Обсуждение: pg_attribute.atttypmod for interval type


pg_attribute.atttypmod for interval type

Greg Rychlewski

I work on a driver for Postgres that utilizes the extended query protocol and have a question about the row description message for interval types.

I am trying to use the type modifier value from the message to determine the precision of the interval. This is something I can do for timestamp types because the type modifier in the message is equal to the precision (or -1 if not specified).

For interval types it seems like the type modifier is related to the precision but the values are not equal. Using Postgres 13.10 I see the following values for pg_attribute.attttypmod when creating columns of type interval(1), interval(2), ..., interval(6)







I can see the value goes up by 1 each time the precision is increased, but I'm not sure how to interpret the fact that it starts at  2147418113 instead of 1.

My question is: how are the values meant to be interpreted for interval types? Thanks very much for your help.

Re: pg_attribute.atttypmod for interval type

Tom Lane
Greg Rychlewski <greg.rychlewski@gmail.com> writes:
> My question is: how are the values meant to be interpreted for interval
> types? Thanks very much for your help.

Interval typmods include a fractional-seconds-precision field as well
as a bitmask indicating the allowed interval fields (per the SQL
standard's weird syntax such as INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND).  Looking at
the source code for intervaltypmodout() might be helpful:


The referenced macros are mostly in utils/timestamp.h and

            regards, tom lane