Обсуждение: 7.3.4 on Linux: UPDATE .. foo=foo+1 degrades massivly over time


7.3.4 on Linux: UPDATE .. foo=foo+1 degrades massivly over time

Philipp Buehler

postgresql 7.3.4 on Debian or the redhat packaged 7.3.4-8 on RHEL AS3 -
same issue, so I somewhat cut out RH is playing things on me.
Tested on two different PCs, too (say, one debian, one RHEL).

While running
UPDATE banner SET counterhalf=counterhalf+1 WHERE BannerID=50
several thousand times, the return times degrade (somewhat linear).
The relation banner has currently *seven* rows and thus it doesnt matter
(and i checked :>) if counterhalf is indexed, or not.

A following VACCUM brings back return times to 'start' - but I cannot
run VACUUM any other minute (?). And it exactly vaccums as many tuples
as I updated.. sure thing:
INFO:  Removed 5000 tuples in 95 pages.
        CPU 0.00s/0.00u sec elapsed 0.00 sec.
INFO:  Pages 95: Changed 1, Empty 0; Tup 7: Vac 5000, Keep 0, UnUsed 3.
        Total CPU 0.01s/0.03u sec elapsed 0.04 sec.

What I cant explain is the query statistics output:
'In the beginning':
DEBUG:  StartTransactionCommand
LOG:  query: UPDATE banner SET counterhalf=counterhalf+1 WHERE BannerID=50
DEBUG:  ProcessQuery
DEBUG:  CommitTransactionCommand
! system usage stats:
!       0.001110 elapsed 0.000000 user 0.000000 system sec
!       [0.940000 user 0.080000 sys total]
!       0/0 [0/0] filesystem blocks in/out
!       0/0 [437/192] page faults/reclaims, 0 [0] swaps
!       0 [0] signals rcvd, 0/0 [0/0] messages rcvd/sent
!       0/0 [0/0] voluntary/involuntary context switches
! buffer usage stats:
!       Shared blocks:          0 read,          0 written, buffer hit rate = 100.00
!       Local  blocks:          0 read,          0 written, buffer hit rate = 0.00%
!       Direct blocks:          0 read,          0 written

After 5000 updates:
DEBUG:  StartTransactionCommand
LOG:  query: UPDATE banner SET counterhalf=counterhalf+1 WHERE BannerID=50
DEBUG:  ProcessQuery
DEBUG:  CommitTransactionCommand
! system usage stats:
!       0.002503 elapsed 0.000000 user 0.000000 system sec
!       [8.400000 user 0.740000 sys total]
!       0/0 [0/0] filesystem blocks in/out
!       0/0 [711/192] page faults/reclaims, 0 [0] swaps
!       0 [0] signals rcvd, 0/0 [0/0] messages rcvd/sent
!       0/0 [0/0] voluntary/involuntary context switches
! buffer usage stats:
!       Shared blocks:          0 read,          0 written, buffer hit rate = 100.00%
!       Local  blocks:          0 read,          0 written, buffer hit rate = 0.00%
!       Direct blocks:          0 read,          0 written

I checked all 5000 entries, and (obviously?) never touches the filesystem.
Where I stumble is that it keeps down with 'elapsed' time, but the user/sys
times grow linear (which is corresponding to wallclock).

The effect is the same (only in other ranges) with a default or "tuned"
postgresql.conf and either on debian or the RHEL machine.

I dont know where to go now. I was reading the whole changelog/history from
7.3.4 up to 7.4.2 and only found 'auto vacuum' - which might be a deal, yet
it needs permanent statistics (really?) and thus would eat response time
on the other hand then.

And for the very record I tried this on a mysql4.0.18 where the return time
is in general faster (dont care), but it also doesnt degrade over even 50.000
updates (do care here >:).

Next thing is profiling postgres to see, where it loses the time, but
maybe someone already can point me at something.

Any pointer is appreciated.. link to an archived mail (search on archives is
quite slow, too? :) ), pointer to some "hidden" doc I might have missed or
a different SQL possibility to count banner-views in pgsql.

Thanks for any consideration,
Philipp Buehler, aka fips | <double-p>

cvs -d /dev/myself commit -m "it's my life" dont/you/forget

Re: 7.3.4 on Linux: UPDATE .. foo=foo+1 degrades massivly over time

Bruno Wolff III
On Wed, Apr 21, 2004 at 19:52:15 +0200,
  Philipp Buehler <pb-pgsql-g@mlsub.buehler.net> wrote:
> While running
> UPDATE banner SET counterhalf=counterhalf+1 WHERE BannerID=50
> several thousand times, the return times degrade (somewhat linear).

This is to be expected. Postgres uses MVCC and everytime you do an update
a new row is created.

> A following VACCUM brings back return times to 'start' - but I cannot
> run VACUUM any other minute (?). And it exactly vaccums as many tuples
> as I updated.. sure thing:

Why not? You only have to vacuum this one table. Vacuuming it once a minute
should be doable.

Re: 7.3.4 on Linux: UPDATE .. foo=foo+1 degrades massivly over time

Tom Lane
Philipp Buehler <pb-pgsql-g@mlsub.buehler.net> writes:
> While running
> UPDATE banner SET counterhalf=counterhalf+1 WHERE BannerID=50
> several thousand times, the return times degrade (somewhat linear).

You need to vacuum occasionally ...

> A following VACCUM brings back return times to 'start' - but I cannot
> run VACUUM any other minute (?).

Sure you can.

            regards, tom lane

Re: 7.3.4 on Linux: UPDATE .. foo=foo+1 degrades massivly over time

"Glen Parker"
I hope I understand your question...

All the old tuples that were current before your updates are still in the
heap.  The executer has to do the equivelent of 'where
tuple_visible_to_current_transaction' on every tuple in the heap.  The more
updates you do, the more tuples have to be visited on subsequent update

This is why vacuum exists, and it's the price we pay for the otherwise
excellent transactional model in PG.

HTH :-)
Glen Parker

> -----Original Message-----
> From: pgsql-general-owner@postgresql.org
> [mailto:pgsql-general-owner@postgresql.org]On Behalf Of Philipp Buehler
> Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2004 10:52 AM
> To: pgsql-general@postgresql.org
> Subject: [GENERAL] 7.3.4 on Linux: UPDATE .. foo=foo+1 degrades massivly
> over time
> While running
> UPDATE banner SET counterhalf=counterhalf+1 WHERE BannerID=50
> several thousand times, the return times degrade (somewhat linear).
> The relation banner has currently *seven* rows and thus it doesnt matter
> (and i checked :>) if counterhalf is indexed, or not.
> A following VACCUM brings back return times to 'start' - but I cannot
> run VACUUM any other minute (?). And it exactly vaccums as many tuples
> as I updated.. sure thing:
> INFO:  Removed 5000 tuples in 95 pages.
>         CPU 0.00s/0.00u sec elapsed 0.00 sec.
> INFO:  Pages 95: Changed 1, Empty 0; Tup 7: Vac 5000, Keep 0, UnUsed 3.
>         Total CPU 0.01s/0.03u sec elapsed 0.04 sec.
> < big snip >

Re: 7.3.4 on Linux: UPDATE .. foo=foo+1 degrades massivly over time

"Dann Corbit"
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tom Lane [mailto:tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us]
> Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2004 12:19 PM
> To: Philipp Buehler
> Cc: pgsql-general@postgresql.org
> Subject: Re: [GENERAL] 7.3.4 on Linux: UPDATE .. foo=foo+1
> degrades massivly over time
> Philipp Buehler <pb-pgsql-g@mlsub.buehler.net> writes:
> > While running
> > UPDATE banner SET counterhalf=counterhalf+1 WHERE
> BannerID=50 several
> > thousand times, the return times degrade (somewhat linear).
> You need to vacuum occasionally ...
> > A following VACCUM brings back return times to 'start' -
> but I cannot
> > run VACUUM any other minute (?).
> Sure you can.

Look in contrib for pg_autovacuum
Build that project
Edit your Postgresql configuration and enable statistics
Restart your database server
After it settles down, start pg_autovacuum

BTW, you can build it for Win32 if you disable the fork() option for
logging purposes

This should be part of the server itself (along with the large object

See this article:
And this one:

Re: 7.3.4 on Linux: UPDATE .. foo=foo+1 degrades massivly over time

Philipp Buehler
On 21/04/2004, Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote To Philipp Buehler:
> > While running
> > UPDATE banner SET counterhalf=counterhalf+1 WHERE BannerID=50
> > several thousand times, the return times degrade (somewhat linear).
> You need to vacuum occasionally ...
> > A following VACCUM brings back return times to 'start' - but I cannot
> > run VACUUM any other minute (?).
> Sure you can.

Yes, it's probably bearable. Just that I am sure now, it's a
systematic thing I've to deal with and not some fubar.

Thanks also for the other hints/URLs I got (pg_autovacuum in contrib, etc..)

Philipp Buehler, aka fips | <double-p>

cvs -d /dev/myself commit -m "it's my life" dont/you/forget

Re: 7.3.4 on Linux: UPDATE .. foo=foo+1 degrades massivly over time

"Dann Corbit"
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bruno Wolff III [mailto:bruno@wolff.to]
> Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2004 11:19 AM
> To: Philipp Buehler
> Cc: pgsql-general@postgresql.org
> Subject: Re: [GENERAL] 7.3.4 on Linux: UPDATE .. foo=foo+1
> degrades massivly over time
> On Wed, Apr 21, 2004 at 19:52:15 +0200,
>   Philipp Buehler <pb-pgsql-g@mlsub.buehler.net> wrote:
> >
> > While running
> > UPDATE banner SET counterhalf=counterhalf+1 WHERE
> BannerID=50 several
> > thousand times, the return times degrade (somewhat linear).
> This is to be expected. Postgres uses MVCC and everytime you
> do an update a new row is created.
> > A following VACCUM brings back return times to 'start' -
> but I cannot
> > run VACUUM any other minute (?). And it exactly vaccums as
> many tuples
> > as I updated.. sure thing:
> Why not? You only have to vacuum this one table. Vacuuming it
> once a minute should be doable.

Shouldn't the Database server be the entity that decides when vacuum is

Something is very, very strange about the whole PostgreSQL maintenance

Oracle uses MVCC and I do not have to UPDATE STATISTICS constantly to
keep the system from going into the toilet.

Also, I should be able to do an update on every row in a database table
without causing severe problems.  Every other database system I know of
does not have this problem.

If I have a million row table with a column called is_current, and I do
UPDATE tname SET is_current = 0;
Horrible things happen.

Just an idea:
Why not recognize that more rows will be modified than the row setting
can support and actually break the command into batches internally?

Re: 7.3.4 on Linux: UPDATE .. foo=foo+1 degrades massivly over time

Bruno Wolff III
On Wed, Apr 21, 2004 at 14:55:51 -0700,
  Dann Corbit <DCorbit@connx.com> wrote:
> Shouldn't the Database server be the entity that decides when vacuum is
> needed?

At least in simple cases it should. That is what the auto vacuum project
is trying to do.

> Also, I should be able to do an update on every row in a database table
> without causing severe problems.  Every other database system I know of
> does not have this problem.

You can do this in postgres without causing too much trouble.

The problem at the beginning of this thread was caused by updating
a one row table thousands of times which can cause problems if
you don't vacuum.

> If I have a million row table with a column called is_current, and I do
> this:
> UPDATE tname SET is_current = 0;
> Horrible things happen.

Like what? At worst you will double the disk space used by this table.
That isn't great, but it surely isn't horrible under normal circumstances.

> Just an idea:
> Why not recognize that more rows will be modified than the row setting
> can support and actually break the command into batches internally?

This doesn't make sense. There is no limit on the number of rows that
can be modified at once.

Re: 7.3.4 on Linux: UPDATE .. foo=foo+1 degrades massivly

Guy Fraser
Dann Corbit wrote:

>>>A following VACCUM brings back return times to 'start' -
>>but I cannot
>>>run VACUUM any other minute (?). And it exactly vaccums as
>>many tuples
>>>as I updated.. sure thing:
>>Why not? You only have to vacuum this one table. Vacuuming it
>>once a minute should be doable.
>Shouldn't the Database server be the entity that decides when vacuum is

How is the database supposed to know when you want to purge records?
Once a vacuum has been run, the table can not be rolled back or time

>Something is very, very strange about the whole PostgreSQL maintenance
Giving the administrator full control over database management is a good
If you want to write a cron job, to purge records automaticaly, thats your
prerogative. Not every one needs to, nor want's to constantly purge records.

Most of my databases collect information and changing information in them
would be taboo. Since records are not updated or deleted their is no reason
to vacuum the collection tables, and they collect between 400 K to 40 M
records per period.

>Oracle uses MVCC and I do not have to UPDATE STATISTICS constantly to
>keep the system from going into the toilet.
Does Oracle purge records automaticaly?
If so how do you configure it, and what are the default parameters?

>Also, I should be able to do an update on every row in a database table
>without causing severe problems.  Every other database system I know of
>does not have this problem.
>If I have a million row table with a column called is_current, and I do
>UPDATE tname SET is_current = 0;
>Horrible things happen.
>Just an idea:
>Why not recognize that more rows will be modified than the row setting
>can support and actually break the command into batches internally?
It sounds like you have significant hardware limitations.

I have a database I use for traffic analysys, that has over 40,000,000
records, I have
done some complicated queries with multiple subselects and joins. The
queries take a long time to complete, but they work. I have also done
updates that
affected at least 5% of the records, then vacuumed the table shortly
there after.

The bigger the table the more "scatch pad" disk space, and memory you need.

Re: 7.3.4 on Linux: UPDATE .. foo=foo+1 degrades massivly

On Wed, 21 Apr 2004, Dann Corbit wrote:
> Shouldn't the Database server be the entity that decides when vacuum is
> needed?

when the autovacuum daemon is finished and integrated into the backend, it
will.  til then, you, the administrator decide when to run it.  Note that
the autovacuum daemon is quite usable as it right now, it's just not

> Something is very, very strange about the whole PostgreSQL maintenance
> model.

Yes, it is.  It's quite different from other databases in that it lets you
decide if vacuum should happen now or later when there's less load.  this
isn't bad or good, just different.

> Oracle uses MVCC and I do not have to UPDATE STATISTICS constantly to
> keep the system from going into the toilet.

That's because Oracle's MVCC works in a completely different way.  Oracle
uses roll back segments to maintain it's MVCC while postgresql does it
directly in the data store.  That means Oracle is limited to transactions
that can fit in the roll back segment.  If you want a bigger transaction,
you have to diddle the size of said rollback segment.  no such limit
exists in PostgreSQL except for the size of your data storage.

> Also, I should be able to do an update on every row in a database table
> without causing severe problems.  Every other database system I know of
> does not have this problem.

PostgreSQL doesn't either.  As long as you vacuum up after yourself.  It's
a trade off.  Neither better nor worse really, than the limitations of
Oracles Roll back segment.  Each database has limits / quirks due to the
design choice.  PostgreSQL's limit is that cleaning up after
updates/deletes is handled by vacuuming.

> If I have a million row table with a column called is_current, and I do
> this:
> UPDATE tname SET is_current = 0;
> Horrible things happen.

OK, imagine you're in Oracle and your rollback segment isn't big enough to
hold all this.  What happens?  The whole operation rolls back.  That's not
a good thing either.  And Oracle DBAs know that they need a big enough
roll back segment to do such things.

On PostgreSQL, instead of worrying about running out of room in your
rollback segment, you have to worry about running out of room on your
storage subsystem.  and you have to vacuum.

Different, not worse, not better, different.

> Just an idea:
> Why not recognize that more rows will be modified than the row setting
> can support and actually break the command into batches internally?

Huh?  How would that possibly help?  You'd still have to vacuum away the
dead tuples at the end, whether you did them all at once or one at a time.
And since we don't use rollback segments, you don't have to worry about
your transaction being too big for it, just for your data store.

Re: 7.3.4 on Linux: UPDATE .. foo=foo+1 degrades massivly

Philipp Buehler
On 22/04/2004, Guy Fraser <guy@incentre.net> wrote To pgsql-general@postgresql.org:
> >Shouldn't the Database server be the entity that decides when vacuum is
> >needed?
> How is the database supposed to know when you want to purge records?
> Once a vacuum has been run, the table can not be rolled back or time
> traveled.

Hmm, if the UPDATE is in a transaction block. After this block is
committed, the deleted tuple could be purged if there is a flag. Like,
either in the schema 'purge-on-commit', or as an option like 'UPDATE PURGE'?

Just an idea.. (Brainfart?) :)

Philipp Buehler, aka fips | <double-p>

cvs -d /dev/myself commit -m "it's my life" dont/you/forget

Re: 7.3.4 on Linux: UPDATE .. foo=foo+1 degrades massivly

Guy Fraser
Philipp Buehler wrote:

>On 22/04/2004, Guy Fraser <guy@incentre.net> wrote To pgsql-general@postgresql.org:
>>>Shouldn't the Database server be the entity that decides when vacuum is
>>How is the database supposed to know when you want to purge records?
>>Once a vacuum has been run, the table can not be rolled back or time
>Hmm, if the UPDATE is in a transaction block. After this block is
>committed, the deleted tuple could be purged if there is a flag. Like,
>either in the schema 'purge-on-commit', or as an option like 'UPDATE PURGE'?
>Just an idea.. (Brainfart?) :)
What if your not the only person accessing the database and someone else
has an active transaction that was initiated before your transaction was

If you delete the 'stale' data, then you would have to abort their
transaction or their transaction would have data with mixed results from
before your update and after your update. When to remove 'stale' data is
not a simple thing to determine in an active database. In order to
preserve transactional integrity, all transactions that are being
handled during the transaction that modifies the data, must be completed
before the data can be considered 'stale' and once the 'stale' data is
purged roll backs can not be permitted for any transaction before the
purge. Eventually the automatic purging of  'stale' data will be
supported, but hopefully it will be configurable to allow 'time travel'
when required, and allow for a reasonable time to be able to roll back

I am not an RDBMS developer and don't claim to know how the inner
workings work, but I have been using RDBMS application for many years
and have worked with a number of different products. I prefer PostGreSQL
over all others, but I do use others for some projects where their
support or special features out way those of PostGreSQL.

Re: 7.3.4 on Linux: UPDATE .. foo=foo+1 degrades massivly

Guy Fraser
Alvaro Herrera wrote:

>On Mon, Apr 26, 2004 at 12:53:09PM -0600, Guy Fraser wrote:
>>Eventually the automatic purging of  'stale' data will be supported,
>>but hopefully it will be configurable to allow 'time travel' when
>>required, and allow for a reasonable time to be able to roll back
>Well, you are saying two different things here: to garbage-collect
>automatically the database (rather than by manual VACUUMs), and to be
>able to UNDO transactions, effectively going back in time.
>The former is likely to be supported in some not-too-distant future,
>maybe hopefully the next release; the latter is not even planned, and in
>the past it has been disregarded as too costly.  Not implementation
>time cost, mind you, but runtime cost.
I realize that one you vacuum you can no longer time travel to before the vacuum. Although I never tried to use it, I
thoughttime travel was a feature in PostGreSQL. My understanding of the time travel feature was to allow a query to be
processedwith the data set as it was at a previous time. Since I did not have need for that feature fro any of the   
projects I have been involved in, I did not check to see how it worked, or followed it's development or demise as it

Thank you for the update, I will not use time travel in further explanations of transactional integrity.:-)

Re: 7.3.4 on Linux: UPDATE .. foo=foo+1 degrades massivly

Alvaro Herrera
On Mon, Apr 26, 2004 at 12:53:09PM -0600, Guy Fraser wrote:

> Eventually the automatic purging of  'stale' data will be supported,
> but hopefully it will be configurable to allow 'time travel' when
> required, and allow for a reasonable time to be able to roll back
> transactions.

Well, you are saying two different things here: to garbage-collect
automatically the database (rather than by manual VACUUMs), and to be
able to UNDO transactions, effectively going back in time.

The former is likely to be supported in some not-too-distant future,
maybe hopefully the next release; the latter is not even planned, and in
the past it has been disregarded as too costly.  Not implementation
time cost, mind you, but runtime cost.

Alvaro Herrera (<alvherre[a]dcc.uchile.cl>)
"Linux transformó mi computadora, de una `máquina para hacer cosas',
en un aparato realmente entretenido, sobre el cual cada día aprendo
algo nuevo" (Jaime Salinas)

Re: 7.3.4 on Linux: UPDATE .. foo=foo+1 degrades massivly

Philipp Buehler
On 26/04/2004, Guy Fraser <guy@incentre.net> wrote To Philipp Buehler:
> What if your not the only person accessing the database and someone else
> has an active transaction that was initiated before your transaction was
> committed?

There are row locks for a reason, too?

OTOH that's somewhat like handling a filesystem. if you have
a refcount=x. Just decrease the refcount for completed
transaction and after it this count drops to 0 the tuple can be purged.

> supported, but hopefully it will be configurable to allow 'time travel'
> when required, and allow for a reasonable time to be able to roll back
> transactions.

Hm well. a comitted transaction is one, right? I dont get your
time travel here now.. hmm.

Philipp Buehler, aka fips | <double-p>

cvs -d /dev/myself commit -m "it's my life" dont/you/forget

Re: 7.3.4 on Linux: UPDATE .. foo=foo+1 degrades massivly

Alvaro Herrera
On Mon, Apr 26, 2004 at 01:58:57PM -0600, Guy Fraser wrote:

> I realize that one you vacuum you can no longer time travel to before the
> vacuum. Although I never tried to use it, I thought time travel was a
> feature in PostGreSQL.

I've heard that the Berkeley code had the time travel functionality, but
apparently it was removed in very early PostgreSQL days, or maybe even
before that.

Alvaro Herrera (<alvherre[a]dcc.uchile.cl>)
"I call it GNU/Linux. Except the GNU/ is silent." (Ben Reiter)