Обсуждение: The output sql generated by pg_dump for a create function refers to a modified table name


The output sql generated by pg_dump for a create function refers to a modified table name

vignesh C

The output sql generated by pg_dump for the below function refers to a
modified table name:
create table t1 (c1 int);
create table t2 (c1 int);

     WITH delete_t1 AS (
         DELETE FROM t1 WHERE c1 = $1
     INSERT INTO t1 (c1) SELECT $1 FROM t2;

The below sql output created by pg_dump refers to t1_1 which should
have been t1:
CREATE FUNCTION public.test_fun(c1 integer) RETURNS void
    LANGUAGE sql
 WITH delete_t1 AS (
          DELETE FROM public.t1
           WHERE (t1_1.c1 = test_fun.c1)
  INSERT INTO public.t1 (c1)  SELECT test_fun.c1
            FROM public.t2;

pg_get_function_sqlbody also returns similar result:
select proname, pg_get_function_sqlbody(oid) from pg_proc where
proname = 'test_fun';
 proname  |          pg_get_function_sqlbody
 test_fun | BEGIN ATOMIC                             +
          |  WITH delete_t1 AS (                     +
          |           DELETE FROM t1                 +
          |            WHERE (t1_1.c1 = test_fun.c1) +
          |          )                               +
          |   INSERT INTO t1 (c1)  SELECT test_fun.c1+
          |             FROM t2;                     +
          | END
(1 row)

I felt the problem here is with set_rtable_names function which
changes the relation name t1 to t1_1 while parsing the statement:
* If the selected name isn't unique, append digits to make it so, and
* make a new hash entry for it once we've got a unique name.  For a
* very long input name, we might have to truncate to stay within

During the query generation we will set the table names before
generating each statement, in our case the table t1 would have been
added already to the hash table during the first insert statement
generation. Next time it will try to set the relation names again for
the next statement, i.e delete statement, if the entry with same name
already exists, it will change the name to t1_1 by appending a digit
to keep the has entry unique.


Re: The output sql generated by pg_dump for a create function refers to a modified table name

"Jonathan S. Katz"
On 2/17/23 5:22 AM, vignesh C wrote:
> Hi,
> The output sql generated by pg_dump for the below function refers to a
> modified table name:
> create table t1 (c1 int);
> create table t2 (c1 int);
> RETURNS void
>       WITH delete_t1 AS (
>           DELETE FROM t1 WHERE c1 = $1
>       )
>       INSERT INTO t1 (c1) SELECT $1 FROM t2;
> END;
> The below sql output created by pg_dump refers to t1_1 which should
> have been t1:
> CREATE FUNCTION public.test_fun(c1 integer) RETURNS void
>      LANGUAGE sql
>   WITH delete_t1 AS (
>            DELETE FROM public.t1
>             WHERE (t1_1.c1 = test_fun.c1)
>           )
>    INSERT INTO public.t1 (c1)  SELECT test_fun.c1
>              FROM public.t2;
> END;
> pg_get_function_sqlbody also returns similar result:
> select proname, pg_get_function_sqlbody(oid) from pg_proc where
> proname = 'test_fun';
>   proname  |          pg_get_function_sqlbody
> ----------+-------------------------------------------
>   test_fun | BEGIN ATOMIC                             +
>            |  WITH delete_t1 AS (                     +
>            |           DELETE FROM t1                 +
>            |            WHERE (t1_1.c1 = test_fun.c1) +
>            |          )                               +
>            |   INSERT INTO t1 (c1)  SELECT test_fun.c1+
>            |             FROM t2;                     +
>            | END
> (1 row)

Thanks for reproducing and demonstrating that this was more generally 
applicable. For context, this was initially discovered when testing the 
DDL replication patch[1] under that context.

> I felt the problem here is with set_rtable_names function which
> changes the relation name t1 to t1_1 while parsing the statement:
> /*
> * If the selected name isn't unique, append digits to make it so, and
> * make a new hash entry for it once we've got a unique name.  For a
> * very long input name, we might have to truncate to stay within
> */
> During the query generation we will set the table names before
> generating each statement, in our case the table t1 would have been
> added already to the hash table during the first insert statement
> generation. Next time it will try to set the relation names again for
> the next statement, i.e delete statement, if the entry with same name
> already exists, it will change the name to t1_1 by appending a digit
> to keep the has entry unique.

Good catch. Do you have thoughts on how we can adjust the naming logic 
to handle cases like this?




Re: The output sql generated by pg_dump for a create function refers to a modified table name

Tom Lane
"Jonathan S. Katz" <jkatz@postgresql.org> writes:
> Good catch. Do you have thoughts on how we can adjust the naming logic 
> to handle cases like this?

I think it's perfectly fine that ruleutils decided to use different
aliases for the two different occurrences of "t1": the statement is
quite confusing as written.  The problem probably is that
get_delete_query_def() has no idea that it's supposed to print the
adjusted alias just after "DELETE FROM tab".  UPDATE likely has same
issue ... maybe INSERT too?

            regards, tom lane

Re: The output sql generated by pg_dump for a create function refers to a modified table name

"Jonathan S. Katz"
On 2/17/23 10:09 AM, Tom Lane wrote:
> "Jonathan S. Katz" <jkatz@postgresql.org> writes:
>> Good catch. Do you have thoughts on how we can adjust the naming logic
>> to handle cases like this?
> I think it's perfectly fine that ruleutils decided to use different
> aliases for the two different occurrences of "t1": the statement is
> quite confusing as written.

Agreed on that -- while it's harder to set up, I do prefer the original 
example[1] to demonstrate this, as it shows the issue given it does not 
have those multiple occurrences, at least not within the same context, i.e.:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.calendar_manage(room_id int, 
calendar_date date)
     WITH delete_calendar AS (
         DELETE FROM calendar
             room_id = $1 AND
             calendar_date = $2
     INSERT INTO calendar (room_id, status, calendar_date, calendar_range)
     SELECT $1, c.status, $2, c.calendar_range
     FROM calendar_generate_calendar($1, tstzrange($2, $2 + 1)) c;

the table prefixes on the attributes within the DELETE statement were 
ultimately mangled:

WITH delete_calendar AS (
     DELETE FROM public.calendar
     WHERE ((calendar_1.room_id OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=)
calendar_manage.room_id) AND (calendar_1.calendar_date
OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) calendar_manage.calendar_date))
INSERT INTO public.calendar (room_id, status, calendar_date,

>  The problem probably is that
> get_delete_query_def() has no idea that it's supposed to print the
> adjusted alias just after "DELETE FROM tab".  UPDATE likely has same
> issue ... maybe INSERT too?

Maybe? I modified the function above to do an INSERT/UPDATE instead of a 
DELETE but I did not get any errors. However, if the logic is similar 
there could be an issue there.





Re: The output sql generated by pg_dump for a create function refers to a modified table name

"Jonathan S. Katz"
On 2/17/23 11:19 AM, Jonathan S. Katz wrote:
> On 2/17/23 10:09 AM, Tom Lane wrote:

> Agreed on that -- while it's harder to set up, I do prefer the original 
> example[1] to demonstrate this, as it shows the issue given it does not 
> have those multiple occurrences, at least not within the same context, 
> i.e.:
> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.calendar_manage(room_id int, 
> calendar_date date)
> RETURNS void
>      WITH delete_calendar AS (
>          DELETE FROM calendar
>          WHERE
>              room_id = $1 AND
>              calendar_date = $2
>      )
>      INSERT INTO calendar (room_id, status, calendar_date, calendar_range)
>      SELECT $1, c.status, $2, c.calendar_range
>      FROM calendar_generate_calendar($1, tstzrange($2, $2 + 1)) c;
> END;
>>  The problem probably is that
>> get_delete_query_def() has no idea that it's supposed to print the
>> adjusted alias just after "DELETE FROM tab".  UPDATE likely has same
>> issue ... maybe INSERT too?
> Maybe? I modified the function above to do an INSERT/UPDATE instead of a 
> DELETE but I did not get any errors. However, if the logic is similar 
> there could be an issue there.

I spoke too soon -- I was looking at the wrong logs. I did reproduce it 
with UPDATE, but not INSERT. The example I used for UPDATE:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.calendar_manage(room_id int, 
calendar_date date)
     WITH update_calendar AS (
         UPDATE calendar
         SET room_id = $1
             room_id = $1 AND
             calendar_date = $2
     INSERT INTO calendar (room_id, status, calendar_date, calendar_range)
     SELECT $1, c.status, $2, c.calendar_range
     FROM calendar_generate_calendar($1, tstzrange($2, $2 + 1)) c;

which produced:

WITH update_calendar AS (
     UPDATE public.calendar SET room_id = calendar_manage.room_id
         WHERE (
             (calendar_1.room_id OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) 
calendar_manage.room_id) AND (calendar_1.calendar_date 
OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) calendar_manage.calendar_date))
INSERT INTO public.calendar (room_id, status, calendar_date, 
calendar_range)  SELECT calendar_manage.room_id,
FROM public.calendar_generate_calendar(calendar_manage.room_id, 
pg_catalog.tstzrange((calendar_manage.calendar_date)::timestamp with 
time zone, ((calendar_manage.calendar_date OPERATOR(pg_catalog.+) 
1))::timestamp with time zone)) c(status, calendar_range);




Re: The output sql generated by pg_dump for a create function refers to a modified table name

Tom Lane
"Jonathan S. Katz" <jkatz@postgresql.org> writes:
> I spoke too soon -- I was looking at the wrong logs. I did reproduce it 
> with UPDATE, but not INSERT.

It can be reproduced with INSERT too, on the same principle as the others:
put the DML command inside a WITH, and give it an alias conflicting with
the outer query.

Being a lazy sort, I tried to collapse all three cases into a single
test case, and observed something I hadn't thought of: we disambiguate
aliases in a WITH query with respect to the outer query, but not with
respect to other WITH queries.  This makes the example (see attached)
a bit more confusing than I would have hoped.  However, the same sort
of thing happens within other kinds of nested subqueries, so I think
it's probably all right as-is.  In any case, changing this aspect
would require a significantly bigger patch with more risk of unwanted

To fix it, I pulled out the print-an-alias logic within
get_from_clause_item and called that new function for
INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE.  This is a bit of overkill perhaps, because
only the RTE_RELATION case can be needed by these other callers, but
it seemed like a sane refactorization.

I've not tested, but I imagine this will need patched all the way back.
The rule case should be reachable in all supported versions.

            regards, tom lane

diff --git a/src/backend/utils/adt/ruleutils.c b/src/backend/utils/adt/ruleutils.c
index 9ac42efdbc..6dc117dea8 100644
--- a/src/backend/utils/adt/ruleutils.c
+++ b/src/backend/utils/adt/ruleutils.c
@@ -475,6 +475,8 @@ static void get_from_clause(Query *query, const char *prefix,
                             deparse_context *context);
 static void get_from_clause_item(Node *jtnode, Query *query,
                                  deparse_context *context);
+static void get_rte_alias(RangeTblEntry *rte, int varno, bool use_as,
+                          deparse_context *context);
 static void get_column_alias_list(deparse_columns *colinfo,
                                   deparse_context *context);
 static void get_from_clause_coldeflist(RangeTblFunction *rtfunc,
@@ -6648,12 +6650,14 @@ get_insert_query_def(Query *query, deparse_context *context,
         context->indentLevel += PRETTYINDENT_STD;
         appendStringInfoChar(buf, ' ');
-    appendStringInfo(buf, "INSERT INTO %s ",
+    appendStringInfo(buf, "INSERT INTO %s",
                      generate_relation_name(rte->relid, NIL));
-    /* INSERT requires AS keyword for target alias */
-    if (rte->alias != NULL)
-        appendStringInfo(buf, "AS %s ",
-                         quote_identifier(rte->alias->aliasname));
+    /* Print the relation alias, if needed; INSERT requires explicit AS */
+    get_rte_alias(rte, query->resultRelation, true, context);
+    /* always want a space here */
+    appendStringInfoChar(buf, ' ');

      * Add the insert-column-names list.  Any indirection decoration needed on
@@ -6835,9 +6839,10 @@ get_update_query_def(Query *query, deparse_context *context,
     appendStringInfo(buf, "UPDATE %s%s",
                      generate_relation_name(rte->relid, NIL));
-    if (rte->alias != NULL)
-        appendStringInfo(buf, " %s",
-                         quote_identifier(rte->alias->aliasname));
+    /* Print the relation alias, if needed */
+    get_rte_alias(rte, query->resultRelation, false, context);
     appendStringInfoString(buf, " SET ");

     /* Deparse targetlist */
@@ -7043,9 +7048,9 @@ get_delete_query_def(Query *query, deparse_context *context,
     appendStringInfo(buf, "DELETE FROM %s%s",
                      generate_relation_name(rte->relid, NIL));
-    if (rte->alias != NULL)
-        appendStringInfo(buf, " %s",
-                         quote_identifier(rte->alias->aliasname));
+    /* Print the relation alias, if needed */
+    get_rte_alias(rte, query->resultRelation, false, context);

     /* Add the USING clause if given */
     get_from_clause(query, " USING ", context);
@@ -10887,10 +10892,8 @@ get_from_clause_item(Node *jtnode, Query *query, deparse_context *context)
         int            varno = ((RangeTblRef *) jtnode)->rtindex;
         RangeTblEntry *rte = rt_fetch(varno, query->rtable);
-        char       *refname = get_rtable_name(varno, context);
         deparse_columns *colinfo = deparse_columns_fetch(varno, dpns);
         RangeTblFunction *rtfunc1 = NULL;
-        bool        printalias;

         if (rte->lateral)
             appendStringInfoString(buf, "LATERAL ");
@@ -11027,59 +11030,7 @@ get_from_clause_item(Node *jtnode, Query *query, deparse_context *context)

         /* Print the relation alias, if needed */
-        printalias = false;
-        if (rte->alias != NULL)
-        {
-            /* Always print alias if user provided one */
-            printalias = true;
-        }
-        else if (colinfo->printaliases)
-        {
-            /* Always print alias if we need to print column aliases */
-            printalias = true;
-        }
-        else if (rte->rtekind == RTE_RELATION)
-        {
-            /*
-             * No need to print alias if it's same as relation name (this
-             * would normally be the case, but not if set_rtable_names had to
-             * resolve a conflict).
-             */
-            if (strcmp(refname, get_relation_name(rte->relid)) != 0)
-                printalias = true;
-        }
-        else if (rte->rtekind == RTE_FUNCTION)
-        {
-            /*
-             * For a function RTE, always print alias.  This covers possible
-             * renaming of the function and/or instability of the
-             * FigureColname rules for things that aren't simple functions.
-             * Note we'd need to force it anyway for the columndef list case.
-             */
-            printalias = true;
-        }
-        else if (rte->rtekind == RTE_SUBQUERY ||
-                 rte->rtekind == RTE_VALUES)
-        {
-            /*
-             * For a subquery, always print alias.  This makes the output SQL
-             * spec-compliant, even though we allow the alias to be omitted on
-             * input.
-             */
-            printalias = true;
-        }
-        else if (rte->rtekind == RTE_CTE)
-        {
-            /*
-             * No need to print alias if it's same as CTE name (this would
-             * normally be the case, but not if set_rtable_names had to
-             * resolve a conflict).
-             */
-            if (strcmp(refname, rte->ctename) != 0)
-                printalias = true;
-        }
-        if (printalias)
-            appendStringInfo(buf, " %s", quote_identifier(refname));
+        get_rte_alias(rte, varno, false, context);

         /* Print the column definitions or aliases, if needed */
         if (rtfunc1 && rtfunc1->funccolnames != NIL)
@@ -11217,6 +11168,77 @@ get_from_clause_item(Node *jtnode, Query *query, deparse_context *context)
              (int) nodeTag(jtnode));

+ * get_rte_alias - print the relation's alias, if needed
+ *
+ * If printed, the alias is preceded by a space, or by " AS " if use_as is true.
+ */
+static void
+get_rte_alias(RangeTblEntry *rte, int varno, bool use_as,
+              deparse_context *context)
+    deparse_namespace *dpns = (deparse_namespace *) linitial(context->namespaces);
+    char       *refname = get_rtable_name(varno, context);
+    deparse_columns *colinfo = deparse_columns_fetch(varno, dpns);
+    bool        printalias = false;
+    if (rte->alias != NULL)
+    {
+        /* Always print alias if user provided one */
+        printalias = true;
+    }
+    else if (colinfo->printaliases)
+    {
+        /* Always print alias if we need to print column aliases */
+        printalias = true;
+    }
+    else if (rte->rtekind == RTE_RELATION)
+    {
+        /*
+         * No need to print alias if it's same as relation name (this would
+         * normally be the case, but not if set_rtable_names had to resolve a
+         * conflict).
+         */
+        if (strcmp(refname, get_relation_name(rte->relid)) != 0)
+            printalias = true;
+    }
+    else if (rte->rtekind == RTE_FUNCTION)
+    {
+        /*
+         * For a function RTE, always print alias.  This covers possible
+         * renaming of the function and/or instability of the FigureColname
+         * rules for things that aren't simple functions.  Note we'd need to
+         * force it anyway for the columndef list case.
+         */
+        printalias = true;
+    }
+    else if (rte->rtekind == RTE_SUBQUERY ||
+             rte->rtekind == RTE_VALUES)
+    {
+        /*
+         * For a subquery, always print alias.  This makes the output
+         * SQL-spec-compliant, even though we allow such aliases to be omitted
+         * on input.
+         */
+        printalias = true;
+    }
+    else if (rte->rtekind == RTE_CTE)
+    {
+        /*
+         * No need to print alias if it's same as CTE name (this would
+         * normally be the case, but not if set_rtable_names had to resolve a
+         * conflict).
+         */
+        if (strcmp(refname, rte->ctename) != 0)
+            printalias = true;
+    }
+    if (printalias)
+        appendStringInfo(context->buf, "%s%s",
+                         use_as ? " AS " : " ",
+                         quote_identifier(refname));
  * get_column_alias_list - print column alias list for an RTE
diff --git a/src/test/regress/expected/rules.out b/src/test/regress/expected/rules.out
index 174b725fff..a3a5a62329 100644
--- a/src/test/regress/expected/rules.out
+++ b/src/test/regress/expected/rules.out
@@ -2998,28 +2998,21 @@ select * from rules_log;
 (16 rows)

 create rule r4 as on delete to rules_src do notify rules_src_deletion;
-\d+ rules_src
-                                 Table "public.rules_src"
- Column |  Type   | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Stats target | Description
- f1     | integer |           |          |         | plain   |              |
- f2     | integer |           |          | 0       | plain   |              |
-    r1 AS
-    ON UPDATE TO rules_src DO  INSERT INTO rules_log (f1, f2, tag, id) VALUES (old.f1,old.f2,'old'::text,DEFAULT),
-    r2 AS
-    ON UPDATE TO rules_src DO  VALUES (old.f1,old.f2,'old'::text), (new.f1,new.f2,'new'::text)
-    r3 AS
-    ON INSERT TO rules_src DO  INSERT INTO rules_log (f1, f2, tag, id) VALUES
-    r4 AS
-    ON DELETE TO rules_src DO
- NOTIFY rules_src_deletion
 -- Ensure an aliased target relation for insert is correctly deparsed.
 create rule r5 as on insert to rules_src do instead insert into rules_log AS trgt SELECT NEW.* RETURNING trgt.f1,
 create rule r6 as on update to rules_src do instead UPDATE rules_log AS trgt SET tag = 'updated' WHERE trgt.f1 =
+-- Check deparse disambiguation of INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE targets.
+create rule r7 as on delete to rules_src do instead
+  with wins as (insert into int4_tbl as trgt values (0) returning *),
+       wupd as (update int4_tbl trgt set f1 = f1+1 returning *),
+       wdel as (delete from int4_tbl trgt where f1 = 0 returning *)
+  insert into rules_log AS trgt select old.* from wins, wupd, wdel
+  returning trgt.f1, trgt.f2;
+-- check display of all rules added above
 \d+ rules_src
                                  Table "public.rules_src"
  Column |  Type   | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Stats target | Description
@@ -3044,6 +3037,26 @@ Rules:
     r6 AS
     ON UPDATE TO rules_src DO INSTEAD  UPDATE rules_log trgt SET tag = 'updated'::text
   WHERE trgt.f1 = new.f1
+    r7 AS
+    ON DELETE TO rules_src DO INSTEAD  WITH wins AS (
+         INSERT INTO int4_tbl AS trgt_1 (f1)
+          VALUES (0)
+          RETURNING trgt_1.f1
+        ), wupd AS (
+         UPDATE int4_tbl trgt_1 SET f1 = trgt_1.f1 + 1
+          RETURNING trgt_1.f1
+        ), wdel AS (
+         DELETE FROM int4_tbl trgt_1
+          WHERE trgt_1.f1 = 0
+          RETURNING trgt_1.f1
+        )
+ INSERT INTO rules_log AS trgt (f1, f2)  SELECT old.f1,
+            old.f2
+           FROM wins,
+            wupd,
+            wdel
+  RETURNING trgt.f1,
+    trgt.f2

 -- Also check multiassignment deparsing.
diff --git a/src/test/regress/sql/rules.sql b/src/test/regress/sql/rules.sql
index 1f858129b8..ac1a4ce554 100644
--- a/src/test/regress/sql/rules.sql
+++ b/src/test/regress/sql/rules.sql
@@ -1015,13 +1015,24 @@ insert into rules_src values(22,23), (33,default);
 select * from rules_src;
 select * from rules_log;
 create rule r4 as on delete to rules_src do notify rules_src_deletion;
-\d+ rules_src

 -- Ensure an aliased target relation for insert is correctly deparsed.
 create rule r5 as on insert to rules_src do instead insert into rules_log AS trgt SELECT NEW.* RETURNING trgt.f1,
 create rule r6 as on update to rules_src do instead UPDATE rules_log AS trgt SET tag = 'updated' WHERE trgt.f1 =
+-- Check deparse disambiguation of INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE targets.
+create rule r7 as on delete to rules_src do instead
+  with wins as (insert into int4_tbl as trgt values (0) returning *),
+       wupd as (update int4_tbl trgt set f1 = f1+1 returning *),
+       wdel as (delete from int4_tbl trgt where f1 = 0 returning *)
+  insert into rules_log AS trgt select old.* from wins, wupd, wdel
+  returning trgt.f1, trgt.f2;
+-- check display of all rules added above
 \d+ rules_src


Re: The output sql generated by pg_dump for a create function refers to a modified table name

"Jonathan S. Katz"
On 2/17/23 1:18 PM, Tom Lane wrote:

> It can be reproduced with INSERT too, on the same principle as the others:
> put the DML command inside a WITH, and give it an alias conflicting with
> the outer query.

Ah, I see based on your example below. I did not alias the INSERT 
statement in the way (and I don't know how common of a pattern it is to 
o that).

> Being a lazy sort, I tried to collapse all three cases into a single
> test case, and observed something I hadn't thought of: we disambiguate
> aliases in a WITH query with respect to the outer query, but not with
> respect to other WITH queries.  This makes the example (see attached)
> a bit more confusing than I would have hoped.  However, the same sort
> of thing happens within other kinds of nested subqueries, so I think
> it's probably all right as-is.  In any case, changing this aspect
> would require a significantly bigger patch with more risk of unwanted
> side-effects.

I think I agree. Most people should not be looking at the disambiguated 
statements unless they are troubleshooting an issue (such as $SUBJECT). 
The main goal is to disambiguate correctly.

> To fix it, I pulled out the print-an-alias logic within
> get_from_clause_item and called that new function for
> INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE.  This is a bit of overkill perhaps, because
> only the RTE_RELATION case can be needed by these other callers, but
> it seemed like a sane refactorization.
> I've not tested, but I imagine this will need patched all the way back.
> The rule case should be reachable in all supported versions.

I tested this against HEAD (+v69 of the DDL replication patch). My cases 
are now all passing.

The code looks good to me -- I don't know if moving that logic is 
overkill, but it makes the solution relatively clean.

I didn't test in any back branches yet, but given this can generate an 
invalid function body, it does likely need to be backpatched.




Re: The output sql generated by pg_dump for a create function refers to a modified table name

Tom Lane
"Jonathan S. Katz" <jkatz@postgresql.org> writes:
> On 2/17/23 1:18 PM, Tom Lane wrote:
>> It can be reproduced with INSERT too, on the same principle as the others:
>> put the DML command inside a WITH, and give it an alias conflicting with
>> the outer query.

> Ah, I see based on your example below. I did not alias the INSERT 
> statement in the way (and I don't know how common of a pattern it is to 
> o that).

I suppose you can also make examples where the true name of the DML
target table conflicts with an outer-query name, implying that we need
to give it an alias even though the user wrote none.

> I tested this against HEAD (+v69 of the DDL replication patch). My cases 
> are now all passing.
> The code looks good to me -- I don't know if moving that logic is 
> overkill, but it makes the solution relatively clean.

Cool, thanks for testing and code-reading.  I'll go see about

> I didn't test in any back branches yet, but given this can generate an 
> invalid function body, it does likely need to be backpatched.

Presumably it can also cause dump/restore failures for rules that
do this sort of thing, though admittedly those wouldn't be common.

            regards, tom lane