Обсуждение: intarray internals


intarray internals


I'm reading through the source code of intarray contrib module. Despite
being at the beginning, I've some questions to ask. I'd be so
appreciated if anybody can help.

What's the function of execute() in _int_bool.c? As far as I can
understand, some other functions (eg. execconsistent()) calling
execute() with specific check methods (like checkcondition_bit()) but
I still couldn't figure out which functionality execute() stands for.

In g_int_decompress(), shouldn't

if (ARRISVOID(in))

part be replaced with

if (ARRISVOID(in))
    if (in != (ArrayType *) DatumGetPointer(entry->key))

Again, in g_int_decompress(), I couldn't figure out the functionality of
below lines:

din = ARRPTR(in);
lenr = internal_size(din, lenin);

for (i = 0; i < lenin; i += 2)
    for (j = din[i]; j <= din[i + 1]; j++)
        if ((!i) || *(dr - 1) != j)
            *dr++ = j;

If I understand right, above loop, tries to reconstruct array with more
smaller intervals - to be able to make more accurate predicates while
digging into nodes. If so, AFAICS, g_int_compress() and
g_int_decompress() methods can be (quite?) improved.

Furthermore, I've tested above functions with some random input and
couldn't create any cases hold for a[i] == a[i - 1] (which is used
in internal_size() method's loop.) Did I miss something obvious?


P.S. Instead of an explanation to questions, pointings to right files to
read (at least for the beginning) would be appreciated too.

Re: intarray internals

On May 06 12:46, Volkan YAZICI wrote:
> I'm reading through the source code of intarray contrib module. Despite
> being at the beginning, I've some questions to ask. I'd be so
> appreciated if anybody can help.

Sorry, I forgot one:

In the inner_int_contains() function of _int_tool.c, there's a while
loop like

[Code assumes that arrays are sorted.]

na = ARRNELEMS(a);
nb = ARRNELEMS(b);
da = ARRPTR(a);
db = ARRPTR(b);

i = j = n = 0;
while (i < na && j < nb)
    if (da[i] < db[j])
    else if (da[i] == db[j])

return (n == nb) ? TRUE : FALSE;

AFAICS, last "j++" should be replaced with "return FALSE". Because, "n"
cannot be equal to "nb" no more, if "j" gets incremented without
incrementing "n" (remember "j < nb" in the "while" condition).


Re: intarray internals

Martijn van Oosterhout
On Sat, May 06, 2006 at 12:46:01AM +0300, Volkan YAZICI wrote:
> [1]
> What's the function of execute() in _int_bool.c? As far as I can
> understand, some other functions (eg. execconsistent()) calling
> execute() with specific check methods (like checkcondition_bit()) but
> I still couldn't figure out which functionality execute() stands for.

It's a boolean expression evaluator. The query given is some kind of
boolean expression. That function is a recusive function that evaluates
the expression given certain information.

> [2]
> In g_int_decompress(), shouldn't
> if (ARRISVOID(in))
>     PG_RETURN_POINTER(entry);
> part be replaced with
> if (ARRISVOID(in))
> {
>     if (in != (ArrayType *) DatumGetPointer(entry->key))
>         pfree(in);
>     PG_RETURN_POINTER(entry)
> }

You very rarely need to pfree() anything explicitly. However, the code
has just tested if in is VOID. If it is, you obviously don't need to
free it. Or it may not be big enough to bother explicitly freeing.

> [3]
> Again, in g_int_decompress(), I couldn't figure out the functionality of
> below lines:
> din = ARRPTR(in);
> lenr = internal_size(din, lenin);
> for (i = 0; i < lenin; i += 2)
>     for (j = din[i]; j <= din[i + 1]; j++)
>         if ((!i) || *(dr - 1) != j)
>             *dr++ = j;
> If I understand right, above loop, tries to reconstruct array with more
> smaller intervals - to be able to make more accurate predicates while
> digging into nodes. If so, AFAICS, g_int_compress() and
> g_int_decompress() methods can be (quite?) improved.

Well, it's probably trying to undo whatever g_int_compress. If you can
explain the algorithm used it will probably be clearer.

Have a nice day,
Martijn van Oosterhout   <kleptog@svana.org>   http://svana.org/kleptog/
> From each according to his ability. To each according to his ability to litigate.


Re: intarray internals


First, thanks so much for your response.

On May 06 12:13, Martijn van Oosterhout wrote:
> On Sat, May 06, 2006 at 12:46:01AM +0300, Volkan YAZICI wrote:
> > [1]
> > What's the function of execute() in _int_bool.c? As far as I can
> > understand, some other functions (eg. execconsistent()) calling
> > execute() with specific check methods (like checkcondition_bit()) but
> > I still couldn't figure out which functionality execute() stands for.
> It's a boolean expression evaluator. The query given is some kind of
> boolean expression. That function is a recusive function that evaluates
> the expression given certain information.

I thought the same but the code (and its variable handling/coersion
stuff) is quite messy to figure this out, IMHO. Nearly no comments at
all while using curitem->val or calcnot.

> > [2]
> > In g_int_decompress(), shouldn't
> >
> > if (ARRISVOID(in))
> >     PG_RETURN_POINTER(entry);
> >
> > part be replaced with
> >
> > if (ARRISVOID(in))
> > {
> >     if (in != (ArrayType *) DatumGetPointer(entry->key))
> >         pfree(in);
> >     PG_RETURN_POINTER(entry)
> > }
> You very rarely need to pfree() anything explicitly. However, the code
> has just tested if in is VOID. If it is, you obviously don't need to
> free it. Or it may not be big enough to bother explicitly freeing.

Yep, it shouldn't be so big. I just wanted to follow same style as in
the previous page. (See "if (ARRISVOID(r))" check in g_int_compress().)

> > [3]
> > Again, in g_int_decompress(), I couldn't figure out the functionality of
> > below lines:
> >
> > din = ARRPTR(in);
> > lenr = internal_size(din, lenin);
> >
> > for (i = 0; i < lenin; i += 2)
> >     for (j = din[i]; j <= din[i + 1]; j++)
> >         if ((!i) || *(dr - 1) != j)
> >             *dr++ = j;
> >
> > If I understand right, above loop, tries to reconstruct array with more
> > smaller intervals - to be able to make more accurate predicates while
> > digging into nodes. If so, AFAICS, g_int_compress() and
> > g_int_decompress() methods can be (quite?) improved.
> Well, it's probably trying to undo whatever g_int_compress. If you can
> explain the algorithm used it will probably be clearer.

Actually, algorithms used in the g_int_compress() and g_int_decompress()
methods are quite awesome. (I don't know if this is the authors'
creation, but if so, kudos.) But the problem I think is they're quite
lossy compression methods. To clarify, here's a small explanation of
algorithm used (if I understood right):

  if (integer array length > constant limit)
    Transfrom {A, B, C, ..., Z} array into
    {A, A, B, B, ..., Z, Z}

    while (integer array length > constant limit)
      Select two couples whose difference is minimum
      and remove them from the list.

  for (iterate over compressed array items)
    Transform {..., 47, 50, ...} into {..., 47, 48, 49, 50, ...}

As you can see both compression and decompression methods are quite
lossy. I'm not sure if this has any negative impact on the traversing
of nodes stuff for more accurate predicates, but I am currently
considering "performance gain * physical storage gain / cpu
consumation loss" ratio if we'd instead use a lossless data
compression method. I'd be appreciated to hear your ideas (and


Re: intarray internals

On May 06 05:38, Volkan YAZICI wrote:
> g_int_compress():
>   if (integer array length > constant limit)
>   {
>     Transfrom {A, B, C, ..., Z} array into
>     {A, A, B, B, ..., Z, Z}
>     while (integer array length > constant limit)
>     {
>       Select two couples whose difference is minimum
>       and remove them from the list.
>     }
>   }
> g_int_decompress():
>   for (iterate over compressed array items)
>   {
>     Transform {..., 47, 50, ...} into {..., 47, 48, 49, 50, ...}
>   }
> As you can see both compression and decompression methods are quite
> lossy. I'm not sure if this has any negative impact on the traversing
> of nodes stuff for more accurate predicates, but I am currently
> considering "performance gain * physical storage gain / cpu
> consumation loss" ratio if we'd instead use a lossless data
> compression method.

After considering the idea, I conclude up with that, current lossy
compression method seems like the best for now. But here goes my

  /* Input */
  arr = {16, 20, 40, 52, 58}
  len = 5

  orig_len = len

  while (len(arr) > LIM)
    Find the couple with minimum diff: (16, 20)

    Remove(arr, 20) /* Removing right bound. If it's the
                       last item of the list, remove
                       left item. */

   * Suppose that, above function reduced array with below steps:
   * 0: {16, 20, 40, 52, 58}   (16, 20*)
   * 1: {16, 40, 52, 58}       (52*, 58)
   * 2: {16, 40, 58}

  /* Prepend orig_len to array */
  arr = {_5_, 16, 40, 58}

  /* Import info from input array. */
  orig_len = 5
  arr = {16, 40, 58}
  len = 3

  while (len < orig_len)
    Divide every interval into two equal parts:
    {16, 40, 58} -> {16, 28*, 40, 49*, 58}

I didn't test above method on real-world data chunks but, AFAIC, above
method would result with more accurate ranges in the decompressed arrays
and probably skip some redundant loop recursions when compared to
previous method.

Your comments?


Re: intarray internals

Martijn van Oosterhout
On Sat, May 06, 2006 at 05:38:24PM +0300, Volkan YAZICI wrote:
> > Well, it's probably trying to undo whatever g_int_compress. If you can
> > explain the algorithm used it will probably be clearer.
> Actually, algorithms used in the g_int_compress() and g_int_decompress()
> methods are quite awesome. (I don't know if this is the authors'
> creation, but if so, kudos.) But the problem I think is they're quite
> lossy compression methods. To clarify, here's a small explanation of
> algorithm used (if I understood right):

Well, you're right, the algorithm is quite neat. Note however that it's
only applied for integer sets with more than 100 values. I don't know
much about the intarray code, but this is a compression algorithm that
probably maps well to the domain. If you can find a lossless one that
will take 1,000 elements and can cram them into the space of 100
losslessly, we'd be glad to hear it.

Have a nice day,
Martijn van Oosterhout   <kleptog@svana.org>   http://svana.org/kleptog/
> From each according to his ability. To each according to his ability to litigate.


Re: intarray internals


I've prepared a Quick & Dirty patch serie for some missing parts in
intarray contrib module. Here they go with some explanation...

On May 06 12:38, Volkan YAZICI wrote:
> [4]
> In the inner_int_contains() function of _int_tool.c, there's a while
> loop like
> [Code assumes that arrays are sorted.]
> na = ARRNELEMS(a);
> nb = ARRNELEMS(b);
> da = ARRPTR(a);
> db = ARRPTR(b);
> i = j = n = 0;
> while (i < na && j < nb)
>     if (da[i] < db[j])
>         i++;
>     else if (da[i] == db[j])
>     {
>         n++;
>         i++;
>         j++;
>     }
>     else
>         j++;
> return (n == nb) ? TRUE : FALSE;
> AFAICS, last "j++" should be replaced with "return FALSE". Because, "n"
> cannot be equal to "nb" no more, if "j" gets incremented without
> incrementing "n" (remember "j < nb" in the "while" condition).

intarray_contains.patch.0 is for above problem.

ISTM, inner_int_union() of _int_tool.c, makes some redundant visits to

    /* union */
    i = j = 0;
    while (i < na && j < nb)
        if (da[i] < db[j])
            *dr++ = da[i++];
            *dr++ = db[j++];

    while (i < na)
        *dr++ = da[i++];
    while (j < nb)
        *dr++ = db[j++];


if (ARRNELEMS(r) > 1)
    r = _int_unique(r);

IMHO, uniting unique values (instead of uniting and then removing
duplicates) should work faster. intarray_union.patch.0 is for this
problem. (Patched code, handles uniting for unique values.)

There's a seperate sorting algorithm isort() in _int_tool.c. Looks like
it executes some kind of shell sort on the array and returns true if
array has any duplicates. It's used for common sorting and deciding on
executing _int_unique() on the related array if isort() says it has

IIRC, our inner qsort() has a smaller O(N) degree when compared to above
sorting algorithm. Also for the code's sake it'd be better to switch
using qsort() in all sorting related stuff. For these reasons,
intarray_sort.patch.0 addresses this (probable) gotcha.

All 3 patches passed regression tests for intarray contrib module. But
these are just for addressing some gotchas I found while reading code.
Your comments for these problems(?) are welcome.



Re: intarray internals


[I'm trying to share some of my thoughts about intarray contrib module.
If this is the wrong way to achieve this, please warn me. (Should I
first get in touch with Teodor Sigaev and Oleg Bartunov?)]

_int_same() in _int_op.c looks like making some redundant sorting and
not taking advantage of sorted arrays while comparing each other. Here's
the related code piece:

na = ARRNELEMS(a);
nb = ARRNELEMS(b);
da = ARRPTR(a);
db = ARRPTR(b);

result = FALSE;

if (na == nb)
    result = TRUE;
    for (n = 0; n < na; n++)
        if (da[n] != db[n])
            result = FALSE;

IMHO, SORT() macro should be called after "if (na == nb)" block. (SORT()
doesn't remove duplicates.) Also, in the inner block, while comparing
two arrays, we can take advantage of sorting of arrays. While current
behaviour is like

if (A[0] == B[0] && A[1] == B[1] && ...)

we can replace it with sth like

if (A[0] == B[0] && A[  N] == B[  N] &&
    A[1] == B[1] && A[N-1] == B[N-1] &&

Attached patch tries to implement both behaviours mentioned above and
some minor hacking for arrays of 1,2 and 3 items.



Re: intarray internals

Tom Lane
Volkan YAZICI <yazicivo@ttnet.net.tr> writes:
> [I'm trying to share some of my thoughts about intarray contrib module.
> If this is the wrong way to achieve this, please warn me. (Should I
> first get in touch with Teodor Sigaev and Oleg Bartunov?)]

Well, they're definitely the people most qualified to review your
proposed changes.  More to the point, this discussion is quite off-topic
for pgsql-general.  If I were you I'd be posting these comments to
pgsql-hackers with cc's to Teodor and Oleg.

            regards, tom lane