Обсуждение: Postgres ODBC Changes DSN


Postgres ODBC Changes DSN

"Stephan Martin"
Hello there,

I work for the BI/Reporting at the Customer Care Department at 1&1.

I would like to send an Excel-Report to the different managers
and heads of the departments. 

My Customers should have a DSN with the same name as stored in the sheet, but with their own Single Sign On username
andpassword in it.

When they update the Excelsheet, the data they get is filtered according to their username so everyone gets just the
datathey need when they need it.

Everything is working fine, exept of the ODBC-Driver of Postgres:
When I enter the Connection String "DSN=pre_ods_dev" all parameters get added to The Connection String including the


Even if I delete them, I am not able to store the Connection String without all the data.

When they open the file and update the data, the get an error that they use the wrong username. 

This doesn't happen with "Sybase Adaptive Server IQ" ODBC driver.

Is there the posibility to just store the DSN as connetion String?
Or maybe is it somehow possible to use windows authentification for the odbc-connect?



Re: Postgres ODBC Changes DSN

"Hiroshi Saito"

Is this exsample helpful to you?

Public Sub ADObase()
Dim ADOcon As ADODB.Connection
Dim rec As ADODB.Recordset
Dim svp As ADODB.Command
Set ADOcon = New ADODB.Connection
Set rec = New ADODB.Recordset
Set svp = New ADODB.Command

ADOcon.Open "Provider=MSDASQL.1;DRIVER=PostgreSQL

rec.Open "select * from pg_user", ADOcon
svp.ActiveConnection = ADOcon
i = 1
Do Until rec.EOF = True
Cells(i, 1) = rec.Fields(0).Value
Cells(i, 2) = rec.Fields(1).Value
i = i + 1
Set ADOcon = Nothing
End Sub

Hiroshi Saito

----- Original Message -----
From: "Stephan Martin" <Stephan.Martin@1und1.de>

> Hello there,
> I work for the BI/Reporting at the Customer Care Department at 1&1.
> I would like to send an Excel-Report to the different managers
> and heads of the departments.
> My Customers should have a DSN with the same name as stored in the sheet, but with their
> own Single Sign On username and password in it.
> When they update the Excelsheet, the data they get is filtered according to their username
> so everyone gets just the data they need when they need it.
> Everything is working fine, exept of the ODBC-Driver of Postgres:
> When I enter the Connection String "DSN=pre_ods_dev" all parameters get added to The
> Connection String including the UID.
> Even if I delete them, I am not able to store the Connection String without all the data.
> When they open the file and update the data, the get an error that they use the wrong
> username.
> This doesn't happen with "Sybase Adaptive Server IQ" ODBC driver.
> Is there the posibility to just store the DSN as connetion String?
> Or maybe is it somehow possible to use windows authentification for the odbc-connect?
> Thanks
> Stephan
> --
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