Обсуждение: Re: [HACKERS] postmaster crash and .s.pgsql file


Re: [HACKERS] postmaster crash and .s.pgsql file

Andrew Martin
>    > I would opt for /var/run to store the pid files and have the name set to
>        That would assume that postmaster runs as root, which is not
>    allowed...has to be in /tmp somewhere
> No.  Make /var/run writable by some group (e.g., group pidlog) and put
> postgres (and other things like root or daemon or ..., whatever needs
> to log pid files) in that group.
> /var/run really is where a pid file should be.  I submitted a patch
> that would do this some time ago.  I'll resend it if there is
> interest.
> Cheers,
> Brook
BAD idea as it means one needs to have root access to install PGSQL.
This has always been a strong point that an ordinary user could
install it and play before having to convince system managers
that it should be installed globally.


Dr. Andrew C.R. Martin                             University College London
EMAIL: (Work) martin@biochem.ucl.ac.uk    (Home) andrew@stagleys.demon.co.uk
URL:   http://www.biochem.ucl.ac.uk/~martin
Tel:   (Work) +44(0)171 419 3890                    (Home) +44(0)1372 275775