Обсуждение: Announcing E-Maj 4.3.0.


Announcing E-Maj 4.3.0.

Philippe Beaudoin via PostgreSQL Announce

Announcing E-Maj 4.3.0.

We are very glad to announce the 4.3.0 version of E-Maj.

E-Maj is a PostgreSQL extension which enables fine-grained write logging and time travel on subsets of the database.

Aside some improvements in E-Maj rollbacks management, this version mainly brings two new functions that allow to much easily analyze data content changes. By giving a consolidated view of net data changes recorded between points in time, this version further increases the interest of using E-Maj for application development or testing purposes.

E-Maj 4.3.0 is compatible with Postgres 11 to 16 versions.

The full documentation is available on line. The core extension is available at pgxn.org for installation or github.org for development.

The Emaj_web client is also available at github.org.

Have fun with E-Maj !