Обсуждение: postgresql replication replay lag


postgresql replication replay lag

Kenny Bachman
Hello PG Team,

I have a 3-nodes Patroni cluster with PG 12.9. There is a replay lag on the third node. I don't understand why there is lag. The replication view output is below :

Extra info: There is no long-running query on the third node.

Where can I check to detect what's causing this?

Thank you,

-[ RECORD 1 ]----+------------------------------
pid              | 1442401
usesysid         | 15302
usename          | replicator
application_name | henb
client_addr      |
client_hostname  | henb.acc
client_port      | 43286
backend_start    | 2021-11-13 15:16:43.462115
backend_xmin     |
state            | streaming
sent_lsn         | 8E66/4FC9F618
write_lsn        | 8E66/4FC9F618
flush_lsn        | 8E66/4FC9F618
replay_lsn       | 8E66/4F58F000
write_lag        | 00:00:00.000653
flush_lag        | 00:00:00.00126
replay_lag       | 00:00:05.463059
sync_priority    | 0
sync_state       | async
reply_time       | 2021-12-27 17:02:56.750262+03
-[ RECORD 2 ]----+------------------------------
pid              | 1390172
usesysid         | 15302
usename          | replicator
application_name | henc
client_addr      |
client_hostname  | henc.acc
client_port      | 47982
backend_start    | 2021-11-13 15:19:42.065277
backend_xmin     |
state            | streaming
sent_lsn         | 8E66/4FC9F618
write_lsn        | 8E66/4FC9F618
flush_lsn        | 8E66/4FC9F618
replay_lsn       | 8E63/6E340B20
write_lag        | 00:00:00.010311
flush_lag        | 00:00:00.01101
replay_lag       | 02:00:15.147839
sync_priority    | 0
sync_state       | async
reply_time       | 2021-12-27 17:02:56.7555

Pg upgrade from 10.x to 12.x recommendations

Ravi GH
Hello PG Team,

We have tested Postgres db upgrade from 10.x to 12.x in stage instance(all works) however we want to prioritise the upgrade along with other projects and we would like to know 
what is the main features / bugs fixes done in 12.8 which is very critical so that it will help us to take business decision to upgrade at the earliest.

What are the recommended / major features/security fixes added to PG 12.x which makes  upgrade to PG 12.x is critical now.

Thanks & Regards,

Re: Pg upgrade from 10.x to 12.x recommendations

Kenneth Marshall
> Hello PG Team,
> We have tested Postgres db upgrade from 10.x to 12.x in stage instance(all works) however we want to prioritise the
upgradealong with other projects and we would like to know 
> what is the main features / bugs fixes done in 12.8 which is very critical so that it will help us to take business
decisionto upgrade at the earliest.
> What are the recommended / major features/security fixes added to PG 12.x which makes  upgrade to PG 12.x is critical
> Thanks & Regards,
> Ravi

Hi Ravi,

Probably the biggest reason will be that the final release of version 10
will be November 10, 2022, less than one year away.


Re: Pg upgrade from 10.x to 12.x recommendations

Tom Lane
Ravi GH <mails2ravi@gmail.com> writes:
> What are the recommended / major features/security fixes added to PG 12.x which makes  upgrade to PG 12.x is critical

Reading the release notes would help you decide.


            regards, tom lane

Re: Pg upgrade from 10.x to 12.x recommendations

kaido vaikla

On Mon, 27 Dec 2021 at 19:40, Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
Ravi GH <mails2ravi@gmail.com> writes:
> What are the recommended / major features/security fixes added to PG 12.x which makes  upgrade to PG 12.x is critical now.

Reading the release notes would help you decide.


                        regards, tom lane

Re: Pg upgrade from 10.x to 12.x recommendations

Ravi GH
Thanks a lot for the URLs shared, I could easily compare my postgresql.conf file changes and identified features like restart_after_crash are very helpful and also CVE fixes.
The provided links helped very much.

On 28-Dec-2021, at 1:06 PM, kaido vaikla <kaido.vaikla@gmail.com> wrote:

On Mon, 27 Dec 2021 at 19:40, Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
Ravi GH <mails2ravi@gmail.com> writes:
> What are the recommended / major features/security fixes added to PG 12.x which makes  upgrade to PG 12.x is critical now.

Reading the release notes would help you decide.


                        regards, tom lane

Re: Pg upgrade from 10.x to 12.x recommendations


Bom dia,
Por gentileza alguém poderia me dizer como resolvo um problema de Cluster?

Estou migrando o postgresql utilizando Pg upgrade da versão 8.3 para 9.3, e está me apresentando esse erro?

#mapped win32 error code 2 to 2

Old and new pg_controldata date/time storage types do not match.

#You will need to rebuild the new server with configure option

--disable-integer-datetimes or get server binaries built with those

aguardo algum comentário e ajuda sobre esse caso.




Planin Sistemas

Em 28/12/2021 11:21, Ravi GH escreveu:

Thanks a lot for the URLs shared, I could easily compare my postgresql.conf file changes and identified features like restart_after_crash are very helpful and also CVE fixes.
The provided links helped very much.

On 28-Dec-2021, at 1:06 PM, kaido vaikla <kaido.vaikla@gmail.com> wrote:

On Mon, 27 Dec 2021 at 19:40, Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
Ravi GH <mails2ravi@gmail.com> writes:
> What are the recommended / major features/security fixes added to PG 12.x which makes  upgrade to PG 12.x is critical now.

Reading the release notes would help you decide.


                        regards, tom lane