Обсуждение: Using make_timestamp() to create a BC value


Using make_timestamp() to create a BC value

Bryn Llewellyn
Everything that I say here applies to "make_timestamptz()", too. But my code examples need less typing when I use plain "make_timestamp()".

It would seem to me that ordinary principles of good software design let one expect that the rule that this procedure tests ought to hold:

create procedure assert_make_ts_from_extracted_fields_from_ts_ok(ts in timestamp)
  language plpgsql
as $body$
  year   constant int              not null := extract(year  from ts);
  month  constant int              not null := extract(month from ts);
  mday   constant int              not null := extract(day   from ts);
  hour   constant int              not null := extract(hour  from ts);
  min    constant int              not null := extract(min   from ts);
  sec    constant double precision not null := extract(sec   from ts);
  raise info 'year: %', year;

extracted_fields constant timestamp not null :=
      make_timestamp(year, month, mday, hour, min, sec);
    assert (ts_from_
extracted_fields = ts), 'assert failed';

Indeed, it does hold—for AD timestamps:

call assert_make_ts_from_extracted_fields_from_ts_ok('0001-01-01 00:00:00 AD');
call assert_make_ts_from_extracted_fields_from_ts_ok(localtimestamp);

The assertion holds for each invocation. And the expected "year" values, "1" and "2021", are reported.

But this invocation makes the assertion fail:

call assert_make_ts_from_extracted_fields_from_ts_ok('0001-01-01 00:00:00 BC');

The 22008 error is reported thus:

date field value out of range: -1-01-01

(And sure enough, "raise info 'year: %', year" reports "-1".)

The doc for "make_timestamp()" here:

is totally silent about the limitation that a positive year argument must be used.

This means that I need to implement my own baroque version thus:

create function my_make_timestamp(
  year int, month int, mday int, hour int, min int, sec double precision)
  returns timestamp
  language plpgsql
as $body$
  bc  constant boolean   not null := year < 0 ;
  t   constant timestamp not null := make_timestamp(abs(year), month, mday, hour, min, sec);
  return case bc
           when true then (t::text||' BC')::timestamp
           else           t

If I replace "make_timestamp()" in "assert_make_ts_from_extracted_fields_from_ts_ok()" with "my_make_timestamp()"  then (of course) I get (what I regard as) the proper behavior.

Why must I do this? Am I missing something?

Re: Using make_timestamp() to create a BC value

Adrian Klaver
On 10/6/21 2:59 PM, Bryn Llewellyn wrote:
> Everything that I say here applies to "make_timestamptz()", too. But my 
> code examples need less typing when I use plain "make_timestamp()".

> (And sure enough, "raise info 'year: %', year" reports "-1".)
> The doc for "make_timestamp()" here:
>     www.postgresql.org/docs/14/functions-datetime.html
>     <http://www.postgresql.org/docs/14/functions-datetime.html>

What version of Postgres are you using?

Postgres 13:

select extract(year from '0001-01-01 00:00:00 BC'::timestamp);

select make_timestamp(-1,1,1,2,30,0);
ERROR:  date field value out of range: -1-01-01

Postgres 14:

select extract(year from '0001-01-01 00:00:00 BC'::timestamp);

select make_timestamp(-1,1,1,2,30,0);
  0001-01-01 02:30:00 BC

Postgres release notes


Allow make_timestamp()/make_timestamptz() to accept negative years 
(Peter Eisentraut)

Negative values are interpreted as BC years.

Adrian Klaver

Re: Using make_timestamp() to create a BC value

Tom Lane
Bryn Llewellyn <bryn@yugabyte.com> writes:
> But this invocation makes the assertion fail:
> call assert_make_ts_from_extracted_fields_from_ts_ok('0001-01-01 00:00:00 BC');
> The 22008 error is reported thus:
> date field value out of range: -1-01-01

As of v14, make_timestamp[tz] will accept negative year values as
meaning BC.  Before that, they threw errors.

            regards, tom lane

Re: Using make_timestamp() to create a BC value

Bryn Llewellyn
tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us wrote:

Bryn wrote:

But this invocation makes the assertion fail:
call assert_make_ts_from_extracted_fields_from_ts_ok('0001-01-01 00:00:00 BC');
The 22008 error is reported thus:
date field value out of range: -1-01-01

As of v14, make_timestamp[tz] will accept negative year values as meaning BC. Before that, they threw errors.

Ah… that's excellent news. Thanks for the lightening fast response, Tom. Thanks, too, to Adrian who passed on similar news, and this link:

I did my test using PostgreSQL 13.4. Forgive me for not mentioning this.