Обсуждение: JSONB text extraction of data containing tab character fails


JSONB text extraction of data containing tab character fails

Relevant table and column structure

id (int)
data (varchar) --contains json data

Relevant data in the table

1, {"name":"item1","element":"record with a tab char\t"}


select id, data::jsonb->>'element' from cgsh

Expected behaviour

1, record with a tab char\t

Actual behaviour

SQL Error [22P02]: ERROR: invalid input syntax for type json
  Detail: Character with value 0x09 must be escaped.
  Where: JSON data, line 1: ...

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RE: JSONB text extraction of data containing tab character fails

"Wetmore, Matthew (CTR)"

I’m going through this myself.


1.      Data (varchar) column data type should be a json(b) data type column, not Varchar, that is causing this since the unescaped / is a valid character for Varchar and when you cast to json, the unescaped / become invalid.


2.      To get best results from json data, store as json, you would have gotten the error in insert and would have been able to fix at time of insert.


3.      Rewrite query to not use ::json->>’element’  (select substring or something)


From: DEVOPS, Dos (NHS ENGLAND - X26) <dos.devops@nhs.net>
Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2024 7:54 AM
To: pgsql-bugs@lists.postgresql.org
Cc: DEVOPS, Dos (NHS ENGLAND - X26) <dos.devops@nhs.net>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] JSONB text extraction of data containing tab character fails


Relevant table and column structure




id (int)

data (varchar) --contains json data


Relevant data in the table



1, {"name":"item1","element":"record with a tab char\t"}






select id, data::jsonb->>'element' from cgsh



Expected behaviour




1, record with a tab char\t



Actual behaviour




SQL Error [22P02]: ERROR: invalid input syntax for type json

  Detail: Character with value 0x09 must be escaped.

  Where: JSON data, line 1: ...



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