Обсуждение: Pre-Commitfest Party on StHighload conf


Pre-Commitfest Party on StHighload conf

"Andrey M. Borodin"
Hi hackers!

StHighload conference will be held on June 24-25[0]. I’m planning to do “Pre-Commitfest Party” there.

The idea is to help promote patches among potential reviewers. And start working with the very beginning of PG18
Good patch review of a valuable feature is a great addition to a CV, and we will advertise this fact among conference

If you are the patch author, can be around on conference dates and willing to present your patch - please contact me or
justfill the registration form [1]. 

Postgres Professional will organize the event, provide us ~1h of a stage time and unlimited backstage discussion in
theirtent. I’ll serve as a moderator, and maybe present something myself. 
If your work is not on Commitfest yet, but you are planning to finish a prototype by the end of the June - feel free to
If you do not have a ticket to StHighload - we have some speaker entrance tickets.
At the moment we have 4 potential patch authors ready to present.

Please contact me with any questions regarding the event. Thanks!

Best regards, Andrey Borodin.

[0] https://highload.ru/spb/2024/
[1] https://forms.yandex.ru/u/6634e043c417f3cae70775a6/

Re: Pre-Commitfest Party on StHighload conf

Kashif Zeeshan
Great initiative.

On Thu, May 16, 2024 at 10:59 AM Andrey M. Borodin <x4mmm@yandex-team.ru> wrote:
Hi hackers!

StHighload conference will be held on June 24-25[0]. I’m planning to do “Pre-Commitfest Party” there.

The idea is to help promote patches among potential reviewers. And start working with the very beginning of PG18 development cycle.
Good patch review of a valuable feature is a great addition to a CV, and we will advertise this fact among conference attendees.

If you are the patch author, can be around on conference dates and willing to present your patch - please contact me or just fill the registration form [1].

Postgres Professional will organize the event, provide us ~1h of a stage time and unlimited backstage discussion in their tent. I’ll serve as a moderator, and maybe present something myself.
If your work is not on Commitfest yet, but you are planning to finish a prototype by the end of the June - feel free to register anyway.
If you do not have a ticket to StHighload - we have some speaker entrance tickets.
At the moment we have 4 potential patch authors ready to present.

Please contact me with any questions regarding the event. Thanks!

Best regards, Andrey Borodin.

[0] https://highload.ru/spb/2024/
[1] https://forms.yandex.ru/u/6634e043c417f3cae70775a6/

Re: Pre-Commitfest Party on StHighload conf

Aleksander Alekseev

> StHighload conference will be held on June 24-25[0]. I’m planning to do “Pre-Commitfest Party” there.
> The idea is to help promote patches among potential reviewers. And start working with the very beginning of PG18
> Good patch review of a valuable feature is a great addition to a CV, and we will advertise this fact among conference
> If you are the patch author, can be around on conference dates and willing to present your patch - please contact me
orjust fill the registration form [1]. 
> Postgres Professional will organize the event, provide us ~1h of a stage time and unlimited backstage discussion in
theirtent. I’ll serve as a moderator, and maybe present something myself. 
> If your work is not on Commitfest yet, but you are planning to finish a prototype by the end of the June - feel free
toregister anyway. 
> If you do not have a ticket to StHighload - we have some speaker entrance tickets.
> At the moment we have 4 potential patch authors ready to present.
> Please contact me with any questions regarding the event. Thanks!

Great initiative, thanks!

Best regards,
Aleksander Alekseev