Обсуждение: Re: [HACKERS] PostgreSQL Benchmarks


Re: [HACKERS] PostgreSQL Benchmarks

"Merlin Moncure"
I've tested all the win32 versions of postgres I can get my hands on
(cygwin and not), and my general feeling is that they have problems with
insert performance with fsync() turned on, probably the fault of the os.
Select performance is not so much affected.

This is easily solved with transactions and other such things.  Also
Postgres benefits from pl just like oracle.

May I make a suggestion that maybe it is time to start thinking about
tuning the default config file, IMHO its just a little bit too
conservative, and its hurting you in benchmarks being run by idiots, but
its still bad publicity.  Any real database admin would know his test
are synthetic and not meaningful without having to look at the #s.

This is irritating me so much that I am going to put together a
benchmark of my own, a real world one, on (publicly available) real
world data.  Mysql is a real dog in a lot of situations.  The FCC
publishes a database of wireless transmitters that has tables with 10
million records in it.  I'll pump that into pg, run some benchmarks,
real world queries, and we'll see who the faster database *really* is.
This is just a publicity issue, that's all.  Its still annoying though.

I'll even run an open challenge to database admin to beat query
performance of postgres in such datasets, complex multi table joins,
etc.  I'll even throw out the whole table locking issue and analyze
single user performance.


How much of the performance difference is from the RDBMS, from the
middleware, and from the quality of implementation in the middleware.

While I'm not surprised that the the cygwin version of PostgreSQL is
slow, those results don't tell me anything about the quality of the
middleware interface between PHP and PostgreSQL.  Does anyone know if we
can rule out some of the performance loss by pinning it to bad
middleware implementation for PostgreSQL?


Greg Copeland <greg@copelandconsulting.net>
Copeland Computer Consulting

Changing the default configuration (was Re: [HACKERS] PostgreSQL Benchmarks)

Tom Lane
"Merlin Moncure" <merlin.moncure@rcsonline.com> writes:
> May I make a suggestion that maybe it is time to start thinking about
> tuning the default config file, IMHO its just a little bit too
> conservative,

It's a lot too conservative.  I've been thinking for awhile that we
should adjust the defaults.

The original motivation for setting shared_buffers = 64 was so that
Postgres would start out-of-the-box on machines where SHMMAX is 1 meg
(64 buffers = 1/2 meg, leaving 1/2 meg for our other shared data
structures).  At one time SHMMAX=1M was a pretty common stock kernel
setting.  But our other data structures blew past the 1/2 meg mark
some time ago; at default settings the shmem request is now close to
1.5 meg.  So people with SHMMAX=1M have already got to twiddle their
postgresql.conf settings, or preferably learn how to increase SHMMAX.
That means there is *no* defensible reason anymore for defaulting to
64 buffers.

We could retarget to try to stay under SHMMAX=4M, which I think is
the next boundary that's significant in terms of real-world platforms
(isn't that the default SHMMAX on some BSDen?).  That would allow us
350 or so shared_buffers, which is better, but still not really a
serious choice for production work.

What I would really like to do is set the default shared_buffers to
1000.  That would be 8 meg worth of shared buffer space.  Coupled with
more-realistic settings for FSM size, we'd probably be talking a shared
memory request approaching 16 meg.  This is not enough RAM to bother
any modern machine from a performance standpoint, but there are probably
quite a few platforms out there that would need an increase in their
stock SHMMAX kernel setting before they'd take it.

So what this comes down to is making it harder for people to get
Postgres running for the first time, versus making it more likely that
they'll see decent performance when they do get it running.

It's worth noting that increasing SHMMAX is not nearly as painful as
it was back when these decisions were taken.  Most people have moved
to platforms where it doesn't even take a kernel rebuild, and we've
acquired documentation that tells how to do it on all(?) our supported
platforms.  So I think it might be okay to expect people to do it.

The alternative approach is to leave the settings where they are, and
to try to put more emphasis in the documentation on the fact that the
factory-default settings produce a toy configuration that you *must*
adjust upward for decent performance.  But we've not had a lot of
success spreading that word, I think.  With SHMMMAX too small, you
do at least get a pretty specific error message telling you so.


            regards, tom lane

Re: Changing the default configuration (was Re:

Greg Copeland
On Tue, 2003-02-11 at 10:20, Tom Lane wrote:
> "Merlin Moncure" <merlin.moncure@rcsonline.com> writes:
> > May I make a suggestion that maybe it is time to start thinking about
> > tuning the default config file, IMHO its just a little bit too
> > conservative,
> It's a lot too conservative.  I've been thinking for awhile that we
> should adjust the defaults.
> The original motivation for setting shared_buffers = 64 was so that
> Postgres would start out-of-the-box on machines where SHMMAX is 1 meg
> (64 buffers = 1/2 meg, leaving 1/2 meg for our other shared data
> structures).  At one time SHMMAX=1M was a pretty common stock kernel
> setting.  But our other data structures blew past the 1/2 meg mark
> some time ago; at default settings the shmem request is now close to
> 1.5 meg.  So people with SHMMAX=1M have already got to twiddle their
> postgresql.conf settings, or preferably learn how to increase SHMMAX.
> That means there is *no* defensible reason anymore for defaulting to
> 64 buffers.
> We could retarget to try to stay under SHMMAX=4M, which I think is
> the next boundary that's significant in terms of real-world platforms
> (isn't that the default SHMMAX on some BSDen?).  That would allow us
> 350 or so shared_buffers, which is better, but still not really a
> serious choice for production work.
> What I would really like to do is set the default shared_buffers to
> 1000.  That would be 8 meg worth of shared buffer space.  Coupled with
> more-realistic settings for FSM size, we'd probably be talking a shared
> memory request approaching 16 meg.  This is not enough RAM to bother
> any modern machine from a performance standpoint, but there are probably
> quite a few platforms out there that would need an increase in their
> stock SHMMAX kernel setting before they'd take it.
> So what this comes down to is making it harder for people to get
> Postgres running for the first time, versus making it more likely that
> they'll see decent performance when they do get it running.
> It's worth noting that increasing SHMMAX is not nearly as painful as
> it was back when these decisions were taken.  Most people have moved
> to platforms where it doesn't even take a kernel rebuild, and we've
> acquired documentation that tells how to do it on all(?) our supported
> platforms.  So I think it might be okay to expect people to do it.
> The alternative approach is to leave the settings where they are, and
> to try to put more emphasis in the documentation on the fact that the
> factory-default settings produce a toy configuration that you *must*
> adjust upward for decent performance.  But we've not had a lot of
> success spreading that word, I think.  With SHMMMAX too small, you
> do at least get a pretty specific error message telling you so.
> Comments?

I'd personally rather have people stumble trying to get PostgreSQL
running, up front, rather than allowing the lowest common denominator
more easily run PostgreSQL only to be disappointed with it and move on.

After it's all said and done, I would rather someone simply say, "it's
beyond my skill set", and attempt to get help or walk away.  That seems
better than them being able to run it and say, "it's a dog", spreading
word-of-mouth as such after they left PostgreSQL behind.  Worse yet,
those that do walk away and claim it performs horribly are probably
doing more harm to the PostgreSQL community than expecting someone to be
able to install software ever can.

    "Easy to install but is horribly slow."


    "Took a couple of minutes to configure and it rocks!"

Seems fairly cut-n-dry to me.  ;)


Greg Copeland <greg@copelandconsulting.net>
Copeland Computer Consulting

Re: Changing the default configuration (was Re: [HACKERS] PostgreSQL Benchmarks)

Patrick Welche
On Tue, Feb 11, 2003 at 11:20:14AM -0500, Tom Lane wrote:
> We could retarget to try to stay under SHMMAX=4M, which I think is
> the next boundary that's significant in terms of real-world platforms
> (isn't that the default SHMMAX on some BSDen?).

Assuming 1 page = 4k, and number of pages is correct in GENERIC kernel configs,
SHMMAX=4M for NetBSD (8M for i386, x86_64)



Re: Changing the default configuration (was Re:

Jason Hihn
>    "Easy to install but is horribly slow."
>        or
>    "Took a couple of minutes to configure and it rocks!"

Since when is it easy to install on win32?
The easiest way I know of is through Cygwin, then you have to worry about
installing the IPC service (an getting the right version too!) I've
installed versions 6.1 to 7.1, but I almost gave up on the windows install.
At least in 6.x you had very comprehensive installation guide with a TOC.

Versus the competition which are you going to choose if you're a wanna-be
DBA? The one with all he hoops to jump through, or the one that comes with a

Now I actually am in support of making it more aggressive, but it should
wait until we too have a setup.exe for the native windows port. (Changing it
on *n*x platforms is of little benefit because most benchmarks seem to run
it on w32 anyway :-( )

Just my $.02. I reserve the right to be wrong.

Re: Changing the default configuration (was Re:


Tom Lane wrote:
"Merlin Moncure" <merlin.moncure@rcsonline.com> writes: 
May I make a suggestion that maybe it is time to start thinking about
tuning the default config file, IMHO its just a little bit too
It's a lot too conservative.  I've been thinking for awhile that we
should adjust the defaults.
One of the things I did on my Windows install was to have a number of default configuration files, postgresql.conf.small, postgresql.conf.medium, postgresql.conf.large.

Rather than choose one, in the "initdb" script, ask for or determine the mount of shared memory, memory, etc.

Another pet peeve I have is forcing the configuration files to be in the database directory. We had this argument in 7.1 days, and I submitted a patch that allowed a configuration file to be specified as a command line parameter. One of the things that Oracle does better is separating the "configuration" from the data.

It is an easy patch to allow PostgreSQL to use a separate configuration directory, and specify the data directory within the configuration file (The way any logical application works), and, NO, symlinks are not a solution, they are a kludge.

Re: Changing the default configuration (was Re:

Justin Clift
Tom Lane wrote:
> What I would really like to do is set the default shared_buffers to
> 1000.  That would be 8 meg worth of shared buffer space.  Coupled with
> more-realistic settings for FSM size, we'd probably be talking a shared
> memory request approaching 16 meg.  This is not enough RAM to bother
> any modern machine from a performance standpoint, but there are probably
> quite a few platforms out there that would need an increase in their
> stock SHMMAX kernel setting before they'd take it.

Totally agree with this.  We really, really, really, really need to get
the default to a point where we have _decent_ default performance.

> The alternative approach is to leave the settings where they are, and
> to try to put more emphasis in the documentation on the fact that the
> factory-default settings produce a toy configuration that you *must*
> adjust upward for decent performance.  But we've not had a lot of
> success spreading that word, I think.  With SHMMMAX too small, you
> do at least get a pretty specific error message telling you so.
> Comments?


Here's an *unfortunately very common* scenario, that again
unfortunately, a _seemingly large_ amount of people fall for.

a) Someone decides to "benchmark" database XYZ vs PostgreSQL vs other

b) Said benchmarking person knows very little about PostgreSQL, so they
install the RPM's, packages, or whatever, and "it works".  Then they run
whatever benchmark they've downloaded, or designed, or whatever

c) PostgreSQL, being practically unconfigured, runs at the pace of a
slow, mostly-disabled snail.

d) Said benchmarking person gets better performance from the other
databases (also set to their default settings) and thinks "PostgreSQL
has lots of features, and it's free, but it's Too Slow".

Yes, this kind of testing shouldn't even _pretend_ to have any real
world credibility.

e) Said benchmarking person tells everyone they know, _and_ everyone
they meet about their results.  Some of them even create nice looking or
profesional looking web pages about it.

f) People who know even _less_ than the benchmarking person hear about
the test, or read the result, and don't know any better than to believe
it at face value.  So, they install whatever system was recommended.

g) Over time, the benchmarking person gets the hang of their chosen
database more and writes further articles about it, and doesn't
generally look any further afield than it for say... a couple of years.
  By this time, they've already influenced a couple of thousand people
in the non-optimal direction.

h) Arrgh.  With better defaults, our next release would _appear_ to be a
lot faster to quite a few people, just because they have no idea about

So, as sad as this scenario is, better defaults will probably encourage
a lot more newbies to get involved, and that'll eventually translate
into a lot more experienced users, and a few more coders to assist.  ;-)

Personally I'd be a bunch happier if we set the buffers so high that we
definitely have decent performance, and the people that want to run
PostgreSQL are forced to make the choice of either:

  1) Adjust their system settings to allow PostgreSQL to run properly, or

  2) Manually adjust the PostgreSQL settings to run memory-constrained

This way, PostgreSQL either runs decently, or they are _aware_ that
they're limiting it.  That should cut down on the false benchmarks


Regards and best wishes,

Justin Clift

>             regards, tom lane

"My grandfather once told me that there are two kinds of people: those
who work and those who take the credit. He told me to try to be in the
first group; there was less competition there."
    - Indira Gandhi

Re: Changing the default configuration (was Re: [HACKERS] PostgreSQL Benchmarks)

Steve Crawford
A quick-'n'-dirty first step would be more comments in postgresql.conf. Most
of the lines are commented out which would imply "use the default" but the
default is not shown. (I realize this has the difficulty of defaults that
change depending upon how PostgreSQL was configured/compiled but perhaps
postgresql.conf could be built by the make process based on the configuration

If postgresql.conf were commented with recommendations it would probably be
all I need though perhaps a recommendation to edit that file should be
displayed at the conclusion of "make install".


On Tuesday 11 February 2003 8:20 am, Tom Lane wrote:
> "Merlin Moncure" <merlin.moncure@rcsonline.com> writes:
> > May I make a suggestion that maybe it is time to start thinking about
> > tuning the default config file, IMHO its just a little bit too
> > conservative,
> It's a lot too conservative.  I've been thinking for awhile that we
> should adjust the defaults.
> The original motivation for setting shared_buffers = 64 was so that
> Postgres would start out-of-the-box on machines where SHMMAX is 1 meg
> (64 buffers = 1/2 meg, leaving 1/2 meg for our other shared data
> structures).  At one time SHMMAX=1M was a pretty common stock kernel
> setting.  But our other data structures blew past the 1/2 meg mark
> some time ago; at default settings the shmem request is now close to
> 1.5 meg.  So people with SHMMAX=1M have already got to twiddle their
> postgresql.conf settings, or preferably learn how to increase SHMMAX.
> That means there is *no* defensible reason anymore for defaulting to
> 64 buffers.
> We could retarget to try to stay under SHMMAX=4M, which I think is
> the next boundary that's significant in terms of real-world platforms
> (isn't that the default SHMMAX on some BSDen?).  That would allow us
> 350 or so shared_buffers, which is better, but still not really a
> serious choice for production work.
> What I would really like to do is set the default shared_buffers to
> 1000.  That would be 8 meg worth of shared buffer space.  Coupled with
> more-realistic settings for FSM size, we'd probably be talking a shared
> memory request approaching 16 meg.  This is not enough RAM to bother
> any modern machine from a performance standpoint, but there are probably
> quite a few platforms out there that would need an increase in their
> stock SHMMAX kernel setting before they'd take it.
> So what this comes down to is making it harder for people to get
> Postgres running for the first time, versus making it more likely that
> they'll see decent performance when they do get it running.
> It's worth noting that increasing SHMMAX is not nearly as painful as
> it was back when these decisions were taken.  Most people have moved
> to platforms where it doesn't even take a kernel rebuild, and we've
> acquired documentation that tells how to do it on all(?) our supported
> platforms.  So I think it might be okay to expect people to do it.
> The alternative approach is to leave the settings where they are, and
> to try to put more emphasis in the documentation on the fact that the
> factory-default settings produce a toy configuration that you *must*
> adjust upward for decent performance.  But we've not had a lot of
> success spreading that word, I think.  With SHMMMAX too small, you
> do at least get a pretty specific error message telling you so.
> Comments?
>             regards, tom lane
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 1: subscribe and unsubscribe commands go to majordomo@postgresql.org

Re: [HACKERS] Changing the default configuration (was Re:


Greg Copeland wrote:

>I'd personally rather have people stumble trying to get PostgreSQL
>running, up front, rather than allowing the lowest common denominator
>more easily run PostgreSQL only to be disappointed with it and move on.
>After it's all said and done, I would rather someone simply say, "it's
>beyond my skill set", and attempt to get help or walk away.  That seems
>better than them being able to run it and say, "it's a dog", spreading
>word-of-mouth as such after they left PostgreSQL behind.  Worse yet,
>those that do walk away and claim it performs horribly are probably
>doing more harm to the PostgreSQL community than expecting someone to be
>able to install software ever can.

And that my friends is why PostgreSQL is still relatively obscure.

This attitude sucks. If you want a product to be used, you must put the
effort into making it usable.

It is a no-brainer to make the default configuration file suitable for
the majority of users. It is lunacy to create a default configuration
which provides poor performance for over 90% of the users, but which
allows the lowest common denominator to work.

A product must not perform poorly out of the box, period. A good product
manager would choose one of two possible configurations, (a) a high
speed fairly optimized system from the get-go, or (b) it does not run
unless you create the configuration file. Option (c) out of the box it
works like crap, is not an option.

This is why open source gets such a bad reputation. Outright contempt
for the user who may not know the product as well as those developing
it. This attitude really sucks and it turns people off. We want people
to use PostgreSQL, to do that we must make PostgreSQL usable. Usability
IS important.

Re: Changing the default configuration (was Re: [HACKERS] PostgreSQL Benchmarks)

Tom Lane
Justin Clift <justin@postgresql.org> writes:
> Personally I'd be a bunch happier if we set the buffers so high that we
> definitely have decent performance, and the people that want to run
> PostgreSQL are forced to make the choice of either:
>   1) Adjust their system settings to allow PostgreSQL to run properly, or
>   2) Manually adjust the PostgreSQL settings to run memory-constrained
> This way, PostgreSQL either runs decently, or they are _aware_ that
> they're limiting it.

Yeah, that is the subtext here.  If you can't increase SHMMAX then you
can always trim the postgresql.conf parameters --- but theoretically,
at least, you should then have a clue that you're running a
badly-configured setup ...

            regards, tom lane

Re: Changing the default configuration (was Re:

Josh Berkus
Tom, Justin,

> > What I would really like to do is set the default shared_buffers to
> > 1000.  That would be 8 meg worth of shared buffer space.  Coupled with
> > more-realistic settings for FSM size, we'd probably be talking a shared
> > memory request approaching 16 meg.  This is not enough RAM to bother
> > any modern machine from a performance standpoint, but there are probably
> > quite a few platforms out there that would need an increase in their
> > stock SHMMAX kernel setting before they'd take it.

What if we supplied several sample .conf files, and let the user choose which
to copy into the database directory?   We could have a "high read
performance" profile, and a "transaction database" profile, and a
"workstation" profile, and a "low impact" profile.   We could even supply a
Perl script that would adjust SHMMAX and SHMMALL on platforms where this can
be done from the command line.

Josh Berkus
Aglio Database Solutions
San Francisco

Re: Changing the default configuration (was Re:

Rod Taylor
On Tue, 2003-02-11 at 12:10, Steve Crawford wrote:
> A quick-'n'-dirty first step would be more comments in postgresql.conf. Most

This will not solve the issue with the large number of users who have no
interest in looking at the config file -- but are interested in
publishing their results.

Rod Taylor <rbt@rbt.ca>

PGP Key: http://www.rbt.ca/rbtpub.asc

Re: Changing the default configuration (was Re:

Tom Lane
Josh Berkus <josh@agliodbs.com> writes:
> What if we supplied several sample .conf files, and let the user choose which
> to copy into the database directory?   We could have a "high read
> performance" profile, and a "transaction database" profile, and a
> "workstation" profile, and a "low impact" profile.

Uh ... do we have a basis for recommending any particular sets of
parameters for these different scenarios?  This could be a good idea
in the abstract, but I'm not sure I know enough to fill in the details.

A lower-tech way to accomplish the same result is to document these
alternatives in postgresql.conf comments and encourage people to review
that file, as Steve Crawford just suggested.  But first we need the raw

            regards, tom lane

Re: Changing the default configuration (was Re:

Justin Clift
Josh Berkus wrote:
> Tom, Justin,
> What if we supplied several sample .conf files, and let the user choose which
> to copy into the database directory?   We could have a "high read
> performance" profile, and a "transaction database" profile, and a
> "workstation" profile, and a "low impact" profile.   We could even supply a
> Perl script that would adjust SHMMAX and SHMMALL on platforms where this can
> be done from the command line.

This might have value as the next step in the process of:

a) Are we going to have better defaults?


b) Let's stick with the current approach.

If we decide to go with better (changed) defaults, we may also be able
to figure out a way of having profiles that could optionally be chosen from.

As a longer term thought, it would be nice if the profiles weren't just
hard-coded example files, but more of:

pg_autotune --setprofile=xxx

Or similar utility, and it did all the work.  Named profiles being one
capability, and other tuning measurements (i.e. cpu costings, disk
performance profiles, etc) being the others.

Regards and best wishes,

Justin Clift

"My grandfather once told me that there are two kinds of people: those
who work and those who take the credit. He told me to try to be in the
first group; there was less competition there."
    - Indira Gandhi

Re: Changing the default configuration (was Re:

Justin Clift
Tom Lane wrote:
> Uh ... do we have a basis for recommending any particular sets of
> parameters for these different scenarios?  This could be a good idea
> in the abstract, but I'm not sure I know enough to fill in the details.
> A lower-tech way to accomplish the same result is to document these
> alternatives in postgresql.conf comments and encourage people to review
> that file, as Steve Crawford just suggested.  But first we need the raw
> knowledge.

Without too much hacking around, you could pretty easily adapt the
pg_autotune code to do proper profiles of a system with different settings.

i.e. increment one setting at a time, run pgbench on it with some decent
amount of transactions and users, stuff the results into a different
database.  Aggregate data over time kind of thing.  Let it run for a
week, etc.

If it's helpful, there's a 100% spare Althon 1.6Ghz box around with
(choose your OS) + Adaptec 29160 + 512MB RAM + 2 x 9GB Seagate Cheetah
10k rpm drives hanging around.  No stress to set that up and let it run
any long terms tests you'd like plus send back results.

Regards and best wishes,

Justin Clift

>             regards, tom lane

"My grandfather once told me that there are two kinds of people: those
who work and those who take the credit. He told me to try to be in the
first group; there was less competition there."
    - Indira Gandhi

Re: [HACKERS] Changing the default configuration (was Re:

Greg Copeland
On Tue, 2003-02-11 at 11:23, mlw wrote:
> Greg Copeland wrote:
> >
> >
> >I'd personally rather have people stumble trying to get PostgreSQL
> >running, up front, rather than allowing the lowest common denominator
> >more easily run PostgreSQL only to be disappointed with it and move on.
> >
> >After it's all said and done, I would rather someone simply say, "it's
> >beyond my skill set", and attempt to get help or walk away.  That seems
> >better than them being able to run it and say, "it's a dog", spreading
> >word-of-mouth as such after they left PostgreSQL behind.  Worse yet,
> >those that do walk away and claim it performs horribly are probably
> >doing more harm to the PostgreSQL community than expecting someone to be
> >able to install software ever can.
> >
> <RANT>
> And that my friends is why PostgreSQL is still relatively obscure.
> This attitude sucks. If you want a product to be used, you must put the
> effort into making it usable.


> It is a no-brainer to make the default configuration file suitable for
> the majority of users. It is lunacy to create a default configuration
> which provides poor performance for over 90% of the users, but which
> allows the lowest common denominator to work.

I think you read something into my email which I did not imply.  I'm
certainly not advocating a default configuration file assuming 512M of
share memory or some such insane value.

Basically, you're arguing that they should keep doing exactly what they
are doing.  It's currently known to be causing problems and propagating
the misconception that PostgreSQL is unable to perform under any
circumstance.  I'm arguing that who cares if 5% of the potential user
base has to learn to properly install software.  Either they'll read and
learn, ask for assistance, or walk away.  All of which are better than
Jonny-come-lately offering up a meaningless benchmark which others are
happy to eat with rather large spoons.

> A product must not perform poorly out of the box, period. A good product
> manager would choose one of two possible configurations, (a) a high
> speed fairly optimized system from the get-go, or (b) it does not run
> unless you create the configuration file. Option (c) out of the box it
> works like crap, is not an option.

That's the problem.  Option (c) is what we currently have.  I'm amazed
that you even have a problem with option (a), as that's what I'm
suggesting.  The problem is, potentially for some minority of users, it
may not run out of the box.  As such, I'm more than happy with this
situation than 90% of the user base being stuck with a crappy default

Oddly enough, your option (b) is even worse than what you are ranting at
me about.  Go figure.

> This is why open source gets such a bad reputation. Outright contempt
> for the user who may not know the product as well as those developing
> it. This attitude really sucks and it turns people off. We want people
> to use PostgreSQL, to do that we must make PostgreSQL usable. Usability
> IS important.
> </RANT>

There is no contempt here.  Clearly you've read your own bias into this
thread.  If you go back and re-read my posting, I think it's VERY clear
that it's entirely about usability.


Greg Copeland <greg@copelandconsulting.net>
Copeland Computer Consulting

Re: Changing the default configuration (was Re:

Josh Berkus
Tom, Justin,

> > Uh ... do we have a basis for recommending any particular sets of
> > parameters for these different scenarios?  This could be a good idea
> > in the abstract, but I'm not sure I know enough to fill in the details.

Mostly-Read database, few users, good hardware, complex queries:
    = High shared buffers and sort mem, high geqo and join collapse thresholds,
        moderate fsm settings, defaults for WAL.
Same as above with many users and simple queries (webserver) =
    same as above, except lower sort mem and higher connection limit
High-Transaction Database =
    Moderate shared buffers and sort mem, high FSM settings, increase WAL files
and buffers.
Workstation =
    Moderate to low shared buffers and sort mem, moderate FSM, defaults for WAL,
Low-Impact server = current defaults, more or less.

While none of these settings will be *perfect* for anyone, they will be
considerably better than what's shipping with postgresql.   And, based on my
"Learning Perl" knowledge, I'm pretty sure I could write the program.

All we'd need to do is argue out, on the PERFORMANCE list, what's a good value
for each profile.  That's the tough part.  The Perl script is easy.

> > A lower-tech way to accomplish the same result is to document these
> > alternatives in postgresql.conf comments and encourage people to review
> > that file, as Steve Crawford just suggested.  But first we need the raw
> > knowledge.

That's also not a bad approach ... the CONF file should be more heavily
commented, period, regardless of what approach we take.  I volunteer to work
on this with other participants.

> Without too much hacking around, you could pretty easily adapt the
> pg_autotune code to do proper profiles of a system with different settings.

No offense, Justin, but I don't know anyone else who's gotten your pg_autotune
script to run other than you.  And pg_bench has not been useful performance
measure for any real database server I have worked on so far.

I'd be glad to help improve pg_autotune,  with two caveats:
1) We will still need to figure out the "profiles" above so that we have
decent starting values.
2) I suggest that we do pg_autotune in Perl or Python or another higher-level
language.   This would enable several performance buffs who don't do C to
contribute to it, and a performance-tuning script is a higher-level-language
sort of function, anyway.

Josh Berkus
Aglio Database Solutions
San Francisco

Re: Changing the default configuration (was Re:

Tom Lane
Justin Clift <justin@postgresql.org> writes:
> Tom Lane wrote:
>> Uh ... do we have a basis for recommending any particular sets of
>> parameters for these different scenarios?  This could be a good idea
>> in the abstract, but I'm not sure I know enough to fill in the details.

> Without too much hacking around, you could pretty easily adapt the
> pg_autotune code to do proper profiles of a system with different settings.

> i.e. increment one setting at a time, run pgbench on it with some decent
> amount of transactions and users, stuff the results into a different
> database.

If I thought that pgbench was representative of anything, or even
capable of reliably producing repeatable numbers, then I might subscribe
to results derived this way.  But I have little or no confidence in
pgbench.  Certainly I don't see how you'd use it to produce
recommendations for a range of application scenarios, when it's only
one very narrow scenario itself.

            regards, tom lane

Re: [HACKERS] Changing the default configuration (was Re:

Tom Lane
mlw <pgsql@mohawksoft.com> writes:
> This attitude sucks. If you want a product to be used, you must put the
> effort into making it usable.
> [snip]

AFAICT, you are flaming Greg for recommending the exact same thing you
are recommending.  Please calm down and read again.

            regards, tom lane

Re: [HACKERS] Changing the default configuration (was Re:


After Mark calms down and, in fact, sees that Greg was saying the right thing after all, chagrin is the only word.

I'm sorry.

Greg Copeland wrote:
On Tue, 2003-02-11 at 11:23, mlw wrote: 
Greg Copeland wrote:

I'd personally rather have people stumble trying to get PostgreSQL
running, up front, rather than allowing the lowest common denominator
more easily run PostgreSQL only to be disappointed with it and move on.

After it's all said and done, I would rather someone simply say, "it's
beyond my skill set", and attempt to get help or walk away.  That seems
better than them being able to run it and say, "it's a dog", spreading
word-of-mouth as such after they left PostgreSQL behind.  Worse yet,
those that do walk away and claim it performs horribly are probably
doing more harm to the PostgreSQL community than expecting someone to be
able to install software ever can.

And that my friends is why PostgreSQL is still relatively obscure.

This attitude sucks. If you want a product to be used, you must put the 
effort into making it usable.


It is a no-brainer to make the default configuration file suitable for 
the majority of users. It is lunacy to create a default configuration 
which provides poor performance for over 90% of the users, but which 
allows the lowest common denominator to work.
I think you read something into my email which I did not imply.  I'm
certainly not advocating a default configuration file assuming 512M of
share memory or some such insane value.

Basically, you're arguing that they should keep doing exactly what they
are doing.  It's currently known to be causing problems and propagating
the misconception that PostgreSQL is unable to perform under any
circumstance.  I'm arguing that who cares if 5% of the potential user
base has to learn to properly install software.  Either they'll read and
learn, ask for assistance, or walk away.  All of which are better than
Jonny-come-lately offering up a meaningless benchmark which others are
happy to eat with rather large spoons.

A product must not perform poorly out of the box, period. A good product 
manager would choose one of two possible configurations, (a) a high 
speed fairly optimized system from the get-go, or (b) it does not run 
unless you create the configuration file. Option (c) out of the box it 
works like crap, is not an option.
That's the problem.  Option (c) is what we currently have.  I'm amazed
that you even have a problem with option (a), as that's what I'm
suggesting.  The problem is, potentially for some minority of users, it
may not run out of the box.  As such, I'm more than happy with this
situation than 90% of the user base being stuck with a crappy default

Oddly enough, your option (b) is even worse than what you are ranting at
me about.  Go figure.
This is why open source gets such a bad reputation. Outright contempt 
for the user who may not know the product as well as those developing 
it. This attitude really sucks and it turns people off. We want people 
to use PostgreSQL, to do that we must make PostgreSQL usable. Usability 
IS important.

There is no contempt here.  Clearly you've read your own bias into this
thread.  If you go back and re-read my posting, I think it's VERY clear
that it's entirely about usability.


Re: Changing the default configuration (was Re:

Peter Eisentraut
Tom Lane writes:

> We could retarget to try to stay under SHMMAX=4M, which I think is
> the next boundary that's significant in terms of real-world platforms
> (isn't that the default SHMMAX on some BSDen?).  That would allow us
> 350 or so shared_buffers, which is better, but still not really a
> serious choice for production work.

What is a serious choice for production work?  And what is the ideal
choice?  The answer probably involves some variables, but maybe we should
get values for those variables in each case and work from there.

Peter Eisentraut   peter_e@gmx.net

Re: [HACKERS] Changing the default configuration (was Re:

"Rick Gigger"
> On Tue, 2003-02-11 at 10:20, Tom Lane wrote:
> > "Merlin Moncure" <merlin.moncure@rcsonline.com> writes:
> > > May I make a suggestion that maybe it is time to start thinking about
> > > tuning the default config file, IMHO its just a little bit too
> > > conservative,
> >
> > It's a lot too conservative.  I've been thinking for awhile that we
> > should adjust the defaults.
> >
> > The original motivation for setting shared_buffers = 64 was so that
> > Postgres would start out-of-the-box on machines where SHMMAX is 1 meg
> > (64 buffers = 1/2 meg, leaving 1/2 meg for our other shared data
> > structures).  At one time SHMMAX=1M was a pretty common stock kernel
> > setting.  But our other data structures blew past the 1/2 meg mark
> > some time ago; at default settings the shmem request is now close to
> > 1.5 meg.  So people with SHMMAX=1M have already got to twiddle their
> > postgresql.conf settings, or preferably learn how to increase SHMMAX.
> > That means there is *no* defensible reason anymore for defaulting to
> > 64 buffers.
> >
> > We could retarget to try to stay under SHMMAX=4M, which I think is
> > the next boundary that's significant in terms of real-world platforms
> > (isn't that the default SHMMAX on some BSDen?).  That would allow us
> > 350 or so shared_buffers, which is better, but still not really a
> > serious choice for production work.
> >
> > What I would really like to do is set the default shared_buffers to
> > 1000.  That would be 8 meg worth of shared buffer space.  Coupled with
> > more-realistic settings for FSM size, we'd probably be talking a shared
> > memory request approaching 16 meg.  This is not enough RAM to bother
> > any modern machine from a performance standpoint, but there are probably
> > quite a few platforms out there that would need an increase in their
> > stock SHMMAX kernel setting before they'd take it.
> >
> > So what this comes down to is making it harder for people to get
> > Postgres running for the first time, versus making it more likely that
> > they'll see decent performance when they do get it running.
> >
> > It's worth noting that increasing SHMMAX is not nearly as painful as
> > it was back when these decisions were taken.  Most people have moved
> > to platforms where it doesn't even take a kernel rebuild, and we've
> > acquired documentation that tells how to do it on all(?) our supported
> > platforms.  So I think it might be okay to expect people to do it.
> >
> > The alternative approach is to leave the settings where they are, and
> > to try to put more emphasis in the documentation on the fact that the
> > factory-default settings produce a toy configuration that you *must*
> > adjust upward for decent performance.  But we've not had a lot of
> > success spreading that word, I think.  With SHMMMAX too small, you
> > do at least get a pretty specific error message telling you so.
> >
> > Comments?
> I'd personally rather have people stumble trying to get PostgreSQL
> running, up front, rather than allowing the lowest common denominator
> more easily run PostgreSQL only to be disappointed with it and move on.
> After it's all said and done, I would rather someone simply say, "it's
> beyond my skill set", and attempt to get help or walk away.  That seems
> better than them being able to run it and say, "it's a dog", spreading
> word-of-mouth as such after they left PostgreSQL behind.  Worse yet,
> those that do walk away and claim it performs horribly are probably
> doing more harm to the PostgreSQL community than expecting someone to be
> able to install software ever can.
> Nutshell:
> "Easy to install but is horribly slow."
> or
> "Took a couple of minutes to configure and it rocks!"
> Seems fairly cut-n-dry to me.  ;)

The type of person who can't configure it or doesnt' think to try is
probably not doing a project that requires any serious performance.  As long
as you are running it on decent hardware postgres will run fantastic for
anything but a very heavy load.  I think there may be many people out there
who have little experience but want an RDBMS to manage their data.  Those
people need something very, very easy.  Look at the following that mysql
gets despite how poor of a product it is.  It's very, very easy.  Mysql
works great for many peoples needs but then when they need to do something
real they need to move to a different database entirely.  I think there is a
huge advantage to having a product that can be set up very quickly out of
the box.  Those who need serious performance, hopefully for ther employers
sake, will be more like to take a few minutes to do some quick performance

Rick Gigger

Re: Changing the default configuration (was Re:

Curt Sampson
On Tue, 11 Feb 2003, Tom Lane wrote:

> It's a lot too conservative.  I've been thinking for awhile that we
> should adjust the defaults.

Some of these issues could be made to Just Go Away with some code
changes. For example, using mmap rather than SysV shared memory
would automatically optimize your memory usage, and get rid of the
double-buffering problem as well. If we could find a way to avoid using
semephores proportional to the number of connections we have, then you
wouldn't have to worry about that configuration parameter, either.

In fact, some of this stuff might well improve our portability, too.
For example, mmap is a POSIX standard, whereas shmget is only an X/Open
standard. That makes me suspect that mmap is more widely available on
non-Unix platforms. (But I could be wrong.)

Curt Sampson  <cjs@cynic.net>   +81 90 7737 2974   http://www.netbsd.org
    Don't you know, in this new Dark Age, we're all light.  --XTC

Re: [HACKERS] Changing the default configuration (was Re:

On Tue, 11 Feb 2003, Rick Gigger wrote:

> The type of person who can't configure it or doesnt' think to try is
> probably not doing a project that requires any serious performance.  As long
> as you are running it on decent hardware postgres will run fantastic for
> anything but a very heavy load.  I think there may be many people out there
> who have little experience but want an RDBMS to manage their data.  Those
> people need something very, very easy.  Look at the following that mysql
> gets despite how poor of a product it is.  It's very, very easy.  Mysql
> works great for many peoples needs but then when they need to do something
> real they need to move to a different database entirely.  I think there is a
> huge advantage to having a product that can be set up very quickly out of
> the box.  Those who need serious performance, hopefully for ther employers
> sake, will be more like to take a few minutes to do some quick performance
> tuning.

Very good point.  I'm pushing for changes that will NOT negatively impact
joe beginner on the major platforms (Linux, BSD, Windows) in terms of
install.  I figure anyone installing on big iron already knows enough
about their OS we don't have to worry about shared buffers being too big
for that machine.

So, a compromise of faster performance out of the box, with little or no
negative user impact seems the sweet spot here.

I'm thinking a good knee setting for each one, where not too much memory /
semaphores / file handles get gobbled up, but the database isn't pokey.

The poor performance of Postgresql in it's current default configuration
HAS cost us users, trust me, I know a few we've almost lost where I work
that I converted after some quick tweaking of their database.

In it's stock form Postgresql is very slow at large simple queries, like
'select * from table1 t1 natural join table2 t2 where t1.field='a'; where
you get back something like 10,000 rows.  The real bottleneck here is
sort_mem.  A simple bump up to 8192 or so makes the database much more

If we're looking at changing default settings for 7.4, then we should look
at changing ALL of them that matter, since we'll have the most time to
shake out problems if we do them early, and we won't have four or five
rounds of setting different defaults over time and finding the limitations
of the HOST OSes one at a time.

Re: [HACKERS] Changing the default configuration

Tatsuo Ishii
> If I thought that pgbench was representative of anything, or even
> capable of reliably producing repeatable numbers, then I might subscribe
> to results derived this way.  But I have little or no confidence in
> pgbench.  Certainly I don't see how you'd use it to produce
> recommendations for a range of application scenarios, when it's only
> one very narrow scenario itself.

Sigh. People always complain "pgbench does not reliably producing
repeatable numbers" or something then say "that's because pgbench's
transaction has too much contention on the branches table". So I added
-N option to pgbench which makes pgbench not to do any UPDATE to
the branches table. But still people continue to complian...

There should be many factors that would produce non-repeatable
results exist, for instance kenel buffer, PostgreSQL's buffer manager,
pgbench itself etc. etc... So far it seems no one has ever made clean
explanation why non-repeatable results happen...
Tatsuo Ishii

Re: [HACKERS] Changing the default configuration (was Re:

On Wed, 12 Feb 2003, Curt Sampson wrote:

> On Tue, 11 Feb 2003, Tom Lane wrote:
> > It's a lot too conservative.  I've been thinking for awhile that we
> > should adjust the defaults.
> Some of these issues could be made to Just Go Away with some code
> changes. For example, using mmap rather than SysV shared memory
> would automatically optimize your memory usage, and get rid of the
> double-buffering problem as well. If we could find a way to avoid using
> semephores proportional to the number of connections we have, then you
> wouldn't have to worry about that configuration parameter, either.
> In fact, some of this stuff might well improve our portability, too.
> For example, mmap is a POSIX standard, whereas shmget is only an X/Open
> standard. That makes me suspect that mmap is more widely available on
> non-Unix platforms. (But I could be wrong.)

I'll vote for mmap.  I use the mm libs with apache/openldap/authldap and
it is very fast and pretty common nowadays.  It seems quite stable as

Re: [HACKERS] Changing the default configuration (was Re:

Bruno Wolff III
On Tue, Feb 11, 2003 at 17:42:06 -0700,
  "scott.marlowe" <scott.marlowe@ihs.com> wrote:
> The poor performance of Postgresql in it's current default configuration
> HAS cost us users, trust me, I know a few we've almost lost where I work
> that I converted after some quick tweaking of their database.

About two years ago I talked some people into trying it at work to
use with IMP/Horde which had been having some corruption problems
while using MySQL (though it wasn't necessarily a problem with MySQL).
I told them to be sure to use 7.1. When they tried it out it couldn't
keep up with the load. I asked the guys what they tried and found out
they couldn't find 7.1 rpms and didn't want to compile from source and
so ended up using 7.0.?. Also as far as I could tell from talking to them,
they didn't do any tuning at all. They weren't interested in taking another
look at it after that. We are still using MySQL with that system today.

One of our DBAs is using it for some trial projects (including one for me)
even though we have a site license for Oracle.

Re: [HACKERS] PostgreSQL Benchmarks

"Christopher Kings-Lynne"
Why don't we include a postgresql.conf.recommended along with our
postgresql.conf.sample.  That shouldn't be too hard.  We can just jack up
the shared buffers and wal buffers and everything - it doesn't matter if
it's not perfect, but it will at least give people an idea of what needs to
be increased, etc to get good results.

I'm currently benchmarking our new DB server before we put it into
production.  I plan to publish the results from that shortly.



> -----Original Message-----
> From: pgsql-advocacy-owner@postgresql.org
> [mailto:pgsql-advocacy-owner@postgresql.org]On Behalf Of Merlin Moncure
> Sent: Tuesday, 11 February 2003 11:44 PM
> To: Greg Copeland
> Cc: PostgresSQL Hackers Mailing List; pgsql-advocacy@postgresql.org
> Subject: Re: [pgsql-advocacy] [HACKERS] PostgreSQL Benchmarks
> I've tested all the win32 versions of postgres I can get my hands on
> (cygwin and not), and my general feeling is that they have problems with
> insert performance with fsync() turned on, probably the fault of the os.
> Select performance is not so much affected.
> This is easily solved with transactions and other such things.  Also
> Postgres benefits from pl just like oracle.
> May I make a suggestion that maybe it is time to start thinking about
> tuning the default config file, IMHO its just a little bit too
> conservative, and its hurting you in benchmarks being run by idiots, but
> its still bad publicity.  Any real database admin would know his test
> are synthetic and not meaningful without having to look at the #s.
> This is irritating me so much that I am going to put together a
> benchmark of my own, a real world one, on (publicly available) real
> world data.  Mysql is a real dog in a lot of situations.  The FCC
> publishes a database of wireless transmitters that has tables with 10
> million records in it.  I'll pump that into pg, run some benchmarks,
> real world queries, and we'll see who the faster database *really* is.
> This is just a publicity issue, that's all.  Its still annoying though.
> I'll even run an open challenge to database admin to beat query
> performance of postgres in such datasets, complex multi table joins,
> etc.  I'll even throw out the whole table locking issue and analyze
> single user performance.
> Merlin
> _____________
> How much of the performance difference is from the RDBMS, from the
> middleware, and from the quality of implementation in the middleware.
> While I'm not surprised that the the cygwin version of PostgreSQL is
> slow, those results don't tell me anything about the quality of the
> middleware interface between PHP and PostgreSQL.  Does anyone know if we
> can rule out some of the performance loss by pinning it to bad
> middleware implementation for PostgreSQL?
> Regards,
> --
> Greg Copeland <greg@copelandconsulting.net>
> Copeland Computer Consulting
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?
> http://archives.postgresql.org

Re: [HACKERS] Changing the default configuration (was Re:

"Christopher Kings-Lynne"
> >After it's all said and done, I would rather someone simply say, "it's
> >beyond my skill set", and attempt to get help or walk away.  That seems
> >better than them being able to run it and say, "it's a dog", spreading
> >word-of-mouth as such after they left PostgreSQL behind.  Worse yet,
> >those that do walk away and claim it performs horribly are probably
> >doing more harm to the PostgreSQL community than expecting someone to be
> >able to install software ever can.
> >
> <RANT>
> And that my friends is why PostgreSQL is still relatively obscure.

Dude - I hang out on PHPBuilder's database forums and you wouldn't believe
how often the "oh, don't use Postgres, it has a history of database
corruption problems" thing is mentioned.


Re: [HACKERS] Changing the default configuration (was Re:

Tom Lane
Peter Eisentraut <peter_e@gmx.net> writes:
> Tom Lane writes:
>> We could retarget to try to stay under SHMMAX=4M, which I think is
>> the next boundary that's significant in terms of real-world platforms
>> (isn't that the default SHMMAX on some BSDen?).  That would allow us
>> 350 or so shared_buffers, which is better, but still not really a
>> serious choice for production work.

> What is a serious choice for production work?

Well, as I commented later in that mail, I feel that 1000 buffers is
a reasonable choice --- but I have to admit that I have no hard data
to back up that feeling.  Perhaps we should take this to the
pgsql-perform list and argue about reasonable choices.

A separate line of investigation is "what is the lowest common
denominator nowadays?"  I think we've established that SHMMAX=1M
is obsolete, but what replaces it as the next LCD?  4M seems to be
correct for some BSD flavors, and I can confirm that that's the
current default for Mac OS X --- any other comments?

            regards, tom lane

Re: [HACKERS] Changing the default configuration (was Re:

"Christopher Kings-Lynne"
> >> We could retarget to try to stay under SHMMAX=4M, which I think is
> >> the next boundary that's significant in terms of real-world platforms
> >> (isn't that the default SHMMAX on some BSDen?).  That would allow us
> >> 350 or so shared_buffers, which is better, but still not really a
> >> serious choice for production work.
> > What is a serious choice for production work?
> Well, as I commented later in that mail, I feel that 1000 buffers is
> a reasonable choice --- but I have to admit that I have no hard data
> to back up that feeling.  Perhaps we should take this to the
> pgsql-perform list and argue about reasonable choices.

Damn. Another list I have to subscribe to!

The results I just posted indicate that 1000 buffers is really quite bad
performance comaped to 4000, perhaps up to 100 TPS for selects and 30 TPS
for TPC-B.

Still, that 1000 is in itself vastly better than 64!!


Re: [HACKERS] Changing the default configuration (was Re:

"Christopher Kings-Lynne"
> A separate line of investigation is "what is the lowest common
> denominator nowadays?"  I think we've established that SHMMAX=1M
> is obsolete, but what replaces it as the next LCD?  4M seems to be
> correct for some BSD flavors, and I can confirm that that's the
> current default for Mac OS X --- any other comments?

It's 1025 * 4k pages on FreeBSD = 4MB


Re: [HACKERS] Changing the default configuration (was Re:

Andrew Sullivan
On Tue, Feb 11, 2003 at 05:25:29PM -0700, Rick Gigger wrote:

> The type of person who can't configure it or doesnt' think to try is
> probably not doing a project that requires any serious performance.

I have piles of email, have fielded thousands of phone calls, and
have had many conversations which prove that claim false.  People
think that computers are magic.  That they don't think the machines
require a little bit of attention is nowise an indication that they
don't need the system to come with reasonable defaults.


Andrew Sullivan                         204-4141 Yonge Street
Liberty RMS                           Toronto, Ontario Canada
<andrew@libertyrms.info>                              M2P 2A8
                                         +1 416 646 3304 x110

Re: [HACKERS] Changing the default configuration (was Re:

Rod Taylor
On Wed, 2003-02-12 at 11:39, Andrew Sullivan wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 11, 2003 at 05:25:29PM -0700, Rick Gigger wrote:
> > The type of person who can't configure it or doesnt' think to try is
> > probably not doing a project that requires any serious performance.
> I have piles of email, have fielded thousands of phone calls, and
> have had many conversations which prove that claim false.  People

But IBM told me computers are self healing, so if there is a performance
problem should it just fix itself?

Rod Taylor <rbt@rbt.ca>

PGP Key: http://www.rbt.ca/rbtpub.asc

Re: [HACKERS] Changing the default configuration (was Re:

Peter Eisentraut
Tom Lane writes:

> Well, as I commented later in that mail, I feel that 1000 buffers is
> a reasonable choice --- but I have to admit that I have no hard data
> to back up that feeling.

I know you like it in that range, and 4 or 8 MB of buffers by default
should not be a problem.  But personally I think if the optimal buffer
size does not depend on both the physical RAM you want to dedicate to
PostgreSQL and the nature and size of the database, then we have achieved
a medium revolution in computer science. ;-)

Peter Eisentraut   peter_e@gmx.net

Re: [HACKERS] Changing the default configuration (was Re:

Tom Lane
Peter Eisentraut <peter_e@gmx.net> writes:
> I know you like it in that range, and 4 or 8 MB of buffers by default
> should not be a problem.  But personally I think if the optimal buffer
> size does not depend on both the physical RAM you want to dedicate to
> PostgreSQL and the nature and size of the database, then we have achieved
> a medium revolution in computer science. ;-)

But this is not about "optimal" settings.  This is about "pretty good"
settings.  As long as we can get past the knee of the performance curve,
I think we've done what should be expected of a default parameter set.

I believe that 1000 buffers is enough to get past the knee in most
scenarios.  Again, I haven't got hard evidence, but that's my best

            regards, tom lane

Re: [HACKERS] Changing the default configuration (was Re:

Bruce Momjian
Peter Eisentraut wrote:
> Tom Lane writes:
> > Well, as I commented later in that mail, I feel that 1000 buffers is
> > a reasonable choice --- but I have to admit that I have no hard data
> > to back up that feeling.
> I know you like it in that range, and 4 or 8 MB of buffers by default
> should not be a problem.  But personally I think if the optimal buffer
> size does not depend on both the physical RAM you want to dedicate to
> PostgreSQL and the nature and size of the database, then we have achieved
> a medium revolution in computer science. ;-)

I have thought about this and I have an idea.  Basically, increasing the
default values may get us closer, but it will discourage some to tweek,
and it will cause problems with some OS's that have small SysV params.

So, my idea is to add a message at the end of initdb that states people
should run the pgtune script before running a production server.

The pgtune script will basically allow us to query the user, test the OS
version and perhaps parameters, and modify postgresql.conf with
reasonable values.  I think this is the only way to cleanly get folks
close to where they should be.

For example, we can ask them how many rows and tables they will be
changing, on average, between VACUUM runs.  That will allow us set the
FSM params.  We can ask them about using 25% of their RAM for shared
buffers.  If they have other major apps running on the server or have
small tables, we can make no changes.  We can basically ask them
questions and use that info to set values.

We can even ask about sort usage maybe and set sort memory.  We can even
control checkpoint_segments this way if they say they will have high
database write activity and don't worry about disk space usage.  We may
even be able to compute some random page cost estimate.

Seems a script is going to be the best way to test values and assist
folks in making reasonable decisions about each parameter.  Of course,
they can still edit the file, and we can ask them if they want
assistance to set each parameter or leave it alone.

I would restrict the script to only deal with tuning values, and tell
people they still need to review that file for other useful parameters.

Another option would be to make a big checklist or web page that asks
such questions and computes proper values, but it seems a script would
be easiest.  We can even support '?' which would explain why the
question is being ask and how it affects the value.

  Bruce Momjian                        |  http://candle.pha.pa.us
  pgman@candle.pha.pa.us               |  (610) 359-1001
  +  If your life is a hard drive,     |  13 Roberts Road
  +  Christ can be your backup.        |  Newtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073

Re: [HACKERS] Changing the default configuration

Daniel Kalchev
>>>Bruce Momjian said:
 > For example, we can ask them how many rows and tables they will be
 > changing, on average, between VACUUM runs.  That will allow us set the
 > FSM params.  We can ask them about using 25% of their RAM for shared
 > buffers.  If they have other major apps running on the server or have
 > small tables, we can make no changes.  We can basically ask them
 > questions and use that info to set values.

Bruce, this is an very good idea and such tool would simplify setup for the
me-too type of DBA - we should definitely try to attract them.

However, how could one possibly answer the above question, if they setup their
database for the first time?

What is more, these settings are on a per-installation, not per-database -
which means, that if you have several small, but active databases and one
large database the requirements will be very different.

Nobody likes answering such questions when installing new software. You might
enjoy it the first few times, but then learn the 'answers' and don't even
think what the question is. (we all know the answer :)

Perhaps indeed a better idea is to have PostgreSQL itself collect usage
statistics, and from time to time print 'suggestions' to the log file (best in
my opinion), or have these available via some query. These suggestions should
best reflect the of course require minimal intervention to the database
system, such as restart etc.


Re: [HACKERS] Changing the default configuration (was Re:

Tom Lane
Bruce Momjian <pgman@candle.pha.pa.us> writes:
> So, my idea is to add a message at the end of initdb that states people
> should run the pgtune script before running a production server.

Do people read what initdb has to say?

IIRC, the RPM install scripts hide initdb's output from the user
entirely.  I wouldn't put much faith in such a message as having any
real effect on people...

            regards, tom lane

Re: [HACKERS] Changing the default configuration (was Re:

Bruce Momjian
Tom Lane wrote:
> Bruce Momjian <pgman@candle.pha.pa.us> writes:
> > So, my idea is to add a message at the end of initdb that states people
> > should run the pgtune script before running a production server.
> Do people read what initdb has to say?
> IIRC, the RPM install scripts hide initdb's output from the user
> entirely.  I wouldn't put much faith in such a message as having any
> real effect on people...

Yes, that is a problem.  We could show something in the server logs if
pg_tune hasn't been run.  Not sure what else we can do, but it would
give folks a one-stop thing to run to deal with performance

We could prevent the postmaster from starting unless they run pg_tune or
if they have modified postgresql.conf from the default.  Of course,
that's pretty drastic.

  Bruce Momjian                        |  http://candle.pha.pa.us
  pgman@candle.pha.pa.us               |  (610) 359-1001
  +  If your life is a hard drive,     |  13 Roberts Road
  +  Christ can be your backup.        |  Newtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073

Re: [HACKERS] Changing the default configuration

Bruce Momjian
I imagined they could run pgtune anytime after install to update those
performance parameters.  It gives them a one-stop location to at least
do minimal tuning, and as their load changes, they can run it again.


Daniel Kalchev wrote:
> >>>Bruce Momjian said:
> [...]
>  > For example, we can ask them how many rows and tables they will be
>  > changing, on average, between VACUUM runs.  That will allow us set the
>  > FSM params.  We can ask them about using 25% of their RAM for shared
>  > buffers.  If they have other major apps running on the server or have
>  > small tables, we can make no changes.  We can basically ask them
>  > questions and use that info to set values.
> Bruce, this is an very good idea and such tool would simplify setup for the
> me-too type of DBA - we should definitely try to attract them.
> However, how could one possibly answer the above question, if they setup their
> database for the first time?
> What is more, these settings are on a per-installation, not per-database -
> which means, that if you have several small, but active databases and one
> large database the requirements will be very different.
> Nobody likes answering such questions when installing new software. You might
> enjoy it the first few times, but then learn the 'answers' and don't even
> think what the question is. (we all know the answer :)
> Perhaps indeed a better idea is to have PostgreSQL itself collect usage
> statistics, and from time to time print 'suggestions' to the log file (best in
> my opinion), or have these available via some query. These suggestions should
> best reflect the of course require minimal intervention to the database
> system, such as restart etc.
> Daniel
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?
> http://archives.postgresql.org

  Bruce Momjian                        |  http://candle.pha.pa.us
  pgman@candle.pha.pa.us               |  (610) 359-1001
  +  If your life is a hard drive,     |  13 Roberts Road
  +  Christ can be your backup.        |  Newtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073

Re: [HACKERS] Changing the default configuration

Jason Hihn
Pardon my ignorance, but there's no way to auto-tune? Ship it with a thread
that gathers statistics and periodically re-tunes the database parameters.
Of course, be able to turn it off. People that actually take the time to run
tune manually will turn it off as to not have the overhead or interruption.
Those that don't care about pg_tune shouldn't care about having a thread
around retuning. Those that will care will tune manually.

-----Original Message-----
From: pgsql-advocacy-owner@postgresql.org
[mailto:pgsql-advocacy-owner@postgresql.org]On Behalf Of Bruce Momjian
Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2003 2:22 PM
To: Daniel Kalchev
Cc: PostgresSQL Hackers Mailing List; pgsql-advocacy@postgresql.org
Subject: Re: [pgsql-advocacy] [HACKERS] Changing the default

I imagined they could run pgtune anytime after install to update those
performance parameters.  It gives them a one-stop location to at least
do minimal tuning, and as their load changes, they can run it again.


Daniel Kalchev wrote:
> >>>Bruce Momjian said:
> [...]
>  > For example, we can ask them how many rows and tables they will be
>  > changing, on average, between VACUUM runs.  That will allow us set the
>  > FSM params.  We can ask them about using 25% of their RAM for shared
>  > buffers.  If they have other major apps running on the server or have
>  > small tables, we can make no changes.  We can basically ask them
>  > questions and use that info to set values.
> Bruce, this is an very good idea and such tool would simplify setup for
> me-too type of DBA - we should definitely try to attract them.
> However, how could one possibly answer the above question, if they setup
> database for the first time?
> What is more, these settings are on a per-installation, not per-database -
> which means, that if you have several small, but active databases and one
> large database the requirements will be very different.
> Nobody likes answering such questions when installing new software. You
> enjoy it the first few times, but then learn the 'answers' and don't even
> think what the question is. (we all know the answer :)
> Perhaps indeed a better idea is to have PostgreSQL itself collect usage
> statistics, and from time to time print 'suggestions' to the log file
(best in
> my opinion), or have these available via some query. These suggestions
> best reflect the of course require minimal intervention to the database
> system, such as restart etc.
> Daniel
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?
> http://archives.postgresql.org

  Bruce Momjian                        |  http://candle.pha.pa.us
  pgman@candle.pha.pa.us               |  (610) 359-1001
  +  If your life is a hard drive,     |  13 Roberts Road
  +  Christ can be your backup.        |  Newtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [HACKERS] Changing the default configuration

Bruce Momjian
To auto-tune, you would need to monitor swap usage and other stuff that
may vary too much based on load from other systems.  Only the admin
knows how to answer some of those questions.


Jason Hihn wrote:
> Pardon my ignorance, but there's no way to auto-tune? Ship it with a thread
> that gathers statistics and periodically re-tunes the database parameters.
> Of course, be able to turn it off. People that actually take the time to run
> tune manually will turn it off as to not have the overhead or interruption.
> Those that don't care about pg_tune shouldn't care about having a thread
> around retuning. Those that will care will tune manually.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: pgsql-advocacy-owner@postgresql.org
> [mailto:pgsql-advocacy-owner@postgresql.org]On Behalf Of Bruce Momjian
> Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2003 2:22 PM
> To: Daniel Kalchev
> Cc: PostgresSQL Hackers Mailing List; pgsql-advocacy@postgresql.org
> Subject: Re: [pgsql-advocacy] [HACKERS] Changing the default
> configuration
> I imagined they could run pgtune anytime after install to update those
> performance parameters.  It gives them a one-stop location to at least
> do minimal tuning, and as their load changes, they can run it again.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Daniel Kalchev wrote:
> > >>>Bruce Momjian said:
> > [...]
> >  > For example, we can ask them how many rows and tables they will be
> >  > changing, on average, between VACUUM runs.  That will allow us set the
> >  > FSM params.  We can ask them about using 25% of their RAM for shared
> >  > buffers.  If they have other major apps running on the server or have
> >  > small tables, we can make no changes.  We can basically ask them
> >  > questions and use that info to set values.
> >
> > Bruce, this is an very good idea and such tool would simplify setup for
> the
> > me-too type of DBA - we should definitely try to attract them.
> >
> > However, how could one possibly answer the above question, if they setup
> their
> > database for the first time?
> >
> > What is more, these settings are on a per-installation, not per-database -
> > which means, that if you have several small, but active databases and one
> > large database the requirements will be very different.
> >
> > Nobody likes answering such questions when installing new software. You
> might
> > enjoy it the first few times, but then learn the 'answers' and don't even
> > think what the question is. (we all know the answer :)
> >
> > Perhaps indeed a better idea is to have PostgreSQL itself collect usage
> > statistics, and from time to time print 'suggestions' to the log file
> (best in
> > my opinion), or have these available via some query. These suggestions
> should
> > best reflect the of course require minimal intervention to the database
> > system, such as restart etc.
> >
> >
> > Daniel
> >
> >
> >
> > ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> > TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?
> >
> > http://archives.postgresql.org
> >
> --
>   Bruce Momjian                        |  http://candle.pha.pa.us
>   pgman@candle.pha.pa.us               |  (610) 359-1001
>   +  If your life is a hard drive,     |  13 Roberts Road
>   +  Christ can be your backup.        |  Newtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

  Bruce Momjian                        |  http://candle.pha.pa.us
  pgman@candle.pha.pa.us               |  (610) 359-1001
  +  If your life is a hard drive,     |  13 Roberts Road
  +  Christ can be your backup.        |  Newtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073

Re: Changing the default configuration (was Re:

Kevin Brown
Josh Berkus wrote:
> > > Uh ... do we have a basis for recommending any particular sets of
> > > parameters for these different scenarios?  This could be a good idea
> > > in the abstract, but I'm not sure I know enough to fill in the details.
> Sure.
> Mostly-Read database, few users, good hardware, complex queries:
>     = High shared buffers and sort mem, high geqo and join collapse thresholds,
>         moderate fsm settings, defaults for WAL.
> Same as above with many users and simple queries (webserver) =
>     same as above, except lower sort mem and higher connection limit
> High-Transaction Database =
>     Moderate shared buffers and sort mem, high FSM settings, increase WAL files
> and buffers.
> Workstation =
>     Moderate to low shared buffers and sort mem, moderate FSM, defaults for WAL,
> etc.
> Low-Impact server = current defaults, more or less.

Okay, but there should probably be one more, called "Benchmark".  The
real problem is what values to use for it.  :-)

Kevin Brown                          kevin@sysexperts.com

Re: [HACKERS] Changing the default configuration

Josh Berkus

> Sigh. People always complain "pgbench does not reliably producing
> repeatable numbers" or something then say "that's because pgbench's
> transaction has too much contention on the branches table". So I added
> -N option to pgbench which makes pgbench not to do any UPDATE to
> the branches table. But still people continue to complian...

Hey, pg_bench is a good start on a Postgres performance tester, and it's much,
much better than what there was before you came along ... which was nothing.
Thank you again for contributing it.

pg_bench is, however, only  a start on a performance tester, and we'd need to
build it up before we could use it as the basis of a PG tuner.

Josh Berkus
Aglio Database Solutions
San Francisco

Re: [HACKERS] Changing the default configuration

Josh Berkus

How about we take this discussion to the Performance List, where it belongs?

Josh Berkus
Aglio Database Solutions
San Francisco

Re: [HACKERS] Changing the default configuration (was Re:

Kevin Brown
Bruce Momjian wrote:
> We could prevent the postmaster from starting unless they run pg_tune or
> if they have modified postgresql.conf from the default.  Of course,
> that's pretty drastic.

If you're going to do that, then you may as well make the defaults
something that will perform reasonably well under the widest
circumstances possible and let the postmaster fail when it can't
acquire the resources those defaults demand.

What I'd do is go ahead and make the defaults something reasonable,
and if the postmaster can't allocate, say, enough shared memory pages,
then it should issue an error message saying not only that it wasn't
able to allocate enough shared memory, but also which parameter to
change and (if it's not too much trouble to implement) what it can be
changed to in order to get past that part of the initialization (this
means that the postmaster has to figure out how much shared memory it
can actually allocate, via a binary search allocate/free method).  It
should also warn that by lowering the value, the resulting performance
may be much less than satisfactory, and that the alternative (to
increase SHMMAX, in this example) should be used if good performance
is desired.

That way, someone whose only concern is to make it work will be able
to do so without having to do a lot of experimentation, and will get
plenty of warning that the result isn't likely to work very well.

And we end up getting better benchmarks in the cases where people
don't have to touch the default config.  :-)

Kevin Brown                          kevin@sysexperts.com

Re: [HACKERS] Changing the default configuration

Daniel Kalchev
>>>Bruce Momjian said:
 > I imagined they could run pgtune anytime after install to update those
 > performance parameters.  It gives them a one-stop location to at least
 > do minimal tuning, and as their load changes, they can run it again.

True, but to make reasonably good choice, they will need to base the parameter
selection on some statistics data. Not many people do trough testing before
tuning their system and in many cases, the tests one do rarely resemble the
real-world usage of their database(s).

I agree that pgtune would be wonderful tool in this case, but they first need
to get some idea what parameters should be given to it.

This process if further complicated by the fact that we can tune PostgreSQL on
a per-installation basis, instead of on per-database basis - many of the
parameters, for example FSM and sort memory are database related. We usually
split data into databases to put related data together or data with similar
usage pattern etc.


Re: [HACKERS] Changing the default configuration

Daniel Kalchev
>>>Jason Hihn said:
 > Pardon my ignorance, but there's no way to auto-tune? Ship it with a thread
 > that gathers statistics and periodically re-tunes the database parameters.
 > Of course, be able to turn it off. People that actually take the time to run
 > tune manually will turn it off as to not have the overhead or interruption.
 > Those that don't care about pg_tune shouldn't care about having a thread
 > around retuning. Those that will care will tune manually.

This is related to my proposition, but trouble is, there is not such thing as
'well tuned database' that will suit all queries. You can tune the database to
the hardware for example (still remember that old argument on random access
and fast disks).

It seems the system could 'self-tune' itself on minor choices. I believe it
does this today for a number of things already. More significant changes
require the DBA consent and choice - but they need to be well informed of the
current usage statistics when making the choice.


Re: [HACKERS] Changing the default configuration

Daniel Kalchev
>>>Josh Berkus said:
 > How about we take this discussion to the Performance List, where it belongs?

I believe the design and addition of code that collects and outputs the usage patterns of the database (statistics)

If we take the approach to providing information to tune PostgreSQL based on real-world usage, I guess we need at least

- Usage statistics on a per-database or even per-table level. I believe we already collect some;
- Statistics analysis tool/routine/process to produce suggestions;
- Of course lots of real-world data to justify the suggestions;

- Can we provide more knobs for tunable parameters that can be applied on a per-database or even per-table level. One
firstcandidate might be the FSM? 
- Can some of these parameters (when available) to auto-tune?

Of course, this could move out of pgsql-hackers :)


Re: [HACKERS] Changing the default configuration

Robert Treat
On Fri, 2003-02-14 at 03:00, Daniel Kalchev wrote:
> >>>Jason Hihn said:
>  > Pardon my ignorance, but there's no way to auto-tune? Ship it with a thread
>  > that gathers statistics and periodically re-tunes the database parameters.
>  > Of course, be able to turn it off. People that actually take the time to run
>  > tune manually will turn it off as to not have the overhead or interruption.
>  > Those that don't care about pg_tune shouldn't care about having a thread
>  > around retuning. Those that will care will tune manually.
> This is related to my proposition, but trouble is, there is not such thing as
> 'well tuned database' that will suit all queries. You can tune the database to
> the hardware for example (still remember that old argument on random access
> and fast disks).
> It seems the system could 'self-tune' itself on minor choices. I believe it
> does this today for a number of things already. More significant changes
> require the DBA consent and choice - but they need to be well informed of the
> current usage statistics when making the choice.

I agree. Given that we don't have solid explanations on telling people
how to tune the different parameters, nor do we have enough mechanisms
for actually giving people the information they need to determine the
changes they need, a complete auto-tune seems premature.

Robert Treat

Re: [HACKERS] Changing the default configuration

Curt Sampson
On Thu, 13 Feb 2003, Bruce Momjian wrote:

> To auto-tune, you would need to monitor swap usage and other stuff that
> may vary too much based on load from other systems.  Only the admin
> knows how to answer some of those questions.

No, to "auto-tune" many parameters that currently require manual
configuration, you merely need to change things so that you work with
the OS, rather than beside it.

There are a lot of things we could mmap that would remove the need for
tuning certain things altogether. The buffer cache is the biggest one;
mmaping that would let the OS take care of it all, and a few hundred KB
of shared memory would be all postgres would need. (Or none at all, if
you used mmap'd memory regions where for that part of your IPC as well.)

You could probably also make sort_mem need a lot less tuning if you
sorted in mmap'd memory and let the OS deal with paging only when and
if it needed it (as well as asking the OS not to page memory you're
randomly accessing, since it really destroys your peformance when you do

I'm not sure if you could get rid of semaphores or not, but if you
could somehow do that, that would be another limited resource that you
wouldn't have to deal with.

Curt Sampson  <cjs@cynic.net>   +81 90 7737 2974   http://www.netbsd.org
    Don't you know, in this new Dark Age, we're all light.  --XTC

Re: [HACKERS] Changing the default configuration (was Re:

Bruce Momjian
People seemed to like the idea:

    Add a script to ask system configuration questions and tune


Bruce Momjian wrote:
> Peter Eisentraut wrote:
> > Tom Lane writes:
> >
> > > Well, as I commented later in that mail, I feel that 1000 buffers is
> > > a reasonable choice --- but I have to admit that I have no hard data
> > > to back up that feeling.
> >
> > I know you like it in that range, and 4 or 8 MB of buffers by default
> > should not be a problem.  But personally I think if the optimal buffer
> > size does not depend on both the physical RAM you want to dedicate to
> > PostgreSQL and the nature and size of the database, then we have achieved
> > a medium revolution in computer science. ;-)
> I have thought about this and I have an idea.  Basically, increasing the
> default values may get us closer, but it will discourage some to tweek,
> and it will cause problems with some OS's that have small SysV params.
> So, my idea is to add a message at the end of initdb that states people
> should run the pgtune script before running a production server.
> The pgtune script will basically allow us to query the user, test the OS
> version and perhaps parameters, and modify postgresql.conf with
> reasonable values.  I think this is the only way to cleanly get folks
> close to where they should be.
> For example, we can ask them how many rows and tables they will be
> changing, on average, between VACUUM runs.  That will allow us set the
> FSM params.  We can ask them about using 25% of their RAM for shared
> buffers.  If they have other major apps running on the server or have
> small tables, we can make no changes.  We can basically ask them
> questions and use that info to set values.
> We can even ask about sort usage maybe and set sort memory.  We can even
> control checkpoint_segments this way if they say they will have high
> database write activity and don't worry about disk space usage.  We may
> even be able to compute some random page cost estimate.
> Seems a script is going to be the best way to test values and assist
> folks in making reasonable decisions about each parameter.  Of course,
> they can still edit the file, and we can ask them if they want
> assistance to set each parameter or leave it alone.
> I would restrict the script to only deal with tuning values, and tell
> people they still need to review that file for other useful parameters.
> Another option would be to make a big checklist or web page that asks
> such questions and computes proper values, but it seems a script would
> be easiest.  We can even support '?' which would explain why the
> question is being ask and how it affects the value.
> --
>   Bruce Momjian                        |  http://candle.pha.pa.us
>   pgman@candle.pha.pa.us               |  (610) 359-1001
>   +  If your life is a hard drive,     |  13 Roberts Road
>   +  Christ can be your backup.        |  Newtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 1: subscribe and unsubscribe commands go to majordomo@postgresql.org

  Bruce Momjian                        |  http://candle.pha.pa.us
  pgman@candle.pha.pa.us               |  (610) 359-1001
  +  If your life is a hard drive,     |  13 Roberts Road
  +  Christ can be your backup.        |  Newtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073

Re: [HACKERS] Changing the default configuration

"Matthew T. O'Connor"
On Tue, 2003-02-11 at 20:10, Tatsuo Ishii wrote:
> Sigh. People always complain "pgbench does not reliably producing
> repeatable numbers" or something then say "that's because pgbench's
> transaction has too much contention on the branches table". So I added
> -N option to pgbench which makes pgbench not to do any UPDATE to
> the branches table. But still people continue to complian...

What exactly does the -N option do?  I see no mention of it in the
README.pgbench, which might be part of reason people "continue to