Обсуждение: MySQL or Postgres ?


MySQL or Postgres ?

Fabiàn R.Breschi
Hi there,

If you'd have to suggest which type of database one migh use, how would
you reflect the differences between them to show up pros and cons ?

Any URL to help me to clarify this situation ?

Thank you very much indeed.


Re: MySQL or Postgres ?

Fred Vos

Here's the url to the archives of this list, where you will see that
this question is asked about every 10 days or so. Try 'mysql' as a
search string and it will produce a lot of hits. Many people already
spent time to respond to earlier MySQL versus PostgreSQL questions.


Please take five minutes to search the archives, search the website and
other sources before you send your question to this list,

Fred Vos

Fabiàn R.Breschi wrote:

>Hi there,
>If you'd have to suggest which type of database one migh use, how would
>you reflect the differences between them to show up pros and cons ?
>Any URL to help me to clarify this situation ?
>Thank you very much indeed.
>---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
>TIP 3: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
>subscribe-nomail command to majordomo@postgresql.org so that your
>message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

Re: MySQL or Postgres ?

Eric Lee Green
On Wednesday 31 July 2002 10:03 am, you wrote:
> Hi there,
> If you'd have to suggest which type of database one migh use, how would
> you reflect the differences between them to show up pros and cons ?
> Any URL to help me to clarify this situation ?



The two databases are free to download. Download them, compile them, test them
against your own application's criteria. I've done that twice over the past
two years. In one case MySQL was the database that I chose because it met my
particular criteria better. In another case PostgreSQL was the database that
I chose because it met my particular criteria better. In yet a third case,
ASCII colon-deliminated flat files were the database that I chose because
they met my particular criteria better :-). (You have to get a *LOT* of
records into a flat file before 'grep ":${RECORD}:" /some/flatfile | sort '
runs slow enough to have a percievable interactive user delay, and it's a lot
simpler to control from a shell script.).

The only way you'll know what works for you or not is to download and try
them. Anything else is just flame bait or outright trollishness (get thee
back under your bridge!).

Eric Lee Green                       egreen@disc-storage.com
Software Engineer, DISC Inc.    http://www.disc-storage.com
          Automated Solutions for Enterprise Storage