Обсуждение: How to pass table column values to function


How to pass table column values to function



Table source contains integer column. Its values should be passed to function for selecting data from other table.

I tried

        CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.TestAddAssetTransactions(dokumnrs int[])
         RETURNS int AS
        with i1 as (
        INSERT INTO bilkaib (dokumnr)
        select dokumnr  from dok where dokumnr in (select * from unnest(dokumnrs))
        returning *
        select count(*) from i1;
        $BODY$ language sql;
        create temp table bilkaib (dokumnr int ) on commit drop;
        create temp table dok (dokumnr serial primary key ) on commit drop;
        create temp table source (dokumnr int ) on commit drop;
        insert into source values (1),(2);
    select TestAddAssetTransactions( (select ARRAY[dokumnr] from source)::int[] )

but got error

> ERROR: more than one row returned by a subquery used as an expression

How to pass set of integers to function? Should temp table with fixed name used or is there better solution?

Using Postgresql 12+


Re: How to pass table column values to function

Marcos Pegoraro

Em sáb., 11 de fev. de 2023 às 07:10, Andrus <kobruleht2@hot.ee> escreveu:


Table source contains integer column. Its values should be passed to function for selecting data from other table.

I tried

        CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.TestAddAssetTransactions(dokumnrs int[])
         RETURNS int AS
        with i1 as (
        INSERT INTO bilkaib (dokumnr)
        select dokumnr  from dok where dokumnr in (select * from unnest(dokumnrs))
        returning *
        select count(*) from i1;
        $BODY$ language sql;
        create temp table bilkaib (dokumnr int ) on commit drop;
        create temp table dok (dokumnr serial primary key ) on commit drop;
        create temp table source (dokumnr int ) on commit drop;
        insert into source values (1),(2);
    select TestAddAssetTransactions( (select ARRAY[dokumnr] from source)::int[] )

but got error

> ERROR: more than one row returned by a subquery used as an expression

Probably you want an array_agg and not an array
select TestAddAssetTransactions( (select array_agg(dokumnr) from source) ) 

Re: How to pass table column values to function

jian he

On Sat, Feb 11, 2023 at 3:55 PM Andrus <kobruleht2@hot.ee> wrote:


Table source contains integer column. Its values should be passed to function for selecting data from other table.

I tried

        CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.TestAddAssetTransactions(dokumnrs int[])
         RETURNS int AS
        with i1 as (
        INSERT INTO bilkaib (dokumnr)
        select dokumnr  from dok where dokumnr in (select * from unnest(dokumnrs))
        returning *
        select count(*) from i1;
        $BODY$ language sql;
        create temp table bilkaib (dokumnr int ) on commit drop;
        create temp table dok (dokumnr serial primary key ) on commit drop;
        create temp table source (dokumnr int ) on commit drop;
        insert into source values (1),(2);
    select TestAddAssetTransactions( (select ARRAY[dokumnr] from source)::int[] )

but got error

> ERROR: more than one row returned by a subquery used as an expression

How to pass set of integers to function? Should temp table with fixed name used or is there better solution?

Using Postgresql 12+


try this:
select TestAddAssetTransactions((select array(select * from source)));