Обсуждение: Performance of Postgresql Foreign Data Wrapper


Performance of Postgresql Foreign Data Wrapper

"Cassiano, Marco"



If possible, I would need your help/suggestions for this problem :


I'm experiencing a serious performance problem using postgresql foreign data wrapper.

In particular, a simple query performed via fdw lasts 80 times more than the same query performed directly on the local server.


Here are the details :


I have two postgresql servers both located on the same server farm, based on Vmware Esxi 5.1.

They're communicating directly on the same subnet, so network should't interfere with performance.

On the first server, which I'll call LOCAL, I defined a postgres_fdw foreign server pointing to the other server, which I'll call REMOTE.

Both servers are running Postgresql 9.3.5 (see bottom for complete details on server configuration)


On the local server I defined a foreign table "v_mdn_colli_testata" pointing to the remote server.

The foreign table is defined in this way :


CREATE FOREIGN TABLE logimat.v_mdn_colli_testata

   (id bigint ,

    collo character varying(20) ,

    stato character(1) ,

    id_spedizione bigint ,

    id_es_rientro bigint ,

    peso numeric(15,3) ,

    volume numeric(15,3) ,

    ordine character varying(20) ,

    data timestamp without time zone ,

    capoconto text ,

    conto text ,

    causale character varying(10) ,

    descrizione character varying(50) ,

    tipo character varying(10) ,

    capoconto_v text ,

    conto_v text ,

    magazzino character varying(5) ,

    tipo_spedizione integer ,

    data_spedizione date ,

    consegna_spedizione character varying(2) ,

    documento character varying(20) ,

    data_documento timestamp without time zone ,

    borderau character varying(15) ,

    data_borderau timestamp without time zone )

   SERVER fdw_remote_server

   OPTIONS (schema_name 'public', table_name 'v_mdn_colli_testata');

ALTER FOREIGN TABLE logimat.v_mdn_colli_testata

  OWNER TO dba;


The table pointed on the remote server by the foreign table is actually a view defined in this way :


CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW v_mdn_colli_testata AS

 SELECT uds.id,

    uds.codice AS collo,

    uds.flag1 AS stato,


    uds.id_reso AS id_es_rientro,

    uds.peso_netto AS peso,




    "substring"(o.destinatario::text, 1, 6) AS capoconto,

    "substring"(o.destinatario::text, 7, 7) AS conto,


    o.desc_causale AS descrizione,

    o.tipo_ordine AS tipo,

    "substring"(o.corriere::text, 1, 6) AS capoconto_v,

    "substring"(o.corriere::text, 7, 7) AS conto_v,

    o.magazzino_prespedizione AS magazzino,

    o.priorita_codice AS tipo_spedizione,

    o.priorita_data AS data_spedizione,

    o.priorita_consegna AS consegna_spedizione,

    doc.ddt AS documento,

    doc.data_ddt AS data_documento,



   FROM ordine_allestimento o

     LEFT JOIN allestimento al ON o.azienda::text = al.azienda::text AND o.divisione::text = al.divisione::text AND o.sezione::text = al.sezione::text AND o.ordine::text = al.ordine::text AND o.riga::text = al.riga::text

     LEFT JOIN azienda az ON az.codice::text = o.azienda::text

     LEFT JOIN soggetto s ON s.id_azienda = az.id AND s.soggetto::text = o.destinatario::text

     LEFT JOIN lista_allestimento_riga lr ON lr.id = al.id_riga_lista

     LEFT JOIN lista_allestimento la ON la.id = lr.id_lista

     LEFT JOIN documento_riga dr ON dr.id_riga_lista = lr.id

     LEFT JOIN documento doc ON doc.id = dr.id_documento

     LEFT JOIN packing_list_riga pr ON pr.id_riga_lista = lr.id

     LEFT JOIN oper_pian op ON op.id = pr.id_oper_pian

     LEFT JOIN uds ON uds.id = pr.id_uds

     LEFT JOIN packing_list pl ON pl.id = uds.id_packing_list

  WHERE la.id_tipo_lista = 147916620 AND uds.id IS NOT NULL;



And here's is the problem :


on the REMOTE SERVER, the query :


select * from public.v_mdn_colli_testata where collo='U0019502'


has an execution time slightly greater than 100 ms :


INFOLOG=# select * from public.v_mdn_colli_testata where collo='U0019502';

-[ RECORD 1 ]-------+------------------------------

id                  | 165999157

collo               | U0019502

stato               | P

id_spedizione       |

id_es_rientro       |

peso                | 0.500

volume              | 0.000

ordine              | 001824

data                | 2015-01-08 16:56:03.714

capoconto           | 000100

conto               | 0001401

causale             | PMP


tipo                | ORDT

capoconto_v         | 000200

conto_v             | 0006128

magazzino           | 00039

tipo_spedizione     | 0

data_spedizione     |

consegna_spedizione |

documento           | 00000026

data_documento      | 2015-01-09 15:54:17.706

borderau            | 00003212

data_borderau       | 2015-01-09 00:00:00


Time: 104.907 ms



on the LOCAL server instead, the same query performed on the foreign table lasts much longer :


mdn=# select * from logimat.v_mdn_colli_testata where collo='U0019502';

-[ RECORD 1 ]-------+------------------------------

id                  | 165999157

collo               | U0019502

stato               | P

id_spedizione       |

id_es_rientro       |

peso                | 0.500

volume              | 0.000

ordine              | 001824

data                | 2015-01-08 16:56:03.714

capoconto           | 000100

conto               | 0001401

causale             | PMP


tipo                | ORDT

capoconto_v         | 000200

conto_v             | 0006128

magazzino           | 00039

tipo_spedizione     | 0

data_spedizione     |

consegna_spedizione |

documento           | 00000026

data_documento      | 2015-01-09 15:54:17.706

borderau            | 00003212

data_borderau       | 2015-01-09 00:00:00


Time: 9887.533 ms



Both query were issued repeatedly to get rid of disk access and database connection overhead time.


Activating duration and statement logging on the remote server I can see that the query issued through the fdw from the LOCAL SERVER

is actually performed by opening a cursor :


2015-01-14 13:53:31 GMT mdn INFOLOG 0 54b64297.327c - LOG:  statement: START TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL REPEATABLE READ

2015-01-14 13:53:31 GMT mdn INFOLOG 0 54b64297.327c - LOG:  execute <unnamed>: DECLARE c1 CURSOR FOR SELECT id, collo, stato, id_spedizione, id_es_rientro, peso, volume, ordine, data, capoconto, conto, causale, descrizione, tipo, capoconto_v, conto_v, magazzino, tipo_spedizione, data_spedizione, consegna_spedizione, documento, data_documento, borderau, data_borderau FROM public.v_mdn_colli_testata WHERE ((collo = 'U0019502'::text))

2015-01-14 13:53:31 GMT mdn INFOLOG 0 54b64297.327c - LOG:  statement: FETCH 100 FROM c1

2015-01-14 13:53:41 GMT mdn INFOLOG 0 54b64297.327c - LOG:  duration: 9887.533 ms

2015-01-14 13:53:41 GMT mdn INFOLOG 0 54b64297.327c - LOG:  statement: CLOSE c1

2015-01-14 13:53:41 GMT mdn INFOLOG 0 54b64297.327c - LOG:  statement: COMMIT TRANSACTION



My questions are :





 I hope everything is clear






I include information about my environment :




Both servers are virtual machines running on Vmware Esxi 5.1

LOCAL  : 2 vCpu Intel Xeon E5-2690v2  3.00 Ghz , 6GB RAM

REMOTE : 2 cpu, Intel Xeon E7-2860    2.27 GHz , 6GB RAM


Storage on SAN-based datastore






LOCAL SERVER :   PostgreSQL 9.3.5 on x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (GCC) 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-3), 64-bit

REMOTE SERVER:   PostgreSQL 9.3.5 on x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (GCC) 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-3), 64-bit


Postgresql compiled from source with :



            ./configure --with-python --with-gssapi --with-krb-srvnam=POSTGRES


            - pg_upgrade

            - adminpack

            - pg_upgrade_support

            - pgrowlocks

            - pg_archivecleanup

            - pg_test_fsync

            - pg_buffercache

            - postgres_fdw

            - pg_buffercache.sql

            - itcodes/italian_codes







mdn=# SELECT name, current_setting(name), source

mdn-#   FROM pg_settings

mdn-#   WHERE source NOT IN ('default', 'override');

              name              |        current_setting         |        source


application_name               | psql                           | client

autovacuum                     | on                             | configuration file

autovacuum_max_workers         | 7                              | configuration file

autovacuum_naptime             | 10min                          | configuration file

autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay   | 20ms                           | configuration file

autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit   | 200                            | configuration file

bytea_output                   | escape                         | configuration file

checkpoint_completion_target   | 0.8                            | configuration file

checkpoint_segments            | 32                             | configuration file

checkpoint_timeout             | 10min                          | configuration file

checkpoint_warning             | 30s                            | configuration file

client_encoding                | UTF8                           | client

client_min_messages            | warning                        | configuration file

debug_pretty_print             | off                            | configuration file

debug_print_parse              | off                            | configuration file

debug_print_plan               | off                            | configuration file

debug_print_rewritten          | off                            | configuration file

default_statistics_target      | 200                            | configuration file

effective_cache_size           | 5870MB                         | configuration file

fsync                          | on                             | configuration file

full_page_writes               | on                             | configuration file

krb_server_keyfile             | /usr/local/pgconf/PGpgsviltab  | configuration file

krb_srvname                    | POSTGRES                       | configuration file

lc_messages                    | en_US.UTF-8                    | configuration file

lc_monetary                    | en_US.UTF-8                    | configuration file

lc_numeric                     | en_US.UTF-8                    | configuration file

lc_time                        | en_US.UTF-8                    | configuration file

listen_addresses               | *                              | configuration file

log_autovacuum_min_duration    | 1s                             | configuration file

log_checkpoints                | on                             | configuration file

log_connections                | off                            | configuration file

log_destination                | stderr,syslog                  | configuration file

log_directory                  | /dbms/logs                     | configuration file

log_disconnections             | off                            | configuration file

log_duration                   | off                            | configuration file

log_error_verbosity            | default                        | configuration file

log_filename                   | postgresql-%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S.log | configuration file

log_line_prefix                | %t %r %u %d %x %c -            | configuration file

log_min_duration_statement     | 6s                             | configuration file

log_min_error_statement        | error                          | configuration file

log_min_messages               | warning                        | configuration file

log_rotation_age               | 1d                             | configuration file

log_rotation_size              | 0                              | configuration file

log_statement                  | none                           | configuration file

log_truncate_on_rotation       | off                            | configuration file

logging_collector              | on                             | configuration file

maintenance_work_mem           | 300MB                          | configuration file

max_connections                | 100                            | configuration file

max_stack_depth                | 2MB                            | environment variable

port                           | 5432                           | configuration file

random_page_cost               | 2                              | configuration file

shared_buffers                 | 1GB                            | configuration file

superuser_reserved_connections | 3                              | configuration file

synchronous_commit             | off                            | configuration file

syslog_facility                | local1                         | configuration file

syslog_ident                   | postgres                       | configuration file

temp_buffers                   | 8MB                            | configuration file

TimeZone                       | Europe/Rome                    | configuration file

track_activities               | on                             | configuration file

track_counts                   | on                             | configuration file

vacuum_cost_delay              | 0                              | configuration file

vacuum_cost_limit              | 200                            | configuration file

wal_buffers                    | 16MB                           | configuration file

work_mem                       | 12MB                           | configuration file

(64 rows)





INFOLOG=# SELECT name, current_setting(name), source

INFOLOG-#   FROM pg_settings

INFOLOG-#   WHERE source NOT IN ('default', 'override');

              name              |                current_setting                |        source


application_name               | psql                                          | client

archive_command                | /usr/local/bin/pg_wal_archive_script.sh %p %f | configuration file

archive_mode                   | on                                            | configuration file

archive_timeout                | 0                                             | configuration file

autovacuum                     | on                                            | configuration file

autovacuum_max_workers         | 7                                             | configuration file

autovacuum_naptime             | 10min                                         | configuration file

autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay   | 20ms                                          | configuration file

autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit   | 200                                           | configuration file

bytea_output                   | escape                                        | configuration file

checkpoint_completion_target   | 0.8                                           | configuration file

checkpoint_segments            | 32                                            | configuration file

checkpoint_timeout             | 10min                                         | configuration file

client_encoding                | UTF8                                          | client

client_min_messages            | warning                                       | configuration file

debug_pretty_print             | off                                           | configuration file

debug_print_parse              | off                                           | configuration file

debug_print_plan               | off                                           | configuration file

debug_print_rewritten          | off                                           | configuration file

default_statistics_target      | 200                                           | configuration file

effective_cache_size           | 5870MB                                        | configuration file

fsync                          | on                                            | configuration file

full_page_writes               | on                                            | configuration file

lc_messages                    | en_US.UTF-8                                   | configuration file

lc_monetary                    | en_US.UTF-8                                   | configuration file

lc_numeric                     | en_US.UTF-8                                   | configuration file

lc_time                        | en_US.UTF-8                                   | configuration file

listen_addresses               | *                                             | configuration file

log_autovacuum_min_duration    | 1s                                            | configuration file

log_checkpoints                | on                                            | configuration file

log_connections                | off                                           | configuration file

log_destination                | stderr,syslog                                 | configuration file

log_directory                  | /dbms/logs                                    | configuration file

log_disconnections             | off                                           | configuration file

log_duration                   | off                                           | configuration file

log_error_verbosity            | default                                       | configuration file

log_filename                   | postgresql-%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S.log                | configuration file

log_line_prefix                | %t %r %u %d %x %c -                           | configuration file

log_min_duration_statement     | 6s                                            | configuration file

log_min_error_statement        | error                                         | configuration file

log_min_messages               | error                                         | configuration file

log_rotation_age               | 1d                                            | configuration file

log_rotation_size              | 0                                             | configuration file

log_statement                  | none                                          | configuration file

log_truncate_on_rotation       | off                                           | configuration file

logging_collector              | on                                            | configuration file

maintenance_work_mem           | 300MB                                         | configuration file

max_connections                | 250                                           | configuration file

max_stack_depth                | 2MB                                           | environment variable

max_wal_senders                | 5                                             | configuration file

port                           | 5432                                          | configuration file

random_page_cost               | 2                                             | configuration file

shared_buffers                 | 1GB                                           | configuration file

superuser_reserved_connections | 6                                             | configuration file

synchronous_commit             | off                                           | configuration file

syslog_facility                | local4                                        | configuration file

syslog_ident                   | postgres                                      | configuration file

temp_buffers                   | 8MB                                           | configuration file

track_activities               | on                                            | configuration file

track_counts                   | on                                            | configuration file

vacuum_cost_delay              | 0                                             | configuration file

vacuum_cost_limit              | 200                                           | configuration file

wal_buffers                    | 16MB                                          | configuration file

wal_keep_segments              | 10                                            | configuration file

wal_level                      | hot_standby                                   | configuration file

work_mem                       | 12MB                                          | configuration file

(66 rows)








Centos 6.4

uname -a

Linux pg64test1.manord.com 2.6.32-358.14.1.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Jul 16 23:51:20 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux




Centos 6.5

uname -a

Linux pg64infolog.manord.com 2.6.32-431.3.1.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Fri Jan 3 21:39:27 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux


Re: Performance of Postgresql Foreign Data Wrapper

Jim Nasby
On 1/14/15 10:48 AM, Cassiano, Marco wrote:
> Both query were issued repeatedly to get rid of disk access and database
> connection overhead time.
> Activating duration and statement logging on the remote server I can see
> that the query issued through the fdw from the LOCAL SERVER
> is actually performed by opening a cursor :

I don't think the cursor is the issue here, but can you try running
those same commands directly on the remote server to make sure?

It looks like it's the fetch itself that's slow, which makes me wonder
if there's some network or other problem.
Jim Nasby, Data Architect, Blue Treble Consulting
Data in Trouble? Get it in Treble! http://BlueTreble.com