Обсуждение: BUG: CC_send_query_append incomplete error handling


BUG: CC_send_query_append incomplete error handling

Nicolae Vartolomei

I noticed a bug where psqlodbc doesn't handle an underlying error correctly.

The interaction is roughly as follows:

Initiate a connection, run few queries, run `ss -K dport postgresql` to kill the
psqlodbc connection to postgres, then run another query.

The expected behaviour is for query to fail and to return an error like "08S01".

Instead, the following error is generated:
pgapi30.c[PGAPI_GetDiagRec]43: entering type=3 rec=1
environ.c[ER_ReturnError]202: entering status = 1, msg = #no
connection to the server...
environ.c[ER_ReturnError]259:      szSqlState = 'HY000',len=58,
szError='no connection to the server

This makes it a bit tricky to properly handle the exception on the client.

I'm browsing through this code base for the first time,
and the incomplete error handling seems to be around these lines in connection.c

if (!PQsendQuery(self->pqconn, query_buf.data))
char *errmsg = PQerrorMessage(self->pqconn);
QLOG(0, "\nCommunication Error: %s\n", SAFE_STR(errmsg));
CC_set_error(self, CONNECTION_COMMUNICATION_ERROR, errmsg, func);
goto cleanup;

I think this need a call to `CC_on_abort(self, CONN_DEAD);` in order
to clean up the connection so that future calls would get trapped by
`SC_connection_lost_check` call
which also propagates the correct error to `SQLGetDiagRec` with a
statement handle.

Latest tested version is from this package

Let me know if a test case for reproducing the issue is needed. The
issue affects  this code




Re: BUG: CC_send_query_append incomplete error handling

Hi Nicolae,

Sorry for the late reply.
I would take care of this issue.

Hhiroshi Inoue

2022年1月1日(土) 20:32 Nicolae Vartolomei <nv@cloudflare.com>:

I noticed a bug where psqlodbc doesn't handle an underlying error correctly.

The interaction is roughly as follows:

Initiate a connection, run few queries, run `ss -K dport postgresql` to kill the
psqlodbc connection to postgres, then run another query.

The expected behaviour is for query to fail and to return an error like "08S01".

Instead, the following error is generated:
pgapi30.c[PGAPI_GetDiagRec]43: entering type=3 rec=1
environ.c[ER_ReturnError]202: entering status = 1, msg = #no
connection to the server...
environ.c[ER_ReturnError]259:      szSqlState = 'HY000',len=58,
szError='no connection to the server

This makes it a bit tricky to properly handle the exception on the client.

I'm browsing through this code base for the first time,
and the incomplete error handling seems to be around these lines in connection.c

if (!PQsendQuery(self->pqconn, query_buf.data))
char *errmsg = PQerrorMessage(self->pqconn);
QLOG(0, "\nCommunication Error: %s\n", SAFE_STR(errmsg));
CC_set_error(self, CONNECTION_COMMUNICATION_ERROR, errmsg, func);
goto cleanup;

I think this need a call to `CC_on_abort(self, CONN_DEAD);` in order
to clean up the connection so that future calls would get trapped by
`SC_connection_lost_check` call
which also propagates the correct error to `SQLGetDiagRec` with a
statement handle.

Latest tested version is from this package

Let me know if a test case for reproducing the issue is needed. The
issue affects  this code

