Обсуждение: XML Support


XML Support

Thomas Kellerer

I'm trying to use XML with PG, and I a descriptioin of the XML support for
PostgreSQL at http://www.throwingbeans.org/postgresql_and_xml_updated.html

As I could not find the mentioned package in my Windows installation (8.1.3) I
thought I'd give the package from that website a try even though it says it's
for 8.0

I copied all the .dll from the archive to $libdir and after restarting PG I
tried to create the necessary functions using the supplied SQL script.

But when running the supplied script, I get an error message:

ERROR: could not load library "D:/Programme/Postgres/lib/libpgxml.dll":

The library is definitely available at that location. I tried to copy the .dll
files from the suggested bin directory into $libdir as well (to make sure they
are found by the postmaster process). Adding bin or lib to the system path does
not seem to make a difference either. To be precise: I'm talking about the
following files that are part of the archive:


So I am suspecting that this is a version conflict (which is somewhat expected,
as the module is inteded for 8.0 not for 8.1)

Does anybody know whether there is an update planned for this module or even
built-in XML support in a later version?

I tried to contact the author as suggested on the website, but have not received
any answer so far.

Thanks in advance

Re: XML Support

John Gray
On Fri, 26 May 2006 13:25:34 +0200, Thomas Kellerer wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm trying to use XML with PG, and I a descriptioin of the XML support for
> PostgreSQL at http://www.throwingbeans.org/postgresql_and_xml_updated.html
> As I could not find the mentioned package in my Windows installation
> (8.1.3) I thought I'd give the package from that website a try even though
> it says it's for 8.0

It may not be built by default. The source for the package is part of the
main distribution, but assuming you are using the installer for the
Windows version, that is of limited use to you.

I can't claim to have great Windows compilation skills, but another
contributor posted a zipped dll some time


That may help you out.

> I copied all the .dll from the archive to $libdir and after restarting PG
> I tried to create the necessary functions using the supplied SQL script.
> But when running the supplied script, I get an error message:
> ERROR: could not load library "D:/Programme/Postgres/lib/libpgxml.dll":
 The problem is not likely to be an inability to find the file, it may be
 that symbols in it remain unreferenced i.e. it's either not compatible
 with the main postgres executable or with libxml2.

> Does anybody know whether there is an update planned for this module or
> even built-in XML support in a later version?

The only issue is a Win32 binary version of it - the module itself is
intended to (and I believe does!) work with 8.1.

Have a look at the referenced link and see if that helps you - if you
still have problems, post again and I'll think harder!


(original developer of contrib/xml2 but now largely bereft of time and
glad to see XML in the SoC proposals!)

Re: XML Support

Thomas Kellerer
John Gray wrote on 26.05.2006 22:01:
> I can't claim to have great Windows compilation skills, but another
> contributor posted a zipped dll some time
> ago:
> http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-novice/2005-11/msg00216.php
> That may help you out.

Thanks for the pointer, but I can't seem to get that installed as well.

Best regards