Обсуждение: GSOC proposal for Improve pgarchives by Yedil


GSOC proposal for Improve pgarchives by Yedil

Yedil Serzhan
Dear Sir or Madam,

My name is Yedil Serzhan, a Computer Science MSc student at the University of Freiburg. I have had several experiences with PostgreSQL for full-stack development. Among all the databases I have used, PostgreSQL gives me the most comfortable user experience. Recently I'm trying to contribute to open source projects, and I was very happy to find PostgreSQL in GSOC this time.

In the list of ideas from your PostgreSQL organization, I think there are several ideas I like, such as "Improve pgarchives", “Database Load Stress Benchmark", and "New and improved website for pgjdbc"  and so on.

I used these days to get a preliminary understanding of the pgarchives codebase, deployed the pgarchives project, and wrote a preliminary project proposal based on my understanding. Please take a look, the link to Google docs of the proposal is here, and I've opened up the comments feature for those of you who want to leave comments. 

I'd appreciate it if you could give me some guidance. Thank you in advance! Looking forward to your reply!

Best regards,