Обсуждение: Default password


Default password

Dear Support,
We have Postgresql 8.1
It is the default database installed with our temperature datalogger LogWareIII from Hart Scientific.
I have some troubles with this software and I have tried to enter in the PostgreSQL software. I have launch the application pgadminIII but it requests a Password. I have never installed a password so I think it's the default password. Could you please give me this information?
Thank you
Best regards


Calibration Engineer – Calibration Shop


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Re: Default password

Fernando Hevia

On Wed, May 6, 2009 at 11:30 AM, calibration <calibration@cargolux.com> wrote:
Dear Support,
We have Postgresql 8.1
It is the default database installed with our temperature datalogger LogWareIII from Hart Scientific.
I have some troubles with this software and I have tried to enter in the PostgreSQL software. I have launch the application pgadminIII but it requests a Password. I have never installed a password so I think it's the default password. Could you please give me this information?

Your problem is not pgAdmin related which is what this list is about.
Anyway, Postgres doesn't have a default password. If your database runs on a Linux server as root you can su to postgres user and then use psql to connect to the database. Once connected you can change postgres password to whatever you like in order to be able to login through pgAdmin.

ALTER USER postgres WITH PASSWORD = 'mysecretpass';

On Windows servers the postgres user password is required upon installing. When lost it isn't recoverable.
Nevertheless there is a little trick to gain access to the database:

Modify file pg_hba.conf and add or change the line:
host    all    all    trust

Restart the postgres service and now login with psql or pgAdmin with user postgres. None or any password will do as it will not be checked.
After changing the password modify again the line in pg_hba.conf to:
host    all    all    md5

Restart the postgres service and you are back on track.... hopefully.
