not have problems. After upgrading to
> Alpha2, I started getting this error on executing the function. I didn't
> reload the database this time as it should not be required.

I do not see anything in the release notes about dump/restore, but this 
is an alpha so I would at least try dumping from the Alpha 1 and 
restoring to the Alpha 2. If nothing else it will provide another data 

>      ERROR:  cache lookup failed for type 1082
>      CONTEXT:  compilation of PL/pgSQL function "ds_stats" near line 1
> I queried the data type 1082 references and found it is the "date" data
> type.
> # select oid,typowner,typname from pg_type where oid = 1082 ;
>   oid  | typowner | typname
> ------+----------+---------
>   1082 |       10 | date
> (1 row)
> The function is simple with the following definition:
> # CREATE FUNCTION ds_stats( date, text) RETURNS integer
>      LANGUAGE plpgsql
>      AS $_$
>      -- inserts new statistics into doc_stats
>      -- table calculated from the documents table
>      -- 1st argument is the published date
>      -- 2nd argument is the source
>      pub_date ALIAS FOR $1;
>      pub_source ALIAS FOR $2;
>      new_stat documents_statistics%ROWTYPE;
>      select into new_stat
>      published, count(*), split_part(filename,'/', 5)
>      from documents
>      where published = pub_date and
>      split_part(filename,'/', 5) = pub_source
>      group by published, split_part(filename,'/', 5) ;
>      IF found then
>         delete from documents_statistics where published = pub_date and
> source = pub_source;
>         insert into documents_statistics ( published, articles, source )
>         values ( new_stat.published, new_stat.articles, new_stat.source );
>         return new_stat.articles;
>      else
>         delete from documents_statistics where published = pub_date and
> source = pub_source;
>         return 0;
>      END IF;
> END;
> $_$;
> The table documents_statistics has definition:
> CREATE TABLE documents_statistics (
>      published date,
>      articles bigint,
>      source text
> );
> I use the function in queries like:
> select ds_stats('2015-08-10'::date, 'wp_news') ;
> I dropped the function and can now not add it back to the database. Also
> doing a simple query on the table filtering on the published field does
> not present any problems.  I was going to submit this as a bug against
> the new 9.5alpha2 release but thought I would run this by this group
> before doing so.  Any thoughts?
> Thanks,
> Stuart

Adrian Klaver

Re: ERROR: cache lookup failed for type

Tom Lane
Stuart <sfbarbee@gmail.com> writes:
> I have been using a particular function for years without issue but
> recently tried the Alpha releases of PostGreSQL.  I loaded the database
> into 9.5 Alpha1 release and did not have problems. After upgrading to
> Alpha2, I started getting this error on executing the function. I didn't
> reload the database this time as it should not be required.

>     ERROR:  cache lookup failed for type 1082
>     CONTEXT:  compilation of PL/pgSQL function "ds_stats" near line 1

That's odd.

> I dropped the function and can now not add it back to the database.

What happens when you try, exactly?

I assume the error was persistent across multiple sessions?  Have you
changed the schema (rowtype) of table documents_statistics lately?

Does reindexing pg_type make the error go away?  If so, what platform
and filesystem is this on?
        regards, tom lane

Re: ERROR: cache lookup failed for type

Adrian, Tom,
  I reloaded the database and the problem doesn't happen anymore.
Thanks for the suggestion.

Tom - to answer your questions,

On 08/17/2015 07:16 AM, Tom Lane wrote:
>> I dropped the function and can now not add it back to the database.
> What happens when you try, exactly?

The same error occurred

> I assume the error was persistent across multiple sessions?  Have you
> changed the schema (rowtype) of table documents_statistics lately?

No there were no changes to the table schema.  All dbase objects were
loaded via

pg_dumpall > file.sql

upgrade postgres

psql template1 -f file.sql

Yes the problem was persistent across multiple sessions

> Does reindexing pg_type make the error go away?  If so, what platform
> and filesystem is this on?

No, I didn't try reindexing pg_type

The filesystem is XFS



Re: ERROR: cache lookup failed for type

Tom, forgot to include the rest of the platform info.

This on openSuSE Linux 13.2 x86_64, kernel 4.1.4

On 08/17/2015 07:52 AM, Stuart wrote:
>> Does reindexing pg_type make the error go away?  If so, what platform
>> and filesystem is this on?



Re: ERROR: cache lookup failed for type

Adrian Klaver
On 08/16/2015 08:52 PM, Stuart wrote:
> Adrian, Tom,
>     I reloaded the database and the problem doesn't happen anymore.
> Thanks for the suggestion.
> Tom - to answer your questions,
> On 08/17/2015 07:16 AM, Tom Lane wrote:
>>> I dropped the function and can now not add it back to the database.
>> What happens when you try, exactly?
> The same error occurred
>> I assume the error was persistent across multiple sessions?  Have you
>> changed the schema (rowtype) of table documents_statistics lately?
> No there were no changes to the table schema.  All dbase objects were
> loaded via
> pg_dumpall > file.sql
> upgrade postgres
> psql template1 -f file.sql

So this is what you did when you started with the Alpha 1 database, correct?

When you went to Alpha 2 you just installed the new program over the 
existing Alpha 1, but left the data directory as is and then ran into 
the error, correct?

You then did a dump of the Alpha 1 or other(?) existing database and 
then a restore into the Alpha 2(the reload above) at which point the 
error went away, correct?

> Yes the problem was persistent across multiple sessions
>> Does reindexing pg_type make the error go away?  If so, what platform
>> and filesystem is this on?
> No, I didn't try reindexing pg_type
> The filesystem is XFS
> Thanks,
> Stuart

Adrian Klaver

Re: ERROR: cache lookup failed for type

On 08/17/2015 08:08 AM, Adrian Klaver wrote:
> So this is what you did when you started with the Alpha 1 database,
> correct?
> When you went to Alpha 2 you just installed the new program over the
> existing Alpha 1, but left the data directory as is and then ran into
> the error, correct?
> You then did a dump of the Alpha 1 or other(?) existing database and
> then a restore into the Alpha 2(the reload above) at which point the
> error went away, correct?

Adrian, that is correct. More precisely, the steps taken were the
following which I now see where I may have potentially introduced the error:

upgrade from prostgres 9.4.4 to 9.5alpha1

pg_dumpall > file.sql
pg_ctl stop
upgrade postgres 9.5alpha1
rm -r /pgdir/*
initdb -D /pgdir/
pg_ctl start -D /pgdir/
psql template1 -f file.sql

upgrade from postgres 9.5alpha1 to 9.5alpha2

upgrade postgres 9.5alpha1
pg_ctl stop
pg_ctl start -D /pgdir/

Now I see that not stopping the database prior to the upgrade may have
introduced the problem eventhough I don't understand the internals.  I
did do another pg_ctl stop/start after upgrade just to see if that would
fix but it didn't.

I just did the following steps, and now no error:

pg_dumpall > file.sql
pg_ctl stop
rm -r /pgdir/*
initdb -D /pgdir/
pg_ctl start -D /pgdir/
psql template1 -f file.sql

logged into db and recreated the function

psql db
create function ds_stats...



Re: ERROR: cache lookup failed for type

Adrian Klaver
On 08/16/2015 09:46 PM, Stuart wrote:
> On 08/17/2015 08:08 AM, Adrian Klaver wrote:
>> So this is what you did when you started with the Alpha 1 database,
>> correct?
>> When you went to Alpha 2 you just installed the new program over the
>> existing Alpha 1, but left the data directory as is and then ran into
>> the error, correct?
>> You then did a dump of the Alpha 1 or other(?) existing database and
>> then a restore into the Alpha 2(the reload above) at which point the
>> error went away, correct?
> Adrian, that is correct. More precisely, the steps taken were the
> following which I now see where I may have potentially introduced the error:
> upgrade from prostgres 9.4.4 to 9.5alpha1
> pg_dumpall > file.sql
> pg_ctl stop
> upgrade postgres 9.5alpha1
> rm -r /pgdir/*
> initdb -D /pgdir/
> pg_ctl start -D /pgdir/
> psql template1 -f file.sql
> upgrade from postgres 9.5alpha1 to 9.5alpha2
> upgrade postgres 9.5alpha1
> pg_ctl stop
> pg_ctl start -D /pgdir/
> Now I see that not stopping the database prior to the upgrade may have
> introduced the problem eventhough I don't understand the internals.  I
> did do another pg_ctl stop/start after upgrade just to see if that would
> fix but it didn't.

Yeah, I would say all bets are off when overwriting a running database.

How are you doing the upgrade, from a package or source?

I now the .deb packages allow for running multiple versions concurrently 
and I believe that yum can work that way also. If building from source 
you can do something like --prefix=/usr/local/pgsql94 in configure to 
separate  versions. Then you just have to change the port in 
postgresql.conf to have multiple versions on a machine. Somewhat less 
dangerous then deleting $DATA.

> I just did the following steps, and now no error:
> pg_dumpall > file.sql
> pg_ctl stop
> rm -r /pgdir/*
> initdb -D /pgdir/
> pg_ctl start -D /pgdir/
> psql template1 -f file.sql
> logged into db and recreated the function
> psql db
> create function ds_stats...
> Thanks,
> Stuart

Adrian Klaver

Re: ERROR: cache lookup failed for type

<p dir="ltr">Adrian, <p dir="ltr">Doing upgrade from source. <p dir="ltr">Thanks, <p dir="ltr">Stuart<div
class="gmail_quote">OnAug 17, 2015 6:11 PM, "Adrian Klaver" <<a
href="mailto:adrian.klaver@aklaver.com">adrian.klaver@aklaver.com</a>>wrote:<br type="attribution" /><blockquote
class="gmail_quote"style="margin:0 0 0 .8ex;border-left:1px #ccc solid;padding-left:1ex">On 08/16/2015 09:46 PM, Stuart
wrote:<br/><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="margin:0 0 0 .8ex;border-left:1px #ccc solid;padding-left:1ex"> On
08/17/201508:08 AM, Adrian Klaver wrote:<br /><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="margin:0 0 0 .8ex;border-left:1px
#cccsolid;padding-left:1ex"> So this is what you did when you started with the Alpha 1 database,<br /> correct?<br
/><br/> When you went to Alpha 2 you just installed the new program over the<br /> existing Alpha 1, but left the data
directoryas is and then ran into<br /> the error, correct?<br /><br /> You then did a dump of the Alpha 1 or other(?)
existingdatabase and<br /> then a restore into the Alpha 2(the reload above) at which point the<br /> error went away,
correct?<br/></blockquote><br /> Adrian, that is correct. More precisely, the steps taken were the<br /> following
whichI now see where I may have potentially introduced the error:<br /><br /> upgrade from prostgres 9.4.4 to
9.5alpha1<br/><br /> pg_dumpall > file.sql<br /> pg_ctl stop<br /> upgrade postgres 9.5alpha1<br /> rm -r
/pgdir/*<br/> initdb -D /pgdir/<br /> pg_ctl start -D /pgdir/<br /> psql template1 -f file.sql<br /><br /><br />
upgradefrom postgres 9.5alpha1 to 9.5alpha2<br /><br /> upgrade postgres 9.5alpha1<br /> pg_ctl stop<br /> pg_ctl start
-D/pgdir/<br /><br /><br /> Now I see that not stopping the database prior to the upgrade may have<br /> introduced the
problemeventhough I don't understand the internals.  I<br /> did do another pg_ctl stop/start after upgrade just to see
ifthat would<br /> fix but it didn't.<br /></blockquote><br /> Yeah, I would say all bets are off when overwriting a
runningdatabase.<br /><br /> How are you doing the upgrade, from a package or source?<br /><br /> I now the .deb
packagesallow for running multiple versions concurrently and I believe that yum can work that way also. If building
fromsource you can do something like --prefix=/usr/local/pgsql94 in configure to separate  versions. Then you just have
tochange the port in postgresql.conf to have multiple versions on a machine. Somewhat less dangerous then deleting
$DATA.<br/><br /><br /><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="margin:0 0 0 .8ex;border-left:1px #ccc
solid;padding-left:1ex"><br/> I just did the following steps, and now no error:<br /><br /> pg_dumpall > file.sql<br
/>pg_ctl stop<br /> rm -r /pgdir/*<br /> initdb -D /pgdir/<br /> pg_ctl start -D /pgdir/<br /> psql template1 -f
file.sql<br/><br /> logged into db and recreated the function<br /><br /> psql db<br /> create function ds_stats...<br
/><br/><br /><br /><br /> Thanks,<br /><br /> Stuart<br /><br /><br /></blockquote><br /><br /> -- <br /> Adrian
Klaver<br/><a href="mailto:adrian.klaver@aklaver.com" target="_blank">adrian.klaver@aklaver.com</a><br