Обсуждение: listing training courses by language ?


listing training courses by language ?

damien clochard
hi everyone,


Looking at the training list in the main web site, a few questions come to my 
mind : 

1/ is it possible to specify in the header the language of the training ? 
i see that most of them are in English, but some are in different language. 
This information seems almost as important as the location and the date.

2/ is it possible to write the training description in its "original" tongue ? 
For instance, i see no point announcing a french training and presenting it 
with an  English description. This is rather confusing. At least that would 
be great to have the ability the describe the training both in English and 
the original language.

3/ is it possible the sort the training by languages ? Maybe just creating 
sub-categories in the "training" section. My understanding is that when 
people search for a training, they're searching in very specific language ( 
which is most of the time their mother tongue ) . If they don't find any 
training in their mother tongue, then they'll search in another language. So 
i think sorting training by language would be better ...

Here's a bit of my own experience : Dalibo has announced some french 
PostgreSQL trainings on this page in the past... But we found it was rather 
useless because the announce was in English and surrounded by other English 
trainings. Very few people would see the announce and understand it was in 

I don't know if what i propose is easy to implement or if it's worth the 
time.... But in a general way, i think the language information should be 
more explicit on this page.

damien clochard
http://dalibo.org | http://dalibo.com

Re: listing training courses by language ?

Magnus Hagander
damien clochard wrote:
> hi everyone,
> http://www.postgresql.org/about/eventarchive
> Looking at the training list in the main web site, a few questions
> come to my mind : 
> 1/ is it possible to specify in the header the language of the
> training ? i see that most of them are in English, but some are in
> different language. This information seems almost as important as the
> location and the date.

Not a bad idea to add a field for this. Shouldn't be too much work

> 2/ is it possible to write the training description in its "original"
> tongue ? For instance, i see no point announcing a french training
> and presenting it with an  English description. This is rather
> confusing. At least that would be great to have the ability the
> describe the training both in English and the original language.

If it goes on the main frontpage, I think it needs to have a headline
in english - just like we require for news. I personally find it very
confusing that we have a number of professional services registered
with no description in english, but those are at least not on the

Anyway. How about writing a short ingress in one or two paragraph with
like "This is training about foo and bar, held by Dalibo, in french",
and then follow up with the details in french?

> 3/ is it possible the sort the training by languages ? Maybe just
> creating sub-categories in the "training" section. My understanding
> is that when people search for a training, they're searching in very
> specific language ( which is most of the time their mother tongue ) .
> If they don't find any training in their mother tongue, then they'll
> search in another language. So i think sorting training by language
> would be better ...

Yeah. First thing we need to do is to store it, then we need to figure
out a good way to split it up. But it shouldn't be hard to do a split
of the eventsarchive page, as long as we can decide in which order to
split it.
