Обсуждение: Oracle Style packages on postgres


Oracle Style packages on postgres

Oracle Style packages on postgres


To emulate oracle server side development in postgres I required server
side packages.  The following text demonstrates how to do this using
plpython on postgres 8 and suggests a language extension.


Looking back over the postgres discussion forums (particulary a discussion
in 2001 following a proposal by Bill Studenmund) there appears to be some
confusion over what oracle packages are.  Here's a concise definition :  "A black box processing engine with one or
morepublic access functions
that retains state across calls"
An oracle package is created when first referenced. Its initialization
code is run once (ie costly queries to populate session wide package
params) and the package dies at the end of the session
An analogy with OOP is that it's like having a single class instance
available for the duration of a session.


1. Pipes - oracle dbms_pipe built-in allows asynchronous communication
between any number of producer/consumer database sessions on any number of

2. Logging - leave all logging/debug statements in code, decision on
logging output can be made when the logging package is initialised (eg by
querying lookup tables for user, on/off, level, and destination).  Combine
logging with pipes and the output can be stored in tables seperate from
the current transaction.  Include timing info down to milliseconds and
live problems/bottlenecks can more easily be identified.

3. Batch reporting - more suited to autonomous transactions than logging
but useful to have the report package store start time, duration,
error/warning count running totals etc. and summarize automatically at
report end.

See the example below on how to implement a version of the oracle
dbms_output package in plpython


Oracle style package creation syntax is split into header and body so that
the body(code) can be re-compiled without invalidating dependent objects.
Postgres syntax for the dbms_output example (in any postgres server side
language) would be along the lines of:
CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE HEADER dbms_output AS  FUNCTION dbms_output_put_line(text) RETURNS text,  FUNCTION
dbms_output_get_lines()RETURNS text;
CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY dbms_output AS $$ 'package code' $$

Adding pg_package with a link from pg_proc are the only changes required
to the data dictionary.
It would be nice to have similar dotted syntax as oracle
(user.package.function) but would this mess up postgres namespaces?

The language in which the package was created would process the 'package
code', for example in python:
o  create public functions linking header declaration to package body code
(see dbms_output example)
o  process embedded sql, eg l_curs=select * from dual ->
l_curs=self.execute('select * from dual')
o  the extracted sql can be 'prepared' by postgres and syntax exceptions
reported as compilation errors

Packages are an important addition to postgres.  Some of the server side
languages have the potential to create them now.  It would be useful to
add a common high level syntax before the various language implementations
start developing their own solutions.

I'm currently testing dbms_pipe on postgres, let me know if anyone is
interested.  I replaced xml-rpc (5 messages/second) by sockets (600x
faster!), and may test corba

Ronnie Mackay



[Oracle syntax is :exec dbms_output.put_line('line1');]

Postgres>select dbms_output_put_line('line 1');
Postgres>select test_call_dbms_output_from_within_plpgsql('line 2
Postgres>select test_call_dbms_output_from_within_plpython('line 3
Postgres>select dbms_output_put_line('line 4');

Postgres>select dbms_output_get_lines();           --- DBMS_OUTPUT DEMO ---           line 1           line 2 (plpgsql)
         line 3 (plpython)           line 4           --- DBMS_OUTPUT DEMO ---

So using current postgres syntax the only difference with oracle is that
dbms_output.put_line('line 1'); becomes
dbms_output_put_line('line 1');
The source code to implement the package body is returned by postgres
function dbms_output()


CREATE or replace FUNCTION dbms_output_put_line(text) RETURNS text AS $$
from plpython import getPackage
return getPackage(GD, plpy, 'dbms_output').putLine(args[0])
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;

CREATE or replace FUNCTION dbms_output_get_lines() RETURNS text AS $$
from plpython import getPackage
return getPackage(GD, plpy, 'dbms_output').getLines()
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;

-- package body
return """
from plpython import PlPythonPackage

class Package(PlPythonPackage):
  def __init__(self, in_plpy):
     PlPythonPackage.__init__(self, in_plpy)     self.lines=[]
  def putLine(self, in_text):     self.lines.append(in_text)
  def getLines(self):     l_lines=self._title()     l_lines+=self.lines     l_lines+=self._title()     self.lines=[]
return chr(10).join(l_lines)
  def _title(self):     return ['--- DBMS_OUTPUT DEMO ---']
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;

test_call_dbms_output_from_within_plpython(in_text text) RETURNS text AS
from plpython import getPackage
dbms_output = getPackage(GD, plpy, 'dbms_output')
print dbms_output
print dir(dbms_output)
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;

test_call_dbms_output_from_within_plpgsql(in_text text) RETURNS text AS $$
declare  dummy text;
BEGIN  dummy := dbms_output_put_line(in_text);  return '';
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;


PYTHON MODULE (plpython.PlPythonPackage):

import imp, sys

class PlPythonPackage:  """ Base class for postgres emulation of oracle package structure in
PlPython """
  def __init__(self, in_plpy):     self.plpy=in_plpy     l_row=self.plpy.execute('select current_user as user,
current_database() as database')[0]     self.user=l_row["user"]     self.database=l_row["database"]
  def execute(self, in_sql):     l_result = self.plpy.execute(in_sql)

def getPackage(in_gd, in_plpy, in_package):  """ Dynamically load plpython package"""  try:     return
in_gd[in_package] except KeyError:     l_result=in_plpy.execute('select %s()'%in_package)
l_code=l_result[0].popitem()[1].replace('\n\t','\n')    l_module = imp.new_module(in_package)     exec l_code in
l_module.__dict__    l_package=l_module.Package(in_plpy)     in_gd[in_package]=l_package     return l_package

Re: Oracle Style packages on postgres

One simple benefit to packages is just organization of related code.

On 5/7/05, rmm@sqlisor.com < rmm@sqlisor.com> wrote:
Oracle Style packages on postgres


To emulate oracle server side development in postgres I required server
side packages.  The following text demonstrates how to do this using
plpython on postgres 8 and suggests a language extension.


Looking back over the postgres discussion forums (particulary a discussion
in 2001 following a proposal by Bill Studenmund) there appears to be some
confusion over what oracle packages are.  Here's a concise definition :
   "A black box processing engine with one or more public access functions
that retains state across calls"
An oracle package is created when first referenced. Its initialization
code is run once (ie costly queries to populate session wide package
params) and the package dies at the end of the session
An analogy with OOP is that it's like having a single class instance
available for the duration of a session.


1. Pipes - oracle dbms_pipe built-in allows asynchronous communication
between any number of producer/consumer database sessions on any number of

2. Logging - leave all logging/debug statements in code, decision on
logging output can be made when the logging package is initialised (eg by
querying lookup tables for user, on/off, level, and destination).  Combine
logging with pipes and the output can be stored in tables seperate from
the current transaction.  Include timing info down to milliseconds and
live problems/bottlenecks can more easily be identified.

3. Batch reporting - more suited to autonomous transactions than logging
but useful to have the report package store start time, duration,
error/warning count running totals etc. and summarize automatically at
report end.

See the example below on how to implement a version of the oracle
dbms_output package in plpython


Oracle style package creation syntax is split into header and body so that
the body(code) can be re-compiled without invalidating dependent objects.
Postgres syntax for the dbms_output example (in any postgres server side
language) would be along the lines of:
   FUNCTION dbms_output_put_line(text) RETURNS text,
   FUNCTION dbms_output_get_lines() RETURNS text;
CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY dbms_output AS $$ 'package code' $$

Adding pg_package with a link from pg_proc are the only changes required
to the data dictionary.
It would be nice to have similar dotted syntax as oracle
(user.package.function) but would this mess up postgres namespaces?

The language in which the package was created would process the 'package
code', for example in python:
o  create public functions linking header declaration to package body code
(see dbms_output example)
o  process embedded sql, eg l_curs=select * from dual ->
l_curs=self.execute('select * from dual')
o  the extracted sql can be 'prepared' by postgres and syntax exceptions
reported as compilation errors

Packages are an important addition to postgres.  Some of the server side
languages have the potential to create them now.  It would be useful to
add a common high level syntax before the various language implementations
start developing their own solutions.

I'm currently testing dbms_pipe on postgres, let me know if anyone is
interested.  I replaced xml-rpc (5 messages/second) by sockets (600x
faster!), and may test corba

Ronnie Mackay



[Oracle syntax is :exec dbms_output.put_line('line1');]

Postgres>select dbms_output_put_line('line 1');
Postgres>select test_call_dbms_output_from_within_plpgsql('line 2
Postgres>select test_call_dbms_output_from_within_plpython('line 3
Postgres>select dbms_output_put_line('line 4');

Postgres>select dbms_output_get_lines();
            --- DBMS_OUTPUT DEMO ---
            line 1
            line 2 (plpgsql)
            line 3 (plpython)
            line 4
            --- DBMS_OUTPUT DEMO ---

So using current postgres syntax the only difference with oracle is that
dbms_output.put_line('line 1'); becomes
dbms_output_put_line('line 1');
The source code to implement the package body is returned by postgres
function dbms_output()


CREATE or replace FUNCTION dbms_output_put_line(text) RETURNS text AS $$
from plpython import getPackage
return getPackage(GD, plpy, 'dbms_output').putLine(args[0])
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;

CREATE or replace FUNCTION dbms_output_get_lines() RETURNS text AS $$
from plpython import getPackage
return getPackage(GD, plpy, 'dbms_output').getLines()
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;

-- package body
return """
from plpython import PlPythonPackage

class Package(PlPythonPackage):

   def __init__(self, in_plpy):

      PlPythonPackage.__init__(self, in_plpy)

   def putLine(self, in_text):

   def getLines(self):
      return chr(10).join(l_lines)

   def _title(self):
      return ['--- DBMS_OUTPUT DEMO ---']
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;

test_call_dbms_output_from_within_plpython(in_text text) RETURNS text AS
from plpython import getPackage
dbms_output = getPackage(GD, plpy, 'dbms_output')
print dbms_output
print dir(dbms_output)
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;

test_call_dbms_output_from_within_plpgsql(in_text text) RETURNS text AS $$
   dummy text;
   dummy := dbms_output_put_line(in_text);
   return '';
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;


PYTHON MODULE (plpython.PlPythonPackage):

import imp, sys

class PlPythonPackage:
   """ Base class for postgres emulation of oracle package structure in
PlPython """

   def __init__(self, in_plpy):
      l_row=self.plpy.execute('select current_user as user,
current_database() as database')[0]
      self.user=l_row ["user"]

   def execute(self, in_sql):
      l_result = self.plpy.execute(in_sql)

def getPackage(in_gd, in_plpy, in_package):
   """ Dynamically load plpython package"""
      return in_gd[in_package]
   except KeyError:
      l_result=in_plpy.execute('select %s()'%in_package)
      l_module = imp.new_module (in_package)
      exec l_code in l_module.__dict__
      return l_package

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 1: subscribe and unsubscribe commands go to majordomo@postgresql.org

Re: Oracle Style packages on postgres

Satoshi Nagayasu
Bob wrote:
> One simple benefit to packages is just organization of related code.

And the package-scoped variables or constant values, similar to
the global variables.

It will be very useful for application programmers
if one variable can be shared from several functions.

I needed some tricks when I tried to port such PL/SQL to PL/pgSQL.

Bob wrote:
> One simple benefit to packages is just organization of related code.
> On 5/7/05, *rmm@sqlisor.com <mailto:rmm@sqlisor.com>* < rmm@sqlisor.com 
> <mailto:rmm@sqlisor.com>> wrote:
>     Oracle Style packages on postgres
>     To emulate oracle server side development in postgres I required server
>     side packages.  The following text demonstrates how to do this using
>     plpython on postgres 8 and suggests a language extension.
>     Looking back over the postgres discussion forums (particulary a
>     discussion
>     in 2001 following a proposal by Bill Studenmund) there appears to be
>     some
>     confusion over what oracle packages are.  Here's a concise definition :
>        "A black box processing engine with one or more public access
>     functions
>     that retains state across calls"
>     An oracle package is created when first referenced. Its initialization
>     code is run once (ie costly queries to populate session wide package
>     params) and the package dies at the end of the session
>     An analogy with OOP is that it's like having a single class instance
>     available for the duration of a session.
>     1. Pipes - oracle dbms_pipe built-in allows asynchronous communication
>     between any number of producer/consumer database sessions on any
>     number of
>     pipes
>     2. Logging - leave all logging/debug statements in code, decision on
>     logging output can be made when the logging package is initialised
>     (eg by
>     querying lookup tables for user, on/off, level, and
>     destination).  Combine
>     logging with pipes and the output can be stored in tables seperate from
>     the current transaction.  Include timing info down to milliseconds and
>     live problems/bottlenecks can more easily be identified.
>     3. Batch reporting - more suited to autonomous transactions than logging
>     but useful to have the report package store start time, duration,
>     error/warning count running totals etc. and summarize automatically at
>     report end.
>     See the example below on how to implement a version of the oracle
>     dbms_output package in plpython
>     Oracle style package creation syntax is split into header and body
>     so that
>     the body(code) can be re-compiled without invalidating dependent
>     objects.
>     Postgres syntax for the dbms_output example (in any postgres server
>     side
>     language) would be along the lines of:
>        FUNCTION dbms_output_put_line(text) RETURNS text,
>        FUNCTION dbms_output_get_lines() RETURNS text;
>     CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY dbms_output AS $$ 'package code' $$
>     <language>;
>     Adding pg_package with a link from pg_proc are the only changes required
>     to the data dictionary.
>     It would be nice to have similar dotted syntax as oracle
>     (user.package.function) but would this mess up postgres namespaces?
>     The language in which the package was created would process the 'package
>     code', for example in python:
>     o  create public functions linking header declaration to package
>     body code
>     (see dbms_output example)
>     o  process embedded sql, eg l_curs=select * from dual ->
>     l_curs=self.execute('select * from dual')
>     o  the extracted sql can be 'prepared' by postgres and syntax exceptions
>     reported as compilation errors
>     SUMMARY:
>     Packages are an important addition to postgres.  Some of the server side
>     languages have the potential to create them now.  It would be useful to
>     add a common high level syntax before the various language
>     implementations
>     start developing their own solutions.
>     I'm currently testing dbms_pipe on postgres, let me know if anyone is
>     interested.  I replaced xml-rpc (5 messages/second) by sockets (600x
>     faster!), and may test corba
>     Ronnie Mackay
>     -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     [Oracle syntax is :exec dbms_output.put_line('line1');]
>     Postgres>select dbms_output_put_line('line 1');
>     Postgres>select test_call_dbms_output_from_within_plpgsql('line 2
>     (plpgsql)');
>     Postgres>select test_call_dbms_output_from_within_plpython('line 3
>     (plpython)');
>     Postgres>select dbms_output_put_line('line 4');
>     Postgres>select dbms_output_get_lines();
>                 --- DBMS_OUTPUT DEMO ---
>                 line 1
>                 line 2 (plpgsql)
>                 line 3 (plpython)
>                 line 4
>                 --- DBMS_OUTPUT DEMO ---
>     So using current postgres syntax the only difference with oracle is that
>     dbms_output.put_line('line 1'); becomes
>     dbms_output_put_line('line 1');
>     The source code to implement the package body is returned by postgres
>     function dbms_output()
>     -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     CREATE or replace FUNCTION dbms_output_put_line(text) RETURNS text AS $$
>     from plpython import getPackage
>     return getPackage(GD, plpy, 'dbms_output').putLine(args[0])
>     $$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
>     CREATE or replace FUNCTION dbms_output_get_lines() RETURNS text AS $$
>     from plpython import getPackage
>     return getPackage(GD, plpy, 'dbms_output').getLines()
>     $$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
>     -- package body
>     CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dbms_output() RETURNS text AS $$
>     return """
>     from plpython import PlPythonPackage
>     class Package(PlPythonPackage):
>        def __init__(self, in_plpy):
>           PlPythonPackage.__init__(self, in_plpy)
>           self.lines=[]
>        def putLine(self, in_text):
>           self.lines.append(in_text)
>        def getLines(self):
>           l_lines=self._title()
>           l_lines+=self.lines
>           l_lines+=self._title()
>           self.lines=[]
>           return chr(10).join(l_lines)
>        def _title(self):
>           return ['--- DBMS_OUTPUT DEMO ---']
>     """
>     $$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
>     test_call_dbms_output_from_within_plpython(in_text text) RETURNS
>     text AS
>     $$
>     from plpython import getPackage
>     dbms_output = getPackage(GD, plpy, 'dbms_output')
>     print dbms_output
>     print dir(dbms_output)
>     dbms_output.putLine(args[0])
>     $$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
>     CREATE or replace FUNCTION
>     test_call_dbms_output_from_within_plpgsql(in_text text) RETURNS text
>     AS $$
>     declare
>        dummy text;
>     BEGIN
>        dummy := dbms_output_put_line(in_text);
>        return '';
>     END;
>     $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
>     -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     PYTHON MODULE (plpython.PlPythonPackage):
>     -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     import imp, sys
>     class PlPythonPackage:
>        """ Base class for postgres emulation of oracle package structure in
>     PlPython """
>        def __init__(self, in_plpy):
>           self.plpy=in_plpy
>           l_row=self.plpy.execute('select current_user as user,
>     current_database() as database')[0]
>           self.user=l_row ["user"]
>           self.database=l_row["database"]
>        def execute(self, in_sql):
>           l_result = self.plpy.execute(in_sql)
>     def getPackage(in_gd, in_plpy, in_package):
>        """ Dynamically load plpython package"""
>        try:
>           return in_gd[in_package]
>        except KeyError:
>           l_result=in_plpy.execute('select %s()'%in_package)
>           l_code=l_result[0].popitem()[1].replace('\n\t','\n')
>           l_module = imp.new_module (in_package)
>           exec l_code in l_module.__dict__
>           l_package=l_module.Package(in_plpy)
>           in_gd[in_package]=l_package
>           return l_package
>     ---------------------------(end of
>     broadcast)---------------------------
>     TIP 1: subscribe and unsubscribe commands go to
>     majordomo@postgresql.org <mailto:majordomo@postgresql.org>

NAGAYASU Satoshi <nagayasus@nttdata.co.jp>
OpenSource Development Center,
NTT DATA Corp. http://www.nttdata.co.jp/

Re: Oracle Style packages on postgres

Thomas Hallgren
Satoshi Nagayasu wrote:

>>    An oracle package is created when first referenced. Its initialization
>>    code is run once (ie costly queries to populate session wide package
>>    params) and the package dies at the end of the session
>>    An analogy with OOP is that it's like having a single class instance
>>    available for the duration of a session.
PL/Java has an object called "Session" that does exactly this. It is not
available from other languages at present. Are Packages supposed to be

Thomas Hallgren

Re: Oracle Style packages on postgres

Hannu Krosing
On E, 2005-05-09 at 07:36 +0200, Thomas Hallgren wrote:
> Satoshi Nagayasu wrote:
> >>    An oracle package is created when first referenced. Its initialization
> >>    code is run once (ie costly queries to populate session wide package
> >>    params) and the package dies at the end of the session
> >>    An analogy with OOP is that it's like having a single class instance
> >>    available for the duration of a session.
> >>
> PL/Java has an object called "Session" that does exactly this.

And pl/python has a global dictionary SD for the same purpose.

> It is not
> available from other languages at present. Are Packages supposed to be
> cross-language?

Probably not, as they already have most of the needed features.

Maybe we can set up some lighter version of package for cross-language
features (like installing removing a group of functions) but this are
much less needed for more advanced languages.

Hannu Krosing <hannu@skype.net>

Re: Oracle Style packages on postgres

"Jim C. Nasby"
On Sun, May 08, 2005 at 10:38:41PM -0500, Bob wrote:
> One simple benefit to packages is just organization of related code.

Which, IMHO, is greatly diminished by the lack of
schema.package.function notation. BTW, the original post referred to
this as user.package.function, but I believe that technically it's
actually schema.package.function (Oracle tends to mix schemas and
users). In any case, schema.package.function is what would make sense in

Personally, I think the biggest win here would be adding package support
and syntax to plpgsql. Not only would it make porting from Oracle
easier, it would also make plpgsql much, much more powerful.
Jim C. Nasby, Database Consultant               decibel@decibel.org 
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Re: Oracle Style packages on postgres

Josh Berkus

>    "A black box processing engine with one or more public access functions
> that retains state across calls"

In other words, an Object.   <grin>

> Oracle style package creation syntax is split into header and body so that
> the body(code) can be re-compiled without invalidating dependent objects.
> Postgres syntax for the dbms_output example (in any postgres server side
> language) would be along the lines of:
>    FUNCTION dbms_output_put_line(text) RETURNS text,
>    FUNCTION dbms_output_get_lines() RETURNS text;
> CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY dbms_output AS $$ 'package code' $$
> <language>;

Hmmm.  What about package variables?   For me, this is one of the most 
valuable parts of packages.  

I've also never much liked Oracle's seperate package_header and package_body 
declaration structure: if the two are intrinsically tied, why not make it one 
declaration?   Is syntactical compatibility important enough that we need to 
imitate their design errors?

> Adding pg_package with a link from pg_proc are the only changes required
> to the data dictionary.
> It would be nice to have similar dotted syntax as oracle
> (user.package.function) but would this mess up postgres namespaces?

Yes, actually.  If you look at the discussion, this is what killed the 2001 
proposal; packages were proposed as orthagonal to schema which was not 

However, now that schema are well established, it seems like this namespace 
issue is limited.  The problem would be that you'd have to make sure that no 
two schema and packages had the same name, or that there would be an 
automatic precedence of shema, package established.  

So, given a shema named "dataloader" and a package named "dataloader" and a 
function named "copy_it(filename)", what would happen is:

dataloader.dataloader.copy_it('/tmp/somefile')     ... would be absolutely clear
dataloader.copy_it('/tmp/somefile')    ... would attempt to call the copy_it function in the dataloader 
*schema*, not the dataloader *package*.   

The above seems inevitable, and not really a problem to me.   We simply warn 
people in the docs of the behavior, and to avoid duplicate naming.

I think there are more important questions: 

1) how do you prevent users from executing the package functions outside of 
the package?
2) Have you taken care of package variables?   If so, are they only 
per-session, or global?   If they are global, how do you accomplish this?
3) For that matter, is initialization per session or global?

Josh Berkus
Aglio Database Solutions
San Francisco

Re: Oracle Style packages on postgres

"Jonah H. Harris"
I agree wholeheartedly and was actually just thinking of this yesterday.

Back when I was working on NEXTGRES I implemented package support into 
plpgsql including scopes.  While my time is pretty tight right now, I'd 
be more than willing to work with whoever the plpgsql master is.

Jim C. Nasby wrote:

>On Sun, May 08, 2005 at 10:38:41PM -0500, Bob wrote:
>>One simple benefit to packages is just organization of related code.
>Which, IMHO, is greatly diminished by the lack of
>schema.package.function notation. BTW, the original post referred to
>this as user.package.function, but I believe that technically it's
>actually schema.package.function (Oracle tends to mix schemas and
>users). In any case, schema.package.function is what would make sense in
>Personally, I think the biggest win here would be adding package support
>and syntax to plpgsql. Not only would it make porting from Oracle
>easier, it would also make plpgsql much, much more powerful.

Inline PL/pgSQL

"Jonah H. Harris"
Hey everyone,

In addition to package support in plpgsql, it would be really handy to 
have inline plpgsql.  Likewise, I think there are others who feel this 
way as-well.

Years ago, Oracle merged PL/SQL with their normal SQL parser which 
allowed for inline PL/SQL.  They did this because it was difficult to 
maintain two separate parsers.  While this worked great for Oracle, it 
probably wouldn't really work as well for PostgreSQL because pgsql 
supports multiple procedural languages.

As for implementation, I think it would obviously be best to leave 
plpgsql on its own as a PL but maybe change BEGIN and DECLARE in the 
normal parser and have the system generate/execute a function on the 
fly.  Or, maybe it would be better to integrate plpgsql.  Or, I may just 
be crazy.

Would anyone else ever benefit from inline functions?  Does anyone have 
any ideas about implementation?  Please shoot your opinions this way.  


Re: Inline PL/pgSQL

"Joshua D. Drake"
> As for implementation, I think it would obviously be best to leave 
> plpgsql on its own as a PL but maybe change BEGIN and DECLARE in the 
> normal parser and have the system generate/execute a function on the 
> fly.  Or, maybe it would be better to integrate plpgsql.  Or, I may just 
> be crazy.
> Would anyone else ever benefit from inline functions?

Well I could see inline functions being useful for debugging a function 
during development but I don't think I would want a bunch of plPGSQL 
mucking up my pretty SQL :)


Joshua D. Drake

Your PostgreSQL solutions company - Command Prompt, Inc. 1.800.492.2240
PostgreSQL Replication, Consulting, Custom Programming, 24x7 support
Managed Services, Shared and Dedication Hosting
Co-Authors: plPHP, plPerlNG - http://www.commandprompt.com/

Re: Inline PL/pgSQL

Josh Berkus

> In addition to package support in plpgsql, it would be really handy to
> have inline plpgsql.  Likewise, I think there are others who feel this
> way as-well.

I think a number of people would be interested in this.   However, your 
biggest development issue, as I've been told, is that the Pl/pgSQL parser 
isn't nearly as mature as the SQL parser.   So an overhaul of the PL/pgSQL 
backend code would need to precede any merger of the two parsers.

Also, take a look at the "pl/pgsql enabled by default" thread on this mailing 
list for security concerns.   These security concerns would be much more 
significant if plpgsql were automatically available on the command line.   As 
such, you'd need to make building it in to the SQL command line a 
compile-time option so that security-conscious admins could disable it if 
they want to.

Josh Berkus
Aglio Database Solutions
San Francisco

Re: Inline PL/pgSQL

Andrew Dunstan

Joshua D. Drake wrote:

>> As for implementation, I think it would obviously be best to leave 
>> plpgsql on its own as a PL but maybe change BEGIN and DECLARE in the 
>> normal parser and have the system generate/execute a function on the 
>> fly.  Or, maybe it would be better to integrate plpgsql.  Or, I may 
>> just be crazy.
>> Would anyone else ever benefit from inline functions?
> Well I could see inline functions being useful for debugging a 
> function during development but I don't think I would want a bunch of 
> plPGSQL mucking up my pretty SQL :)

Then don't put it there ;-)

I think you'd need to do something like this:

PERFORM language plpgsql $$
 -- some plpgsql stuff here




Re: Oracle Style packages on postgres

"Jim C. Nasby"
On Mon, May 09, 2005 at 10:05:38AM -0700, Josh Berkus wrote:
> I've also never much liked Oracle's seperate package_header and package_body 
> declaration structure: if the two are intrinsically tied, why not make it one 
> declaration?   Is syntactical compatibility important enough that we need to 
> imitate their design errors?

Actually, there is a notable difference between the two. Replacing the
body of a package has a minimal impact on the database, but replacing
the header requires more work to invalidate cached stuff. I think
there's also a few other side effects.

This isn't to say that this is a good way to handle this, but I believe
it's why Oracle does it.
Jim C. Nasby, Database Consultant               decibel@decibel.org 
Give your computer some brain candy! www.distributed.net Team #1828

Windows: "Where do you want to go today?"
Linux: "Where do you want to go tomorrow?"
FreeBSD: "Are you guys coming, or what?"

Re: Oracle Style packages on postgres

Bruce Momjian
I would be interested in hearing how we can implement Oracle packages in
a way that seamlessly integrates into what we have.  Is it like
functions that are automatically called when a schema is accessed?  And
the result put into a per-session temporary schema?

I think it is unlikely we would implement Oracle packages exactly like
Oracle but I think there is interest in adding that functionality to

If we can work up a list I can add it to the TODO list.


Josh Berkus wrote:
> Rmm,
> >    "A black box processing engine with one or more public access functions
> > that retains state across calls"
> In other words, an Object.   <grin>
> > Oracle style package creation syntax is split into header and body so that
> > the body(code) can be re-compiled without invalidating dependent objects.
> > Postgres syntax for the dbms_output example (in any postgres server side
> > language) would be along the lines of:
> >    FUNCTION dbms_output_put_line(text) RETURNS text,
> >    FUNCTION dbms_output_get_lines() RETURNS text;
> > CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY dbms_output AS $$ 'package code' $$
> > <language>;
> Hmmm.  What about package variables?   For me, this is one of the most 
> valuable parts of packages.  
> I've also never much liked Oracle's seperate package_header and package_body 
> declaration structure: if the two are intrinsically tied, why not make it one 
> declaration?   Is syntactical compatibility important enough that we need to 
> imitate their design errors?
> > Adding pg_package with a link from pg_proc are the only changes required
> > to the data dictionary.
> > It would be nice to have similar dotted syntax as oracle
> > (user.package.function) but would this mess up postgres namespaces?
> Yes, actually.  If you look at the discussion, this is what killed the 2001 
> proposal; packages were proposed as orthagonal to schema which was not 
> acceptable.  
> However, now that schema are well established, it seems like this namespace 
> issue is limited.  The problem would be that you'd have to make sure that no 
> two schema and packages had the same name, or that there would be an 
> automatic precedence of shema, package established.  
> So, given a shema named "dataloader" and a package named "dataloader" and a 
> function named "copy_it(filename)", what would happen is:
> dataloader.dataloader.copy_it('/tmp/somefile') 
>      ... would be absolutely clear
> dataloader.copy_it('/tmp/somefile')
>      ... would attempt to call the copy_it function in the dataloader 
> *schema*, not the dataloader *package*.   
> The above seems inevitable, and not really a problem to me.   We simply warn 
> people in the docs of the behavior, and to avoid duplicate naming.
> I think there are more important questions: 
> 1) how do you prevent users from executing the package functions outside of 
> the package?
> 2) Have you taken care of package variables?   If so, are they only 
> per-session, or global?   If they are global, how do you accomplish this?
> 3) For that matter, is initialization per session or global?
> -- 
> Josh Berkus
> Aglio Database Solutions
> San Francisco
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 2: you can get off all lists at once with the unregister command
>     (send "unregister YourEmailAddressHere" to majordomo@postgresql.org)

--  Bruce Momjian                        |  http://candle.pha.pa.us pgman@candle.pha.pa.us               |  (610)
359-1001+  If your life is a hard drive,     |  13 Roberts Road +  Christ can be your backup.        |  Newtown Square,

Re: Oracle Style packages on postgres

Tom Lane
Josh Berkus <josh@agliodbs.com> writes:
> Yes, actually.  If you look at the discussion, this is what killed the 2001 
> proposal; packages were proposed as orthagonal to schema which was not 
> acceptable.  

I think what actually killed that proposal was that it was not made
clear what it did that wouldn't be done as well (and in a more standard
fashion) by providing schemas.

What I read in this thread is that the only truly missing feature is
package variables (ie, session-local variables); is that an accurate
statement?  If so, it would seem simplest to add such a feature to
plpgsql and be done with it.  Several people already pointed out that
most of the other PLs support that feature today.
        regards, tom lane

Re: Oracle Style packages on postgres

Josh Berkus

> What I read in this thread is that the only truly missing feature is
> package variables (ie, session-local variables); is that an accurate
> statement?  If so, it would seem simplest to add such a feature to
> plpgsql and be done with it.  Several people already pointed out that
> most of the other PLs support that feature today.

Also initialization, namespacing, and security.   The ability to "package" 
bunches of functions, and only allow their calling in the context of a 
package, is quite valuable in installations which support 1,000's of 


Josh Berkus
Aglio Database Solutions
San Francisco

Re: Oracle Style packages on postgres

Tom Lane
Josh Berkus <josh@agliodbs.com> writes:
>> What I read in this thread is that the only truly missing feature is
>> package variables (ie, session-local variables); is that an accurate
>> statement?  If so, it would seem simplest to add such a feature to
>> plpgsql and be done with it.  Several people already pointed out that
>> most of the other PLs support that feature today.

> Also initialization, namespacing, and security.   The ability to "package" 
> bunches of functions, and only allow their calling in the context of a 
> package, is quite valuable in installations which support 1,000's of 
> procedures.

This is exactly the sort of argumentation that got the last proposal
shot down ;-).  I see no reason that you can't do the namespacing and
security as well or better using the existing (and more standard) schema
feature.  If there's something there that's not covered, what is it?

(The initialization bit goes along with the variables, AFAICS.)
        regards, tom lane

Re: Inline PL/pgSQL

Hannu Krosing
On E, 2005-05-09 at 11:44 -0600, Jonah H. Harris wrote:
> Hey everyone,
> In addition to package support in plpgsql, it would be really handy to 
> have inline plpgsql.  Likewise, I think there are others who feel this 
> way as-well.

Session variables is what I miss most.

> Years ago, Oracle merged PL/SQL with their normal SQL parser which 
> allowed for inline PL/SQL.  

Was that really that much time ago ? IIRC this was fanfared as one of
big advancements of Oracle 10.

> They did this because it was difficult to maintain two separate parsers. 

Also they claimed that this cleared away some subtle differences in the
languages supported by SQL and pl/SQL.

>  While this worked great for Oracle, it 
> probably wouldn't really work as well for PostgreSQL because pgsql 
> supports multiple procedural languages.

AFAIK Oracle also supports at least java, using a syntax somewhat
similar to ours.

> As for implementation, I think it would obviously be best to leave 
> plpgsql on its own as a PL but maybe change BEGIN and DECLARE in the 
> normal parser and have the system generate/execute a function on the 
> fly.  Or, maybe it would be better to integrate plpgsql.  Or, I may just 
> be crazy.

Just having $$ quoting and named arguments does most of what I need for
using functions from a command line. If pl/pgsql and perhaps even plain
sql get session variables, preferrably usable by both (and in future
accessible from other) pl-s that would cover most of my needs.

> Would anyone else ever benefit from inline functions?  Does anyone have 
> any ideas about implementation?  Please shoot your opinions this way.  

While I can imagine how to use a declarative language from procedural
one (pl/pgsql using sql) I have much harder time to imagine how to do
the opposite in a convevient way.

something like this ? :

select $$ inline scalar plpgsql func here $$, count(*)  from $$ inline set function here $$ subgroup by 1;

perhaps just supporting TEMP funcions should be enough ?

Hannu Krosing <hannu@tm.ee>

Re: Oracle Style packages on postgres

Josh Berkus

> This is exactly the sort of argumentation that got the last proposal
> shot down ;-).  I see no reason that you can't do the namespacing and
> security as well or better using the existing (and more standard) schema
> feature.  If there's something there that's not covered, what is it?

a) When you have 1000's of procedures, it becomes very useful to have more 
than one level of namespacing.   This is not an exaggeration; one project I 
looked at who decided not to convert from Oracle to PostgreSQL had over 
100,000 procedures and functions.   Lack of packages was their main reason 
for not switching.  Schemas provide only *one* level of namespacing, unless 
we want to "improve" on the SQL standard and allow nested schemas.

b) Schemas do not provide us with any way of limiting the scope of functions 
and persistent variables.  With packages, you would want:1. functions which can only be called internally to the
package2.variables which are only visible inside the package3. functions which can only be called as part of the
package(thus utilizing 
the initialization and internal variables) and not on their own.


Josh Berkus
Aglio Database Solutions
San Francisco

Re: Inline PL/pgSQL

David Fetter
On Mon, May 09, 2005 at 11:44:23AM -0600, Jonah H. Harris wrote:
> Hey everyone,
> In addition to package support in plpgsql, it would be really handy
> to have inline plpgsql.  Likewise, I think there are others who feel
> this way as-well.

Why yes, there are. :)

> Years ago, Oracle merged PL/SQL with their normal SQL parser which
> allowed for inline PL/SQL.  They did this because it was difficult
> to maintain two separate parsers.  While this worked great for
> Oracle, it probably wouldn't really work as well for PostgreSQL
> because pgsql supports multiple procedural languages.

I proposed a syntax for this awhile back.  I haven't found it in the
archives, but it goes like this:

EXECUTE IMMEDIATE $$   function body here

Similarly, a CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION could be quite handy.

David Fetter david@fetter.org http://fetter.org/
phone: +1 510 893 6100   mobile: +1 415 235 3778

Remember to vote!

Re: Oracle Style packages on postgres

Thomas Hallgren
Josh Berkus wrote:
> Tom,
>>This is exactly the sort of argumentation that got the last proposal
>>shot down ;-).  I see no reason that you can't do the namespacing and
>>security as well or better using the existing (and more standard) schema
>>feature.  If there's something there that's not covered, what is it?
> a) When you have 1000's of procedures, it becomes very useful to have more 
> than one level of namespacing.   This is not an exaggeration; one project I 
> looked at who decided not to convert from Oracle to PostgreSQL had over 
> 100,000 procedures and functions.   Lack of packages was their main reason 
> for not switching.  Schemas provide only *one* level of namespacing, unless 
> we want to "improve" on the SQL standard and allow nested schemas.
> b) Schemas do not provide us with any way of limiting the scope of functions 
> and persistent variables.  With packages, you would want:
>     1. functions which can only be called internally to the package
>     2. variables which are only visible inside the package
>     3. functions which can only be called as part of the package (thus utilizing 
> the initialization and internal variables) and not on their own.
What Josh describes here are excellent features but IMHO, the Oracle 
PACKAGE concept is an abomination that should have been left out. The 
reason I say this is that Oracle also provide the ability to create user 
defined types that have methods. Both instance and static methods can be 

In Oracle you can use the syntax:


but you can just as well use the syntax:

<schema>.<type>.<static method>()

Why do you need both? If PostgreSQL is going to add new nice features 
that enables better namespace handling and global variables, take a look 
at Oracles UDT's with static and instance methods. Only thing that I'm 
not sure is there is static variables. If it's missing, we could add 
that easilly and give them the same life-span as the session.

A UDT can be exchanged seamlessly across PL's so it would become a 
really elegant solution for session variables.

Thomas Hallgren

Re: Oracle Style packages on postgres

Tom Lane
Thomas Hallgren <thhal@mailblocks.com> writes:
> In Oracle you can use the syntax:
> <schema>.<package>.<function>()
> but you can just as well use the syntax:
> <schema>.<type>.<static method>()

Hmm.  I think there is also something pretty close to that in SQL2003.
It would be a lot easier to talk us into accepting something that's in
the spec than something that isn't.
        regards, tom lane

Re: Inline PL/pgSQL

"Jonah H. Harris"

I agree with your idea.  That seems like it would be somewhat easy to 
implement and would do exactly what I would need.  Anyone else have 
ideas or thoughts along this line?

David Fetter wrote:

>On Mon, May 09, 2005 at 11:44:23AM -0600, Jonah H. Harris wrote:
>>Hey everyone,
>>In addition to package support in plpgsql, it would be really handy
>>to have inline plpgsql.  Likewise, I think there are others who feel
>>this way as-well.
>Why yes, there are. :)
>>Years ago, Oracle merged PL/SQL with their normal SQL parser which
>>allowed for inline PL/SQL.  They did this because it was difficult
>>to maintain two separate parsers.  While this worked great for
>>Oracle, it probably wouldn't really work as well for PostgreSQL
>>because pgsql supports multiple procedural languages.
>I proposed a syntax for this awhile back.  I haven't found it in the
>archives, but it goes like this:
>    function body here
>LANGUAGE plfoo;
>Similarly, a CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION could be quite handy.

Re: Inline PL/pgSQL

David Fetter
On Mon, May 09, 2005 at 05:28:42PM -0600, Jonah H. Harris wrote:
> David,
> I agree with your idea.  That seems like it would be somewhat easy to 
> implement and would do exactly what I would need.  Anyone else have 
> ideas or thoughts along this line?

Seeing as EXECUTE IMMEDIATE is already used, so how about PERFORM
IMMEDIATE?  I also like the idea of functions whose scope is settable.
Something like this:


> David Fetter wrote:
> >On Mon, May 09, 2005 at 11:44:23AM -0600, Jonah H. Harris wrote:
> > 
> >
> >>Hey everyone,
> >>
> >>In addition to package support in plpgsql, it would be really handy
> >>to have inline plpgsql.  Likewise, I think there are others who feel
> >>this way as-well.
> >>   
> >>
> >
> >Why yes, there are. :)
> >
> > 
> >
> >>Years ago, Oracle merged PL/SQL with their normal SQL parser which
> >>allowed for inline PL/SQL.  They did this because it was difficult
> >>to maintain two separate parsers.  While this worked great for
> >>Oracle, it probably wouldn't really work as well for PostgreSQL
> >>because pgsql supports multiple procedural languages.
> >>   
> >>
> >
> >I proposed a syntax for this awhile back.  I haven't found it in the
> >archives, but it goes like this:
> >
> >   function body here
> >$$
> >LANGUAGE plfoo;
> >
> >Similarly, a CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION could be quite handy.
> >
> >Cheers,
> >D
> > 
> >
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

David Fetter david@fetter.org http://fetter.org/
phone: +1 510 893 6100   mobile: +1 415 235 3778

Remember to vote!

Re: Inline PL/pgSQL

Neil Conway
David Fetter wrote:
>     function body here
> $$
> LANGUAGE plfoo;

Seems like a lot of unnecessary syntax for something that would be 
manually used by a lot of DBAs. Also, this is unrelated to normal 
EXECUTE, or the EXECUTE IMMEDIATE defined by the standard, so I'm not 
sure it's a good idea to use similar syntax.

BTW, this is a little off-the-wall, but one interesting idea to help SQL 
and PL/foo integration would be to replace the bison grammar for SQL 
with a hand-written recursive descent parser. If written carefully, this 
would allow other procedural languages to "call into" the SQL parser 
from their own parsers when appropriate, and integrate the resulting 
parse nodes into their own parse tree. PL/PgSQL in HEAD does something a 
bit similar for syntax checking, but it's pretty ugly (we need to 
manually invoke raw_parser(), and then we throw away the result).


Re: Oracle Style packages on postgres

Bruce Momjian
Josh Berkus wrote:
> Tom,
> > This is exactly the sort of argumentation that got the last proposal
> > shot down ;-).  I see no reason that you can't do the namespacing and
> > security as well or better using the existing (and more standard) schema
> > feature.  If there's something there that's not covered, what is it?
> a) When you have 1000's of procedures, it becomes very useful to have more 
> than one level of namespacing.   This is not an exaggeration; one project I 
> looked at who decided not to convert from Oracle to PostgreSQL had over 
> 100,000 procedures and functions.   Lack of packages was their main reason 
> for not switching.  Schemas provide only *one* level of namespacing, unless 
> we want to "improve" on the SQL standard and allow nested schemas.
> b) Schemas do not provide us with any way of limiting the scope of functions 
> and persistent variables.  With packages, you would want:
>     1. functions which can only be called internally to the package
>     2. variables which are only visible inside the package
>     3. functions which can only be called as part of the package (thus utilizing 
> the initialization and internal variables) and not on their own.

What if we defined functions to look in their own schemas for functions
they call, then use the search_path, rather than using the search path

--  Bruce Momjian                        |  http://candle.pha.pa.us pgman@candle.pha.pa.us               |  (610)
359-1001+  If your life is a hard drive,     |  13 Roberts Road +  Christ can be your backup.        |  Newtown Square,

Re: Oracle Style packages on postgres

Josh Berkus

> > b) Schemas do not provide us with any way of limiting the scope of
> > functions and persistent variables.  With packages, you would want:
> >     1. functions which can only be called internally to the package
> >     2. variables which are only visible inside the package
> >     3. functions which can only be called as part of the package (thus
> > utilizing the initialization and internal variables) and not on their
> > own.
> What if we defined functions to look in their own schemas for functions
> they call, then use the search_path, rather than using the search path
> first?

That really doesn't address the desired functionality.  For example, I could 
have a package whose initialization function involves some security checks, 
and then the package's "methods" (internal functions) would access the 
variables set by the security check function ... but those variables would 
NOT be available to the user or modifiable by them.

I know the need for this is probably hypothetical to a lot of -hackers, but 
it's pretty common programming in the Oracle PL/SQL world.  

Of course, if there's something in SQL2003 that supports this, it would be 
really keen to know it ...


Josh Berkus
Aglio Database Solutions
San Francisco

Re: Oracle Style packages on postgres

Bruce Momjian
Josh Berkus wrote:
> Bruce,
> > > b) Schemas do not provide us with any way of limiting the scope of
> > > functions and persistent variables.  With packages, you would want:
> > >     1. functions which can only be called internally to the package
> > >     2. variables which are only visible inside the package
> > >     3. functions which can only be called as part of the package (thus
> > > utilizing the initialization and internal variables) and not on their
> > > own.
> >
> > What if we defined functions to look in their own schemas for functions
> > they call, then use the search_path, rather than using the search path
> > first?
> That really doesn't address the desired functionality.  For example, I could 
> have a package whose initialization function involves some security checks, 
> and then the package's "methods" (internal functions) would access the 
> variables set by the security check function ... but those variables would 
> NOT be available to the user or modifiable by them.
> I know the need for this is probably hypothetical to a lot of -hackers, but 
> it's pretty common programming in the Oracle PL/SQL world.  
> Of course, if there's something in SQL2003 that supports this, it would be 
> really keen to know it ...

Agreed, but saying we are going to just go out and implement everything
Oracle packages have just because they have them isn't likely to happen
for PostgreSQL.  We need a list of things that need to be added, and how
our existing functionality will be modified to make them available.

Just saying "we need Oracle packages" doesn't make it happen.  I have
followed the discussion and I still don't have a clear idea of the exact
additions that people want, and without that, nothing is likely to
happen.  I don't even have something for the TODO list at this point.

--  Bruce Momjian                        |  http://candle.pha.pa.us pgman@candle.pha.pa.us               |  (610)
359-1001+  If your life is a hard drive,     |  13 Roberts Road +  Christ can be your backup.        |  Newtown Square,

Re: Oracle Style packages on postgres

Josh Berkus

> Just saying "we need Oracle packages" doesn't make it happen.  I have
> followed the discussion and I still don't have a clear idea of the exact
> additions that people want, and without that, nothing is likely to
> happen.  I don't even have something for the TODO list at this point.

That's what I'm trying to help define.

I think that private variables and private functions need to be part of the


Josh Berkus
Aglio Database Solutions
San Francisco

Re: Oracle Style packages on postgres

Bruce Momjian
Josh Berkus wrote:
> B-
> > Just saying "we need Oracle packages" doesn't make it happen. ?I have
> > followed the discussion and I still don't have a clear idea of the exact
> > additions that people want, and without that, nothing is likely to
> > happen. ?I don't even have something for the TODO list at this point.
> That's what I'm trying to help define.
> I think that private variables and private functions need to be part of the 
> definition.

OK, so it seems we need:
C static/private functions for schemasC static/private variables for schemas

Are private variables implemented via the temporary per-session schema?
nested schemas

What does the standard say?

Is that it?

--  Bruce Momjian                        |  http://candle.pha.pa.us pgman@candle.pha.pa.us               |  (610)
359-1001+  If your life is a hard drive,     |  13 Roberts Road +  Christ can be your backup.        |  Newtown Square,

Re: Inline PL/pgSQL

Tom Lane
Neil Conway <neilc@samurai.com> writes:
> BTW, this is a little off-the-wall, but one interesting idea to help SQL 
> and PL/foo integration would be to replace the bison grammar for SQL 
> with a hand-written recursive descent parser.

Ick.  I gave up hand-written RD parsers twenty-five years ago.  They are
tedious to write, error-prone (due to the utter lack of any checking
that what you wrote embodies the syntax you meant), less flexible than
LALR(1), and generally have few redeeming social advantages.

Which is not to say that plpgsql in its current implementation isn't
mighty ugly too.  I'd dearly love to find a better solution ... but
"throw away the parser generator" isn't a better solution.
        regards, tom lane

Re: Oracle Style packages on postgres

Josh Berkus

> OK, so it seems we need:
>     C static/private functions for schemas
>     C static/private variables for schemas
> Are private variables implemented via the temporary per-session schema?
>     nested schemas
> What does the standard say?
> Is that it?

Hmmm.  That's an interesting approach.  I, personally, would buy that.

Josh Berkus
Aglio Database Solutions
San Francisco

Re: Oracle Style packages on postgres

Thomas Hallgren
Bruce Momjian wrote:
> Josh Berkus wrote:
>>I think that private variables and private functions need to be part of the 
> OK, so it seems we need:
>     C static/private functions for schemas
>     C static/private variables for schemas
> Are private variables implemented via the temporary per-session schema?
>     nested schemas
> What does the standard say?
The standard says that rather then using nested schemas or packages in 
conjunction with functions in order to group functions with data, use 
user defined types with attributes and methods. Methods can be STATIC, 

AFAICS there's nothing in the standard that alters the visibility of 
methods and attributes, so "private" is not covered (and don't recall 
that Oracle has that kind of visibility control either). Normal access 
restrictions apply of course.

I can't find any mention of schema variables. I think all life-cycle 
management of data is reduced to table storage. And why not? A temporary 
table can be viewed as session data right?

Using a KISS approach, the easiest thing to do that also would bring us 
closer to the standard, is to extend the notion of user defined types to 
include methods and conclude that storing session data in other ways 
than using temporary tables should be PL specific.

Thomas Hallgren

Re: Oracle Style packages on postgres

Adrian Maier
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Adrian Maier <adrian.maier@gmail.com>
Date: May 10, 2005 12:01 PM
Subject: Re: [HACKERS] Oracle Style packages on postgres
To: "Jim C. Nasby" <decibel@decibel.org>

On 5/9/05, Jim C. Nasby <decibel@decibel.org> wrote:
> On Sun, May 08, 2005 at 10:38:41PM -0500, Bob wrote:
> > One simple benefit to packages is just organization of related code.
> Which, IMHO, is greatly diminished by the lack of
> schema.package.function notation. BTW, the original post referred to
> this as user.package.function, but I believe that technically it's
> actually schema.package.function (Oracle tends to mix schemas and
> users). In any case, schema.package.function is what would make sense in
> PostgreSQL.
> Personally, I think the biggest win here would be adding package support
> and syntax to plpgsql. Not only would it make porting from Oracle
> easier, it would also make plpgsql much, much more powerful.


What do you think about having some kind of language-independent
packages ?
I'm thinking that it could be handy to implement some functions in
plpgsql, some functions in plpython and so . And then bundle them
together into the same package.

Adrian Maier

Re: Oracle Style packages on postgres

Bruce Momjian
Thomas Hallgren wrote:
> Bruce Momjian wrote:
> > Josh Berkus wrote:
> > 
> >>I think that private variables and private functions need to be part of the 
> >>definition.
> > 
> > 
> > OK, so it seems we need:
> > 
> >     C static/private functions for schemas
> >     C static/private variables for schemas
> > 
> > Are private variables implemented via the temporary per-session schema?
> > 
> >     nested schemas
> > 
> > What does the standard say?
> > 
> The standard says that rather then using nested schemas or packages in 
> conjunction with functions in order to group functions with data, use 
> user defined types with attributes and methods. Methods can be STATIC, 

So it sounds like you group the functions into user-defined types,
rather than nested schemas.  So you assocate functions with a table?

> AFAICS there's nothing in the standard that alters the visibility of 
> methods and attributes, so "private" is not covered (and don't recall 
> that Oracle has that kind of visibility control either). Normal access 
> restrictions apply of course.
> I can't find any mention of schema variables. I think all life-cycle 
> management of data is reduced to table storage. And why not? A temporary 
> table can be viewed as session data right?
> Using a KISS approach, the easiest thing to do that also would bring us 
> closer to the standard, is to extend the notion of user defined types to 
> include methods and conclude that storing session data in other ways 
> than using temporary tables should be PL specific.

I suppose.  I think we should focus on the use cases for Oracle
packages, rather than the specific functionality it provides.  What
things do people need PostgreSQL to do that it already doesn't do?

--  Bruce Momjian                        |  http://candle.pha.pa.us pgman@candle.pha.pa.us               |  (610)
359-1001+  If your life is a hard drive,     |  13 Roberts Road +  Christ can be your backup.        |  Newtown Square,

Re: Oracle Style packages on postgres

Thomas Hallgren
Bruce Momjian wrote:

>Thomas Hallgren wrote:
>>Bruce Momjian wrote:
>>>Josh Berkus wrote:
>>>>I think that private variables and private functions need to be part of the 
>>>OK, so it seems we need:
>>>    C static/private functions for schemas
>>>    C static/private variables for schemas
>>>Are private variables implemented via the temporary per-session schema?
>>>    nested schemas
>>>What does the standard say?
>>The standard says that rather then using nested schemas or packages in 
>>conjunction with functions in order to group functions with data, use 
>>user defined types with attributes and methods. Methods can be STATIC, 
>So it sounds like you group the functions into user-defined types,
>rather than nested schemas.
Yes, you'd get <schema>.<type>.<method> as the fully qualified name.

>  So you assocate functions with a table?
Not necessarily a table. A type is just a type. A type containing just 
static methods is not very different from an Oracle package. A table 
created from a type may of course have methods associated with it. That 
gets really interesting when you use INSTANCE methods. They act on a per 
row basis so that you can do things like:

SELECT x.someMethod() FROM someTable x;

rather than as today.

SELECT someFunction(x) FROM someTable x;

Thomas Hallgren

Re: Oracle Style packages on postgres

Daniel Schuchardt
Bruce Momjian schrieb:

>OK, so it seems we need:
>    C static/private functions for schemas
>    C static/private variables for schemas
>Are private variables implemented via the temporary per-session schema?
>    nested schemas
>What does the standard say?
>Is that it?

that would be great. And don't forget global variables for pl/pgsql.


Re: Oracle Style packages on postgres

"Dave Held"
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bruce Momjian [mailto:pgman@candle.pha.pa.us]
> Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2005 8:43 AM
> To: Thomas Hallgren
> Cc: Tom Lane; rmm@sqlisor.com; pgsql-hackers@postgresql.org
> Subject: Re: [HACKERS] Oracle Style packages on postgres
> [...]
> I suppose.  I think we should focus on the use cases for Oracle
> packages, rather than the specific functionality it provides.
> What things do people need PostgreSQL to do that it already
> doesn't do?

Is that really the best way to go about things?  Already RDBMSes
are patchwork quilts of functionality.  Is merely adding another
patch the most elegant way to evolve the database?  The problem is
that Oracle et al are trying to be ORDBMSes and aren't exactly sure
what the best way to go is.  Instead of trying to formulate a
rational plan for what an ORDBMS should even look like, they simply
look at what would work with their existing infrastructure and tack
on features.  Then Postgres plays the copycat game.  Instead of
trying to play catch-up with Oracle, why not beat them at their own

What packages provide is encapsulation.  Hiding the data from the
user and forcing him/her to use the public interface (methods).
That is an important and admirable OO feature.  Some people think
that using the DB's security model can achieve the same thing.  It
can't, exactly, but there's an important lesson to be learned from
the suggestion.  The problem is that OOP is a *programming* paradigm,
and a database is not a *programming language*.  In a programming
language, there really is no such thing as "security".  There is
only "visibility" and "accessibility".  Private methods in an OOP
language do not provide *security*; they only limit *accessibility*.
Like so many other differences between the relational model and the
OOP model, there is an impedance mismatch here.  However, there is
also opportunity.

In an OOPL, you can say: "Users can call this method from here, but
not from there."  What you *can't* say is: "User X can call this
method, but User Y cannot."  As you can see, these are orthogonal
concepts.  You could call the first "accessibility by location" and
the second "accessibility by authentication".  An ORDBMS should
support both.  "Private" does not respect your identity, only your
calling location.  An ACL does not respect your calling scope, only
your identity.  A system that has both is clearly more flexible than
one that only has one or the other.

Now what you need to keep in mind is that each visibility model
serves a different purpose.  The purpose of a security model is to
limit *who* can see/touch certain data because the data has intrinsic
value.  The purpose of an accessibility model is to limit *where* and
*how* data can be seen/touched in order to preserve *program
invariants*.  So if you have an object (or tuple!) that records the
start and stop time of some process, it is probably a logical
invariant that the stop time is greater than or equal to the start
time.  For this reason, in a PL, you would encapsulate these fields
(attributes) and only provide controlled access to update them that
checks and preserves the invariant, *no matter who you are*.  You
don't want a superuser violating this invariant any more than Sue

Now you might object that constraints allow you to preserve
invariants as well, and indeed they do.  But constraints do not
respect calling scope.  Suppose there is a process that needs to
update the timestamps in a way that temporarily breaks the invariant
but restores it afterwards.  The only way to effect this in a
constraint environment is to drop the constraint, perform the
operation, and restore it.  However, dropping a constraint is not an
ideal solution because there may be other unprivileged processes
operating on the relation that still need the constraint to be
enforced.  There is no way to say: "There is a priviledged class of
methods that is allowed to violate this constraint because they are
trusted to restore it upon completion."  Note that this is different
from saying "There is a priviledged class of users that is allowed
to violate this constraint."  If you try to do something like give
read-only access to everybody and only write access to one user and
define that user to be the owner of the methods that update the data,
you have to follow the convention that that user only operates
through the defined interface, and doesn't hack the data directly.
That's because user-level accessibility is not the same as scope-
level accessibility.  Whereas, if you define something like a
package, and say: "Package X is allowed full and complete access
to relation Y", and stick the interface methods in X, you still have
all the user-level security you want while preserving the invariants
in the most elegant way.

So you can think of a package as a scope in a programming language.
It's like a user, but it is not a user.  A user has privileges that
cut across scopes.  Now, whether packages should be different from
schemas is a whole different ballgame.  The purpose of a schema in
Postgres is not entirely clear to me.  There's lots of different ways
to use schemas, and there is no obvious best way to use them.  In
order to implement the accessibility features of packages, schemas
would have to be changed considerably.  Probably a lot of users would
be unhappy if schemas were changed in that way.  My guess is that
this would not be a good idea.

I think we can get some guidance from PLs.  C++ is what you call a
"multi-paradigm language".  You can do everything from assembly to
metaprogramming in C++.  As such, it is very loose and open in some
respects.  C++ has two kinds of scopes: it has classes and namespaces.
Members of a class are encapsulated and support data hiding.  Members
of a namespace are only loosely grouped and do not support data hiding
explicitly.  Namespaces exist primarily to avoid name collisions.

Java, on the other hand, decided that for OOP purity, everything must
be a class.  That would be like making schemas into packages and
imposing accessibility rules on them.  At the end of the day, I think
many PL design experts agree that making everything a class is not
necessarily the best way to go.

So schemas can be like C++ namespaces - they provide a means to
loosely group related objects and help avoid name collisions.  So
the package could be like a class - they provide OOP-like
encapsulation via accessibility rules.  However, that doesn't mean
that nested schemas wouldn't also be a good thing.  In C++, nested
namespaces are extremely useful when one layer of scoping does not
sufficiently partition the namespace to avoid frequent name
collisions.  I think the same is true of Postgres.  I certainly would
like to be able to use nested schema names in several contexts.
Instead, I have to make a choice between making different schemas,
or making different name prefixes.  I wouldn't even mind if nested
schemas were only allowed to contain schemas except at the leaves of
the tree.  Another feature that is very useful is the "using clause".
Combined with nested namespaces, this is a very powerful way to give
programmers/dbas control over names.  You can give everything the
most natural name, and just put it in the appropriate namespace,
and use the namespace that is relevant to the given task at hand.

So consider this example:

Tables: etl.import.record etl.export.record

As you can imagine, I don't really want to make an 'import' and
'export' schema at the top level.  There's several tables in
each schema, but that should illustrate the point.  Then, when
constructing queries, it would be nice to be able to do this:
USING etl.import      ;
SELECT * FROM record JOIN header ON ... JOIN file ON ...      ;

The effect of a USING clause would be to import the schema names
into the public namespace for the duration of the transaction.  If
that leads to ambiguous names, then the parser/planner should emit an

David B. Held
Software Engineer/Array Services Group
200 14th Ave. East,  Sartell, MN 56377
320.534.3637 320.253.7800 800.752.8129

Re: Oracle Style packages on postgres

"Jim C. Nasby"
On Tue, May 10, 2005 at 12:01:54PM +0300, Adrian Maier wrote:
> > Personally, I think the biggest win here would be adding package support
> > and syntax to plpgsql. Not only would it make porting from Oracle
> > easier, it would also make plpgsql much, much more powerful.
> Hello,
> What do you think about having some kind of language-independent
> packages ?
> I'm thinking that it could be handy to implement some functions in
> plpgsql, some functions in plpython and so . And then bundle them
> together into the same package.

Personally, I basically only use plpgsql, but I can certainly see where
there would be value in being able to include functions and procedures
from multiple languages in one package. But I suspect this will also
make some things more difficult, such as global static variables.
Jim C. Nasby, Database Consultant               decibel@decibel.org 
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Re: Oracle Style packages on postgres

"Jim C. Nasby"
On Mon, May 09, 2005 at 11:24:45PM +0200, Thomas Hallgren wrote:
> In Oracle you can use the syntax:
> <schema>.<package>.<function>()
> but you can just as well use the syntax:
> <schema>.<type>.<static method>()
> Why do you need both? If PostgreSQL is going to add new nice features 
> that enables better namespace handling and global variables, take a look 
> at Oracles UDT's with static and instance methods. Only thing that I'm 
> not sure is there is static variables. If it's missing, we could add 
> that easilly and give them the same life-span as the session.

It's been a while since I used types, but here's some issues I can think

I don't believe types allow for internal-only methods. I seem to recall
other limitations on what types could do as opposed to packages. Of
course, we need not restrict ourselves in such a manner.

Types are not used nearly as much as packages (this is an issue if we
care about enabling Oracle users to migrate).

Types generally force you to use them in relation to some database
object. Packages have no such restriction.

Don't get me wrong, I think supporting more powerful types would be a
welcome addition, but I don't think they can be as flexable as packages.
The good news is that they should both be able to use the same
underlying framework. Types are afterall just a specialized
implementation of packages.
Jim C. Nasby, Database Consultant               decibel@decibel.org 
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Re: Oracle Style packages on postgres

"Jim C. Nasby"
On Mon, May 09, 2005 at 09:56:53PM -0400, Bruce Momjian wrote:
> OK, so it seems we need:
>     C static/private functions for schemas
>     C static/private variables for schemas
> Are private variables implemented via the temporary per-session schema?
>     nested schemas
> What does the standard say?
> Is that it?

I think a big part of the usefulness of packages is in supplying an
additional level of grouping common things together. Of course, nested
schemas with public/private functions (and procedures, lest we forget
them) is a much better way to do this, since a schema can encompass
everything you'd need; tables, views, types, etc.

Having said that, I would say that private variables need to be exposed
via the same nested schema interface as everything else. If the
implementation under the covers is via the temporary schema, that's

As for using temporary tables as session storage, that has a huge
performance penalty associated with it. Part of the advantage to package
variables is that you can use them to cache information your code will
need to access frequently. That access then becomes a simple variable or
array read, which is obviously much faster than parsing a query to hit a
temp table.

There is one feature not mentioned by Bruce's design, and that's
initialization (and teardown) code. I don't recall using that capability
in Oracle, but I was wondering if others with more experience could
comment on it.
Jim C. Nasby, Database Consultant               decibel@decibel.org 
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Re: Oracle Style packages on postgres

Thomas Hallgren
Jim C. Nasby wrote:

>I don't believe types allow for internal-only methods. I seem to recall
>other limitations on what types could do as opposed to packages. Of
>course, we need not restrict ourselves in such a manner.
Do Oracle packages support internal only functions? If they do, then I 
agree, that's a feature that the SQL standard doesn't have.

>Types are not used nearly as much as packages (this is an issue if we
>care about enabling Oracle users to migrate).
>Types generally force you to use them in relation to some database
>object. Packages have no such restriction.
If used as a package, i.e. only containing static methods, you don't 
need to use the type in relation to anything. It's simply a namespace. 
If used with a temporary table, you get a very neat, standardized, 
cross-language way of managing session data.

>Don't get me wrong, I think supporting more powerful types would be a
>welcome addition, but I don't think they can be as flexable as packages.
I see this differently. A full implementation of the SQL-standard for 
UDT's will allow abstract types, inheritance, method overloading, etc. 
It quickly becomes far more flexible then Oracle packages. A full 
implementation is of course beyond the scope for what's needed to 
accommodate the needs of those who use packages but a simple 
implementation is extendable within the scope of the standard.

>The good news is that they should both be able to use the same
>underlying framework. Types are afterall just a specialized
>implementation of packages.
Right. Given a good implementation of types, packages would be easy to 
implement. The other way around would not be possible. A package is a 
very restricted type that contains static methods only. Possibly with 
the extension of some kind of method/attribute visibility.

So do we need "internal only" functions although they are not covered by 
the SQL-standard? If the answer is no, then IMO we should follow the 
standard and use types, not packages. If the answer is yes, then the  
SQL-standard is not enough. Should we then use packages or simply 
introduce the keyword PRIVATE on methods of a type? Personally, I'd go 
for the latter and then, if necessary, build packages on top of that in 
for the benefit of Oracle users who wants to migrate. A fully fledged 
type system will ease Oracle migration too since Oracle already has this.

Thomas Hallgren

Re: Oracle Style packages on postgres

"Jim C. Nasby"
On Tue, May 10, 2005 at 08:40:16PM +0200, Thomas Hallgren wrote:
> Jim C. Nasby wrote:
> >I don't believe types allow for internal-only methods. I seem to recall
> >other limitations on what types could do as opposed to packages. Of
> >course, we need not restrict ourselves in such a manner.
> > 
> >
> Do Oracle packages support internal only functions? If they do, then I 
> agree, that's a feature that the SQL standard doesn't have.

AFAIK anything in an Oracle packages can be internal-only. You just
exclude it from the header.

> I see this differently. A full implementation of the SQL-standard for 
> UDT's will allow abstract types, inheritance, method overloading, etc. 
> It quickly becomes far more flexible then Oracle packages. A full 
> implementation is of course beyond the scope for what's needed to 
> accommodate the needs of those who use packages but a simple 
> implementation is extendable within the scope of the standard.

Packages allow for abstract types and method overloading. They don't
allow for inheritance.

> >The good news is that they should both be able to use the same
> >underlying framework. Types are afterall just a specialized
> >implementation of packages.
> > 
> >
> Right. Given a good implementation of types, packages would be easy to 
> implement. The other way around would not be possible. A package is a 
> very restricted type that contains static methods only. Possibly with 
> the extension of some kind of method/attribute visibility.

I guess maybe I'm not clear on what you mean by static methods. IIRC, in
Oracle nomenclature, static means it will retain state between
invocations in the same session. Of course, functions and procedures
that don't do this are also allowed.

Basically, before we assume that one implementation allows for the other
I think some research needs to be done. Hopefully someone on the list is
familiar with both. I think it would be a huge win if we could offer a
compatability mechanism that makes it easy for Oracle packages to be
used in PostgreSQL, making migration from Oracle much, much easier.

> So do we need "internal only" functions although they are not covered by 
> the SQL-standard? If the answer is no, then IMO we should follow the 
> standard and use types, not packages. If the answer is yes, then the  
> SQL-standard is not enough. Should we then use packages or simply 
> introduce the keyword PRIVATE on methods of a type? Personally, I'd go 
> for the latter and then, if necessary, build packages on top of that in 
> for the benefit of Oracle users who wants to migrate. A fully fledged 
> type system will ease Oracle migration too since Oracle already has this.

I think both should allow for private functions/procedures/methods. BTW,
I'm also very keen on the idea of nested schemas, which is another
possible means to the package ends.
Jim C. Nasby, Database Consultant               decibel@decibel.org 
Give your computer some brain candy! www.distributed.net Team #1828

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Re: Oracle Style packages on postgres

Thomas Hallgren
Jim C. Nasby wrote:

>I guess maybe I'm not clear on what you mean by static methods. IIRC, in
>Oracle nomenclature, static means it will retain state between
>invocations in the same session. Of course, functions and procedures
>that don't do this are also allowed.
A STATIC prefix on a method simply means that it is not tied to a 
particular instance of the type where it is defined.

You have the type Foo with the method bar(). If the method is STATIC, 
you can use:

SELECT Foo.bar();

If it's an INSTANCE method, you can only call it when you have an 
instance available, so if FooTable is a table described by the type Foo 
and bar is non-static, you could write:

SELECT x.bar() FROM FooTable x;

>I think both should allow for private functions/procedures/methods. BTW,
>I'm also very keen on the idea of nested schemas, which is another
>possible means to the package ends.
I'd like that too although I don't think it's included in the SQL-standard.

Thomas Hallgren

Re: Oracle Style packages on postgres

Bruce Momjian
Dave Held wrote:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Bruce Momjian [mailto:pgman@candle.pha.pa.us]
> > Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2005 8:43 AM
> > To: Thomas Hallgren
> > Cc: Tom Lane; rmm@sqlisor.com; pgsql-hackers@postgresql.org
> > Subject: Re: [HACKERS] Oracle Style packages on postgres
> > 
> > [...]
> > I suppose.  I think we should focus on the use cases for Oracle
> > packages, rather than the specific functionality it provides. 
> > What things do people need PostgreSQL to do that it already
> > doesn't do?
> Is that really the best way to go about things?  Already RDBMSes
> are patchwork quilts of functionality.  Is merely adding another
> patch the most elegant way to evolve the database?  The problem is
> that Oracle et al are trying to be ORDBMSes and aren't exactly sure
> what the best way to go is.  Instead of trying to formulate a 
> rational plan for what an ORDBMS should even look like, they simply
> look at what would work with their existing infrastructure and tack
> on features.  Then Postgres plays the copycat game.  Instead of
> trying to play catch-up with Oracle, why not beat them at their own
> game?

I was unclear. I was suggesting exactly what you posted, that we look at
what functionality we _need_ from Oracle packages, rather than the
functionality of Oracle packages themselves.  My assumption is that
Oracle does some things we need, and some things we don't, and does them
in some ways we will like, and others we will not, so let's look at the
actuall use cases that we need to address.

--  Bruce Momjian                        |  http://candle.pha.pa.us pgman@candle.pha.pa.us               |  (610)
359-1001+  If your life is a hard drive,     |  13 Roberts Road +  Christ can be your backup.        |  Newtown Square,

Re: Oracle Style packages on postgres

Bruce Momjian
OK, so it seems we need:
o  make private objects accessable only to objects   in the same schemao  Allow current_schema.objname to access
current   schema objectso  session variableso  nested schemas?


Dave Held wrote:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Bruce Momjian [mailto:pgman@candle.pha.pa.us]
> > Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2005 8:43 AM
> > To: Thomas Hallgren
> > Cc: Tom Lane; rmm@sqlisor.com; pgsql-hackers@postgresql.org
> > Subject: Re: [HACKERS] Oracle Style packages on postgres
> > 
> > [...]
> > I suppose.  I think we should focus on the use cases for Oracle
> > packages, rather than the specific functionality it provides. 
> > What things do people need PostgreSQL to do that it already
> > doesn't do?
> Is that really the best way to go about things?  Already RDBMSes
> are patchwork quilts of functionality.  Is merely adding another
> patch the most elegant way to evolve the database?  The problem is
> that Oracle et al are trying to be ORDBMSes and aren't exactly sure
> what the best way to go is.  Instead of trying to formulate a 
> rational plan for what an ORDBMS should even look like, they simply
> look at what would work with their existing infrastructure and tack
> on features.  Then Postgres plays the copycat game.  Instead of
> trying to play catch-up with Oracle, why not beat them at their own
> game?
> What packages provide is encapsulation.  Hiding the data from the
> user and forcing him/her to use the public interface (methods).
> That is an important and admirable OO feature.  Some people think
> that using the DB's security model can achieve the same thing.  It
> can't, exactly, but there's an important lesson to be learned from
> the suggestion.  The problem is that OOP is a *programming* paradigm,
> and a database is not a *programming language*.  In a programming
> language, there really is no such thing as "security".  There is 
> only "visibility" and "accessibility".  Private methods in an OOP
> language do not provide *security*; they only limit *accessibility*.
> Like so many other differences between the relational model and the
> OOP model, there is an impedance mismatch here.  However, there is
> also opportunity.
> In an OOPL, you can say: "Users can call this method from here, but
> not from there."  What you *can't* say is: "User X can call this
> method, but User Y cannot."  As you can see, these are orthogonal
> concepts.  You could call the first "accessibility by location" and
> the second "accessibility by authentication".  An ORDBMS should
> support both.  "Private" does not respect your identity, only your
> calling location.  An ACL does not respect your calling scope, only
> your identity.  A system that has both is clearly more flexible than
> one that only has one or the other.
> Now what you need to keep in mind is that each visibility model 
> serves a different purpose.  The purpose of a security model is to 
> limit *who* can see/touch certain data because the data has intrinsic 
> value.  The purpose of an accessibility model is to limit *where* and 
> *how* data can be seen/touched in order to preserve *program 
> invariants*.  So if you have an object (or tuple!) that records the 
> start and stop time of some process, it is probably a logical 
> invariant that the stop time is greater than or equal to the start 
> time.  For this reason, in a PL, you would encapsulate these fields 
> (attributes) and only provide controlled access to update them that 
> checks and preserves the invariant, *no matter who you are*.  You 
> don't want a superuser violating this invariant any more than Sue 
> User.
> Now you might object that constraints allow you to preserve 
> invariants as well, and indeed they do.  But constraints do not
> respect calling scope.  Suppose there is a process that needs to
> update the timestamps in a way that temporarily breaks the invariant
> but restores it afterwards.  The only way to effect this in a
> constraint environment is to drop the constraint, perform the
> operation, and restore it.  However, dropping a constraint is not an
> ideal solution because there may be other unprivileged processes 
> operating on the relation that still need the constraint to be 
> enforced.  There is no way to say: "There is a priviledged class of 
> methods that is allowed to violate this constraint because they are 
> trusted to restore it upon completion."  Note that this is different
> from saying "There is a priviledged class of users that is allowed
> to violate this constraint."  If you try to do something like give
> read-only access to everybody and only write access to one user and
> define that user to be the owner of the methods that update the data,
> you have to follow the convention that that user only operates 
> through the defined interface, and doesn't hack the data directly.
> That's because user-level accessibility is not the same as scope-
> level accessibility.  Whereas, if you define something like a
> package, and say: "Package X is allowed full and complete access
> to relation Y", and stick the interface methods in X, you still have
> all the user-level security you want while preserving the invariants
> in the most elegant way.
> So you can think of a package as a scope in a programming language.
> It's like a user, but it is not a user.  A user has privileges that
> cut across scopes.  Now, whether packages should be different from
> schemas is a whole different ballgame.  The purpose of a schema in
> Postgres is not entirely clear to me.  There's lots of different ways
> to use schemas, and there is no obvious best way to use them.  In 
> order to implement the accessibility features of packages, schemas
> would have to be changed considerably.  Probably a lot of users would
> be unhappy if schemas were changed in that way.  My guess is that
> this would not be a good idea.
> I think we can get some guidance from PLs.  C++ is what you call a
> "multi-paradigm language".  You can do everything from assembly to
> metaprogramming in C++.  As such, it is very loose and open in some
> respects.  C++ has two kinds of scopes: it has classes and namespaces.
> Members of a class are encapsulated and support data hiding.  Members
> of a namespace are only loosely grouped and do not support data hiding
> explicitly.  Namespaces exist primarily to avoid name collisions.
> Java, on the other hand, decided that for OOP purity, everything must
> be a class.  That would be like making schemas into packages and
> imposing accessibility rules on them.  At the end of the day, I think
> many PL design experts agree that making everything a class is not
> necessarily the best way to go.
> So schemas can be like C++ namespaces - they provide a means to 
> loosely group related objects and help avoid name collisions.  So
> the package could be like a class - they provide OOP-like 
> encapsulation via accessibility rules.  However, that doesn't mean
> that nested schemas wouldn't also be a good thing.  In C++, nested
> namespaces are extremely useful when one layer of scoping does not
> sufficiently partition the namespace to avoid frequent name 
> collisions.  I think the same is true of Postgres.  I certainly would
> like to be able to use nested schema names in several contexts.  
> Instead, I have to make a choice between making different schemas, 
> or making different name prefixes.  I wouldn't even mind if nested
> schemas were only allowed to contain schemas except at the leaves of
> the tree.  Another feature that is very useful is the "using clause".
> Combined with nested namespaces, this is a very powerful way to give
> programmers/dbas control over names.  You can give everything the
> most natural name, and just put it in the appropriate namespace,
> and use the namespace that is relevant to the given task at hand.
> So consider this example:
> Tables:
>   etl.import.record
>   etl.export.record
> As you can imagine, I don't really want to make an 'import' and
> 'export' schema at the top level.  There's several tables in
> each schema, but that should illustrate the point.  Then, when
> constructing queries, it would be nice to be able to do this:
>  USING etl.import
>        ;
>   FROM record
>   JOIN header ON ...
>   JOIN file ON ...
>        ;
> The effect of a USING clause would be to import the schema names
> into the public namespace for the duration of the transaction.  If
> that leads to ambiguous names, then the parser/planner should emit an 
> error.
> __
> David B. Held
> Software Engineer/Array Services Group
> 200 14th Ave. East,  Sartell, MN 56377
> 320.534.3637 320.253.7800 800.752.8129
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 1: subscribe and unsubscribe commands go to majordomo@postgresql.org

--  Bruce Momjian                        |  http://candle.pha.pa.us pgman@candle.pha.pa.us               |  (610)
359-1001+  If your life is a hard drive,     |  13 Roberts Road +  Christ can be your backup.        |  Newtown Square,

Re: Oracle Style packages on postgres

David Fetter
On Tue, May 10, 2005 at 06:55:39PM -0400, Bruce Momjian wrote:
> OK, so it seems we need:
>     o  make private objects accessable only to objects
>        in the same schema
>     o  Allow current_schema.objname to access current 
>        schema objects
>     o  session variables
>     o  nested schemas?

Well, some kind of nestable namespace for objects, anyhow.

I'll look over the SQL:2003 draft and see if I can find anything along
that line in there.

David Fetter david@fetter.org http://fetter.org/
phone: +1 510 893 6100   mobile: +1 415 235 3778

Remember to vote!

Re: Oracle Style packages on postgres

Bruce Momjian
David Fetter wrote:
> On Tue, May 10, 2005 at 06:55:39PM -0400, Bruce Momjian wrote:
> > 
> > OK, so it seems we need:
> > 
> >     o  make private objects accessable only to objects
> >        in the same schema
> >     o  Allow current_schema.objname to access current 
> >        schema objects
> >     o  session variables
> >     o  nested schemas?
> Well, some kind of nestable namespace for objects, anyhow.

How would nested namespaces be different from nested schemas?  I thought
the two were the same.

--  Bruce Momjian                        |  http://candle.pha.pa.us pgman@candle.pha.pa.us               |  (610)
359-1001+  If your life is a hard drive,     |  13 Roberts Road +  Christ can be your backup.        |  Newtown Square,

Re: Oracle Style packages on postgres

David Fetter
On Tue, May 10, 2005 at 09:49:13PM -0400, Bruce Momjian wrote:
> David Fetter wrote:
> > On Tue, May 10, 2005 at 06:55:39PM -0400, Bruce Momjian wrote:
> > > 
> > > OK, so it seems we need:
> > > 
> > >     o  make private objects accessable only to objects in the same
> > >        schema
> > >     o  Allow current_schema.objname to access current 
> > >        schema objects
> > >     o  session variables
> > >     o  nested schemas?
> > 
> > Well, some kind of nestable namespace for objects, anyhow.
> How would nested namespaces be different from nested schemas?  I
> thought the two were the same.

I was thinking of nested namespaces in the more limited sense of
namespaces for bundles of functions/stored procedures rather than a
full-on hierarchy where a table can have a schema which resides inside
another schema which resides...unless people really want to have it
that way.

In a slightly related situation, at least in my mind, it seems like
for full-on ORDBMS functionality, it should be possible to have a
column of type schema or setof record, &c., and be able to take these
things apart at each row.

David Fetter david@fetter.org http://fetter.org/
phone: +1 510 893 6100   mobile: +1 415 235 3778

Remember to vote!

Re: Oracle Style packages on postgres

Tom Lane
Bruce Momjian <pgman@candle.pha.pa.us> writes:
> OK, so it seems we need:

>     o  make private objects accessable only to objects
>        in the same schema
>     o  Allow current_schema.objname to access current 
>        schema objects
>     o  session variables
>     o  nested schemas?

There's been a lot of handwaving about nested schemas in this thread,
but no one has explained how they could actually *work* given the SQL
syntax rules.  In general, "a" is a column from the current table
set, "a.b" is a column b in table/alias a from the current query,
"a.b.c" is a column c from table b in schema a, "a.b.c.d" is a column
d from table c in schema b in catalog a, and any more than that is
a syntax error.  I do not see how to add nested schemas without creating
unworkable ambiguities, not to say outright violations of the spec.
        regards, tom lane

Re: Oracle Style packages on postgres

Bruce Momjian
David Fetter wrote:
> On Tue, May 10, 2005 at 09:49:13PM -0400, Bruce Momjian wrote:
> > David Fetter wrote:
> > > On Tue, May 10, 2005 at 06:55:39PM -0400, Bruce Momjian wrote:
> > > > 
> > > > OK, so it seems we need:
> > > > 
> > > >     o  make private objects accessable only to objects in the same
> > > >        schema
> > > >     o  Allow current_schema.objname to access current 
> > > >        schema objects
> > > >     o  session variables
> > > >     o  nested schemas?
> > > 
> > > Well, some kind of nestable namespace for objects, anyhow.
> > 
> > How would nested namespaces be different from nested schemas?  I
> > thought the two were the same.
> I was thinking of nested namespaces in the more limited sense of
> namespaces for bundles of functions/stored procedures rather than a
> full-on hierarchy where a table can have a schema which resides inside
> another schema which resides...unless people really want to have it
> that way.

Oh, so allow only functions to sit in the sub-namespace?  Yea, we could
do that, but it seems sort of limiting.  However, I am unclear how we
would do sub-namespaces either.

--  Bruce Momjian                        |  http://candle.pha.pa.us pgman@candle.pha.pa.us               |  (610)
359-1001+  If your life is a hard drive,     |  13 Roberts Road +  Christ can be your backup.        |  Newtown Square,

Re: Oracle Style packages on postgres

"Dave Held"
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tom Lane [mailto:tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us]
> Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2005 11:42 PM
> To: Bruce Momjian
> Cc: Dave Held; pgsql-hackers@postgresql.org
> Subject: Re: [HACKERS] Oracle Style packages on postgres
> [...]
> There's been a lot of handwaving about nested schemas in this thread,
> but no one has explained how they could actually *work* given the SQL
> syntax rules.  In general, "a" is a column from the current table
> set, "a.b" is a column b in table/alias a from the current query,
> "a.b.c" is a column c from table b in schema a, "a.b.c.d" is a column
> d from table c in schema b in catalog a, and any more than that is
> a syntax error.  I do not see how to add nested schemas
> without creating unworkable ambiguities, not to say outright violations
> of the spec.

Clearly nested schemas would violate the SQL spec, as do the numerous
missing features in Postgres.  Obviously, they would have to be a sort
of non-conforming extension.  It's an opportunity for Postgres to take
the lead and influence the next standard, I guess.  Unless the community
decides that it's not worth the hassle, which seems much more likely.  I
am curious to know what the "unworkable ambiguities" are.  I propose that
if there is any ambiguity at all, just fail the parse and leave it to
the user to write something sensible.  Otherwise, it's just a matter of
defining a precise precedence for resolving name scopes, which doesn't
seem very tricky at all.

That is, if a.b is the name of a schema b nested within a schema a, then
a.b.c.d refers to a column d of table c in schema b in schema a.  If a is
not the name of a schema, then check to see if it's the name of a database.
If it is, then a.b.c.d has the meaning you define above.  If it's not,
then it's an error.  The rule is simple: when the identifier has more than
two parts, search for the first part among the schemas first, and then
the catalogs.  For the parts after the first and before the last two,
just search the appropriate schemas.  As far as I can tell, this syntax
is completely backwards-compatible with existing SQL syntax.

David B. Held
Software Engineer/Array Services Group
200 14th Ave. East,  Sartell, MN 56377
320.534.3637 320.253.7800 800.752.8129

Re: Oracle Style packages on postgres

Tom Lane
"Dave Held" <dave.held@arraysg.com> writes:
> The rule is simple: when the identifier has more than
> two parts, search for the first part among the schemas first, and then
> the catalogs.

This doesn't actually work, because there is already ambiguity as to
which level the first name is.  See for instance the comments in
        regards, tom lane

Re: Oracle Style packages on postgres

"Dave Held"
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tom Lane [mailto:tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us]
> Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2005 10:55 AM
> To: Dave Held
> Cc: pgsql-hackers@postgresql.org
> Subject: Re: [HACKERS] Oracle Style packages on postgres
> "Dave Held" <dave.held@arraysg.com> writes:
> > The rule is simple: when the identifier has
> > more than two parts, search for the first part among the schemas    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> > first, and then the catalogs.
> This doesn't actually work, because there is already ambiguity as to
> which level the first name is.  See for instance the comments in
> transformColumnRef().

I don't follow.  switch (numnames) case 3 is unambiguous under either
syntax.  case 1 and 2 are unchanged under my proposed rules.  It's
really only case 4+ that is affected.  And the change is as follows:
   if (numnames > MAX_SCHEMA_DEPTH + 3)   {       ereport(ERROR,               (errcode(ERRCODE_SYNTAX_ERROR),
errmsg("improperqualified name (too many dotted names): %s",              NameListToString(cref->fields))));
returnNULL;   }   switch (numnames)   {   case 1: ...   case 2: ...   case 3: ...   default:       {           char*
name[MAX_SCHEMA_DEPTH+ 3];           char** i;           char** end = name + numnames;           char* colname = name +
numnames- 1;           for (i = name; i != end; ++i)           {               /* definition of lnth() should be easy
enoughto infer */               *i = strVal(lnth(cref->fields));           } 
           /*            * We check the catalog name and then ignore it.            */           if
(!isValidNamespace(name[0]))          {               if (strcmp(name[0], get_database_name(MyDatabaseId)) != 0)
          ereport(ERROR,                           (errcode(ERRCODE_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED),
errmsg("cross-databasereferences are not implemented: %s",
NameListToString(cref->fields))));              i = name + 1;               numnames -= 3;           }           else
       {               i = name;               numnames -= 2;            }           /*            * isValidNamespace()
shouldwork like LookupExplicitNamespace()            * except that it should return false on failure instead of
  * raising an error            */ 
           /* Whole-row reference? */           if (strcmp(end[-1], "*") == 0)           {               node =
transformWholeRowRef(pstate,i, numnames, end[-2]);               break;           }           /*            * Here I've
changedthe signature of transformWholeRowRef() to            * accept a char** and an int for the schema names
           /* Try to identify as a twice-qualified column */           node = qualifiedNameToVar(pstate, i, numnames,
end[-1],true);           /*            * And obviously we have to hack qualifiedNameToVar() similarly            */
     if (node == NULL)           {               /* Try it as a function call */               node =
transformWholeRowRef(pstate,i, numnames, end[-2]);               node = ParseFuncOrColumn(pstate,
              list_make1(makeString(end[-1])),                                        list_make1(node),
                      false, false, true);           }           break;       }   } 

What am I missing?

David B. Held
Software Engineer/Array Services Group
200 14th Ave. East,  Sartell, MN 56377
320.534.3637 320.253.7800 800.752.8129

Re: Oracle Style packages on postgres

Tom Lane
"Dave Held" <dave.held@arraysg.com> writes:
>             /*
>              * We check the catalog name and then ignore it.
>              */
>             if (!isValidNamespace(name[0]))
>             {
>                 if (strcmp(name[0], get_database_name(MyDatabaseId)) != 0)
>                     ereport(ERROR,

Which more or less proves my point: the syntax is fundamentally
ambiguous.  I suppose people would learn not to use schema names that
match the database they are in, but that doesn't make it a good idea to
have sensible behavior depend on non-overlap of those names.

[ thinks for awhile ... ]

OTOH, what if we pretended that two-level-nested schemas ARE catalogs
in the sense that the SQL spec expects?  Then we could get rid of the
pro-forma special case here, which isn't ever likely to do anything more
useful than throw an error anyway.  Thus, we'd go back to the pre-7.3
notion that the current Postgres DB's name isn't part of the SQL naming
scheme at all, and instead handle the spec's syntax requirements by
setting up some conventions that make a schema act like what the spec
says is a catalog.

There are some nontrivial issues to be thought about here, like under
what conditions "CREATE SCHEMA foo" ought to create a top-level schema
versus creating a schema under some other schema that we are pretending
is the active "catalog".  But it seems on first glance like something
could be worked out.
        regards, tom lane

Re: Oracle Style packages on postgres

Rod Taylor
> There are some nontrivial issues to be thought about here, like under
> what conditions "CREATE SCHEMA foo" ought to create a top-level schema
> versus creating a schema under some other schema that we are pretending
> is the active "catalog".  But it seems on first glance like something
> could be worked out.

Just go the extra info and call the top level catalogs in the commands
as well:

\c mydb

CREATE TABLE foo.bar.baz (bif serial);

Re: Oracle Style packages on postgres

Rod Taylor
On Wed, 2005-05-11 at 15:41 -0400, Rod Taylor wrote:
> > There are some nontrivial issues to be thought about here, like under
> > what conditions "CREATE SCHEMA foo" ought to create a top-level schema
> > versus creating a schema under some other schema that we are pretending
> > is the active "catalog".  But it seems on first glance like something
> > could be worked out.
> Just go the extra info and call the top level catalogs in the commands

Extra inch, not info.

> as well:
> \c mydb
> CREATE TABLE foo.bar.baz (bif serial);

Re: Oracle Style packages on postgres

Tom Lane
Rod Taylor <pg@rbt.ca> writes:
>> There are some nontrivial issues to be thought about here, like under
>> what conditions "CREATE SCHEMA foo" ought to create a top-level schema
>> versus creating a schema under some other schema that we are pretending
>> is the active "catalog".  But it seems on first glance like something
>> could be worked out.

> Just go the extra info and call the top level catalogs in the commands
> as well:

Nope, doesn't meet the spec requirements.  One thing we can certainly
say is that there would have to be a notion of an "active catalog"
(which could be determined by outside-the-spec means, perhaps a GUC
variable) because "CREATE SCHEMA foo" would have to create foo as a
child of the active catalog.

I'm also fairly unclear on what this implies for search_path searches.
Currently, as soon as you have more than one dotted name, search_path
is ignored ... but should it be used?  Maybe "a.b" ought to be sought
as "foo.a.b" for successive values of "foo" from the search path.
        regards, tom lane

Re: Oracle Style packages on postgres

Bruce Momjian
Tom Lane wrote:
> Rod Taylor <pg@rbt.ca> writes:
> >> There are some nontrivial issues to be thought about here, like under
> >> what conditions "CREATE SCHEMA foo" ought to create a top-level schema
> >> versus creating a schema under some other schema that we are pretending
> >> is the active "catalog".  But it seems on first glance like something
> >> could be worked out.
> > Just go the extra info and call the top level catalogs in the commands
> > as well:
> Nope, doesn't meet the spec requirements.  One thing we can certainly
> say is that there would have to be a notion of an "active catalog"
> (which could be determined by outside-the-spec means, perhaps a GUC
> variable) because "CREATE SCHEMA foo" would have to create foo as a
> child of the active catalog.
> I'm also fairly unclear on what this implies for search_path searches.
> Currently, as soon as you have more than one dotted name, search_path
> is ignored ... but should it be used?  Maybe "a.b" ought to be sought
> as "foo.a.b" for successive values of "foo" from the search path.

How is a catalog different from a schema?

--  Bruce Momjian                        |  http://candle.pha.pa.us pgman@candle.pha.pa.us               |  (610)
359-1001+  If your life is a hard drive,     |  13 Roberts Road +  Christ can be your backup.        |  Newtown Square,

Re: Oracle Style packages on postgres

Tom Lane
Bruce Momjian <pgman@candle.pha.pa.us> writes:
> How is a catalog different from a schema?

In the spec there's a hard-wired difference: catalogs contain schemas,
schemas don't contain other schemas.  The idea at hand here is to make
our namespaces serve both purposes.  (I knew there was a good reason
not to use the word "schema" for namespaces ;-))  The spec behavior
would be met by using exactly two levels of namespace, but there
wouldn't be anything stopping people from using more, except that their
queries wouldn't look like spec-compatible queries.

There are a number of issues that would have to be solved to make this
actually work, but on first glance it seems like a possibly attractive

Besides, I can't wait to hear the moans from the newsysviews crew when
the implications of this sink in ;-) ;-)
        regards, tom lane

Re: Oracle Style packages on postgres

"Jim C. Nasby"
On Wed, May 11, 2005 at 04:49:52PM -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
> Bruce Momjian <pgman@candle.pha.pa.us> writes:
> > How is a catalog different from a schema?
> In the spec there's a hard-wired difference: catalogs contain schemas,
> schemas don't contain other schemas.  The idea at hand here is to make
> our namespaces serve both purposes.  (I knew there was a good reason
> not to use the word "schema" for namespaces ;-))  The spec behavior
> would be met by using exactly two levels of namespace, but there
> wouldn't be anything stopping people from using more, except that their
> queries wouldn't look like spec-compatible queries.

So is the *only* difference in which contains the other? It sounds like
they just use a different name to enforce that there's only 2 levels.

> Besides, I can't wait to hear the moans from the newsysviews crew when
> the implications of this sink in ;-) ;-)

Oh no, not recursive function calls! :P

Actually, for the performance we're trying to obtain on the more
important views (ie tables, indexes), it might become an issue. It would
probably force us to C functions which we've thus-far avoided.
Jim C. Nasby, Database Consultant               decibel@decibel.org 
Give your computer some brain candy! www.distributed.net Team #1828

Windows: "Where do you want to go today?"
Linux: "Where do you want to go tomorrow?"
FreeBSD: "Are you guys coming, or what?"

Re: Oracle Style packages on postgres

Tom Lane
"Jim C. Nasby" <decibel@decibel.org> writes:
> On Wed, May 11, 2005 at 04:49:52PM -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
>> Besides, I can't wait to hear the moans from the newsysviews crew when
>> the implications of this sink in ;-) ;-)

> Oh no, not recursive function calls! :P

No, actually, I was wondering where the potentially N levels of schema
names would appear in the output ...
        regards, tom lane

Re: Oracle Style packages on postgres

"Jim C. Nasby"
On Wed, May 11, 2005 at 05:28:22PM -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
> "Jim C. Nasby" <decibel@decibel.org> writes:
> > On Wed, May 11, 2005 at 04:49:52PM -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
> >> Besides, I can't wait to hear the moans from the newsysviews crew when
> >> the implications of this sink in ;-) ;-)
> > Oh no, not recursive function calls! :P
> No, actually, I was wondering where the potentially N levels of schema
> names would appear in the output ...

My immediate thought is that they would be appended together in 'dot
notation'; 'schema1.schema2.schema3', since that's the definative way to
refer to the schema in such a scheme.
Jim C. Nasby, Database Consultant               decibel@decibel.org 
Give your computer some brain candy! www.distributed.net Team #1828

Windows: "Where do you want to go today?"
Linux: "Where do you want to go tomorrow?"
FreeBSD: "Are you guys coming, or what?"

Re: Oracle Style packages on postgres

Tom Lane
"Jim C. Nasby" <decibel@decibel.org> writes:
> On Wed, May 11, 2005 at 05:28:22PM -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
>> No, actually, I was wondering where the potentially N levels of schema
>> names would appear in the output ...

> My immediate thought is that they would be appended together in 'dot
> notation'; 'schema1.schema2.schema3', since that's the definative way to
> refer to the schema in such a scheme.

That's OK for human consumption but I'm not so sure it'll be of any
value to programs.  At the very least you'd have to quotify the names,
so that a.b can be told from "a.b".
        regards, tom lane

Re: Oracle Style packages on postgres

elein@varlena.com (elein)
Adding to the ambiguity is the dot notation used for
composite columns.  Don't forget the other end ignoring
those required parens.

is foo.bar.zap a database.schema.table a schema.table.columna table.column.column


On Wed, May 11, 2005 at 03:21:42PM -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
> "Dave Held" <dave.held@arraysg.com> writes:
> >             /*
> >              * We check the catalog name and then ignore it.
> >              */
> >             if (!isValidNamespace(name[0]))
> >             {
> >                 if (strcmp(name[0], get_database_name(MyDatabaseId)) != 0)
> >                     ereport(ERROR,
> Which more or less proves my point: the syntax is fundamentally
> ambiguous.  I suppose people would learn not to use schema names that
> match the database they are in, but that doesn't make it a good idea to
> have sensible behavior depend on non-overlap of those names.
> [ thinks for awhile ... ]
> OTOH, what if we pretended that two-level-nested schemas ARE catalogs
> in the sense that the SQL spec expects?  Then we could get rid of the
> pro-forma special case here, which isn't ever likely to do anything more
> useful than throw an error anyway.  Thus, we'd go back to the pre-7.3
> notion that the current Postgres DB's name isn't part of the SQL naming
> scheme at all, and instead handle the spec's syntax requirements by
> setting up some conventions that make a schema act like what the spec
> says is a catalog.
> There are some nontrivial issues to be thought about here, like under
> what conditions "CREATE SCHEMA foo" ought to create a top-level schema
> versus creating a schema under some other schema that we are pretending
> is the active "catalog".  But it seems on first glance like something
> could be worked out.
>             regards, tom lane
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: Oracle Style packages on postgres

"Jim C. Nasby"
On Wed, May 11, 2005 at 05:43:32PM -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
> "Jim C. Nasby" <decibel@decibel.org> writes:
> > On Wed, May 11, 2005 at 05:28:22PM -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
> >> No, actually, I was wondering where the potentially N levels of schema
> >> names would appear in the output ...
> > My immediate thought is that they would be appended together in 'dot
> > notation'; 'schema1.schema2.schema3', since that's the definative way to
> > refer to the schema in such a scheme.
> That's OK for human consumption but I'm not so sure it'll be of any
> value to programs.  At the very least you'd have to quotify the names,
> so that a.b can be told from "a.b".

Very true. Ultimately the best way to handle this is probably to keep
the views basically as they are (meaning you would only show the
schema_name and oid of the schema that an object is in), and have a
function that will provide you a full schema path given a schema_oid.

On another note... is dbname.schema.table.column part of the standard?
It seems like if we're ever going to allow native cross-database
communication we'd want to preserve that. One thought is the use of a
leading . to indicate you're starting at the database level. No leading
. means you're in whatever database you're connected to. Another
possibility is that 'remote' databases (which might be on the same
server) get mapped into a fixed portion of the namespace hierarchy, such
as pg_rdb. I don't like cryptic names, but I certainly don't want to
type 'pg_remote_databas' everytime I refer to something remote.
Jim C. Nasby, Database Consultant               decibel@decibel.org 
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Re: Oracle Style packages on postgres

"Jim C. Nasby"
On Wed, May 11, 2005 at 02:41:43PM -0700, elein wrote:
> Adding to the ambiguity is the dot notation used for
> composite columns.  Don't forget the other end ignoring
> those required parens.
> is foo.bar.zap 
>     a database.schema.table 
>     a schema.table.column
>     a table.column.column

Wouldn't that be handled by the FROM clause having to identify only
tables and views? Is there anyplace where dot notation actually extends
from database name down to columns? If that's the case, it seems
reasonable to me to require the use of table aliases in cases where
there's ambiguity.
Jim C. Nasby, Database Consultant               decibel@decibel.org 
Give your computer some brain candy! www.distributed.net Team #1828

Windows: "Where do you want to go today?"
Linux: "Where do you want to go tomorrow?"
FreeBSD: "Are you guys coming, or what?"

Re: Oracle Style packages on postgres

Andrew - Supernews
On 2005-05-11, Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
> There are a number of issues that would have to be solved to make this
> actually work, but on first glance it seems like a possibly attractive
> idea.
> Besides, I can't wait to hear the moans from the newsysviews crew when
> the implications of this sink in ;-) ;-)

I'm not too worried; how many other things assume that schema.tablename
uniquely identifies a table? This is at least as large a change as
adding schemas in the first place.

Obvious strategies include:
 - if only one additional nesting level is defined, add a "catalog"   column to match every "schema" column
 - if multiple levels are defined, add a "schema_path" column with an   array of names to match every "schema" column.

If schema.tablename becomes non-unique (because this feature was
implemented _and_ someone creates the same schema in different catalogs)
then anything that currently queries the catalogs, whether directly or
via pg_tables (or even information_schema if you allow more than one
additional level) is going to have issues.

Andrew, Supernews
http://www.supernews.com - individual and corporate NNTP services

Re: Oracle Style packages on postgres

"Dave Held"
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tom Lane [mailto:tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us]
> Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2005 2:22 PM
> To: Dave Held
> Cc: pgsql-hackers@postgresql.org
> Subject: Re: [HACKERS] Oracle Style packages on postgres
> "Dave Held" <dave.held@arraysg.com> writes:
> >             /*
> >              * We check the catalog name and then ignore it.
> >              */
> >             if (!isValidNamespace(name[0]))
> >             {
> >                 if (strcmp(name[0],
> get_database_name(MyDatabaseId)) != 0)
> >                     ereport(ERROR,
> Which more or less proves my point: the syntax is fundamentally
> ambiguous.

Not at all.  Ambiguity means that there are two equally valid
parses.  Under the semantics I proposed, schema names take
precedence.  That is, given:

db: foo
schema: bar
schema: foo.bar

The expression foo.bar.rel.col refers to schema foo.bar, and not
to db foo, schema bar.  If by "fundamentally ambiguous", you mean
"there is no a priori reason to choose one set of semantics over
another", I would tend to disagree, but the syntax as I proposed
it is not ambiguous.  We use precedence to eliminate otherwise
valid parses all the time.

> I suppose people would learn not to use schema names that
> match the database they are in, but that doesn't make it a
> good idea to have sensible behavior depend on non-overlap of
> those names.

There's nothing wrong with using a schema name that matches the
db.  The only confusion comes when you put nested elements at
both the db level and schema level having the same names.  Since
I presume most people don't specify db names in their queries,
having schemas take precedence makes the most sense to me.

> [ thinks for awhile ... ]
> OTOH, what if we pretended that two-level-nested schemas ARE
> catalogs in the sense that the SQL spec expects?  Then we could
> get rid of the pro-forma special case here, which isn't ever
> likely to do anything more useful than throw an error anyway.
> Thus, we'd go back to the pre-7.3 notion that the current
> Postgres DB's name isn't part of the SQL naming scheme at all,
> and instead handle the spec's syntax requirements by setting up
> some conventions that make a schema act like what the spec says
> is a catalog.
> [...]

I think this would be worse than not having nested schemas at all.
It looks, feels, and smells like a hack.  I think there should be
a reasonable depth to schema nesting, but I think it should be
much larger than 2.  I think 8 is much more reasonable.  One can
argue that nested schemas are nothing more than syntactic sugar,
and this is most definitely true.  But as programming language
design teaches us, syntactic sugar is everything.  The better our
tools can model our problem spaces, the better they can help us
solve our problems.

A way in which nested schemas are more than syntactic sugar is in
the fact that they can provide a convenient means of additinoal
security management.  Rather than twiddling with the privileges on
groups of objects within a schema, objects that should have similar
privileges can be put in the same subschema.

However, returning to the original topic of the thread, nested
schemas are not nearly as interesting to me as the encapsulation
provided by a package-like feature.  To be honest, though, what
tantalizes me is not the prospect of a package feature but an
expansion of the Type system.

As a reasonably popular production system, Postgres must necessarily
be conservative.  But its roots lay in experimentation, and vestiges
of those roots can still be seen in its structure.  Because of its
maturity, Postgres is well positioned to implement some rather
advanced concepts, but perhaps the most radical of them should be
implemented in a fork rather than the main system.

Traditionally, a database is seen as a warehouse of raw data.
ODBMSes position themselves as the next generation by viewing a
database as a collection of persistent, richly structured objects.
Both views have strengths and weaknesses.  Postgres takes an
interesting middle ground position within the ORDBMS space.  It
is heavily relational with strong support for standard SQL and
numerous query tuning options.  But it also features an interesting
number of rather non-relational concepts, like custom operator
definitions, operator classes, user-defined conversions and types.
However, it seems to me that these features are probably very

This is probably due to two reasons: 1) most programmers aren't used
to being able to define custom operators in their favorite programming
language, so the concept isn't familiar enough to them to try it in
their DBMS.  2) The other features which support this aren't designed
or presented in a cohesive manner that impresses the programmer that
this is a compelling and superior way to go about things.

The fact is, operator overloading is a *very* powerful way to
program.  In particular, it is one of the key factors in supporting
generic programming in a natural way.  People who are unsure of this
claim should examine the Spirit parser generator or Blitz++, among
numerous other examples.  It's something of a tragedy that such a
powerful feature is sitting languishing in a database system, when
most mainstream PLs have yet to catch up!  But that is exactly the
problem.  Operator overloading is a concept that is ahead of its
time, and was when it was invented way back in the early days of

Similarly, the user-defined conversions speak to a chimeric nature
of Postgres, which is its attitude towards typing.  In some areas,
Postgres is strongly typed, and in others, it is weakly or dynamically
typed.  Yet in others it is polymorphically typed.  But Postgres isn't
alone in this conundrum.  Languages that are very strongly typed tend
to require casting between types.  Languages that are weakly typed
or dynamically typed are more prone to type errors (just ask Java
programmers about ClassCastException).

The trend in PL design is that strong typing is better.  In fact, the
type system is the essence of a PL.  The grammar determines what is a
legal program in a given language.  The type system determines what is
*not* a legal program.  By eliminating nonsensical programs, a type
system enforces good programming behavior.  So the power of a type
system is not in what it enables, but rather what it *disables* or
disallows.  That is why encapsulation is good.  It does not add a
powerful new form of computation to a programming language.  Rather,
it *restricts* what can be done so that dangerous operations can be
eliminated or at least localized to an easily-inspected region of
the code.

Postgres has an opportunity to revolutionize database design by
introducing a strongly typed DBMS that offers some of the features
of a pure ODBMS while providing the traditional RDBMS capabilities.
I don't know exactly what such a beast would look like, but I do know
that I see a lot of the pieces already in Postgres, waiting to be
chipped and molded and fit together into a more elegant whole.  Let
me give an illustration of how this might possibly come about.

The canonical example is the Employee table.  In a flat file world,
this table would be a simple set of records, each containing possibly
redundant information about a set of employees.  Names, ssn, phones,
position, salary, etc.  To access the employees, we fetch the records
of interest from the DB and manipulate them mostly in our client or
middleware code.  The DB does nothing more than load and save our
data, and assist with searches.

In the relational world, we factor out the common data and put them
into different relations, linking to them with foreign keys.  We
basically break the record up into pieces, and reassemble the pieces
as needed.  For compiling reports that look at the data as an aggregate
in different ways, this is a very powerful and efficient way to go
about things.  For dealing with individual employees as singular
entities, this is not such an efficient way to do things.  It is very
space efficient, but it pays for that space efficiency with time.
When we want our time back, we flatten the relations and materialize
our views and basically tread back towards the the flat file world.
When a client wants a tuple, the DBMS has to ressurect the tuple from
its component relations, as if it were breathing life into it from the
clay of the earth.  However, the DBMS can be clever and offer some
server-side triggers or procedures to assist the client in manipulating
the object.

In the ODBMS world, we return partway to the flat file world by
serializing objects in a more or less flat way.  However, the objects
can refer to each other in a relational way, and those relations are
captured as well.  But the normalization typical in the relational
world is by no means typical of the OOP world, so the data factoring
is much less aggressive, which has both drawbacks and benefits,
depending on the application.  Once again, the DBMS is just a data
server, serializing and unserializing objects to disk.  The process is
very fast and clean for object-oriented data, but not so fast for
flat data.

The problem in the database world is the same as the problem in the
PL world: people are conflating types and representations.  A
representation is a raw data format, like a 16-bit 2's complement
signed integer, or an 8-bit ASCII character.  A type is a set of
values, an instance of which is stored in some representation.  An
Integer may be stored in the 16-bit signed int, or it may be
represented by some 128-bit memory location.  But really, most
real-world problems do not have Integers as a natural type in the
model.  Going back to our Employee, the natural types will be more
like SSN: the values are always 9 digits long and there's rules
about allowed prefixes, etc.  The set of values in the SSN type is
smaller than the set of values in the 9-digit-Integers type.  So
9-digit-Integer can be a representation of SSN, but an SSN *type*
implies more.  It doesn't make sense to do arithmetic on an SSN,
so arithmetical operations should neither be defined nor allowed
on SSNs.  To do arithmetic on one, you should be forced to cast to
another type, and the cast should check whether this is a sensible
or valid operation in the current context.

Now the thing about the relational model is that it is essentially
about *representations*.  So the things that we call "attribute
types" are really "attribute representations", which is why there
are so few of them by default.  In reality, every problem domain
brings a large host of richly defined types that map onto those
representations to a greater or lesser degree.

The reason people want packages is because functions in Postgres,
and indeed, most RDBMSes, operate on representations, which allow
you to do something like take the square root of an SSN, which
makes perfect sense if the SSN is a numeric(9, 0).  Programmers
who want greater correctness see that type safety is the way to
get there.  And type safety can only be enforced in a strongly
typed environment.  The interesting thing is that domains are
essentially the formal notion of a type in the type vs.
representation distinction.  In a strongly typed ORDBMS, tuples
would be defined as sets of domains, rather than sets of "types"
(representations).  And operations on tuples would be strictly
type checked.

Note that the other features of OOP, inheritance and polymorphism,
are really just ways to define exceptions or loopholes in the
type system.  Inheritance allows you say that one type is
substitutable for another, and polymorphism says that an operation
knows how to act on more than one type, even when the types aren't

So back to the future...in an ORDBMS world you should not ask for
a collection of representations.  You should ask for a collection
of objects.  You should not ask for transformation of tuples, but
rather transformation of objects and sets of objects.  And the
user should be able to define a sufficiently rich interface to
those objects that the ORDBMS can easily fulfill them.

Say you want to increase the salary of every employee at pay grade
3.  You should not be able to directly manipulate the salary field
of the Employee relation.  Rather, you should define a method
like RaiseSalary() that operates on Employees (or better yet, is
a member of the Employee type), and then define the set of
Employees over which that method should be applied.  To use a
somewhat mathematical notation:

RaiseSalary({Employee e | e.payGrade() == 3});

That's not say that SQL should go away.  But it should be a language
of the representations, an implementation detail that is hidden by
a more powerful type-safe facade that helps ensure program

Of course, I'm not making any specific proposal to change Postgres
at this time.  I'm just giving the community some food for thought
to chew on when considering future directions of DBMSes in general
and Postgres in particular.  I could go on about generic programming
and its relation to the ideas above and the current features in
Postgres, but I will save that discussion for a rainy day.

David B. Held
Software Engineer/Array Services Group
200 14th Ave. East,  Sartell, MN 56377
320.534.3637 320.253.7800 800.752.8129

Re: Oracle Style packages on postgres

Bruce Momjian
Added to TODO:

* Add the features of packages       o  Make private objects accessable only to objects in the same schema       o
Allowcurrent_schema.objname to access current schema objects       o  Add session variables       o  Allow nested


Bruce Momjian wrote:
> OK, so it seems we need:
>     o  make private objects accessable only to objects
>        in the same schema
>     o  Allow current_schema.objname to access current 
>        schema objects
>     o  session variables
>     o  nested schemas?
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Dave Held wrote:
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From: Bruce Momjian [mailto:pgman@candle.pha.pa.us]
> > > Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2005 8:43 AM
> > > To: Thomas Hallgren
> > > Cc: Tom Lane; rmm@sqlisor.com; pgsql-hackers@postgresql.org
> > > Subject: Re: [HACKERS] Oracle Style packages on postgres
> > > 
> > > [...]
> > > I suppose.  I think we should focus on the use cases for Oracle
> > > packages, rather than the specific functionality it provides. 
> > > What things do people need PostgreSQL to do that it already
> > > doesn't do?
> > 
> > Is that really the best way to go about things?  Already RDBMSes
> > are patchwork quilts of functionality.  Is merely adding another
> > patch the most elegant way to evolve the database?  The problem is
> > that Oracle et al are trying to be ORDBMSes and aren't exactly sure
> > what the best way to go is.  Instead of trying to formulate a 
> > rational plan for what an ORDBMS should even look like, they simply
> > look at what would work with their existing infrastructure and tack
> > on features.  Then Postgres plays the copycat game.  Instead of
> > trying to play catch-up with Oracle, why not beat them at their own
> > game?
> > 
> > What packages provide is encapsulation.  Hiding the data from the
> > user and forcing him/her to use the public interface (methods).
> > That is an important and admirable OO feature.  Some people think
> > that using the DB's security model can achieve the same thing.  It
> > can't, exactly, but there's an important lesson to be learned from
> > the suggestion.  The problem is that OOP is a *programming* paradigm,
> > and a database is not a *programming language*.  In a programming
> > language, there really is no such thing as "security".  There is 
> > only "visibility" and "accessibility".  Private methods in an OOP
> > language do not provide *security*; they only limit *accessibility*.
> > Like so many other differences between the relational model and the
> > OOP model, there is an impedance mismatch here.  However, there is
> > also opportunity.
> > 
> > In an OOPL, you can say: "Users can call this method from here, but
> > not from there."  What you *can't* say is: "User X can call this
> > method, but User Y cannot."  As you can see, these are orthogonal
> > concepts.  You could call the first "accessibility by location" and
> > the second "accessibility by authentication".  An ORDBMS should
> > support both.  "Private" does not respect your identity, only your
> > calling location.  An ACL does not respect your calling scope, only
> > your identity.  A system that has both is clearly more flexible than
> > one that only has one or the other.
> > 
> > Now what you need to keep in mind is that each visibility model 
> > serves a different purpose.  The purpose of a security model is to 
> > limit *who* can see/touch certain data because the data has intrinsic 
> > value.  The purpose of an accessibility model is to limit *where* and 
> > *how* data can be seen/touched in order to preserve *program 
> > invariants*.  So if you have an object (or tuple!) that records the 
> > start and stop time of some process, it is probably a logical 
> > invariant that the stop time is greater than or equal to the start 
> > time.  For this reason, in a PL, you would encapsulate these fields 
> > (attributes) and only provide controlled access to update them that 
> > checks and preserves the invariant, *no matter who you are*.  You 
> > don't want a superuser violating this invariant any more than Sue 
> > User.
> > 
> > Now you might object that constraints allow you to preserve 
> > invariants as well, and indeed they do.  But constraints do not
> > respect calling scope.  Suppose there is a process that needs to
> > update the timestamps in a way that temporarily breaks the invariant
> > but restores it afterwards.  The only way to effect this in a
> > constraint environment is to drop the constraint, perform the
> > operation, and restore it.  However, dropping a constraint is not an
> > ideal solution because there may be other unprivileged processes 
> > operating on the relation that still need the constraint to be 
> > enforced.  There is no way to say: "There is a priviledged class of 
> > methods that is allowed to violate this constraint because they are 
> > trusted to restore it upon completion."  Note that this is different
> > from saying "There is a priviledged class of users that is allowed
> > to violate this constraint."  If you try to do something like give
> > read-only access to everybody and only write access to one user and
> > define that user to be the owner of the methods that update the data,
> > you have to follow the convention that that user only operates 
> > through the defined interface, and doesn't hack the data directly.
> > That's because user-level accessibility is not the same as scope-
> > level accessibility.  Whereas, if you define something like a
> > package, and say: "Package X is allowed full and complete access
> > to relation Y", and stick the interface methods in X, you still have
> > all the user-level security you want while preserving the invariants
> > in the most elegant way.
> > 
> > So you can think of a package as a scope in a programming language.
> > It's like a user, but it is not a user.  A user has privileges that
> > cut across scopes.  Now, whether packages should be different from
> > schemas is a whole different ballgame.  The purpose of a schema in
> > Postgres is not entirely clear to me.  There's lots of different ways
> > to use schemas, and there is no obvious best way to use them.  In 
> > order to implement the accessibility features of packages, schemas
> > would have to be changed considerably.  Probably a lot of users would
> > be unhappy if schemas were changed in that way.  My guess is that
> > this would not be a good idea.
> > 
> > I think we can get some guidance from PLs.  C++ is what you call a
> > "multi-paradigm language".  You can do everything from assembly to
> > metaprogramming in C++.  As such, it is very loose and open in some
> > respects.  C++ has two kinds of scopes: it has classes and namespaces.
> > Members of a class are encapsulated and support data hiding.  Members
> > of a namespace are only loosely grouped and do not support data hiding
> > explicitly.  Namespaces exist primarily to avoid name collisions.
> > 
> > Java, on the other hand, decided that for OOP purity, everything must
> > be a class.  That would be like making schemas into packages and
> > imposing accessibility rules on them.  At the end of the day, I think
> > many PL design experts agree that making everything a class is not
> > necessarily the best way to go.
> > 
> > So schemas can be like C++ namespaces - they provide a means to 
> > loosely group related objects and help avoid name collisions.  So
> > the package could be like a class - they provide OOP-like 
> > encapsulation via accessibility rules.  However, that doesn't mean
> > that nested schemas wouldn't also be a good thing.  In C++, nested
> > namespaces are extremely useful when one layer of scoping does not
> > sufficiently partition the namespace to avoid frequent name 
> > collisions.  I think the same is true of Postgres.  I certainly would
> > like to be able to use nested schema names in several contexts.  
> > Instead, I have to make a choice between making different schemas,
> > or making different name prefixes.  I wouldn't even mind if nested
> > schemas were only allowed to contain schemas except at the leaves of
> > the tree.  Another feature that is very useful is the "using clause".
> > Combined with nested namespaces, this is a very powerful way to give
> > programmers/dbas control over names.  You can give everything the
> > most natural name, and just put it in the appropriate namespace,
> > and use the namespace that is relevant to the given task at hand.
> > 
> > So consider this example:
> > 
> > Tables:
> >   etl.import.record
> >   etl.export.record
> > 
> > As you can imagine, I don't really want to make an 'import' and
> > 'export' schema at the top level.  There's several tables in
> > each schema, but that should illustrate the point.  Then, when
> > constructing queries, it would be nice to be able to do this:
> > 
> >  USING etl.import
> >        ;
> > SELECT *
> >   FROM record
> >   JOIN header ON ...
> >   JOIN file ON ...
> >        ;
> > 
> > The effect of a USING clause would be to import the schema names
> > into the public namespace for the duration of the transaction.  If
> > that leads to ambiguous names, then the parser/planner should emit an 
> > error.
> > 
> > __
> > David B. Held
> > Software Engineer/Array Services Group
> > 200 14th Ave. East,  Sartell, MN 56377
> > 320.534.3637 320.253.7800 800.752.8129
> > 
> > ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> > TIP 1: subscribe and unsubscribe commands go to majordomo@postgresql.org
> > 
> -- 
>   Bruce Momjian                        |  http://candle.pha.pa.us
>   pgman@candle.pha.pa.us               |  (610) 359-1001
>   +  If your life is a hard drive,     |  13 Roberts Road
>   +  Christ can be your backup.        |  Newtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 2: you can get off all lists at once with the unregister command
>     (send "unregister YourEmailAddressHere" to majordomo@postgresql.org)

--  Bruce Momjian                        |  http://candle.pha.pa.us pgman@candle.pha.pa.us               |  (610)
359-1001+  If your life is a hard drive,     |  13 Roberts Road +  Christ can be your backup.        |  Newtown Square,

Re: Oracle Style packages on postgres

"Jonah H. Harris"
Thanks for adding this Bruce!

Is anyone going to be working on this immediately?  If so, I'd be glad 
to work with someone.  Unfortunately, I don't have the time to devote to 
taking something this big on, but I think it would be a really great 
thing to have.  Just let me know jharris@tvi.edu OR 
jonah.harris@gmail.com.  Thanks!

Bruce Momjian wrote:

>Added to TODO:
>* Add the features of packages
>        o  Make private objects accessable only to objects in the same schema
>        o  Allow current_schema.objname to access current schema objects
>        o  Add session variables
>        o  Allow nested schemas
>Bruce Momjian wrote:
>>OK, so it seems we need:
>>    o  make private objects accessable only to objects
>>       in the same schema
>>    o  Allow current_schema.objname to access current 
>>       schema objects
>>    o  session variables
>>    o  nested schemas?
>>Dave Held wrote:
>>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>>From: Bruce Momjian [mailto:pgman@candle.pha.pa.us]
>>>>Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2005 8:43 AM
>>>>To: Thomas Hallgren
>>>>Cc: Tom Lane; rmm@sqlisor.com; pgsql-hackers@postgresql.org
>>>>Subject: Re: [HACKERS] Oracle Style packages on postgres
>>>>I suppose.  I think we should focus on the use cases for Oracle
>>>>packages, rather than the specific functionality it provides. 
>>>>What things do people need PostgreSQL to do that it already
>>>>doesn't do?
>>>Is that really the best way to go about things?  Already RDBMSes
>>>are patchwork quilts of functionality.  Is merely adding another
>>>patch the most elegant way to evolve the database?  The problem is
>>>that Oracle et al are trying to be ORDBMSes and aren't exactly sure
>>>what the best way to go is.  Instead of trying to formulate a 
>>>rational plan for what an ORDBMS should even look like, they simply
>>>look at what would work with their existing infrastructure and tack
>>>on features.  Then Postgres plays the copycat game.  Instead of
>>>trying to play catch-up with Oracle, why not beat them at their own
>>>What packages provide is encapsulation.  Hiding the data from the
>>>user and forcing him/her to use the public interface (methods).
>>>That is an important and admirable OO feature.  Some people think
>>>that using the DB's security model can achieve the same thing.  It
>>>can't, exactly, but there's an important lesson to be learned from
>>>the suggestion.  The problem is that OOP is a *programming* paradigm,
>>>and a database is not a *programming language*.  In a programming
>>>language, there really is no such thing as "security".  There is 
>>>only "visibility" and "accessibility".  Private methods in an OOP
>>>language do not provide *security*; they only limit *accessibility*.
>>>Like so many other differences between the relational model and the
>>>OOP model, there is an impedance mismatch here.  However, there is
>>>also opportunity.
>>>In an OOPL, you can say: "Users can call this method from here, but
>>>not from there."  What you *can't* say is: "User X can call this
>>>method, but User Y cannot."  As you can see, these are orthogonal
>>>concepts.  You could call the first "accessibility by location" and
>>>the second "accessibility by authentication".  An ORDBMS should
>>>support both.  "Private" does not respect your identity, only your
>>>calling location.  An ACL does not respect your calling scope, only
>>>your identity.  A system that has both is clearly more flexible than
>>>one that only has one or the other.
>>>Now what you need to keep in mind is that each visibility model 
>>>serves a different purpose.  The purpose of a security model is to 
>>>limit *who* can see/touch certain data because the data has intrinsic 
>>>value.  The purpose of an accessibility model is to limit *where* and 
>>>*how* data can be seen/touched in order to preserve *program 
>>>invariants*.  So if you have an object (or tuple!) that records the 
>>>start and stop time of some process, it is probably a logical 
>>>invariant that the stop time is greater than or equal to the start 
>>>time.  For this reason, in a PL, you would encapsulate these fields 
>>>(attributes) and only provide controlled access to update them that 
>>>checks and preserves the invariant, *no matter who you are*.  You 
>>>don't want a superuser violating this invariant any more than Sue 
>>>Now you might object that constraints allow you to preserve 
>>>invariants as well, and indeed they do.  But constraints do not
>>>respect calling scope.  Suppose there is a process that needs to
>>>update the timestamps in a way that temporarily breaks the invariant
>>>but restores it afterwards.  The only way to effect this in a
>>>constraint environment is to drop the constraint, perform the
>>>operation, and restore it.  However, dropping a constraint is not an
>>>ideal solution because there may be other unprivileged processes 
>>>operating on the relation that still need the constraint to be 
>>>enforced.  There is no way to say: "There is a priviledged class of 
>>>methods that is allowed to violate this constraint because they are 
>>>trusted to restore it upon completion."  Note that this is different
>>>from saying "There is a priviledged class of users that is allowed
>>>to violate this constraint."  If you try to do something like give
>>>read-only access to everybody and only write access to one user and
>>>define that user to be the owner of the methods that update the data,
>>>you have to follow the convention that that user only operates 
>>>through the defined interface, and doesn't hack the data directly.
>>>That's because user-level accessibility is not the same as scope-
>>>level accessibility.  Whereas, if you define something like a
>>>package, and say: "Package X is allowed full and complete access
>>>to relation Y", and stick the interface methods in X, you still have
>>>all the user-level security you want while preserving the invariants
>>>in the most elegant way.
>>>So you can think of a package as a scope in a programming language.
>>>It's like a user, but it is not a user.  A user has privileges that
>>>cut across scopes.  Now, whether packages should be different from
>>>schemas is a whole different ballgame.  The purpose of a schema in
>>>Postgres is not entirely clear to me.  There's lots of different ways
>>>to use schemas, and there is no obvious best way to use them.  In 
>>>order to implement the accessibility features of packages, schemas
>>>would have to be changed considerably.  Probably a lot of users would
>>>be unhappy if schemas were changed in that way.  My guess is that
>>>this would not be a good idea.
>>>I think we can get some guidance from PLs.  C++ is what you call a
>>>"multi-paradigm language".  You can do everything from assembly to
>>>metaprogramming in C++.  As such, it is very loose and open in some
>>>respects.  C++ has two kinds of scopes: it has classes and namespaces.
>>>Members of a class are encapsulated and support data hiding.  Members
>>>of a namespace are only loosely grouped and do not support data hiding
>>>explicitly.  Namespaces exist primarily to avoid name collisions.
>>>Java, on the other hand, decided that for OOP purity, everything must
>>>be a class.  That would be like making schemas into packages and
>>>imposing accessibility rules on them.  At the end of the day, I think
>>>many PL design experts agree that making everything a class is not
>>>necessarily the best way to go.
>>>So schemas can be like C++ namespaces - they provide a means to 
>>>loosely group related objects and help avoid name collisions.  So
>>>the package could be like a class - they provide OOP-like 
>>>encapsulation via accessibility rules.  However, that doesn't mean
>>>that nested schemas wouldn't also be a good thing.  In C++, nested
>>>namespaces are extremely useful when one layer of scoping does not
>>>sufficiently partition the namespace to avoid frequent name 
>>>collisions.  I think the same is true of Postgres.  I certainly would
>>>like to be able to use nested schema names in several contexts.  
>>>Instead, I have to make a choice between making different schemas, 
>>>or making different name prefixes.  I wouldn't even mind if nested
>>>schemas were only allowed to contain schemas except at the leaves of
>>>the tree.  Another feature that is very useful is the "using clause".
>>>Combined with nested namespaces, this is a very powerful way to give
>>>programmers/dbas control over names.  You can give everything the
>>>most natural name, and just put it in the appropriate namespace,
>>>and use the namespace that is relevant to the given task at hand.
>>>So consider this example:
>>>  etl.import.record
>>>  etl.export.record
>>>As you can imagine, I don't really want to make an 'import' and
>>>'export' schema at the top level.  There's several tables in
>>>each schema, but that should illustrate the point.  Then, when
>>>constructing queries, it would be nice to be able to do this:
>>> USING etl.import
>>>       ;
>>>  FROM record
>>>  JOIN header ON ...
>>>  JOIN file ON ...
>>>       ;
>>>The effect of a USING clause would be to import the schema names
>>>into the public namespace for the duration of the transaction.  If
>>>that leads to ambiguous names, then the parser/planner should emit an 
>>>David B. Held
>>>Software Engineer/Array Services Group
>>>200 14th Ave. East,  Sartell, MN 56377
>>>320.534.3637 320.253.7800 800.752.8129
>>>---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
>>>TIP 1: subscribe and unsubscribe commands go to majordomo@postgresql.org
>>  Bruce Momjian                        |  http://candle.pha.pa.us
>>  pgman@candle.pha.pa.us               |  (610) 359-1001
>>  +  If your life is a hard drive,     |  13 Roberts Road
>>  +  Christ can be your backup.        |  Newtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073
>>---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
>>TIP 2: you can get off all lists at once with the unregister command
>>    (send "unregister YourEmailAddressHere" to majordomo@postgresql.org)

Re: Oracle Style packages on postgres

Stephen Frost
* Jonah H. Harris (jharris@tvi.edu) wrote:
> Is anyone going to be working on this immediately?  If so, I'd be glad
> to work with someone.  Unfortunately, I don't have the time to devote to
> taking something this big on, but I think it would be a really great
> thing to have.  Just let me know jharris@tvi.edu OR
> jonah.harris@gmail.com.  Thanks!

It strikes me as slightly unlikely that anyone will start working on
this immediately, but I can tell you it's something that some of my
users have been asking for and so once I finish off my current work on
roles I'll probably be interested in working on this.

> Bruce Momjian wrote:
> >Added to TODO:
> >
> >* Add the features of packages
> >       o  Make private objects accessable only to objects in the same
> >       schema
> >       o  Allow current_schema.objname to access current schema objects
> >       o  Add session variables
> >       o  Allow nested schemas
> >
> >
> >---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> >Bruce Momjian wrote:
> >
> >
> >>OK, so it seems we need:
> >>
> >>    o  make private objects accessable only to objects
> >>       in the same schema
> >>    o  Allow current_schema.objname to access current
> >>       schema objects
> >>    o  session variables
> >>    o  nested schemas?
> >>
> >>---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >>
> >>Dave Held wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>>>-----Original Message-----
> >>>>From: Bruce Momjian [mailto:pgman@candle.pha.pa.us]
> >>>>Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2005 8:43 AM
> >>>>To: Thomas Hallgren
> >>>>Cc: Tom Lane; rmm@sqlisor.com; pgsql-hackers@postgresql.org
> >>>>Subject: Re: [HACKERS] Oracle Style packages on postgres
> >>>>
> >>>>[...]
> >>>>I suppose.  I think we should focus on the use cases for Oracle
> >>>>packages, rather than the specific functionality it provides.
> >>>>What things do people need PostgreSQL to do that it already
> >>>>doesn't do?
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>Is that really the best way to go about things?  Already RDBMSes
> >>>are patchwork quilts of functionality.  Is merely adding another
> >>>patch the most elegant way to evolve the database?  The problem is
> >>>that Oracle et al are trying to be ORDBMSes and aren't exactly sure
> >>>what the best way to go is.  Instead of trying to formulate a
> >>>rational plan for what an ORDBMS should even look like, they simply
> >>>look at what would work with their existing infrastructure and tack
> >>>on features.  Then Postgres plays the copycat game.  Instead of
> >>>trying to play catch-up with Oracle, why not beat them at their own
> >>>game?
> >>>
> >>>What packages provide is encapsulation.  Hiding the data from the
> >>>user and forcing him/her to use the public interface (methods).
> >>>That is an important and admirable OO feature.  Some people think
> >>>that using the DB's security model can achieve the same thing.  It
> >>>can't, exactly, but there's an important lesson to be learned from
> >>>the suggestion.  The problem is that OOP is a *programming* paradigm,
> >>>and a database is not a *programming language*.  In a programming
> >>>language, there really is no such thing as "security".  There is
> >>>only "visibility" and "accessibility".  Private methods in an OOP
> >>>language do not provide *security*; they only limit *accessibility*.
> >>>Like so many other differences between the relational model and the
> >>>OOP model, there is an impedance mismatch here.  However, there is
> >>>also opportunity.
> >>>
> >>>In an OOPL, you can say: "Users can call this method from here, but
> >>>not from there."  What you *can't* say is: "User X can call this
> >>>method, but User Y cannot."  As you can see, these are orthogonal
> >>>concepts.  You could call the first "accessibility by location" and
> >>>the second "accessibility by authentication".  An ORDBMS should
> >>>support both.  "Private" does not respect your identity, only your
> >>>calling location.  An ACL does not respect your calling scope, only
> >>>your identity.  A system that has both is clearly more flexible than
> >>>one that only has one or the other.
> >>>
> >>>Now what you need to keep in mind is that each visibility model
> >>>serves a different purpose.  The purpose of a security model is to
> >>>limit *who* can see/touch certain data because the data has intrinsic
> >>>value.  The purpose of an accessibility model is to limit *where* and
> >>>*how* data can be seen/touched in order to preserve *program
> >>>invariants*.  So if you have an object (or tuple!) that records the
> >>>start and stop time of some process, it is probably a logical
> >>>invariant that the stop time is greater than or equal to the start
> >>>time.  For this reason, in a PL, you would encapsulate these fields
> >>>(attributes) and only provide controlled access to update them that
> >>>checks and preserves the invariant, *no matter who you are*.  You
> >>>don't want a superuser violating this invariant any more than Sue
> >>>User.
> >>>
> >>>Now you might object that constraints allow you to preserve
> >>>invariants as well, and indeed they do.  But constraints do not
> >>>respect calling scope.  Suppose there is a process that needs to
> >>>update the timestamps in a way that temporarily breaks the invariant
> >>>but restores it afterwards.  The only way to effect this in a
> >>>constraint environment is to drop the constraint, perform the
> >>>operation, and restore it.  However, dropping a constraint is not an
> >>>ideal solution because there may be other unprivileged processes
> >>>operating on the relation that still need the constraint to be
> >>>enforced.  There is no way to say: "There is a priviledged class of
> >>>methods that is allowed to violate this constraint because they are
> >>>trusted to restore it upon completion."  Note that this is different
> >>>from saying "There is a priviledged class of users that is allowed
> >>>to violate this constraint."  If you try to do something like give
> >>>read-only access to everybody and only write access to one user and
> >>>define that user to be the owner of the methods that update the data,
> >>>you have to follow the convention that that user only operates
> >>>through the defined interface, and doesn't hack the data directly.
> >>>That's because user-level accessibility is not the same as scope-
> >>>level accessibility.  Whereas, if you define something like a
> >>>package, and say: "Package X is allowed full and complete access
> >>>to relation Y", and stick the interface methods in X, you still have
> >>>all the user-level security you want while preserving the invariants
> >>>in the most elegant way.
> >>>
> >>>So you can think of a package as a scope in a programming language.
> >>>It's like a user, but it is not a user.  A user has privileges that
> >>>cut across scopes.  Now, whether packages should be different from
> >>>schemas is a whole different ballgame.  The purpose of a schema in
> >>>Postgres is not entirely clear to me.  There's lots of different ways
> >>>to use schemas, and there is no obvious best way to use them.  In
> >>>order to implement the accessibility features of packages, schemas
> >>>would have to be changed considerably.  Probably a lot of users would
> >>>be unhappy if schemas were changed in that way.  My guess is that
> >>>this would not be a good idea.
> >>>
> >>>I think we can get some guidance from PLs.  C++ is what you call a
> >>>"multi-paradigm language".  You can do everything from assembly to
> >>>metaprogramming in C++.  As such, it is very loose and open in some
> >>>respects.  C++ has two kinds of scopes: it has classes and namespaces.
> >>>Members of a class are encapsulated and support data hiding.  Members
> >>>of a namespace are only loosely grouped and do not support data hiding
> >>>explicitly.  Namespaces exist primarily to avoid name collisions.
> >>>
> >>>Java, on the other hand, decided that for OOP purity, everything must
> >>>be a class.  That would be like making schemas into packages and
> >>>imposing accessibility rules on them.  At the end of the day, I think
> >>>many PL design experts agree that making everything a class is not
> >>>necessarily the best way to go.
> >>>
> >>>So schemas can be like C++ namespaces - they provide a means to
> >>>loosely group related objects and help avoid name collisions.  So
> >>>the package could be like a class - they provide OOP-like
> >>>encapsulation via accessibility rules.  However, that doesn't mean
> >>>that nested schemas wouldn't also be a good thing.  In C++, nested
> >>>namespaces are extremely useful when one layer of scoping does not
> >>>sufficiently partition the namespace to avoid frequent name
> >>>collisions.  I think the same is true of Postgres.  I certainly would
> >>>like to be able to use nested schema names in several contexts.
> >>>Instead, I have to make a choice between making different schemas,
> >>>or making different name prefixes.  I wouldn't even mind if nested
> >>>schemas were only allowed to contain schemas except at the leaves of
> >>>the tree.  Another feature that is very useful is the "using clause".
> >>>Combined with nested namespaces, this is a very powerful way to give
> >>>programmers/dbas control over names.  You can give everything the
> >>>most natural name, and just put it in the appropriate namespace,
> >>>and use the namespace that is relevant to the given task at hand.
> >>>
> >>>So consider this example:
> >>>
> >>>Tables:
> >>> etl.import.record
> >>> etl.export.record
> >>>
> >>>As you can imagine, I don't really want to make an 'import' and
> >>>'export' schema at the top level.  There's several tables in
> >>>each schema, but that should illustrate the point.  Then, when
> >>>constructing queries, it would be nice to be able to do this:
> >>>
> >>>USING etl.import
> >>>      ;
> >>>SELECT *
> >>> FROM record
> >>> JOIN header ON ...
> >>> JOIN file ON ...
> >>>      ;
> >>>
> >>>The effect of a USING clause would be to import the schema names
> >>>into the public namespace for the duration of the transaction.  If
> >>>that leads to ambiguous names, then the parser/planner should emit an
> >>>error.
> >>>
> >>>__
> >>>David B. Held
> >>>Software Engineer/Array Services Group
> >>>200 14th Ave. East,  Sartell, MN 56377
> >>>320.534.3637 320.253.7800 800.752.8129
> >>>
> >>>---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> >>>TIP 1: subscribe and unsubscribe commands go to majordomo@postgresql.org
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>--
> >> Bruce Momjian                        |  http://candle.pha.pa.us
> >> pgman@candle.pha.pa.us               |  (610) 359-1001
> >> +  If your life is a hard drive,     |  13 Roberts Road
> >> +  Christ can be your backup.        |  Newtown Square, Pennsylvania
> >> 19073
> >>
> >>---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> >>TIP 2: you can get off all lists at once with the unregister command
> >>   (send "unregister YourEmailAddressHere" to majordomo@postgresql.org)
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 2: you can get off all lists at once with the unregister command
>    (send "unregister YourEmailAddressHere" to majordomo@postgresql.org)

Re: Oracle Style packages on postgres

Josh Berkus

> > >Added to TODO:
> > >
> > >* Add the features of packages
> > >       o  Make private objects accessable only to objects in the same
> > >       schema
> > >       o  Allow current_schema.objname to access current schema objects
> > >       o  Add session variables
> > >       o  Allow nested schemas

Hmmm ... was there a reason we decided not to just make this explicitly tied 
to SQL2003 TYPES?

Josh Berkus
Aglio Database Solutions
San Francisco

Re: Oracle Style packages on postgres

Bruce Momjian
Josh Berkus wrote:
> Bruce,
> > > >Added to TODO:
> > > >
> > > >* Add the features of packages
> > > >       o  Make private objects accessable only to objects in the same
> > > >       schema
> > > >       o  Allow current_schema.objname to access current schema objects
> > > >       o  Add session variables
> > > >       o  Allow nested schemas
> Hmmm ... was there a reason we decided not to just make this explicitly tied 
> to SQL2003 TYPES?

I don't think anyone mentioned even knowing about TYPES.  Do you have
modifiations to this?

--  Bruce Momjian                        |  http://candle.pha.pa.us pgman@candle.pha.pa.us               |  (610)
359-1001+  If your life is a hard drive,     |  13 Roberts Road +  Christ can be your backup.        |  Newtown Square,