Обсуждение: Re: Query Performance


Re: Query Performance


My query is like this   

Select a.field1, a.field2, a.field3
From   (Select a.field1, b.field2, c.field3
        From   table1 a
        Join   table2 b
        on     b.something = a.something
        Join   table3 c
        On     c.something = a.something 
        Where  a.field7 = 'value'

        UNION ALL

        Select a.field4, a.field5, a.field6
        From   table11 a
        Join   table21 b
        On     b.something = a.something
        Where  a.field8 = 'something' ) a
Join   table10 b
On     b.field11 = (Select c.field11
                    From   table10 c
                    Where  c.field10 = a.field1 )                     <- instead of a.field1, if I hardcode value (eg. '100') query runs faster
Join   table21 c
On     c.something = a.something

In the above query, If I substitute a value for a.field1, query runs faster.   
Any suggestion/guidance/links to improve the query performance without substituting the value ?

Happiness Always
BKR Sivaprakash

Re: Query Performance

On 9/17/22 00:28, sivapostgres@yahoo.com wrote:

My query is like this   

Select a.field1, a.field2, a.field3
From   (Select a.field1, b.field2, c.field3
        From   table1 a
        Join   table2 b
        on     b.something = a.something
        Join   table3 c
        On     c.something = a.something 
        Where  a.field7 = 'value'

        UNION ALL

        Select a.field4, a.field5, a.field6
        From   table11 a
        Join   table21 b
        On     b.something = a.something
        Where  a.field8 = 'something' ) a
Join   table10 b
On     b.field11 = (Select c.field11
                    From   table10 c
                    Where  c.field10 = a.field1 )                     <- instead of a.field1, if I hardcode value (eg. '100') query runs faster
Join   table21 c
On     c.something = a.something

In the above query, If I substitute a value for a.field1, query runs faster.   
Any suggestion/guidance/links to improve the query performance without substituting the value ?

Is there an index on table1.field1?
Have you vacuumed or analyzed table1 lately?
Have you decomposed the query into the smallest possible query that demonstrates the problem?

Angular momentum makes the world go 'round.

Re: Query Performance

"Peter J. Holzer"
On 2022-09-17 05:28:25 +0000, sivapostgres@yahoo.com wrote:
> My query is like this
> Select a.field1, a.field2, a.field3
> From   (Select a.field1, b.field2, c.field3
>         From   table1 a
>         Join   table2 b
>         on     b.something = a.something
>         Join   table3 c
>         On     c.something = a.something
>         Where  a.field7 = 'value'
>         UNION ALL
>         Select a.field4, a.field5, a.field6
>         From   table11 a
>         Join   table21 b
>         On     b.something = a.something
>         Where  a.field8 = 'something' ) a
> Join   table10 b
> On     b.field11 = (Select c.field11
>                     From   table10 c
>                     Where  c.field10 = a.field1 )                     <-
> instead of a.field1, if I hardcode value (eg. '100') query runs faster
> Join   table21 c
> On     c.something = a.something
> ...

Well, you are now searching table10 for a constant value (which can be
done once) instead of the output of the union (which has to be done for
each line of the union, so I'm not surprised that it's faster.

What is the output of `explain (analyze)` for the two queries? Is there
an obvious place where an index would help? Can you restructure the

BTW, it is (at least for me) very hard to give advice on a query with
only completely abstract names like `table11` or `field4`: I have no
idea what this is supposed to do, so it's hard to tell if there is a
better way. Using `a` to refer to 3 different things doesn't help


   _  | Peter J. Holzer    | Story must make more sense than reality.
|_|_) |                    |
| |   | hjp@hjp.at         |    -- Charles Stross, "Creative writing
__/   | http://www.hjp.at/ |       challenge!"


Re: Query Performance

I should have given you the full query.   Here it is

 Select a.locationname, a.usercode, a.itemname, a.uomname, a.batchnumber, a.expirydate, 
        a.itemnamefk, a.itemuomfk, f.itemgroupname, a.locationpk, 
        Sum(a.quantity) as quantity, Sum(a.freequantity) as freequantity, 
        b.beforetaxrate as beforetaxrate, (b.rate / b.rateper) as purchaserate, b.netrate as netrate, 
        b.netsalesrate as netsalesrate, b.effectiverate as effectiverate, b.rateper, a.reportformat, 
        g.standardcost, g.defaultpurchaserate, 
        g.salesrateone, g.salesratetwo, g.salesratethree, g.salesratefour, g.salesratefive, g.salesratesix, 
        g.salesrateseven, g.salesrateeight, g.salesratenine, 'N' as negativerate 
 From  (Select k.locationname, a.usercode, a.itemname, c.uomname, j.batchnumber, j.expirydate,  
               j.itemnamefk, j.itemuomfk, k.locationpk,
               j.receivedquantity as quantity, j.receivedfreequantity as freequantity, c.reportformat 
        From   in_item_name a 
        Join   in_item_uom b 
        On     b.itemnamefk = a.itemnamepk 
        Join   gl_uom c 
        On     c.uompk = b.uomfk 
        Join   view_item_receipts j 
        On     j.itemnamefk = a.itemnamepk 
        And    j.itemuomfk = b.itemuompk 
        Join   in_location k 
        On     k.locationpk = j.locationfk 
        Where  j.companycode = 'SDM'
        And    j.branchcode = '001'
        And    j.accountperiodid = 1
        And    j.voucherdate <= '2022/09/17'
        And    j.billstatus <> 'C' 
        And    j.topparentcode <> 4 
        And    (j.receivedquantity <> 0 Or j.receivedfreequantity <> 0) 
        UNION ALL 
        Select k.locationname, a.usercode, a.itemname, c.uomname, j.batchnumber, j.expirydate,  
               j.itemnamefk, j.itemuomfk, k.locationpk,
               (j.issuedquantity * -1) as quantity, (j.issuedfreequantity * -1) as freequantity, c.reportformat 
        From   in_item_name a 
        Join   in_item_uom b 
        On     b.itemnamefk = a.itemnamepk 
        Join   gl_uom c 
        On     c.uompk = b.uomfk 
        Join   view_item_issues j 
        On     j.itemnamefk = a.itemnamepk 
        And    j.itemuomfk = b.itemuompk 
        Join   in_location k 
        On     k.locationpk = j.locationfk 
        Where  j.companycode = 'SDM'
        And    j.branchcode = '001'
        And    j.accountperiodid = 1
        And    j.voucherdate <= '2022/09/17'
        And    j.billstatus <> 'C' 
        And    j.topparentcode <> 4 
        And    (j.issuedquantity <> 0 Or j.issuedfreequantity <> 0)) a 
 Left Outer Join view_item_receipts b                                    <- It's actually a view of 4 tables which tries to arrive the last purchase rate
 On     b.itemreceiptspk = (Select c.itemreceiptspk 
                            From  view_item_receipts c 
                            Where c.companycode = 'SDM'
                            And   c.branchcode = '001'
                            And   c.accountperiodid = 1
                            And   c.voucherdate <= '2022/09/17'
                            And   c.billstatus <> 'C' 
                            And   c.itemnamefk = a.itemnamefk 
                            And   c.itemuomfk = a.itemuomfk 
                            And   c.batchnumber = a.batchnumber 
                            And   c.expirydate = a.expirydate 
                            And   (c.receivedquantity <> 0 Or c.receivedfreequantity <> 0) 
                            Order by c.voucherdate desc, c.vouchernumber desc, c.sequencenumber desc 
                            Limit 1 ) 
 Join   in_item_name c 
 On     c.itemnamepk = a.itemnamefk 
 Join   in_item_group f 
 On     f.itemgrouppk = c.itemgroupfk 
 Left Outer Join in_item_rate g 
 On     g.itemuomfk = b.itemuomfk 
 And    g.itemnamefk = b.itemnamefk 
 And    '2022/09/17' between g.fromdate and g.todate 
 Group By a.locationname, a.usercode, a.itemname, a.uomname, a.batchnumber, a.expirydate, 
          a.itemnamefk, a.itemuomfk, f.itemgroupname, a.locationpk, 
          b.beforetaxrate, b.rate, b.netrate, b.netsalesrate, b.effectiverate, b.rateper, a.reportformat, 
          g.standardcost, g.defaultpurchaserate, 
          g.salesrateone, g.salesratetwo, g.salesratethree, g.salesratefour, g.salesratefive, g.salesratesix, 
          g.salesrateseven, g.salesrateeight, g.salesratenine 
 Having   (sum(a.quantity) + sum(a.freequantity)) <> 0 
 Order by 1, 3, 2, 5 

Create a index for 
companycode,  branchcode,  c.accountperiodid, voucherdate, billstatus, itemnamefk, itemuomfk, batchnumber, expirydate, receivedquantity, receivedfreequantity

in all the 4 tables that this view got.

Happiness Always
BKR Sivaprakash

On Saturday, 17 September, 2022 at 03:33:48 pm IST, Peter J. Holzer <hjp-pgsql@hjp.at> wrote:

On 2022-09-17 05:28:25 +0000, sivapostgres@yahoo.com wrote:
> My query is like this 
> Select a.field1, a.field2, a.field3
> From  (Select a.field1, b.field2, c.field3
>        From  table1 a
>        Join  table2 b
>        on    b.something = a.something
>        Join  table3 c
>        On    c.something = a.something
>        Where  a.field7 = 'value'
>        UNION ALL
>        Select a.field4, a.field5, a.field6
>        From  table11 a
>        Join  table21 b
>        On    b.something = a.something
>        Where  a.field8 = 'something' ) a
> Join  table10 b
> On    b.field11 = (Select c.field11
>                    From  table10 c
>                    Where  c.field10 = a.field1 )                    <-
> instead of a.field1, if I hardcode value (eg. '100') query runs faster
> Join  table21 c
> On    c.something = a.something
> ...

Well, you are now searching table10 for a constant value (which can be
done once) instead of the output of the union (which has to be done for
each line of the union, so I'm not surprised that it's faster.

What is the output of `explain (analyze)` for the two queries? Is there
an obvious place where an index would help? Can you restructure the

BTW, it is (at least for me) very hard to give advice on a query with
only completely abstract names like `table11` or `field4`: I have no
idea what this is supposed to do, so it's hard to tell if there is a
better way. Using `a` to refer to 3 different things doesn't help


  _  | Peter J. Holzer    | Story must make more sense than reality.
|_|_) |                    |
| |  | hjp@hjp.at        |    -- Charles Stross, "Creative writing
__/  | http://www.hjp.at/ |      challenge!"