Обсуждение: mouse-free PgadminIII usage


mouse-free PgadminIII usage

I would like to use Pgadmin III without touching the mouse. 

Adding a server is possible without the mouse.

But if I want to select a server from the servers list, it's 
impossible. The "Servers (1)" text is highlited, but pressing arrows 
or Tab doesn't do anything, there is no way to move the higlight down 
to a specific server.

Is there any way I can do that?

--    Miernik         ________________________ jabber:miernik@amessage.info
___________________/__ tel: +48608233394 __/      mailto:miernik@ctnet.pl
Bush "won" 2000 elections with 537 Florida votes. More people where illegaly 
prevented to vote:  http://www.observer.co.uk/Print/0,3858,4103063,00.html 

Re: mouse-free PgadminIII usage

Andreas Pflug
Miernik wrote:

>Adding a server is possible without the mouse.
>But if I want to select a server from the servers list, it's 
>impossible. The "Servers (1)" text is highlited, but pressing arrows 
>or Tab doesn't do anything, there is no way to move the higlight down 
>to a specific server.
>Is there any way I can do that?
We got some focusing problem here. When putting the focus on the tree 
control (the selection changes from gray to blue), you can navigate the 
objects. Unfortunately, as soon as TAB is pressed, you don't have a 
chance to get it back. The reason for this is that some wx controls 
aren't designed to be focused at all. This is currently being changed, 
so we will come back on this topic as soon as the base is done.
