Обсуждение: minor doc issue in Boolean Predicate Check Expressions


minor doc issue in Boolean Predicate Check Expressions

jian he
------------- Boolean Predicate Check Expressions
As an extension to the SQL standard, a PostgreSQL path expression can
be a Boolean predicate, whereas the SQL standard allows predicates
only within filters. While SQL-standard path expressions return the
relevant element(s) of the queried JSON value, predicate check
expressions return the single three-valued result of the predicate:
true, false, or unknown. For example, we could write this SQL-standard
filter expression:

slight inconsistency, "SQL-standard" versus "SQL standard"
"path expression can be a Boolean predicate", why capital "Boolean"?

"predicate check expressions return the single three-valued result of
the predicate: true, false, or unknown."
"unknown" is wrong, because `select 'unknown'::jsonb;` will fail.
here "unknown" should be "null"? see jsonb_path_query doc entry also.

Re: minor doc issue in Boolean Predicate Check Expressions

"David G. Johnston"
On Thu, Jun 20, 2024 at 7:30 PM jian he <jian.universality@gmail.com> wrote:
"predicate check expressions return the single three-valued result of
the predicate: true, false, or unknown."
"unknown" is wrong, because `select 'unknown'::jsonb;` will fail.
here "unknown" should be "null"? see jsonb_path_query doc entry also.

The syntax for json_exists belies this claim (assuming our docs are accurate there).  Its "on error" options are true/false/unknown.  Additionally, the predicate test operator is named "is unknown" not "is null".

The result of the predicate test, which is never produced as a value, only a concept, is indeed "unknown" - which then devolves to false when it is practically applied to determining whether to output the path item being tested.  As it does also when used in a parth expression.

postgres=# select json_value('[null]','$[0] < 1');

postgres=# select json_value('[null]','$[0] == null');

Not sure how to peek inside the jsonpath system here though...

postgres=# select json_value('[null]','($[0] < 1) == null');
ERROR:  syntax error at or near "==" of jsonpath input
LINE 1: select json_value('[null]','($[0] < 1) == null');

I am curious if that produces true (the unknown is left as null) or false (the unknown becomes false immediately).       

David J.

Re: minor doc issue in Boolean Predicate Check Expressions

jian he
On Fri, Jun 21, 2024 at 11:11 AM David G. Johnston
<david.g.johnston@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 20, 2024 at 7:30 PM jian he <jian.universality@gmail.com> wrote:
>> "predicate check expressions return the single three-valued result of
>> the predicate: true, false, or unknown."
>> "unknown" is wrong, because `select 'unknown'::jsonb;` will fail.
>> here "unknown" should be "null"? see jsonb_path_query doc entry also.
> The syntax for json_exists belies this claim (assuming our docs are accurate there).  Its "on error" options are
true/false/unknown. Additionally, the predicate test operator is named "is unknown" not "is null". 
> The result of the predicate test, which is never produced as a value, only a concept, is indeed "unknown" - which
thendevolves to false when it is practically applied to determining whether to output the path item being tested.  As
itdoes also when used in a parth expression. 

in [1] says
The similar predicate check expression simply returns true, indicating
that a match exists:

=> select jsonb_path_query(:'json', '$.track.segments[*].HR > 130');

but in this example
select jsonb_path_query('1', '$ == "1"');
return null.

I guess here, the match evaluation cannot be applied, thus returning null.

So summary:
if the boolean predicate check expressions are applicable, return true or false.

the boolean predicate check expressions are not applicable, return null.
example: select jsonb_path_query('1', '$ == "a"');

but I found following two examples returning different results,
i think they should return the same value.
select json_value('1', '$ == "1"' returning jsonb error on error);
select json_query('1', '$ == "1"' returning jsonb error on error);

[1] https://www.postgresql.org/docs/devel/functions-json.html#FUNCTIONS-SQLJSON-CHECK-EXPRESSIONS