Обсуждение: Listing all open sessions/connections/XAs ?


Listing all open sessions/connections/XAs ?


Occasionally I see that my (web) app leaves some DB connections open,
so they look like this to `ps':

  postgres: username dbname idle in transaction

This results in my DB connection pool getting exhausted every so often.
I need to track the source of this problem.

Is there a way to see the SQL (or any other information) associated
with a connection/session/transaction that caused my DB connection to
remain open?

I know MS SQL Server has something like that, and so does Oracle, but I
haven't seen this mentioned in the PostgreSQL Admin Guide.

I have PG 7.3.4.


Re: Listing all open sessions/connections/XAs ?


I think pg_stat_activity table may show me what I need.

However, even though I have 'stats_command_string = true' property in
postgresql.conf (and I restarted postmaster), I do not see the
'current_query' in pg_stat_activity table:

simpydb=> select * from pg_stat_activity ;
 datid | datname | procpid | usesysid | usename | current_query
 16976 | simpydb |   31008 |      100 | otis    |
 16976 | simpydb |   26126 |      100 | otis    |
(2 rows)

But, I see that these 2 connections are stuck in a transaction:
> ps auxwww| grep post

postgres 31008  0.0  0.4 11372 4864 ?        S    Jun16   0:13
postgres: otis mydb idle in transaction
postgres 26126  0.0  0.4 11560 4936 ?        S    02:46   0:01
postgres: otis mydb idle in transaction

How come I can't see that 'current_query'?
Does that mean that the DB connection is stuck inside a transaction,
but there is no actual SQL being executed?
Would that be an equivalent of:

<don't do anything here and never END/COMMON/ROLLBACK the XA>


Is there a way to see the transaction associated with a connection that
is in that 'idle in transaction' state?

Thank you,

--- ogjunk-pgjedan@yahoo.com wrote:
> Hello,
> Occasionally I see that my (web) app leaves some DB connections open,
> so they look like this to `ps':
>   postgres: username dbname idle in transaction
> This results in my DB connection pool getting exhausted every so
> often.
> I need to track the source of this problem.
> Is there a way to see the SQL (or any other information) associated
> with a connection/session/transaction that caused my DB connection to
> remain open?
> I know MS SQL Server has something like that, and so does Oracle, but
> I
> haven't seen this mentioned in the PostgreSQL Admin Guide.
> I have PG 7.3.4.
> Thanks,
> Otis
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