Обсуждение: New Privilege model purposal


New Privilege model purposal

JanWieck@t-online.de (Jan Wieck)
Here it is:
                      Proposal for a new                  PostgreSQL Privilege System
                     July 2000, Jan Wieck
       The  existing  permission checking system, implemented in       the   PostgreSQL   database,   has   alot   of
missing       capabilities. Users complained about it in the past. With       some new features (referential  integrity
for  example),       this system isn't flexible enough any more and need to be       expanded or replaced soon.
       This document is a draft for  implementing  a  completely       new,  object/functionality  based permission
concept. It       defines a   fine  grained,  expandable,  general  purpose       permission  checking functionality.
Itshould cover DML-       and DDL-statements all at once.
   Object Privileges
       Object  Privileges  can  be  GRANTed  or  REVOKEed  to  a       particular user or group. The possible
       ALL [PRIVILEGES]    Synonym  for  any  of the privileges,                           applicaple to the object in
       ALTER               Permission  to  alter  the schema WRT                           the object in question.
       INSERT              Permission to INSERT  rows  into  the                           named relation.
       UPDATE              Permission  to  UPDATE  rows  in  the                           named relation.
       DELETE              Permission to DELETE  rows  from  the                           named relation.
       SELECT              Permission  to  SELECT  rows from the                           named relation or sequence.
       EXECUTE             Permission to call the named function                           or procedure.
       LOCK                Permission  to  exclusively  lock the                           named relation.
       REFERENCES          Permission to create  a  foreign  key                           reference to the named
       TRUNCATE            Permission   to  truncate  the  named                           relation.
   System Privileges
       System Privileges are to grant permission to execute DDL-       statements or for database wide Object
permissions(valid       for all objects of a particular kind).
       SUPERUSER           A    special    System     Privilege,                           superseding  any  other
rights.What                           the holder of this  right  want's  to                           do,  he  does. It
isthe same as now,                           usesuper in pg_shadow.
       CREATE SESSION      Permission to  login.  Checked  after                           general   hba.conf  access
had been                           granted.  Not having this right  will                           cause  the new
backendto immediately                           terminate.
       ALTER SESSION       Permission to change session specific                           attributes    like
character  set                           localization.
       CREATE TABLE        Permission to create new table  in  a                           database.
       ALTER ANY TABLE     Permission  to alter any table of the                           database. Includes rights
to create                           or  drop  rules, triggers, references                           etc.
       DROP ANY TABLE      Permission to drop any table  of  the                           database.
       INSERT ANY TABLE    Permission  to  INSERT  rows into any                           table of the database.
       UPDATE ANY TABLE    Permission  to  UPDATE  rows  in  any                           table of the database.
       DELETE ANY TABLE    Permission  to  DELETE  rows from any                           table of the database.
       SELECT ANY TABLE    Permission to SELECT  rows  from  any                           relation of the database.
       LOCK ANY TABLE      Permission  to  explicitly  LOCK  any                           relation of the database.
       REFERENCE ANY TABLE Permission to use any  table  of  the                           database   in  referential
integrity                          constraints.       ----------
       CREATE SEQUENCE     Permission to create a new  sequence.
       ALTER ANY SEQUENCE  Permission to readjust all sequences.
       DROP ANY SEQUENCE   Permission to drop  any  sequence  in                           the database.
       CREATE VIEW         Permission  to  create  views  in the                           database.
       ALTER ANY VIEW      Permission to alter any view  of  the                           database.
       DROP ANY VIEW       Permission  to  drop  any view of the                           database.
       CREATE FUNCTION     Permission to create new functions in                           the database.
       ALTER ANY FUNCTION  Permission  to  alter any function of                           the database.
       DROP ANY FUNCTION   Permission to drop  any  function  of                           the database.
       CREATE TYPE         Permission to create a new type.
       ALTER ANY TYPE      Permission  to  alter any type of the                           database.
       DROP ANY TYPE       Permission to drop any  type  of  the                           database.
       CREATE OPERATOR     Permission  to create a new operator.
       ALTER ANY OPERATOR  Permission to alter any  operator  of                           the database.
       DROP ANY OPERATOR   Permission  to  drop  any operator of                           the database.
       CREATE AGGREGATE    Permission to create a new aggregate.
       ALTER ANY AGGREGATE Permission  to alter any aggregate of                           the database.
       DROP ANY AGGREGATE  Permission to drop any  aggregate  of                           the database.
       CREATE OBJECT       Permission  to  create  a  new table,                           sequence,    type,
operator    or                           aggregate.
       ALTER ANY OBJECT    Permission   to   alter   any  table,                           sequence, type, operator or
aggregate                          of the database.
       DROP ANY OBJECT     Permission   to   drop   any   table,                           sequence, type, operator or
aggregate                          of the database.
       TRUNCATE ANY        Permission  to  truncate any relation                           of the database.
       New privilege check funciton
           A new function
               bool pg_check_priv(                   int32    privtype,                   Oid      privobject,
        int32    privobjowner);
           will  be  called  in  the  appropriate  places.   The           privtype   is   a   #define   constant
from a  new           "utils/privileges.h" header file. Privobject  is  the           OID  of  the  object  (relation,
function,aggregate           etc.) to check for. Privobjowner is the owner of  the           object (relowner,
proowner,aggowner etc).
           The function will know about privilege relationships.           So only one call like
               pg_check_priv(PRIV_ALTER_TABLE,                   Relation->rd_id,
               pg_check_priv(PRIV_EXEC_FUNCTION,                   finfo->fn_oid,                   finfo->fn_owner);
           would be  sufficient  to  check  whether  the  actual           caller is permitted to do that.
       System catalog changes
           Pg_proc is extended by two new bool fields. Prosetuid           and procheckperm.  These two  and  the
proowner are           held in the fmgr_info struct.
           If  a  function  is called through the fmgr (any user           defined function is), the  function  manager
honours           these   flags.  Prosetuid  will  cause  the  function           manager to switch to another
effectiveuser id,  used           during  pg_check_perms() for the time of the function           invocation.
Procheckpermcauses the function  manager           to  check  whether  the  actual  (effective)  user is
allowed to  execute   the   function   (by   calling           pg_check_perms()).
           Pg_shadow  is extended with an array, holding all the           groups the user belongs to. So after looking
up  the           user, all group relationships are known.
           Two   new   system   catalogs,  pg_userprivilege  and           pg_groupprivilege are  created  to  hold
the actual           privileges.  They are members of the system cache for           fast lookup.
           Pg_class will loose it's relacl attribute.
           All the (security relevant) information in pg_shadow,           pg_group,  pg_userprivilege  and
pg_groupprivilegeis           only    modified    during    GRANT,    REVOKE     or           CREATE/DROP/ALTER
statements. So  it's  IMHO not an           issue to performance questions.
       Related details
           The system will manage a  stack,  remembering  nested           states  of  the  effective user id. Calls
throughthe           function manager can  switch  for-  and  backward  to           another  one, so prosetuid
functionswill inherit the           effective  permissions  of  the  function   (trigger)           owner.  The  stack
is reinitialized  at transaction           aborts.
           For special purposes, there will be another  function           pg_check_realperms()  checking  against the
realuser           id allways (don't know what it'll be good for, but in           case...).




# It's easier to get forgiveness for being wrong than for being right. #
# Let's break this rule - forgive me.                                  #
#================================================== JanWieck@Yahoo.com #

Re: New Privilege model purposal

Karel Zak
I not sure, but if I good remember nobody said somethig bad about 
PetreE proposal for this, why you prepare new? IMHO Peter's proposal
was good. 
And small suggestion, we need the "GRANT ... WITH ADMIN OPTION" or 
something like this.

Re: New Privilege model purposal

Philip Warner
At 15:27 25/07/00 +0200, Jan Wieck wrote:
>    Object Privileges
>        Object  Privileges  can  be  GRANTed  or  REVOKEed  to  a
>        particular user or group. The possible Privileges are:

This sounds great, and you may want to consider extending it to the COLUMN
level in tables & views.

>        LOCK                Permission  to  exclusively  lock the
>                            named relation.

This one worries me a little. I think I can see where you are coming from,
but you might be better off defining it as the ability to 'use the LOCK
statement to lock the object exclusively'. The reason I say this is that a
person altering a table's metadata and/or name, may well need an exclusive
lock, and it seems cumbersome to have to grant two privileges.


You may also want to consider:
        SHOW                Permission to view the definition of the named
object.                            (this is from Dec/Rdb)
        RENAME              Permission to rename the named relation                             (gets past my objection
above,but probably                             best left as part of ALTER)
        INHERIT             Do you need this?
        DBA/OPERATOR/ADMIN  Permission to access the database when it is
'closed'                            (Dec/Rdb call it DBADMIN, I think)

I know we don't have the concept of a 'closed' database yet, but it is very
useful for performing tasks like renaming storage files, restoring backups
etc etc. The idea being that a DBA can close a database, then only DBA
users can connect to it.

>    System Privileges
>        System Privileges are to grant permission to execute DDL-
>        statements or for database wide Object permissions (valid
>        for all objects of a particular kind).
>        SUPERUSER           A    special    System     Privilege,
>                            superseding  any  other  rights. What
>                            the holder of this  right  want's  to
>                            do,  he  does. It is the same as now,
>                            usesuper in pg_shadow.

I suspect this is good grounds for a religious war, but I like a priv
system where I have to 'turn on' a super privilege before I get it. If I am
a superuser, I don't want my cape flapping in the breeze *all* the time.
Can you add some kind of 'CLARK_KENT' priv (ie. 'can become superuser')?
And have SUPERUSER off at the beginning of all sessions? 

There are two reasons I think this is important: 1) I am accident prone,
and 2) it's good to live like a mortal most of the time - you get to see
problems before a user complains.


This seems like overkill; you will need a new priv for every object type.
It is also not clear how 'ALTER ANY TABLE' should interact with 'ALTER
TABLE (specific table)', but I assume the more specific priv rules.

It seems that this is just a way of defining 'default' privs for an object
that does not have an ACL, and if that is the case, why not define a
default protection at both the database level and the object-type level
(perhaps in the relevant pg_* table?). Certainly it seems that 'CREATE
TABLE' could be represented as 'INSERT' priv on the pg_class table etc.


Back to my previous comments - these seem to be more proerly defined as
'defaults' at the database level, but perhaps I am missing something.

>        System catalog changes
>            Pg_proc is extended by two new bool fields. Prosetuid
>            and procheckperm.  These two  and  the  proowner  are
>            held in the fmgr_info struct.
>            If  a  function  is called through the fmgr (any user
>            defined function is), the  function  manager  honours
>            these   flags.  Prosetuid  will  cause  the  function
>            manager to switch to another effective user id,  used
>            during  pg_check_perms() for the time of the function
>            invocation.

Wonderful! I've been hoping for this for a while.

>        Related details
>            The system will manage a  stack,  remembering  nested
>            states  of  the  effective user id. Calls through the
>            function manager can  switch  for-  and  backward  to
>            another  one, so prosetuid functions will inherit the
>            effective  permissions  of  the  function   (trigger)
>            owner.  The  stack  is  reinitialized  at transaction
>            aborts.

I assume this means that if function f1 running under uid 'fred' calls
function f2 (with no uid specified), then f2 will also still run as 'fred'?

>            For special purposes, there will be another  function
>            pg_check_realperms()  checking  against the real user
>            id allways (don't know what it'll be good for, but in
>            case...).

We'll also need to implement another kind of CURRENT_USER (I *think* SQL
defines one). You need to get the 'real' user as well as the 'effective'
user from within SQL.

I hope this is helpful, and I really look forward to this being implemented!

Philip Warner                    |     __---_____
Albatross Consulting Pty. Ltd.   |----/       -  \
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PGP key available upon request,  |  /
and from pgp5.ai.mit.edu:11371   |/

Re: New Privilege model purposal

JanWieck@t-online.de (Jan Wieck)
Karel Zak wrote:
>  I not sure, but if I good remember nobody said somethig bad about
> PetreE proposal for this, why you prepare new? IMHO Peter's proposal
> was good.
   Seems  I  missed  that  discussion. Sometimes I start to drop   incoming eMails by subject. If then the discussion
moves to   something  different  without changing the subject, you won't   see me on that.
   Anyway, I  haven't  found  a  complete  proposal  in  the  ML   archive.   Consider  my proposal "derived work" from
hisone,   if it is similar and let's combine all  the  ideas  into  one   complete thing.
   Peter, have you done anything into that direction already?

>  And small suggestion, we need the "GRANT ... WITH ADMIN OPTION" or
> something like this.
   What should that do?



# It's easier to get forgiveness for being wrong than for being right. #
# Let's break this rule - forgive me.                                  #
#================================================== JanWieck@Yahoo.com #

Re: New Privilege model purposal

JanWieck@t-online.de (Jan Wieck)
Philip Warner wrote:
> At 15:27 25/07/00 +0200, Jan Wieck wrote:
> >
> >    Object Privileges
> >
> >        Object  Privileges  can  be  GRANTed  or  REVOKEed  to  a
> >        particular user or group. The possible Privileges are:
> This sounds great, and you may want to consider extending it to the COLUMN
> level in tables & views.
   So  someone  could  prevent  a user from overriding a DEFAULT   column value by revoking the INSERT and UPDATE
rightsto  the   column. Good idea.

> >
> ...
> >
> >        LOCK                Permission  to  exclusively  lock the
> >                            named relation.
> This one worries me a little. I think I can see where you are coming from,
> but you might be better off defining it as the ability to 'use the LOCK
> statement to lock the object exclusively'. The reason I say this is that a
> person altering a table's metadata and/or name, may well need an exclusive
> lock, and it seems cumbersome to have to grant two privileges.
   Of course.

> You may also want to consider:
>          SHOW                Permission to view the definition of the named
> object.
>                              (this is from Dec/Rdb)
   As you say it, I see it.  The default for all system catalogs   would be, that a normal user cannot SELECT from
them. So  we   would  need some kind of DESCRIBE command since psql wouldn't   be able to grab these definitions any
   I see, this project is becoming bigger the more people really   think about the side effects.

>          RENAME              Permission to rename the named relation
>                              (gets past my objection above, but probably
>                              best left as part of ALTER)
   Let's leave it as part of ALTER TABLE.

>          INHERIT             Do you need this?
   What other rights must a user have on the inherited relations   to work properly with them?

>          DBA/OPERATOR/ADMIN  Permission to access the database when it is
> 'closed'
>                              (Dec/Rdb call it DBADMIN, I think)
> I know we don't have the concept of a 'closed' database yet, but it is very
> useful for performing tasks like renaming storage files, restoring backups
> etc etc. The idea being that a DBA can close a database, then only DBA
> users can connect to it.
   I like that. And the concept of 'closed' databases should  be   added to this project.

> >    System Privileges
> >
> >        System Privileges are to grant permission to execute DDL-
> >        statements or for database wide Object permissions (valid
> >        for all objects of a particular kind).
> >
> >        SUPERUSER           A    special    System     Privilege,
> >                            superseding  any  other  rights. What
> >                            the holder of this  right  want's  to
> >                            do,  he  does. It is the same as now,
> >                            usesuper in pg_shadow.
> I suspect this is good grounds for a religious war, but I like a priv
> system where I have to 'turn on' a super privilege before I get it. If I am
> a superuser, I don't want my cape flapping in the breeze *all* the time.
> Can you add some kind of 'CLARK_KENT' priv (ie. 'can become superuser')?
> And have SUPERUSER off at the beginning of all sessions?
> There are two reasons I think this is important: 1) I am accident prone,
> and 2) it's good to live like a mortal most of the time - you get to see
> problems before a user complains.
   If you don't need DBA privileges, don't log on as a DBA. Have   a separate account for that (IMHO).

> >        CREATE TABLE
> >        ALTER ANY TABLE
> >        DROP ANY TABLE
> >        LOCK ANY TABLE
> This seems like overkill; you will need a new priv for every object type.
> It is also not clear how 'ALTER ANY TABLE' should interact with 'ALTER
> TABLE (specific table)', but I assume the more specific priv rules.
   As I said, it should be fine grained. If  a  DBA  wants  some   user  to  be  able  to  create views, but not his
owntables,   functions  etc.,  how  could  he  if  there  aren't  separate   privileges for the single actions?
   The  interactions  will  be  hardwired in the pg_check_priv()   function.  Since  the  requested  privilege  is  a
#define'd  constant,  it'll  be  more  or  less  a big switch statement,   calling a single privilege lookup helper
oncein a while.

> It seems that this is just a way of defining 'default' privs for an object
> that does not have an ACL, and if that is the case, why not define a
> default protection at both the database level and the object-type level
> (perhaps in the relevant pg_* table?). Certainly it seems that 'CREATE
> TABLE' could be represented as 'INSERT' priv on the pg_class table etc.
   No. They are meant as user or group specific privileges.
   By default, only the owner has access to his tables. He (or a   superuser) must explicitly GRANT other users or
groupsaccess   to it. But a user with SELECT ANY TABLE can do  so  from  the   start,  because  the  DBA decided that
thisuser act's like a   superuser if issuing some SELECT database wide.

> >        CREATE OBJECT
> >        DROP ANY OBJECT
> Back to my previous comments - these seem to be more proerly defined as
> 'defaults' at the database level, but perhaps I am missing something.
   These aren't separate privileges. CREATE OBJECT is  the  same   as CREATE TABLE and CREATE VIEW and CREATE FUNCTION

> >        System catalog changes
> >
> >            Pg_proc is extended by two new bool fields. Prosetuid
> >            and procheckperm.  These two  and  the  proowner  are
> >            held in the fmgr_info struct.
> >
> >            If  a  function  is called through the fmgr (any user
> >            defined function is), the  function  manager  honours
> >            these   flags.  Prosetuid  will  cause  the  function
> >            manager to switch to another effective user id,  used
> >            during  pg_check_perms() for the time of the function
> >            invocation.
> Wonderful! I've been hoping for this for a while.
   You never walk alone.

> >        Related details
> >
> >            The system will manage a  stack,  remembering  nested
> >            states  of  the  effective user id. Calls through the
> >            function manager can  switch  for-  and  backward  to
> >            another  one, so prosetuid functions will inherit the
> >            effective  permissions  of  the  function   (trigger)
> >            owner.  The  stack  is  reinitialized  at transaction
> >            aborts.
> I assume this means that if function f1 running under uid 'fred' calls
> function f2 (with no uid specified), then f2 will also still run as 'fred'?
   Right.  The  euid switching will only be done at entering and   leaving a prosetuid function or trigger. Anything
doneinside   of  that  uses  the  new euid until a (however deeply nested)   call to another setuid function happens.



# It's easier to get forgiveness for being wrong than for being right. #
# Let's break this rule - forgive me.                                  #
#================================================== JanWieck@Yahoo.com #

Re: New Privilege model purposal

Alfred Perlstein
Something is seriously broken with your mailer or the listserv,
your messages have about 10,000 blank lines at the end of them.

Re: New Privilege model purposal

Peter Eisentraut
Hmm, I thunk I was working on that. I put out a proposal on May 22, and we
came to a pretty good understanding about the details and I was working on
a new specification.

Your approach seems to be missing column-level privileges and grant
options, and is in general not very close to SQL.

>         With
>         some new features (referential  integrity  for  example),
>         this system isn't flexible enough any more and need to be
>         expanded or replaced soon.

I think the RI snafu at least is not the fault of the privilege system at
all. I could blame the implementation, but short of that it's actually the
fault of the function manager in that it cannot execute functions with the
permissions of the creator, as mandated by SQL. That's the thing that
needs to be fixed (but it reaches throughout the code of course).

>         ALTER SESSION       Permission to change session specific
>                             attributes    like    character   set
>                             localization.


>         CREATE TABLE        Permission to create new table  in  a
>                             database.

This needs to be tied in with schemas.

>             Pg_shadow  is extended with an array, holding all the
>             groups the user belongs to. So after looking  up  the
>             user, all group relationships are known.

We ought to think in terms of SQL roles. Those are nestable, so arrays
need to be out of the picture.

>             The system will manage a  stack,  remembering  nested
>             states  of  the  effective user id. Calls through the
>             function manager can  switch  for-  and  backward  to
>             another  one, so prosetuid functions will inherit the
>             effective  permissions  of  the  function   (trigger)
>             owner.  The  stack  is  reinitialized  at transaction
>             aborts.

This is definitely necessary, but it needs to be more general. There is a
command SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION, which is essentially `su', that could
make use of this also.

Peter Eisentraut                  Sernanders väg 10:115
peter_e@gmx.net                   75262 Uppsala
http://yi.org/peter-e/            Sweden

Re: New Privilege model purposal

JanWieck@t-online.de (Jan Wieck)
Peter Eisentraut wrote:
> Hmm, I thunk I was working on that. I put out a proposal on May 22, and we
> came to a pretty good understanding about the details and I was working on
> a new specification.
   I  apologize.  Karel already told me so and it seems I missed   that discussion somehow.
   Anyway, it's good to hear you're  still  on  it.  What's  the   estimated time you think it'll be ready to get

> >             The system will manage a  stack,  remembering  nested
> >             states  of  the  effective user id. Calls through the
> >             function manager can  switch  for-  and  backward  to
> >             another  one, so prosetuid functions will inherit the
> >             effective  permissions  of  the  function   (trigger)
> >             owner.  The  stack  is  reinitialized  at transaction
> >             aborts.
> This is definitely necessary, but it needs to be more general. There is a
> command SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION, which is essentially `su', that could
> make use of this also.
   I see - a session level userid switch. Should this one affect   the setting of realuid  as  well  or  not?  And
must it  be   possible  from  inside  a function (or whatever) and then get   rolled back if the function returns?
Shouldit stay permanent   otherwise if issued from inside a function?
   The thing users actually complain about is the requirement of   UPDATE permissions to REFERENCE a table. This could
be fixed   with  making  RI  triggers setuid functions for 7.1 and check   that  the  user  at  least  has  SELECT
permission on   the   referenced table during constraint creation.  This would also   remove the actual DOS problem,
thata user  could  potentiall   create  a  referencing  table  and  not giving anyone who can   update the referenced
oneupdate permissions on it too.
   I think it's worth doing it now, and  couple  it  later  with   your general access control things.



# It's easier to get forgiveness for being wrong than for being right. #
# Let's break this rule - forgive me.                                  #
#================================================== JanWieck@Yahoo.com #

Re: New Privilege model purposal

Philip Warner
At 20:41 25/07/00 +0200, Jan Wieck wrote:
>Philip Warner wrote:
>> At 15:27 25/07/00 +0200, Jan Wieck wrote:
>>          INHERIT             Do you need this?
>    What other rights must a user have on the inherited relations
>    to work properly with them?

I have no idea, I only suggested this because it's a feature that is easily
overlooked, and not part of most DBs, so we may need to thin about it...

The SQL standard also has a 'GRANT...WITH HIERARCHY' option that grants
access on all subtables.

FWIW, the SQL standard also defines a 'USAGE' priv that grants access to
domains, character sets, UDTs etc.

>> >    System Privileges
>> >
>> >        System Privileges are to grant permission to execute DDL-
>> >        statements or for database wide Object permissions (valid
>> >        for all objects of a particular kind).
>> >
>> >        SUPERUSER           A    special    System     Privilege,
>> >                            superseding  any  other  rights. What
>> >                            the holder of this  right  want's  to
>> >                            do,  he  does. It is the same as now,
>> >                            usesuper in pg_shadow.
>> I suspect this is good grounds for a religious war, but I like a priv
>> system where I have to 'turn on' a super privilege before I get it. If I am
>> a superuser, I don't want my cape flapping in the breeze *all* the time.
>> Can you add some kind of 'CLARK_KENT' priv (ie. 'can become superuser')?
>> And have SUPERUSER off at the beginning of all sessions?
>> There are two reasons I think this is important: 1) I am accident prone,
>> and 2) it's good to live like a mortal most of the time - you get to see
>> problems before a user complains.
>    If you don't need DBA privileges, don't log on as a DBA. Have
>    a separate account for that (IMHO).

I guess if there is an 'ALTER SESSION SET AUTHORIZATION <superuser-name>'
or alternatively, 'SET ROLE <rolename>', then I'll be happy, since I could
define a 'superuser/dba' role.

I think there is a need for one or more users to have superuser-like access
to a single DB, but have little or no access to other ones. The suggestion
above would allow a normal user to be superuser for single database,
without having to set up (potentially) a separate DBA account for each

>> >        CREATE TABLE
>> >        ALTER ANY TABLE
>> >        DROP ANY TABLE
>> >        INSERT ANY TABLE
>> >        UPDATE ANY TABLE
>> >        DELETE ANY TABLE
>> >        SELECT ANY TABLE
>> >        LOCK ANY TABLE
>> This seems like overkill; you will need a new priv for every object type.
>> It is also not clear how 'ALTER ANY TABLE' should interact with 'ALTER
>> TABLE (specific table)', but I assume the more specific priv rules.
>    As I said, it should be fine grained. If  a  DBA  wants  some
>    user  to  be  able  to  create views, but not his own tables,
>    functions  etc.,  how  could  he  if  there  aren't  separate
>    privileges for the single actions?
>    The  interactions  will  be  hardwired in the pg_check_priv()
>    function.  Since  the  requested  privilege  is  a  #define'd
>    constant,  it'll  be  more  or  less  a big switch statement,
>    calling a single privilege lookup helper once in a while.

Maybe I was confusing implementation with interface, but what I was
suggesting (in a confused sort of way) was that you could define 'objects':

Then privs can be granted on objects, so the number of #defines only equals
the number of separate privs, not the number of privs times the number of
object types. Maybe I just misunderstood your plans? Did you mean that
'LOCK ANY TABLE' would be a priv granted at the database level, schema
level, or really at the system level?

>> It seems that this is just a way of defining 'default' privs for an object
>> that does not have an ACL, and if that is the case, why not define a
>> default protection at both the database level and the object-type level
>> (perhaps in the relevant pg_* table?). Certainly it seems that 'CREATE
>> TABLE' could be represented as 'INSERT' priv on the pg_class table etc.
>    No. They are meant as user or group specific privileges.
>    By default, only the owner has access to his tables. He (or a
>    superuser) must explicitly GRANT other users or groups access
>    to it. But a user with SELECT ANY TABLE can do  so  from  the
>    start,  because  the  DBA decided that this user act's like a
>    superuser if issuing some SELECT database wide.

So to use the above object/priv model, 'GRANT "CREATE ANY TABLE" on
database <dbname> to fred' might be equivalent to 'GRANT "INSERT" on OBJECT
TABLES to fred'.

I'm not particularly attached to my suggestion, but you can achieve
granularity without lots of priv named to remember.

>> >
>> >            If  a  function  is called through the fmgr (any user
>> >            defined function is), the  function  manager  honours
>> >            these   flags.  Prosetuid  will  cause  the  function
>> >            manager to switch to another effective user id,  used
>> >            during  pg_check_perms() for the time of the function
>> >            invocation.
>> Wonderful! I've been hoping for this for a while.
>    You never walk alone.

That's what I tell my dog.

Bye for now,


Philip Warner                    |     __---_____
Albatross Consulting Pty. Ltd.   |----/       -  \
(A.C.N. 008 659 498)             |          /(@)   ______---_
Tel: (+61) 0500 83 82 81         |                 _________  \
Fax: (+61) 0500 83 82 82         |                 ___________ |
Http://www.rhyme.com.au          |                /           \|                                |    --________--
PGP key available upon request,  |  /
and from pgp5.ai.mit.edu:11371   |/

Installation Report for powerpc-apple-netbsdelf1.5

"Henry B. Hotz"
This is an alpha version of NetBSD 1.5.

System is a fairly stock PowerMac 7500 with a 604 CPU upgrade, 
original disk drive.  The Perl is from the NetBSD package system, 
version 5.004_04.  egcs-1.1.2 (as modified by BSD).

postgresql 7.0.2
./configure --prefix=/usr/local --with perl --with-x

First problem:  ODBC doesn't compile.  |-(

Second problem:  with elf binaries the location of shared libraries 
is supposed to be compiled in so each program can reference its own 
set of shared objects without conflict.  This doesn't seem to jibe 
with how the build/install makefiles do things.  I get missing shared 
libraries when I try to access the DB as a normal user, and the 
mechanism I would have used to fix this on an xcoff system is 
deleted, or at least deprecated, on an elf system.

There is a package for postgres and it seems to do something 
different w.r.t. shared libraries.  OTOH I can't get the regression 
tests to run with the package even though psql works fine.  (The 
error is 'installing PL/pgSQL .. createlang: cannot find the file 

Third problem:  well actually the regression tests seem to work, mostly.  ;-)

Regression results:geometry failed with a number of roundoff differences and a 
-0 difference.opr_sanity, type_sanity, oidjoins, and rules all failed with 
the build having error messages where some kind of results were 
expected.All other tests passed (including random?!?!).

If Tom L. wants to beat on this I can give him an account on the 
machine.  I've used up the time I have to devote to it.  I'm pretty 
much stuck with 6.4.0 on Solaris 2.5 for real work.

Signature failed Preliminary Design Review.
Feasibility of a new signature is currently being evaluated.
h.b.hotz@jpl.nasa.gov, or hbhotz@oxy.edu

Re: Installation Report for powerpc-apple-netbsdelf1.5

Thomas Lockhart
> This is an alpha version of NetBSD 1.5.
> System is a fairly stock PowerMac 7500 with a 604 CPU upgrade,
> original disk drive.  The Perl is from the NetBSD package system,
> version 5.004_04.  egcs-1.1.2 (as modified by BSD).
> postgresql 7.0.2
> ./configure --prefix=/usr/local --with perl --with-x
> First problem:  ODBC doesn't compile.  |-(

What is the symptom?

> Second problem:  with elf binaries the location of shared libraries
> is supposed to be compiled in so each program can reference its own
> set of shared objects without conflict.  This doesn't seem to jibe
> with how the build/install makefiles do things.  I get missing shared
> libraries when I try to access the DB as a normal user, and the
> mechanism I would have used to fix this on an xcoff system is
> deleted, or at least deprecated, on an elf system.

There was some discussion recently about whether -rpath is A Good Thing,
with Debian voting that it is One Step From Hell. I've always just
modified my ld.config and/or my LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment to get to
the libraries.

Either of these should solve your regression test problem.

> Third problem:  well actually the regression tests seem to work, mostly.  ;-)
> If Tom L. wants to beat on this I can give him an account on the
> machine.  I've used up the time I have to devote to it.  I'm pretty
> much stuck with 6.4.0 on Solaris 2.5 for real work.

Well, 7.0.x *will* run on Solaris, but afaik it should do fine on your
NetBSD box too. Try the above fixups and let me know if you need more.
                    - Thomas

Re: Installation Report for powerpc-apple-netbsdelf1.5

Tom Lane
>> If Tom L. wants to beat on this I can give him an account on the
>> machine.  I've used up the time I have to devote to it.  I'm pretty
>> much stuck with 6.4.0 on Solaris 2.5 for real work.

> Well, 7.0.x *will* run on Solaris, but afaik it should do fine on your
> NetBSD box too. Try the above fixups and let me know if you need more.

I don't claim to be either a Solaris or NetBSD guru --- I run HPUX
myself and have access to bog-standard Sun BSD systems.  But if you
want some help I'll see what I can do.

The details of the regress differences would help, to start with...
        regards, tom lane

PS: Lockhart might be more nearly on-site for you, though.  JPL is
a long way from Pittsburgh.

Re: Installation Report for powerpc-apple-netbsdelf1.5

Thomas Lockhart
> PS: Lockhart might be more nearly on-site for you, though.  JPL is
> a long way from Pittsburgh.


Henry and I work at the same place, as you probably noticed. I had
helped a bit with another machine of his some time ago (he seems to have
a fondness for old Macs; it reminded me that a Centris/Quadra machine is
*really slow* by today's standards, and that it would be best to leave
mine in the closet). 

And he has been around Postgres long enough to think that "Tom L." is
someone other than Tom Lane. I had been tempted to mention this in my
previous reply, but thought it might make it past unnoticed :)
                    - Thomas

Re: Installation Report for powerpc-apple-netbsdelf1.5

Tom Lane
Thomas Lockhart <lockhart@alumni.caltech.edu> writes:
> And he has been around Postgres long enough to think that "Tom L." is
> someone other than Tom Lane.

Um, good point.  I've kind of internalized our Tom/Thomas convention
but I suppose not everybody has.

(I had second thoughts about getting involved in this project when
I realized there was already a "tgl" hanging about the premises ;-).
Confusion is pretty much guaranteed...)
        regards, tom lane

Re: New Privilege model purposal

Karel Zak
On Tue, 25 Jul 2000, Jan Wieck wrote:

> Karel Zak wrote:
> >
> >  I not sure, but if I good remember nobody said somethig bad about
> > PetreE proposal for this, why you prepare new? IMHO Peter's proposal
> > was good.
>     Seems  I  missed  that  discussion. Sometimes I start to drop
>     incoming eMails by subject. If then the discussion  moves  to
>     something  different  without changing the subject, you won't
>     see me on that.
>     Anyway, I  haven't  found  a  complete  proposal  in  the  ML

I (mostly) have found nothing in PG's mail lists archive :-(
better is use:


>     archive.   Consider  my proposal "derived work" from his one,
>     if it is similar and let's combine all  the  ideas  into  one
>     complete thing.

I mean will good if Peter re-posts his proposal. IMHO is not a problem
select feature for GRANT, a problem is implement it and implement it 
like SQL92.

> >  And small suggestion, we need the "GRANT ... WITH ADMIN OPTION" or
> > something like this.
>     What should that do?

--- See the chapter "11.36  <grant statement>" in the SQL92 (and others   parts of this standard). SQL92:
        <grant statement> ::=             GRANT <privileges> ON <object name>               TO <grantee> [ { <comma>
<grantee>}... ]                 [ WITH GRANT OPTION ]

--- "WITH ADMIN OPTION" is Oracle matter, and Oracle's manual say:
".. allows the grantee to grant the object privileges to the other user and role..."other words you can create
"sub-admin"for the object, and this user 
can GRANT privilege to the other standard users.It is pretty well implement-able if all privilege will in one system 
table (pg_privilege). I mean that is not good "dirty" other system 
The other point --- we must keep open a door to others SQL administration
features like ROLE, PROFILE. IMHO final proposal should be contain some idea 
for group/shadow rewriting and some idea about ROLE.
Ops.. I forget, we *must* in new ACL have columns privilege. It is realy
needful in large multi-user applications. A crash point will seed :-)

Re: Installation Report for powerpc-apple-netbsdelf1.5

Patrick Welche
I just had a go on NetBSD-1.5C/i386 with a fresh cvs - first time since the
new autoconf stuff..

On Wed, Jul 26, 2000 at 04:02:33AM +0000, Thomas Lockhart wrote:
> > First problem:  ODBC doesn't compile.  |-(

I didn't try to compile odbc..

> > Second problem:  with elf binaries the location of shared libraries
> > is supposed to be compiled in so each program can reference its own
> > set of shared objects without conflict.  This doesn't seem to jibe
> > with how the build/install makefiles do things.  I get missing shared
> > libraries when I try to access the DB as a normal user, and the
> > mechanism I would have used to fix this on an xcoff system is
> > deleted, or at least deprecated, on an elf system.
> There was some discussion recently about whether -rpath is A Good Thing,
> with Debian voting that it is One Step From Hell. I've always just
> modified my ld.config and/or my LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment to get to
> the libraries.
> Either of these should solve your regression test problem.

As it happens my LD_LIBRARY_PATH is always empty and there is no ldconfig on
my system, the standard ld.so.conf file on i386 (elf) being
libm.so.0       machdep.fpu_present     1:libm387.so.0,libm.so.0

So, any chance of putting -rpath in? Without it you end up with:

% ldd psql
psql:        -lpq.2 => not found        -lz.0 => /usr/lib/libz.so.0        -lcrypt.0 => /usr/lib/libcrypt.so.0
-lm.0=> /usr/lib/libm387.so.0        -lm.0 => /usr/lib/libm.so.0        -lutil.5 => /usr/lib/libutil.so.5
-ltermcap.0=> /usr/lib/libtermcap.so.0        -lcurses.3 => /usr/lib/libcurses.so.3        -lc.12 =>

Then I need to relink psql with -Wl,-R/usr/local/pgsql/lib ...

> > Third problem:  well actually the regression tests seem to work, mostly.  ;-)

Where they the parallel regression tests? Does "unlimit maxproc" help? (I
usually forget to do this and maxproc=80 isn't enough for me)
All the tests bar geometry work for me, but the latter has:

--- results/geometry.out        Wed Jul 26 16:01:12 2000
*** 294,307 **** (8 rows)  SELECT '' AS four, path(f1) FROM POLYGON_TBL;
!  four |        path         
! ------+---------------------
!       | ((2,0),(2,4),(0,0))
!       | ((3,1),(3,3),(1,0))
!       | ((0,0))
!       | ((0,1),(0,1))
! (4 rows)
!  -- translation SELECT '' AS eight, p1.f1 + point '(10,10)' AS dist_add    FROM PATH_TBL p1;
--- 294,300 ---- (8 rows)  SELECT '' AS four, path(f1) FROM POLYGON_TBL;
! ERROR:  parser: parse error at or near "(" -- translation SELECT '' AS eight, p1.f1 + point '(10,10)' AS dist_add

in amongst the rounding errors..



Re: Installation Report for powerpc-apple-netbsdelf1.5

Thomas Lockhart
> So, any chance of putting -rpath in?

istm that it would be acceptable to have --enable-rpath or something
similar available in ./configure.

I recall one big problem with this on my Linux boxen: g++ (and
presumably gcc) checks for the *existance* of the rpath directory during
the linking stage, and barfs if it does not exist. This is incompatible
with building in one place, then installing in another, which is
probably why package builders in particular conclude that it is The
Wrong Thing.

> > > Third problem:  well actually the regression tests seem to work, mostly.  >   SELECT '' AS four, path(f1) FROM
> ! ERROR:  parser: parse error at or near "("

Ah, I've been wrestling with upgrading my home machine (note: Mandrake
falls down if you have a SCSI-only system and try *any* kind of upgrade
:(( but I do have patches to fix this. Will commit asap.
                     - Thomas

Re: Installation Report for powerpc-apple-netbsdelf1.5

Patrick Welche
On Wed, Jul 26, 2000 at 03:55:27PM +0000, Thomas Lockhart wrote:
> > So, any chance of putting -rpath in?
> istm that it would be acceptable to have --enable-rpath or something
> similar available in ./configure.
> I recall one big problem with this on my Linux boxen: g++ (and
> presumably gcc) checks for the *existance* of the rpath directory during
> the linking stage, and barfs if it does not exist. This is incompatible
> with building in one place, then installing in another, which is
> probably why package builders in particular conclude that it is The
> Wrong Thing.

*existance* before installation! wow! I would have expected
-Lnot_yet_installed_directory -Wl,-Rwhere_the_libs_will_end_up -lfoo

Anyway, some sort of flag would be good..



Re: Installation Report for powerpc-apple-netbsdelf1.5

"Henry B. Hotz"
At 4:25 PM +0100 7/26/00, Patrick Welche wrote:
>I just had a go on NetBSD-1.5C/i386 with a fresh cvs - first time since the
>new autoconf stuff..

They cut 1.5 alpha less than a month ago and they are already up to 
1.5C on the development branch?  Geesh!

>On Wed, Jul 26, 2000 at 04:02:33AM +0000, Thomas Lockhart wrote:
> > > First problem:  ODBC doesn't compile.  |-(
>I didn't try to compile odbc..

I'll redo this one and email Tom L., er, TGL, er, Thomas the compile log.

> > > Second problem:  with elf binaries the location of shared libraries
> > > is supposed to be compiled in so each program can reference its own
> > > set of shared objects without conflict.  This doesn't seem to jibe
> > > with how the build/install makefiles do things.  I get missing shared
> > > libraries when I try to access the DB as a normal user, and the
> > > mechanism I would have used to fix this on an xcoff system is
> > > deleted, or at least deprecated, on an elf system.
> >
> > There was some discussion recently about whether -rpath is A Good Thing,
> > with Debian voting that it is One Step From Hell. I've always just
> > modified my ld.config and/or my LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment to get to
> > the libraries.
> >
> > Either of these should solve your regression test problem.
>As it happens my LD_LIBRARY_PATH is always empty and there is no ldconfig on
>my system, the standard ld.so.conf file on i386 (elf) being
>libm.so.0       machdep.fpu_present     1:libm387.so.0,libm.so.0

On port-macppc there is no ld.so.conf file.  Maybe I should post this 
question on the NetBSD lists, though it seems more related to ELF 
than to *BSD.

>So, any chance of putting -rpath in? Without it you end up with:
>% ldd psql
>         -lpq.2 => not found
>         -lz.0 => /usr/lib/libz.so.0
>         -lcrypt.0 => /usr/lib/libcrypt.so.0
>         -lm.0 => /usr/lib/libm387.so.0
>         -lm.0 => /usr/lib/libm.so.0
>         -lutil.5 => /usr/lib/libutil.so.5
>         -ltermcap.0 => /usr/lib/libtermcap.so.0
>         -lcurses.3 => /usr/lib/libcurses.so.3
>         -lc.12 => /usr/lib/libc.so.12
>Then I need to relink psql with -Wl,-R/usr/local/pgsql/lib ...


macbsd: {3} ldd /usr/pkg/bin/psql
/usr/pkg/bin/psql:         -lcrypt.0 => /usr/lib/libcrypt.so.0         -lc.12 => /usr/lib/libc.so.12         -lpq.2 =>
/usr/pkg/lib/libpq.so.2        -lm.0 => /usr/lib/libm.so.0         -lutil.5 => /usr/lib/libutil.so.5
-lreadline.4=> /usr/pkg/lib/libreadline.so.4         -ltermcap.0 => /usr/lib/libtermcap.so.0
macbsd: {4} ldd /usr/local/bin/psql
/usr/local/bin/psql:         -lpq.2 => not found         -lcrypt.0 => /usr/lib/libcrypt.so.0         -lm.0 =>
/usr/lib/libm.so.0        -lutil.5 => /usr/lib/libutil.so.5         -ltermcap.0 => /usr/lib/libtermcap.so.0
-lcurses.3=> /usr/lib/libcurses.so.3         -lc.12 => /usr/lib/libc.so.12

We could go through the package patches to see what they changed to 
"fix" the problem if necessary.  When built directly into /usr/local 
gmake runcheck works and gmake runtest fails (as does initdb, etc). 
When built using the package system most normal operations seem OK, 
but gmake runtest and runcheck both fail.

=============== installing languages...               =================
installing PL/pgSQL .. createlang: missing required argument PGLIB directory
(This is the directory where the interpreter for the procedural
language is stored. Traditionally, these are installed in whatever
'lib' directory was specified at configure time.)

> > > Third problem:  well actually the regression tests seem to 
>work, mostly.  ;-)
>Where they the parallel regression tests? Does "unlimit maxproc" help? (I
>usually forget to do this and maxproc=80 isn't enough for me)

Tried it.  No change.  I did have to stop the running postmaster to 
do a gmake runcheck or it fails because it can't get enough shared 
memory.  I'm running an unoptimized generic kernel.

>All the tests bar geometry work for me, but the latter has:
>! ERROR:  parser: parse error at or near "("
>in amongst the rounding errors..

I don't get that error.  I admit I didn't look exhaustively for 
non-rounding errors in the diff.

Signature failed Preliminary Design Review.
Feasibility of a new signature is currently being evaluated.
h.b.hotz@jpl.nasa.gov, or hbhotz@oxy.edu

Re: Installation Report for powerpc-apple-netbsdelf1.5

Patrick Welche
On Wed, Jul 26, 2000 at 02:20:11PM -0700, Henry B. Hotz wrote:
> At 4:25 PM +0100 7/26/00, Patrick Welche wrote:
> >As it happens my LD_LIBRARY_PATH is always empty and there is no ldconfig on
> >my system, the standard ld.so.conf file on i386 (elf) being
> >libm.so.0       machdep.fpu_present     1:libm387.so.0,libm.so.0
> On port-macppc there is no ld.so.conf file.  Maybe I should post this 
> question on the NetBSD lists, though it seems more related to ELF 
> than to *BSD.
> >So, any chance of putting -rpath in? Without it you end up with:
> >
> >% ldd psql
> >         -lpq.2 => not found
> >Then I need to relink psql with -Wl,-R/usr/local/pgsql/lib ...
... abridged
> macbsd: {3} ldd /usr/pkg/bin/psql
> /usr/pkg/bin/psql:
>           -lpq.2 => /usr/pkg/lib/libpq.so.2
> /usr/local/bin/psql:
>           -lpq.2 => not found
> We could go through the package patches to see what they changed to 
> "fix" the problem if necessary.  When built directly into /usr/local 
> gmake runcheck works and gmake runtest fails (as does initdb, etc). 
> When built using the package system most normal operations seem OK, 
> but gmake runtest and runcheck both fail.

The package probably slaps the -Wl,-R/usr/pkg/lib in. The point of the
above is "use LD_LIBRARY_PATH or ldconfig" isn't a solution for us lot,
the -Wl,-R (or -rpath) is needed (say configure --not-Debian or something ;)

> > > > Third problem:  well actually the regression tests seem to 
> >work, mostly.  ;-)
> >
> >Where they the parallel regression tests? Does "unlimit maxproc" help? (I
> >usually forget to do this and maxproc=80 isn't enough for me)
> Tried it.  No change.  I did have to stop the running postmaster to 
> do a gmake runcheck or it fails because it can't get enough shared 
> memory.  I'm running an unoptimized generic kernel.

Fair enough - same here. The maxproc business for me would be that a new
backend can't be forked for a given test => it doesn't output anything
other than an error message => the test fails. What sort of errors are
you getting?



Re: Installation Report for powerpc-apple-netbsdelf1.5

"Henry B. Hotz"
At 10:46 AM +0100 7/27/00, Patrick Welche wrote:
>The package probably slaps the -Wl,-R/usr/pkg/lib in. The point of the
>above is "use LD_LIBRARY_PATH or ldconfig" isn't a solution for us lot,
>the -Wl,-R (or -rpath) is needed (say configure --not-Debian or something ;)

Shouldn't there be an option to disable shared libraries altogether?

I don't see that they buy us much in most real scenarios.  Every copy 
of the postmaster already shares the same complete executable image 
by default.  (Actually that bit of smarts was built into old Unix 
Version 6 or earlier.) That's actually a bigger savings and you get 
it without the run-time overhead of shared libraries.  If we have 
large numbers of clients on the same machine they probably share the 
same executable image as well.

> > > > > Third problem:  well actually the regression tests seem to
> > >work, mostly.  ;-)
> > >
> > >Where they the parallel regression tests? Does "unlimit maxproc" help? (I
> > >usually forget to do this and maxproc=80 isn't enough for me)
> >
> > Tried it.  No change.  I did have to stop the running postmaster to
> > do a gmake runcheck or it fails because it can't get enough shared
> > memory.  I'm running an unoptimized generic kernel.
>Fair enough - same here. The maxproc business for me would be that a new
>backend can't be forked for a given test => it doesn't output anything
>other than an error message => the test fails. What sort of errors are
>you getting?

I emailed the results files for the failed tests to Thomas L. (but 
not Tom L.).  If anyone else wants copies just ask.

Signature failed Preliminary Design Review.
Feasibility of a new signature is currently being evaluated.
h.b.hotz@jpl.nasa.gov, or hbhotz@oxy.edu

Re: New Privilege model purposal

Bruce Momjian
> Karel Zak wrote:
> >
> >  I not sure, but if I good remember nobody said somethig bad about
> > PetreE proposal for this, why you prepare new? IMHO Peter's proposal
> > was good.
>     Seems  I  missed  that  discussion. Sometimes I start to drop
>     incoming eMails by subject. If then the discussion  moves  to
>     something  different  without changing the subject, you won't
>     see me on that.

You know, I have started dropping e-mails with lots of blank lines on
the end.  :-)

--  Bruce Momjian                        |  http://candle.pha.pa.us pgman@candle.pha.pa.us               |  (610)
853-3000+  If your life is a hard drive,     |  830 Blythe Avenue +  Christ can be your backup.        |  Drexel Hill,

Re: New Privilege model purposal

Peter Eisentraut
Jan Wieck writes:

>     Anyway, it's good to hear you're  still  on  it.  What's  the
>     estimated time you think it'll be ready to get patched in?

Next release. I would hope we can get the current stuff into beta in a
month or so, whereas this project would break open a lot of things.

>     The thing users actually complain about is the requirement of
>     UPDATE permissions to REFERENCE a table. This could be  fixed
>     with  making  RI  triggers setuid functions for 7.1 and check
>     that  the  user  at  least  has  SELECT  permission  on   the
>     referenced table during constraint creation.  This would also
>     remove the actual DOS problem, that a user  could  potentiall
>     create  a  referencing  table  and  not giving anyone who can
>     update the referenced one update permissions on it too.
>     I think it's worth doing it now, and  couple  it  later  with
>     your general access control things.

True. I had already looked into this, it's not fundamentally difficult,
but there's a lot of code that will need to be touched.

If you want to go for it, be my guest; I agree that it is fairly
orthogonal to the rest of the privilege system. I'll put it on my priority
list if no one's taking it.

Peter Eisentraut                  Sernanders väg 10:115
peter_e@gmx.net                   75262 Uppsala
http://yi.org/peter-e/            Sweden