Обсуждение: Enabling connection pooling by default


Enabling connection pooling by default

Vadim Presniak - Consultant



We had been investigating why our application works dramatically slower with Postgre SQL DB than MS SQL Server and found that the main reason was related to the fact that CPTimeout option is not set for psqlOdbc driver, however this option is set by default to 60 for Microsoft ODBC drivers. We’ve done simple patch with changes for psqlOdbc driver installer to enable this option during driver installation. (0001-CPTimeout-option-set-to-60-for-odbc-driver-by-defaul.patch)  Is it possible to push this change in master branch?


This topic was discussed in 2008 (https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/F613CCFA0B7146A38D24394E8F29C66C%40andrusnotebook), but I could not find final decision for this topic.



Vadim Presniak


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Re: Enabling connection pooling by default

Hi Vadim,

I would take care of this patch.

Hiroshi Inoue

2021年8月20日(金) 20:14 Vadim Presniak - Consultant <Vadim.Presniak@bentley.com>:



We had been investigating why our application works dramatically slower with Postgre SQL DB than MS SQL Server and found that the main reason was related to the fact that CPTimeout option is not set for psqlOdbc driver, however this option is set by default to 60 for Microsoft ODBC drivers. We’ve done simple patch with changes for psqlOdbc driver installer to enable this option during driver installation. (0001-CPTimeout-option-set-to-60-for-odbc-driver-by-defaul.patch)  Is it possible to push this change in master branch?


This topic was discussed in 2008 (https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/F613CCFA0B7146A38D24394E8F29C66C%40andrusnotebook), but I could not find final decision for this topic.



Vadim Presniak


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