Обсуждение: non consistent? mixed version setup of binaries


non consistent? mixed version setup of binaries

Wim Bertels

using the apt.postgresql.org repo on debian stable, with versions 8.4 to
9.3 installed,
my psql version reports as 9.3
while my pg_dump version reports as 9.1

ROOT@server:/var/lib/postgresql# psql --version
psql (PostgreSQL) 9.3.0
ROOT@server:/var/lib/postgresql# pg_dump --version
pg_dump (PostgreSQL) 9.1.9
ROOT@server:/var/lib/postgresql# which pg_dump
ROOT@server:/var/lib/postgresql# ll /usr/bin/pg_dump
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 37 sep  9 14:34 /usr/bin/pg_dump
-> ../share/postgresql-common/pg_wrapper
ROOT@server:/var/lib/postgresql# ls /usr/lib/postgresql/9.1/bin/pg_dump

so a standard pg_dump on a 9.3 database will fail,
while a standard psql command will succeed;
which seems inconsistent

(the workarounc solution is in the case to use the full path to call the


Re: non consistent? mixed version setup of binaries

Christoph Berg
Re: Wim Bertels 2013-10-06 <1381053296.4771.15.camel@zwerfkat>
> Hallo,
> using the apt.postgresql.org repo on debian stable, with versions 8.4 to
> 9.3 installed,
> my psql version reports as 9.3
> while my pg_dump version reports as 9.1
> eg:
> ROOT@server:/var/lib/postgresql# psql --version
> psql (PostgreSQL) 9.3.0
> ROOT@server:/var/lib/postgresql# pg_dump --version
> pg_dump (PostgreSQL) 9.1.9

Hi Wim,

this is expected. pg_wrapper will always redirect psql to the latest
version installed because it's downwards compatible, while directing
all other wrapped commands to the cluster you have selected.

9.1 seems to be the one on port 5432, so that's your default.

> so a standard pg_dump on a 9.3 database will fail,
> while a standard psql command will succeed;
> which seems inconsistent
> (the workarounc solution is in the case to use the full path to call the
> command)

You should be using pg_dump --cluster 9.3/main .

cb@df7cb.de | http://www.df7cb.de/

Re: non consistent? mixed version setup of binaries

Wim Bertels
> You should be using pg_dump --cluster 9.3/main .

Hallo Christoph,

tnx for the reply,
i used the -p option to connect to the right cluster
and then the default version of pg_dump get's choosen,
instead of the version of the cluster u are connecting to.

# pg_dump -p 51234 tempdb
pg_dump: server version: 9.3.0; pg_dump version: 9.1.9
pg_dump: aborting because of server version mismatch

so i checked the man pages again,
and there is no reference of the
'--cluster' option
in either the man pages (or --help option) of pg_dump or psql (debian
stable with apt.postgresql.org additional repo);
this option should be added to the man page in my opinion


> Christoph

Re: non consistent? mixed version setup of binaries

Christoph Berg
Re: Wim Bertels 2013-10-08 <1381220342.4535.13.camel@zwerfkat>
> tnx for the reply,
> i used the -p option to connect to the right cluster
> and then the default version of pg_dump get's choosen,
> instead of the version of the cluster u are connecting to.

pg_wrapper should also evaluate -p, yes. We just haven't implemented
that yet.

> so i checked the man pages again,
> and there is no reference of the
> '--cluster' option
> in either the man pages (or --help option) of pg_dump or psql (debian
> stable with apt.postgresql.org additional repo);
> this option should be added to the man page in my opinion

man pg_wrapper - admittedly that's a bit opaque to new users.

cb@df7cb.de | http://www.df7cb.de/

Re: non consistent? mixed version setup of binaries

Wim Bertels
> man pg_wrapper - admittedly that's a bit opaque to new users.

ive been using postgresql for more than 8 years now,
so i guess it's not just confusing for new users,

a quick solution  would be to add a reference to pg_wrapper in the man
pages of psql and pg_dump and probably others


> Christoph