Обсуждение: RE: [HACKERS] Re: Geometric Data Type in PostgreSQL


RE: [HACKERS] Re: Geometric Data Type in PostgreSQL

Peter Mount
GIS style, but I don't (yet) use the geometric types. That project's
been on hold for a while.

Saying that though, another project I have - the scheduler I'm working
on for the Tass project (www.tass-survey.org) - will use postgresql for
keeping track of areas of the sky observed, but it's still in the
planning phase at the moment.

Some of the code for the first project (the Java bit that handles the
map display) is on my web site, but it's not that stable, and doesn't
have any postgresql bits in it yet.

Possibly when I get 7.0's JDBC driver out of the way, I'll return to it.


Peter Mount
Enterprise Support
Maidstone Borough Council
Any views stated are my own, and not those of Maidstone Borough Council.

-----Original Message-----
From: The Hermit Hacker [mailto:scrappy@hub.org]
Sent: Sunday, December 05, 1999 10:29 PM
To: Thomas Lockhart
Cc: Robert Aldridge; Postgres Hackers List
Subject: Re: [HACKERS] Re: Geometric Data Type in PostgreSQL

On Fri, 3 Dec 1999, Thomas Lockhart wrote:

> > I'm a geographic information systems (GIS) professional and a (home)
> > Linux user.  After reading the documentation for the Geometric data
> > types in PostgreSQL, I'm excited about the possibilities.  Are you
> > aware of any projects where the geometric data types in PostgreSQL
> > being used as the basis of a GIS or mapping package?
> Not specifically, though I do know that folks have used it to do
> GIS-like things (e.g. given a location on the earth surface, identify
> satellite tracks which are visible).

Isn't Peter Mount using PostgreSQL & JDBC for a GIS project? 

Marc G. Fournier                   ICQ#7615664               IRC Nick:
Systems Administrator @ hub.org 
primary: scrappy@hub.org           secondary:
