Обсуждение: migration problems with 1.3.60 alpha + gui issues


migration problems with 1.3.60 alpha + gui issues

"Armbrust, Daniel C."
When attempting to migrate a set of tables from an access database using version 1.3.60 alpha, According to the log
file,the following SQL was generated: 


Notice the back ticks (`) around OID_key.  These promptly cause an error (illegal syntax I think it was?) which causes
anabort and a rollback of the migration. 

This works with version 1.2.0.

Additionally, in version 1.3.60 alpha, when I launch the program, the lower right pane where "Definition" is does not
getpainted until I click on something that causes data to go there.  It stays transparent at first (I can see my
desktopthrough it) 

In version the new version, when I connect to my database, it doesn't show me any of my tables with the new version.  I
believethat this may have something to do with the fact that my table names contain capital letters (I'm new to
postgres,is uppercase and postgres a bad thing?) - however, this works in the old version.  I'm currently testing the
capitalletter theory.  It appears that the calls must be surrounded in quotes?  And the new version is not doing it? 

Daniel C. Armbrust
Medical Informatics Research
Information Services
Mayo Clinic Rochester

Re: migration problems with 1.3.60 alpha + gui issues

"Dave Page"

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Armbrust, Daniel C. [mailto:Armbrust.Daniel@mayo.edu]
> Sent: 14 August 2002 18:37
> To: pgadmin-support@postgresql.org
> Subject: [pgadmin-support] migration problems with 1.3.60
> alpha + gui issues
> When attempting to migrate a set of tables from an access
> database using version 1.3.60 alpha, According to the log
> file, the following SQL was generated:
> SEQUENCE "OID_root_OID_key_key" START 356

This syntax is legal on Access - does the log say it's being executed
against PostgreSQL?

> Additionally, in version 1.3.60 alpha, when I launch the
> program, the lower right pane where "Definition" is does not
> get painted until I click on something that causes data to go
> there.  It stays transparent at first (I can see my desktop
> through it)

That's definately wierd. It's also handled by VB so there's not much I
can do. I guess I could write a string there at startup.

> Last:
> In version the new version, when I connect to my database, it
> doesn't show me any of my tables with the new version.  I
> believe that this may have something to do with the fact that
> my table names contain capital letters (I'm new to postgres,
> is uppercase and postgres a bad thing?) - however, this works
> in the old version.  I'm currently testing the capital letter
> theory.  It appears that the calls must be surrounded in
> quotes?  And the new version is not doing it?

I would avoid capitals if possible. Stick to a-z, 0-9 and _

In this version tables are listed under a dummy schema, so make sure you
expand Schemas -> Public in the treeview. This new structure is designed
for PostgreSQL 7.3, but with maximum backward compatibility without
things getting overly complex.

Regards, Dave.