Обсуждение: ERROR: column 'xxx' does not exist (under v. 7.4.1)


ERROR: column 'xxx' does not exist (under v. 7.4.1)

Iker Arizmendi
Using psql and running as the owner of the table "app" I
try to access the columns of the table like so:

    SELECT * FROM app;

which returns all the columns in the table including
the one I'm interested in, which is "companyID".
If instead I use something like:

    SELECT companyID FROM app;

I get the following:

    ERROR: column "companyid" does not exist

even though the column DOES exist (the previous query
returned "companyID" as one of the column headers). Any
suggestions as to what I might be missing? I'm running
Postgres 7.4.1.


Re: ERROR: column 'xxx' does not exist (under v. 7.4.1)

Mark Gibson
Iker Arizmendi wrote:

> Using psql and running as the owner of the table "app" I
> try to access the columns of the table like so:
>    SELECT * FROM app;
> which returns all the columns in the table including
> the one I'm interested in, which is "companyID".
> If instead I use something like:
>    SELECT companyID FROM app;
> I get the following:
>    ERROR: column "companyid" does not exist
> even though the column DOES exist (the previous query
> returned "companyID" as one of the column headers). Any
> suggestions as to what I might be missing? I'm running
> Postgres 7.4.1.
> Regards,
> Iker

You need to quote the table name if it contains upper case or strange

SELECT "companyID" FROM app;

Mark Gibson <gibsonm@cromwell.co.uk>
Web Developer & Database Admin
Cromwell Tools Ltd.
Leicester, England.

Re: ERROR: column 'xxx' does not exist (under v. 7.4.1)

Karsten Hilbert
> the one I'm interested in, which is "companyID".
>    SELECT companyID FROM app;
>    ERROR: column "companyid" does not exist
Look closely at the capitalization and quoting.
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Re: ERROR: column 'xxx' does not exist (under v. 7.4.1)

Mark Gibson
Mark Gibson wrote:

> You need to quote the table name if it contains upper case or strange
> characters:
> SELECT "companyID" FROM app;
Obviously I meant column name, but it applies to any object identifier ;)

Mark Gibson <gibsonm@cromwell.co.uk>
Web Developer & Database Admin
Cromwell Tools Ltd.
Leicester, England.

Re: ERROR: column 'xxx' does not exist (under v. 7.4.1)

Joe Sunday
On Thu, Feb 05, 2004 at 10:00:21AM -0500, Iker Arizmendi wrote:

> Using psql and running as the owner of the table "app" I
> try to access the columns of the table like so:
>    SELECT * FROM app;
> which returns all the columns in the table including
> the one I'm interested in, which is "companyID".
> If instead I use something like:
>    SELECT companyID FROM app;
> I get the following:
>    ERROR: column "companyid" does not exist

SELECT "companyID" FROM app;

You've stored a case sensitive column name in the table, but
by default Postgres will fold all identifiers to lower case
unless quoted.


Joe Sunday <sunday@csh.rit.edu>  http://www.csh.rit.edu/~sunday/
Computer Science House, Rochester Inst. Of Technology