[ADMIN] PostgreSQL WAL file issue

От Gokhan Demir
Тема [ADMIN] PostgreSQL WAL file issue
Msg-id CAOBOzNrbPh13XhEcxtRmYyQ4hKXH2AHNP_cfCXgVOgD0MRKF3Q@mail.gmail.com
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Ответы Re: [ADMIN] PostgreSQL WAL file issue
Список pgsql-admin

Before starting to talk about the issue, I just want to clarify that I think the issue I will talk about below is related to PostgreSQL although I will be giving some information about barman, which we use for archive and backup purposes, as well. I believe giving the full context might be better while asking a technical question for me to clearly explain what the issue is causing to us. Apologies in advance if I am giving unnecessary information and writing a too long email which might be against rules of the mail group.

The issue I believe on PostgreSQL server is that server is creating WAL files whose names already exists on previous dates. The question I want to ask is: How is this possible and what can be do to fix it? 

I am not a dedicated database administrator so forgive me if I asking the wrong question. In this case, I would be grateful if someone points me the right direction.

The related information is below. I have masked IP addresses and host names. Please let me know if you need more information.

We have a PostgreSQL master server which is replicated to 2 slave PostgreSQL servers. Below is the output of "select * from pg_stat_replication;" command when run on master server:

  pid  | usesysid |  usename   | application_name |  client_addr  | client_hostname | client_port |         backend_start         | backend_xmin |   state   | sent_location | write_location | flush_location | replay_location | sync_priority | sync_state
 28393 |    16386 | replicator | walreceiver      | <SLAVE_2_IP>  |                 |       58014 | 2017-09-30 08:49:21.05901+00  |              | streaming | C/7C183B38    | C/7C183B38     | C/7C183B38     | C/7C183B38      |             0 | async
 20906 |    16386 | replicator | walreceiver      | <SLAVE_1_IP>  |                 |       34744 | 2017-09-30 07:54:38.565905+00 |              | streaming | C/7C183B38    | C/7C183B38     | C/7C183B38     | C/7C183B38      |             0 | async
(2 rows)

I believe pg_hba.conf files on all 3 servers are configured correctly because replication is in place as can be seen above.

We also have a seperate barman server which we use for archive and backup purposes. Below are the postgresql.conf files of master, slave1 and slave2 PostgreSQL servers respectively:

Master postgresql.conf:
listen_addresses = '*'
wal_level = hot_standby
max_wal_senders = 5
wal_keep_segments = 8
checkpoint_segments = 8
archive_mode = on
archive_command = 'rsync -aq %p barman@<BARMAN_LOCAL_IP>:/var/lib/barman/master/incoming/%f'

Slave1 postgresql.conf:
listen_addresses = '*'
hot_standby = on
wal_level = hot_standby
max_wal_senders = 5
wal_keep_segments = 8
checkpoint_segments = 8

Slave2 postgresql.conf:
listen_addresses = '*'
hot_standby = on
wal_level = hot_standby
max_wal_senders = 5
wal_keep_segments = 8
checkpoint_segments = 8

Archiving and backup process is in place so we can safely assume network and SSH public-private key configuration on Master and Barman servers are configured correctly. The issue is when we start a backup process via barman, duplicate  files are created under "errors" directory on barman server as below:

barman@barman-server:~/master$ ls -ltr errors/
total 884736
-rw------- 1 barman barman 16777216 Oct 21 09:19 000000010000000C00000046.20171021T092006Z.duplicate
-rw------- 1 barman barman 16777216 Oct 21 09:20 000000010000000C00000047.20171021T092101Z.duplicate
-rw------- 1 barman barman 16777216 Oct 21 23:00 000000010000000C00000048.20171021T230101Z.duplicate
-rw------- 1 barman barman 16777216 Oct 21 23:01 000000010000000C00000049.20171021T230203Z.duplicate
-rw------- 1 barman barman 16777216 Oct 22 23:01 000000010000000C0000004A.20171022T230207Z.duplicate
-rw------- 1 barman barman 16777216 Oct 22 23:02 000000010000000C0000004B.20171022T230302Z.duplicate
-rw------- 1 barman barman 16777216 Oct 23 14:23 000000010000000C0000004C.20171023T142401Z.duplicate
-rw------- 1 barman barman 16777216 Oct 23 23:00 000000010000000C0000004D.20171023T230102Z.duplicate
-rw------- 1 barman barman 16777216 Oct 23 23:01 000000010000000C0000004E.20171023T230201Z.duplicate
-rw------- 1 barman barman 16777216 Oct 24 14:45 000000010000000C0000004F.20171024T144602Z.duplicate
-rw------- 1 barman barman 16777216 Oct 24 23:00 000000010000000C00000050.20171024T230102Z.duplicate
-rw------- 1 barman barman 16777216 Oct 24 23:01 000000010000000C00000051.20171024T230201Z.duplicate
-rw------- 1 barman barman 16777216 Oct 25 13:30 000000010000000C00000052.20171025T133102Z.duplicate
-rw------- 1 barman barman 16777216 Oct 25 23:00 000000010000000C00000053.20171025T230102Z.duplicate
-rw------- 1 barman barman 16777216 Oct 25 23:01 000000010000000C00000054.20171025T230202Z.duplicate
-rw------- 1 barman barman 16777216 Oct 26 11:34 000000010000000C00000055.20171026T113501Z.duplicate
-rw------- 1 barman barman 16777216 Oct 26 20:00 000000010000000C00000056.20171026T200102Z.duplicate
-rw------- 1 barman barman 16777216 Oct 26 23:00 000000010000000C00000057.20171026T230102Z.duplicate
-rw------- 1 barman barman 16777216 Oct 26 23:01 000000010000000C00000058.20171026T230201Z.duplicate
-rw------- 1 barman barman 16777216 Oct 27 12:55 000000010000000C00000059.20171027T125601Z.duplicate
-rw------- 1 barman barman 16777216 Oct 27 23:00 000000010000000C0000005A.20171027T230102Z.duplicate
-rw------- 1 barman barman 16777216 Oct 27 23:01 000000010000000C0000005B.20171027T230202Z.duplicate
-rw------- 1 barman barman 16777216 Oct 28 23:00 000000010000000C0000005C.20171028T230101Z.duplicate
-rw------- 1 barman barman 16777216 Oct 28 23:01 000000010000000C0000005D.20171028T230202Z.duplicate
-rw------- 1 barman barman 16777216 Oct 29 23:17 000000010000000C0000005E.20171029T231806Z.duplicate
-rw------- 1 barman barman 16777216 Oct 29 23:18 000000010000000C0000005F.20171029T231901Z.duplicate
-rw------- 1 barman barman 16777216 Oct 30 20:01 000000010000000C00000060.20171030T200201Z.duplicate
-rw------- 1 barman barman 16777216 Oct 30 23:00 000000010000000C00000061.20171030T230102Z.duplicate
-rw------- 1 barman barman 16777216 Oct 30 23:01 000000010000000C00000062.20171030T230202Z.duplicate
-rw------- 1 barman barman 16777216 Oct 31 15:40 000000010000000C00000063.20171031T154101Z.duplicate
-rw------- 1 barman barman 16777216 Oct 31 23:00 000000010000000C00000064.20171031T230105Z.duplicate
-rw------- 1 barman barman 16777216 Oct 31 23:01 000000010000000C00000065.20171031T230202Z.duplicate
-rw------- 1 barman barman 16777216 Nov  1 20:02 000000010000000C00000066.20171101T200302Z.duplicate
-rw------- 1 barman barman 16777216 Nov  1 23:00 000000010000000C00000067.20171101T230105Z.duplicate
-rw------- 1 barman barman 16777216 Nov  1 23:01 000000010000000C00000068.20171101T230201Z.duplicate
-rw------- 1 barman barman 16777216 Nov  2 20:12 000000010000000C00000069.20171102T201301Z.duplicate
-rw------- 1 barman barman 16777216 Nov  2 23:00 000000010000000C0000006A.20171102T230101Z.duplicate
-rw------- 1 barman barman 16777216 Nov  2 23:01 000000010000000C0000006B.20171102T230202Z.duplicate
-rw------- 1 barman barman 16777216 Nov  3 13:28 000000010000000C0000006C.20171103T132902Z.duplicate
-rw------- 1 barman barman 16777216 Nov  3 23:00 000000010000000C0000006D.20171103T230103Z.duplicate
-rw------- 1 barman barman 16777216 Nov  3 23:01 000000010000000C0000006E.20171103T230201Z.duplicate
-rw------- 1 barman barman 16777216 Nov  4 23:00 000000010000000C0000006F.20171104T230102Z.duplicate
-rw------- 1 barman barman 16777216 Nov  4 23:01 000000010000000C00000070.20171104T230202Z.duplicate
-rw------- 1 barman barman 16777216 Nov  5 23:16 000000010000000C00000071.20171105T231702Z.duplicate
-rw------- 1 barman barman 16777216 Nov  5 23:17 000000010000000C00000072.20171105T231802Z.duplicate
-rw------- 1 barman barman 16777216 Nov  6 13:36 000000010000000C00000073.20171106T133702Z.duplicate
-rw------- 1 barman barman 16777216 Nov  6 23:00 000000010000000C00000074.20171106T230102Z.duplicate
-rw------- 1 barman barman 16777216 Nov  6 23:01 000000010000000C00000075.20171106T230202Z.duplicate
-rw------- 1 barman barman 16777216 Nov  7 15:48 000000010000000C00000076.20171107T154902Z.duplicate
-rw------- 1 barman barman 16777216 Nov  7 23:00 000000010000000C00000077.20171107T230105Z.duplicate
-rw------- 1 barman barman 16777216 Nov  7 23:01 000000010000000C00000078.20171107T230202Z.duplicate
-rw------- 1 barman barman 16777216 Nov  8 15:39 000000010000000C00000079.20171108T154001Z.duplicate
-rw------- 1 barman barman 16777216 Nov  8 23:00 000000010000000C0000007A.20171108T230102Z.duplicate
-rw------- 1 barman barman 16777216 Nov  8 23:01 000000010000000C0000007B.20171108T230202Z.duplicate

Below are the file in "wals" directory on barman server:

barman@barman-server:~/master$ ls -ltr wals
total 56
-rw------- 1 barman barman     6 Oct  7  2015 xlog.db.lock
drwxrwxr-x 2 barman barman 12288 Nov  8 23:02 000000010000000C
drwxrwxr-x 2 barman barman 20480 Nov  9 03:15 000000010000000B
-rw-rw-r-- 1 barman barman 19829 Nov  9 03:15 xlog.db
barman@barman-server:~/master$ ls -ltr wals/000000010000000B
total 253808
-rw------- 1 barman barman   27164 Sep  5 23:01 000000010000000B00000079
-rw------- 1 barman barman     203 Sep  5 23:01 000000010000000B00000079.00000028.backup
-rw------- 1 barman barman 3350549 Sep  6 23:00 000000010000000B0000007A
-rw------- 1 barman barman   27165 Sep  6 23:01 000000010000000B0000007B
-rw------- 1 barman barman     203 Sep  6 23:01 000000010000000B0000007B.00000028.backup
-rw------- 1 barman barman 3681648 Sep  7 23:00 000000010000000B0000007C
-rw------- 1 barman barman   27171 Sep  7 23:01 000000010000000B0000007D
-rw------- 1 barman barman     203 Sep  7 23:01 000000010000000B0000007D.00000028.backup
-rw------- 1 barman barman 3521315 Sep  8 23:00 000000010000000B0000007E
-rw------- 1 barman barman   27169 Sep  8 23:01 000000010000000B0000007F
-rw------- 1 barman barman     203 Sep  8 23:01 000000010000000B0000007F.00000028.backup
-rw------- 1 barman barman  130787 Sep  9 23:00 000000010000000B00000080
-rw------- 1 barman barman     203 Sep  9 23:01 000000010000000B00000081.00000028.backup
-rw------- 1 barman barman   27166 Sep  9 23:01 000000010000000B00000081
-rw------- 1 barman barman   74446 Sep 10 23:01 000000010000000B00000082
-rw------- 1 barman barman   27163 Sep 10 23:03 000000010000000B00000083
-rw------- 1 barman barman     201 Sep 10 23:03 000000010000000B00000083.00000028.backup
-rw------- 1 barman barman 4254959 Sep 11 15:09 000000010000000B00000084
-rw------- 1 barman barman 1705678 Sep 11 23:00 000000010000000B00000085
-rw------- 1 barman barman   27167 Sep 11 23:01 000000010000000B00000086
-rw------- 1 barman barman     203 Sep 11 23:01 000000010000000B00000086.00000028.backup
-rw------- 1 barman barman 3804965 Sep 12 23:00 000000010000000B00000087
-rw------- 1 barman barman   30118 Sep 12 23:01 000000010000000B00000088
-rw------- 1 barman barman     205 Sep 12 23:01 000000010000000B00000088.00000028.backup
-rw------- 1 barman barman 4035136 Sep 13 14:04 000000010000000B00000089
-rw------- 1 barman barman 3010854 Sep 13 23:00 000000010000000B0000008A
-rw------- 1 barman barman   27166 Sep 13 23:01 000000010000000B0000008B
-rw------- 1 barman barman     204 Sep 13 23:01 000000010000000B0000008B.00000028.backup
-rw------- 1 barman barman 4197290 Sep 14 12:45 000000010000000B0000008C
-rw------- 1 barman barman 4232374 Sep 14 16:00 000000010000000B0000008D
-rw------- 1 barman barman  974740 Sep 14 23:00 000000010000000B0000008E
-rw------- 1 barman barman   27167 Sep 14 23:01 000000010000000B0000008F
-rw------- 1 barman barman     204 Sep 14 23:01 000000010000000B0000008F.00000028.backup
-rw------- 1 barman barman 4245627 Sep 15 14:36 000000010000000B00000090
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2996632 Sep 15 23:00 000000010000000B00000091
-rw------- 1 barman barman   27167 Sep 15 23:01 000000010000000B00000092
-rw------- 1 barman barman     201 Sep 15 23:01 000000010000000B00000092.00000028.backup
-rw------- 1 barman barman  143479 Sep 16 23:00 000000010000000B00000093
-rw------- 1 barman barman   27166 Sep 16 23:01 000000010000000B00000094
-rw------- 1 barman barman     204 Sep 16 23:01 000000010000000B00000094.00000028.backup
-rw------- 1 barman barman   55795 Sep 17 23:01 000000010000000B00000095
-rw------- 1 barman barman   27163 Sep 17 23:03 000000010000000B00000096
-rw------- 1 barman barman     203 Sep 17 23:03 000000010000000B00000096.00000028.backup
-rw------- 1 barman barman 4448515 Sep 18 16:00 000000010000000B00000097
-rw------- 1 barman barman  782625 Sep 18 23:00 000000010000000B00000098
-rw------- 1 barman barman   27167 Sep 18 23:01 000000010000000B00000099
-rw------- 1 barman barman     203 Sep 18 23:01 000000010000000B00000099.00000028.backup
-rw------- 1 barman barman 4431293 Sep 19 17:01 000000010000000B0000009A
-rw------- 1 barman barman  678580 Sep 19 23:00 000000010000000B0000009B
-rw------- 1 barman barman   27165 Sep 19 23:01 000000010000000B0000009C
-rw------- 1 barman barman     201 Sep 19 23:01 000000010000000B0000009C.00000028.backup
-rw------- 1 barman barman   27139 Sep 20 14:16 000000010000000B0000009D
-rw------- 1 barman barman   27136 Sep 20 14:17 000000010000000B0000009E
-rw------- 1 barman barman   27172 Sep 20 14:22 000000010000000B0000009F
-rw------- 1 barman barman   27155 Sep 20 14:32 000000010000000B000000A0
-rw------- 1 barman barman     204 Sep 20 17:04 000000010000000B0000009E.00000028.backup
-rw------- 1 barman barman     202 Sep 20 23:01 000000010000000B000000A0.00000028.backup
-rw------- 1 barman barman 3556164 Sep 21 23:00 000000010000000B000000A1
-rw------- 1 barman barman   27172 Sep 21 23:01 000000010000000B000000A2
-rw------- 1 barman barman     203 Sep 21 23:01 000000010000000B000000A2.00000028.backup
-rw------- 1 barman barman 4153997 Sep 22 23:00 000000010000000B000000A3
-rw------- 1 barman barman   27174 Sep 22 23:01 000000010000000B000000A4
-rw------- 1 barman barman     203 Sep 22 23:01 000000010000000B000000A4.00000028.backup
-rw------- 1 barman barman  103643 Sep 23 23:00 000000010000000B000000A5
-rw------- 1 barman barman   27168 Sep 23 23:01 000000010000000B000000A6
-rw------- 1 barman barman     201 Sep 23 23:01 000000010000000B000000A6.00000028.backup
-rw------- 1 barman barman  103284 Sep 24 23:01 000000010000000B000000A7
-rw------- 1 barman barman     202 Sep 24 23:03 000000010000000B000000A8.00000028.backup
-rw------- 1 barman barman   27164 Sep 24 23:03 000000010000000B000000A8
-rw------- 1 barman barman 1730613 Sep 25 23:00 000000010000000B000000A9
-rw------- 1 barman barman     203 Sep 25 23:01 000000010000000B000000AA.00000028.backup
-rw------- 1 barman barman   27169 Sep 25 23:01 000000010000000B000000AA
-rw------- 1 barman barman 4556947 Sep 26 12:11 000000010000000B000000AB
-rw------- 1 barman barman 4334768 Sep 26 14:51 000000010000000B000000AC
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2100037 Sep 26 23:00 000000010000000B000000AD
-rw------- 1 barman barman   27168 Sep 26 23:01 000000010000000B000000AE
-rw------- 1 barman barman     202 Sep 26 23:01 000000010000000B000000AE.00000028.backup
-rw------- 1 barman barman 4469392 Sep 27 08:19 000000010000000B000000AF
-rw------- 1 barman barman 4274173 Sep 27 09:08 000000010000000B000000B0
-rw------- 1 barman barman 4306225 Sep 27 10:21 000000010000000B000000B1
-rw------- 1 barman barman 4287939 Sep 27 12:10 000000010000000B000000B2
-rw------- 1 barman barman 4486178 Sep 27 17:48 000000010000000B000000B3
-rw------- 1 barman barman  175799 Sep 27 23:00 000000010000000B000000B4
-rw------- 1 barman barman   27168 Sep 27 23:01 000000010000000B000000B5
-rw------- 1 barman barman     203 Sep 27 23:01 000000010000000B000000B5.00000028.backup
-rw------- 1 barman barman 4284991 Sep 28 11:49 000000010000000B000000B6
-rw------- 1 barman barman 4097342 Sep 28 22:23 000000010000000B000000B7
-rw------- 1 barman barman   36184 Sep 28 23:00 000000010000000B000000B8
-rw------- 1 barman barman   27166 Sep 28 23:01 000000010000000B000000B9
-rw------- 1 barman barman     201 Sep 28 23:01 000000010000000B000000B9.00000028.backup
-rw------- 1 barman barman 3563384 Sep 29 23:00 000000010000000B000000BA
-rw------- 1 barman barman     203 Sep 29 23:01 000000010000000B000000BB.00000028.backup
-rw------- 1 barman barman   27175 Sep 29 23:01 000000010000000B000000BB
-rw------- 1 barman barman   63637 Sep 30 07:12 000000010000000B000000BC
-rw------- 1 barman barman   27164 Sep 30 07:13 000000010000000B000000BD
-rw------- 1 barman barman     201 Sep 30 07:13 000000010000000B000000BD.00000028.backup
-rw------- 1 barman barman   76483 Sep 30 07:54 000000010000000B000000BE
-rw------- 1 barman barman   27116 Sep 30 07:54 000000010000000B000000BF
-rw------- 1 barman barman     201 Sep 30 07:56 000000010000000B000000C0.00000028.backup
-rw------- 1 barman barman   27163 Sep 30 07:56 000000010000000B000000C0
-rw------- 1 barman barman 4414948 Sep 30 08:04 000000010000000B000000C1
-rw------- 1 barman barman 3777837 Sep 30 08:04 000000010000000B000000C2
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2836462 Sep 30 08:04 000000010000000B000000C3
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2808621 Sep 30 08:04 000000010000000B000000C4
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2579354 Sep 30 08:04 000000010000000B000000C5
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2481650 Sep 30 08:04 000000010000000B000000C6
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2516418 Sep 30 08:05 000000010000000B000000C7
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2484659 Sep 30 08:05 000000010000000B000000C8
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2452486 Sep 30 08:05 000000010000000B000000C9
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2485728 Sep 30 08:05 000000010000000B000000CA
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2446783 Sep 30 08:05 000000010000000B000000CB
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2418014 Sep 30 08:05 000000010000000B000000CC
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2442865 Sep 30 08:05 000000010000000B000000CD
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2470646 Sep 30 08:05 000000010000000B000000CE
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2454938 Sep 30 08:05 000000010000000B000000CF
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2504125 Sep 30 08:05 000000010000000B000000D0
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2550558 Sep 30 08:05 000000010000000B000000D1
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2472014 Sep 30 08:05 000000010000000B000000D2
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2452826 Sep 30 08:05 000000010000000B000000D3
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2528736 Sep 30 08:05 000000010000000B000000D4
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2566817 Sep 30 08:05 000000010000000B000000D5
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2504943 Sep 30 08:05 000000010000000B000000D6
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2531320 Sep 30 08:05 000000010000000B000000D7
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2520883 Sep 30 08:05 000000010000000B000000D8
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2612132 Sep 30 08:05 000000010000000B000000D9
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2540643 Sep 30 08:05 000000010000000B000000DA
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2494363 Sep 30 08:05 000000010000000B000000DB
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2509552 Sep 30 08:05 000000010000000B000000DC
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2554961 Sep 30 08:05 000000010000000B000000DD
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2513786 Sep 30 08:05 000000010000000B000000DE
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2459690 Sep 30 08:05 000000010000000B000000DF
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2537492 Sep 30 08:05 000000010000000B000000E0
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2538829 Sep 30 08:05 000000010000000B000000E1
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2526075 Sep 30 08:05 000000010000000B000000E2
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2556441 Sep 30 08:05 000000010000000B000000E3
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2478211 Sep 30 08:05 000000010000000B000000E4
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2554253 Sep 30 08:05 000000010000000B000000E5
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2681896 Sep 30 08:05 000000010000000B000000E6
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2660306 Sep 30 08:05 000000010000000B000000E7
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2127017 Sep 30 08:05 000000010000000B000000E8
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2316060 Sep 30 08:05 000000010000000B000000E9
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2206241 Sep 30 08:05 000000010000000B000000EA
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2177262 Sep 30 08:05 000000010000000B000000EB
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2165503 Sep 30 08:05 000000010000000B000000EC
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2088460 Sep 30 08:05 000000010000000B000000ED
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2169783 Sep 30 08:05 000000010000000B000000EE
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2354274 Sep 30 08:05 000000010000000B000000EF
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2304293 Sep 30 08:05 000000010000000B000000F0
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2267515 Sep 30 08:05 000000010000000B000000F1
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2191128 Sep 30 08:05 000000010000000B000000F2
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2429282 Sep 30 08:05 000000010000000B000000F3
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2582483 Sep 30 08:05 000000010000000B000000F4
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2885926 Sep 30 08:05 000000010000000B000000F5
-rw------- 1 barman barman 3194403 Sep 30 08:05 000000010000000B000000F6
-rw------- 1 barman barman 3216531 Sep 30 08:05 000000010000000B000000F7
-rw------- 1 barman barman 3162808 Sep 30 08:05 000000010000000B000000F8
-rw------- 1 barman barman 3127057 Sep 30 08:05 000000010000000B000000F9
-rw------- 1 barman barman 1498540 Sep 30 08:47 000000010000000B000000FA
-rw------- 1 barman barman   31124 Sep 30 08:48 000000010000000B000000FB
-rw------- 1 barman barman     194 Sep 30 08:48 000000010000000B000000FB.00000028.backup
-rw------- 1 barman barman  551287 Sep 30 23:00 000000010000000B000000FC
-rw------- 1 barman barman   31344 Sep 30 23:01 000000010000000B000000FD
-rw------- 1 barman barman     201 Sep 30 23:01 000000010000000B000000FD.00000028.backup
-rw------- 1 barman barman  136085 Oct  1 23:01 000000010000000B000000FE
-rw------- 1 barman barman   27166 Oct  1 23:02 000000010000000B000000FF
-rw------- 1 barman barman     201 Oct  1 23:02 000000010000000B000000FF.00000028.backup
barman@barman-server:~/master$ ls -ltr wals/000000010000000C
total 370092
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2190344 Sep 27 18:25 000000010000000C0000001A
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2391475 Sep 27 18:25 000000010000000C0000001B
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2607171 Sep 27 18:25 000000010000000C0000001C
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2812539 Sep 27 18:25 000000010000000C0000001D
-rw------- 1 barman barman 3190041 Sep 27 18:25 000000010000000C0000001E
-rw------- 1 barman barman 3222558 Sep 27 18:25 000000010000000C0000001F
-rw------- 1 barman barman 3162552 Sep 27 18:25 000000010000000C00000020
-rw------- 1 barman barman 3126151 Sep 27 18:25 000000010000000C00000021
-rw------- 1 barman barman 1525971 Sep 27 18:29 000000010000000C00000022
-rw------- 1 barman barman 4379933 Sep 27 18:33 000000010000000C00000023
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2872628 Sep 27 18:33 000000010000000C00000025
-rw------- 1 barman barman 3682947 Sep 27 18:33 000000010000000C00000024
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2798967 Sep 27 18:34 000000010000000C00000026
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2518731 Sep 27 18:34 000000010000000C00000027
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2487296 Sep 27 18:34 000000010000000C00000028
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2520916 Sep 27 18:34 000000010000000C00000029
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2474017 Sep 27 18:34 000000010000000C0000002A
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2452988 Sep 27 18:34 000000010000000C0000002B
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2494291 Sep 27 18:34 000000010000000C0000002C
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2437191 Sep 27 18:34 000000010000000C0000002D
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2417715 Sep 27 18:34 000000010000000C0000002E
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2446004 Sep 27 18:34 000000010000000C0000002F
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2460007 Sep 27 18:34 000000010000000C00000030
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2462955 Sep 27 18:34 000000010000000C00000031
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2501412 Sep 27 18:34 000000010000000C00000032
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2553095 Sep 27 18:34 000000010000000C00000033
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2462466 Sep 27 18:34 000000010000000C00000034
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2486621 Sep 27 18:34 000000010000000C00000035
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2518574 Sep 27 18:34 000000010000000C00000036
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2566364 Sep 27 18:34 000000010000000C00000037
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2500267 Sep 27 18:34 000000010000000C00000038
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2533215 Sep 27 18:34 000000010000000C00000039
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2550856 Sep 27 18:34 000000010000000C0000003A
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2588047 Sep 27 18:34 000000010000000C0000003B
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2530926 Sep 27 18:34 000000010000000C0000003C
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2506360 Sep 27 18:34 000000010000000C0000003D
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2494021 Sep 27 18:34 000000010000000C0000003E
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2559460 Sep 27 18:34 000000010000000C0000003F
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2505192 Sep 27 18:34 000000010000000C00000040
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2462598 Sep 27 18:34 000000010000000C00000041
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2540221 Sep 27 18:34 000000010000000C00000042
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2535750 Sep 27 18:35 000000010000000C00000043
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2547307 Sep 27 18:35 000000010000000C00000044
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2532959 Sep 27 18:35 000000010000000C00000045
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2478715 Sep 27 18:35 000000010000000C00000046
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2580527 Sep 27 18:35 000000010000000C00000047
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2699167 Sep 27 18:35 000000010000000C00000048
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2568439 Sep 27 18:35 000000010000000C00000049
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2144932 Sep 27 18:35 000000010000000C0000004A
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2352197 Sep 27 18:35 000000010000000C0000004B
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2171593 Sep 27 18:35 000000010000000C0000004C
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2164036 Sep 27 18:35 000000010000000C0000004D
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2175337 Sep 27 18:35 000000010000000C0000004E
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2091926 Sep 27 18:35 000000010000000C0000004F
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2164205 Sep 27 18:35 000000010000000C00000050
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2378832 Sep 27 18:35 000000010000000C00000051
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2293208 Sep 27 18:35 000000010000000C00000052
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2236927 Sep 27 18:35 000000010000000C00000053
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2197615 Sep 27 18:35 000000010000000C00000054
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2498138 Sep 27 18:35 000000010000000C00000055
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2543288 Sep 27 18:35 000000010000000C00000056
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2996753 Sep 27 18:35 000000010000000C00000057
-rw------- 1 barman barman 3196364 Sep 27 18:35 000000010000000C00000058
-rw------- 1 barman barman 3205995 Sep 27 18:35 000000010000000C00000059
-rw------- 1 barman barman 3154769 Sep 27 18:35 000000010000000C0000005A
-rw------- 1 barman barman 3136528 Sep 27 18:35 000000010000000C0000005B
-rw------- 1 barman barman 4134683 Sep 27 18:36 000000010000000C0000005C
-rw------- 1 barman barman 4085281 Sep 27 18:36 000000010000000C0000005D
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2750426 Sep 27 18:36 000000010000000C0000005E
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2896622 Sep 27 18:36 000000010000000C0000005F
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2590599 Sep 27 18:36 000000010000000C00000060
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2479696 Sep 27 18:36 000000010000000C00000061
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2516777 Sep 27 18:36 000000010000000C00000062
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2492019 Sep 27 18:36 000000010000000C00000063
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2457968 Sep 27 18:36 000000010000000C00000064
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2474538 Sep 27 18:36 000000010000000C00000065
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2455734 Sep 27 18:36 000000010000000C00000066
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2418056 Sep 27 18:36 000000010000000C00000067
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2432588 Sep 27 18:36 000000010000000C00000068
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2469666 Sep 27 18:36 000000010000000C00000069
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2454512 Sep 27 18:36 000000010000000C0000006A
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2506756 Sep 27 18:36 000000010000000C0000006B
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2539092 Sep 27 18:36 000000010000000C0000006C
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2482874 Sep 27 18:36 000000010000000C0000006D
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2445162 Sep 27 18:36 000000010000000C0000006E
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2542776 Sep 27 18:36 000000010000000C0000006F
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2559890 Sep 27 18:36 000000010000000C00000070
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2507638 Sep 27 18:36 000000010000000C00000071
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2525509 Sep 27 18:36 000000010000000C00000072
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2502958 Sep 27 18:36 000000010000000C00000073
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2628879 Sep 27 18:36 000000010000000C00000074
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2544050 Sep 27 18:36 000000010000000C00000075
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2489245 Sep 27 18:36 000000010000000C00000076
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2509549 Sep 27 18:36 000000010000000C00000077
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2555852 Sep 27 18:36 000000010000000C00000078
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2523873 Sep 27 18:36 000000010000000C00000079
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2455161 Sep 27 18:36 000000010000000C0000007A
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2533617 Sep 27 18:36 000000010000000C0000007B
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2540312 Sep 27 18:36 000000010000000C0000007C
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2532126 Sep 27 18:37 000000010000000C0000007D
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2554419 Sep 27 18:37 000000010000000C0000007E
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2488014 Sep 27 18:37 000000010000000C0000007F
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2515495 Sep 27 18:37 000000010000000C00000080
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2681571 Sep 27 18:37 000000010000000C00000081
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2717359 Sep 27 18:37 000000010000000C00000082
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2126204 Sep 27 18:37 000000010000000C00000083
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2296302 Sep 27 18:37 000000010000000C00000084
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2230247 Sep 27 18:37 000000010000000C00000085
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2182433 Sep 27 18:37 000000010000000C00000086
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2160571 Sep 27 18:37 000000010000000C00000087
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2101088 Sep 27 18:37 000000010000000C00000088
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2159722 Sep 27 18:37 000000010000000C00000089
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2333575 Sep 27 18:37 000000010000000C0000008A
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2300431 Sep 27 18:37 000000010000000C0000008B
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2280510 Sep 27 18:37 000000010000000C0000008C
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2189652 Sep 27 18:37 000000010000000C0000008D
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2388055 Sep 27 18:37 000000010000000C0000008E
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2608162 Sep 27 18:37 000000010000000C0000008F
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2808218 Sep 27 18:37 000000010000000C00000090
-rw------- 1 barman barman 3190569 Sep 27 18:37 000000010000000C00000091
-rw------- 1 barman barman 3220368 Sep 27 18:37 000000010000000C00000092
-rw------- 1 barman barman 3161351 Sep 27 18:37 000000010000000C00000093
-rw------- 1 barman barman 3128346 Sep 27 18:37 000000010000000C00000094
-rw------- 1 barman barman 3669133 Sep 28 01:30 000000010000000C00000095
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2451685 Sep 28 06:19 000000010000000C00000096
-rw------- 1 barman barman   27086 Sep 28 06:19 000000010000000C00000097
-rw------- 1 barman barman   61090 Sep 28 06:25 000000010000000C00000098
-rw------- 1 barman barman 4461791 Oct  2 13:15 000000010000000C00000000
-rw------- 1 barman barman 3377268 Oct  2 23:00 000000010000000C00000001
-rw------- 1 barman barman   27170 Oct  2 23:01 000000010000000C00000002
-rw------- 1 barman barman     200 Oct  2 23:01 000000010000000C00000002.00000028.backup
-rw------- 1 barman barman 4633871 Oct  3 15:01 000000010000000C00000003
-rw------- 1 barman barman 1368210 Oct  3 23:00 000000010000000C00000004
-rw------- 1 barman barman     202 Oct  3 23:01 000000010000000C00000005.00000028.backup
-rw------- 1 barman barman   27165 Oct  3 23:01 000000010000000C00000005
-rw------- 1 barman barman 4607573 Oct  4 13:50 000000010000000C00000006
-rw------- 1 barman barman 3406023 Oct  4 23:00 000000010000000C00000007
-rw------- 1 barman barman   27169 Oct  4 23:01 000000010000000C00000008
-rw------- 1 barman barman     202 Oct  4 23:01 000000010000000C00000008.00000028.backup
-rw------- 1 barman barman 4554747 Oct  5 13:41 000000010000000C00000009
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2282676 Oct  5 23:00 000000010000000C0000000A
-rw------- 1 barman barman     201 Oct  5 23:01 000000010000000C0000000B.00000028.backup
-rw------- 1 barman barman   27168 Oct  5 23:01 000000010000000C0000000B
-rw------- 1 barman barman 4539460 Oct  6 13:15 000000010000000C0000000C
-rw------- 1 barman barman 2816868 Oct  6 23:00 000000010000000C0000000D
-rw------- 1 barman barman     201 Oct  6 23:01 000000010000000C0000000E.00000028.backup
-rw------- 1 barman barman   27168 Oct  6 23:01 000000010000000C0000000E
-rw------- 1 barman barman  315617 Oct  7 23:00 000000010000000C0000000F
-rw------- 1 barman barman   27165 Oct  7 23:01 000000010000000C00000010
-rw------- 1 barman barman     199 Oct  7 23:01 000000010000000C00000010.00000028.backup
-rw------- 1 barman barman   63520 Oct  8 23:01 000000010000000C00000011
-rw------- 1 barman barman   27164 Oct  8 23:02 000000010000000C00000012
-rw------- 1 barman barman     203 Oct  8 23:02 000000010000000C00000012.00000028.backup
-rw------- 1 barman barman 3862593 Oct  9 23:00 000000010000000C00000013
-rw------- 1 barman barman     203 Oct  9 23:01 000000010000000C00000014.00000028.backup
-rw------- 1 barman barman   27173 Oct  9 23:01 000000010000000C00000014
-rw------- 1 barman barman 4519451 Oct 10 15:02 000000010000000C00000015
-rw------- 1 barman barman 1498936 Oct 10 23:00 000000010000000C00000016
-rw------- 1 barman barman   27168 Oct 10 23:01 000000010000000C00000017
-rw------- 1 barman barman     199 Oct 10 23:01 000000010000000C00000017.00000028.backup
-rw------- 1 barman barman 4315676 Oct 11 12:42 000000010000000C00000018
-rw------- 1 barman barman 3501807 Oct 11 23:00 000000010000000C00000019
-rw------- 1 barman barman     202 Oct 11 23:01 000000010000000C0000001A.00000028.backup
-rw------- 1 barman barman     203 Oct 12 07:44 000000010000000C0000001C.00000028.backup
-rw------- 1 barman barman     202 Oct 12 23:01 000000010000000C0000001F.00000028.backup
-rw------- 1 barman barman     202 Oct 13 18:13 000000010000000C00000023.00000028.backup
-rw------- 1 barman barman     202 Oct 13 23:01 000000010000000C00000025.00000028.backup
-rw------- 1 barman barman     202 Oct 14 23:01 000000010000000C00000027.00000028.backup
-rw------- 1 barman barman     202 Oct 15 23:02 000000010000000C00000029.00000028.backup
-rw------- 1 barman barman     200 Oct 16 23:01 000000010000000C0000002C.00000028.backup
-rw------- 1 barman barman     204 Oct 17 08:25 000000010000000C0000002E.00000028.backup
-rw------- 1 barman barman     207 Oct 17 08:40 000000010000000C00000030.00000028.backup
-rw------- 1 barman barman     206 Oct 17 08:58 000000010000000C00000032.00000028.backup
-rw------- 1 barman barman     201 Oct 17 23:01 000000010000000C00000034.00000028.backup
-rw------- 1 barman barman     205 Oct 18 16:51 000000010000000C00000036.00000028.backup
-rw------- 1 barman barman     204 Oct 18 16:58 000000010000000C00000038.00000028.backup
-rw------- 1 barman barman     203 Oct 18 17:37 000000010000000C0000003A.00000028.backup
-rw------- 1 barman barman     201 Oct 18 23:01 000000010000000C00000040.00000028.backup
-rw------- 1 barman barman     203 Oct 19 23:01 000000010000000C00000042.00000028.backup
-rw------- 1 barman barman     202 Oct 20 23:01 000000010000000C00000045.00000028.backup
-rw------- 1 barman barman     203 Oct 21 09:20 000000010000000C00000047.00000028.backup
-rw------- 1 barman barman     205 Oct 21 23:01 000000010000000C00000049.00000028.backup
-rw------- 1 barman barman     203 Oct 22 23:02 000000010000000C0000004B.00000028.backup
-rw------- 1 barman barman     202 Oct 23 23:01 000000010000000C0000004E.00000028.backup
-rw------- 1 barman barman     203 Oct 24 23:01 000000010000000C00000051.00000060.backup
-rw------- 1 barman barman     203 Oct 25 23:01 000000010000000C00000054.00000028.backup
-rw------- 1 barman barman     202 Oct 26 23:01 000000010000000C00000058.00000028.backup
-rw------- 1 barman barman     204 Oct 27 23:01 000000010000000C0000005B.00000028.backup
-rw------- 1 barman barman     203 Oct 28 23:01 000000010000000C0000005D.00000028.backup
-rw------- 1 barman barman     204 Oct 29 23:18 000000010000000C0000005F.00000028.backup
-rw------- 1 barman barman     203 Oct 30 23:01 000000010000000C00000062.00000028.backup
-rw------- 1 barman barman     203 Oct 31 23:01 000000010000000C00000065.00000028.backup
-rw------- 1 barman barman     202 Nov  1 23:01 000000010000000C00000068.00000028.backup
-rw------- 1 barman barman     202 Nov  2 23:01 000000010000000C0000006B.00000028.backup
-rw------- 1 barman barman     203 Nov  3 23:01 000000010000000C0000006E.00000028.backup
-rw------- 1 barman barman     201 Nov  4 23:01 000000010000000C00000070.00000028.backup
-rw------- 1 barman barman     203 Nov  5 23:17 000000010000000C00000072.00000028.backup
-rw------- 1 barman barman     203 Nov  6 23:01 000000010000000C00000075.00000028.backup
-rw------- 1 barman barman     201 Nov  7 23:01 000000010000000C00000078.00000028.backup
-rw------- 1 barman barman     203 Nov  8 23:01 000000010000000C0000007B.00000028.backup

Below are the list of files under pg_xlog directory on master, slave1 and slave2 PostgreSQL servers respectively:

Master PostgreSQL Server:
postgres@master:~/9.4/main$ ls -ltr pg_xlog/
total 425992
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 Oct 31 15:40 000000010000000C0000007D
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 Oct 31 23:00 000000010000000C0000007E
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 Oct 31 23:01 000000010000000C0000007F
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 Nov  1 20:02 000000010000000C00000080
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 Nov  1 23:00 000000010000000C00000081
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 Nov  1 23:01 000000010000000C00000082
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 Nov  2 20:12 000000010000000C00000083
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 Nov  2 23:00 000000010000000C00000084
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 Nov  2 23:01 000000010000000C00000085
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 Nov  3 13:28 000000010000000C00000086
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 Nov  3 23:00 000000010000000C00000087
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 Nov  3 23:01 000000010000000C00000088
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 Nov  4 23:00 000000010000000C00000089
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 Nov  4 23:01 000000010000000C0000008A
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 Nov  5 23:16 000000010000000C0000008B
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 Nov  5 23:17 000000010000000C0000008C
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 Nov  6 13:36 000000010000000C0000008D
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 Nov  6 23:00 000000010000000C00000074
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 Nov  6 23:01 000000010000000C00000075
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 Nov  7 15:48 000000010000000C00000076
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 Nov  7 23:00 000000010000000C00000077
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 Nov  7 23:01 000000010000000C00000078
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 Nov  8 15:39 000000010000000C00000079
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 Nov  8 23:00 000000010000000C0000007A
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 Nov  8 23:01 000000010000000C0000007B
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres      322 Nov  8 23:01 000000010000000C0000007B.00000028.backup
drwx------ 2 postgres postgres     4096 Nov  8 23:05 archive_status
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 Nov  9 08:20 000000010000000C0000007C
postgres@master:~/9.4/main$ ls -ltr pg_xlog/archive_status/
total 0
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 0 Nov  6 23:00 000000010000000C00000074.done
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 0 Nov  6 23:01 000000010000000C00000075.done
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 0 Nov  7 15:48 000000010000000C00000076.done
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 0 Nov  7 23:00 000000010000000C00000077.done
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 0 Nov  7 23:01 000000010000000C00000078.done
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 0 Nov  8 15:39 000000010000000C00000079.done
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 0 Nov  8 23:00 000000010000000C0000007A.done
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 0 Nov  8 23:01 000000010000000C0000007B.done
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 0 Nov  8 23:01 000000010000000C0000007B.00000028.backup.done

Slave1 PostgreSQL Server:
postgres@slave1:~/9.4/main$ ls -ltr pg_xlog/
total 425988
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 Oct 31 15:40 000000010000000C0000007D
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 Oct 31 23:00 000000010000000C0000007E
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 Oct 31 23:01 000000010000000C0000007F
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 Nov  1 20:02 000000010000000C00000080
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 Nov  1 23:00 000000010000000C00000081
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 Nov  1 23:01 000000010000000C00000082
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 Nov  2 20:12 000000010000000C00000083
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 Nov  2 23:00 000000010000000C00000084
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 Nov  2 23:01 000000010000000C00000085
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 Nov  3 13:28 000000010000000C00000087
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 Nov  3 23:00 000000010000000C00000086
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 Nov  3 23:01 000000010000000C00000088
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 Nov  4 23:00 000000010000000C00000089
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 Nov  4 23:01 000000010000000C0000008A
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 Nov  5 23:16 000000010000000C0000008B
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 Nov  5 23:17 000000010000000C0000008D
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 Nov  6 13:36 000000010000000C0000008C
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 Nov  6 23:00 000000010000000C00000074
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 Nov  6 23:01 000000010000000C00000075
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 Nov  7 15:48 000000010000000C00000076
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 Nov  7 23:00 000000010000000C00000077
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 Nov  7 23:01 000000010000000C00000078
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 Nov  8 15:39 000000010000000C00000079
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 Nov  8 23:00 000000010000000C0000007A
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 Nov  8 23:01 000000010000000C0000007B
drwx------ 2 postgres postgres     4096 Nov  8 23:02 archive_status
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 Nov  9 08:25 000000010000000C0000007C
postgres@slave1:~/9.4/main$ ls -ltr pg_xlog/archive_status/
total 0
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 0 Nov  6 23:00 000000010000000C00000074.done
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 0 Nov  6 23:01 000000010000000C00000075.done
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 0 Nov  7 15:48 000000010000000C00000076.done
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 0 Nov  7 23:00 000000010000000C00000077.done
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 0 Nov  7 23:01 000000010000000C00000078.done
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 0 Nov  8 15:39 000000010000000C00000079.done
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 0 Nov  8 23:00 000000010000000C0000007A.done
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 0 Nov  8 23:01 000000010000000C0000007B.done

Slave2 PostgreSQL Server:
postgres@slave2:~/9.4/main$ ls -ltr pg_xlog/
total 180228
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 Nov  5 23:17 000000010000000C0000007D
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 Nov  6 13:36 000000010000000C0000007E
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 Nov  6 23:00 000000010000000C00000074
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 Nov  6 23:01 000000010000000C00000075
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 Nov  7 15:48 000000010000000C00000076
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 Nov  7 23:00 000000010000000C00000077
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 Nov  7 23:01 000000010000000C00000078
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 Nov  8 15:39 000000010000000C00000079
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 Nov  8 23:00 000000010000000C0000007A
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 Nov  8 23:01 000000010000000C0000007B
drwx------ 2 postgres postgres     4096 Nov  8 23:04 archive_status
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 Nov  9 08:25 000000010000000C0000007C
postgres@slave2:~/9.4/main$ ls -ltr pg_xlog/archive_status/
total 0
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 0 Nov  6 23:00 000000010000000C00000074.done
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 0 Nov  6 23:01 000000010000000C00000075.done
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 0 Nov  7 15:48 000000010000000C00000076.done
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 0 Nov  7 23:00 000000010000000C00000077.done
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 0 Nov  7 23:01 000000010000000C00000078.done
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 0 Nov  8 15:39 000000010000000C00000079.done
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 0 Nov  8 23:00 000000010000000C0000007A.done
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 0 Nov  8 23:01 000000010000000C0000007B.done


В списке pgsql-admin по дате отправления:

От: Günce Kaya
Сообщение: Re: [ADMIN] pg_basebackup permission denied error
От: Gokhan Demir
Сообщение: Re: [ADMIN] pg_basebackup permission denied error