Обсуждение: Resetting the pgadin4 web usto run,er credentials


Resetting the pgadin4 web usto run,er credentials

Kevin Struckhoff
After getting pgadmin4 installed and configured, I've found out that the user credentials I specified during the setup don't work very well. I've added the user to the postgres db using the adduser command. I updated the pg_hba.conf file with an entry just for the user but I get this error when trying to connect for the 1st time:

FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host " my.dbserver.ip.addr", user "p@p.com", database "postgres", SSL off

psql postgres
postgres-# adduser p@p.com

pg_hba.conf entries (actual ip number hidden):

host    all             all             my.dbserver.ip.addr/32 trust   
host    all             p@p.com         my.dbserver.ip.addr /32 trust    # for pgadmin4 web

So I would have thought the 1st entry would cover all users. I can't create a linux user because the user name is invalid:

useradd: invalid user name 'p@p.com'

So to make it work, I'd just like to set the username/password to the postgres user. Where can I do that? I don't see a .py or .conf file other than pg_hba.conf where the user is defined.

Thanks. Kevin

Re: Resetting the pgadmin4 web user credentials

Kevin Struckhoff
Sorry re-posting with a corrected subject.

Thanks. Kevin

On Tuesday, July 27, 2021, 3:20:39 PM PDT, Kevin Struckhoff <kevinstruckhoff@yahoo.com> wrote:

After getting pgadmin4 installed and configured, I've found out that the user credentials I specified during the setup don't work very well. I've added the user to the postgres db using the adduser command. I updated the pg_hba.conf file with an entry just for the user but I get this error when trying to connect for the 1st time:

FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host " my.dbserver.ip.addr", user "p@p.com", database "postgres", SSL off

psql postgres
postgres-# adduser p@p.com

pg_hba.conf entries (actual ip number hidden):

host    all             all             my.dbserver.ip.addr/32 trust   
host    all             p@p.com         my.dbserver.ip.addr /32 trust    # for pgadmin4 web

So I would have thought the 1st entry would cover all users. I can't create a linux user because the user name is invalid:

useradd: invalid user name 'p@p.com'

So to make it work, I'd just like to set the username/password to the postgres user. Where can I do that? I don't see a .py or .conf file other than pg_hba.conf where the user is defined.

Thanks. Kevin

Re: Resetting the pgadmin4 web user credentials

richard coleman
I don't think that the pgAdmin user and the database user are necessarily the same thing (though I could be wrong) [see: https://www.pgadmin.org/docs/pgadmin4/5.4/user_management.html ].  The pg_hba.conf file defines what users/machines/methods are allowed to connect to a postgresql server.  So for the first line in your example:

host    all             all             my.dbserver.ip.addr/32 trust  

this would mean; host  == connections made over TCP/IP, the first all == which databases, the second all == which users, the my.dbserver.ip.addr/32 == means only allow connections originating from that exact ip address, and trust == allow connections without a password or any other form of authentication [see: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/13/auth-pg-hba-conf.html ].  I am guessing that you have gotten the pgAdmin users confused with the postgresql database users.  

I would imagine that the pgAdmin server would need an entry in the pg_hba.conf file for whatever machine pgAdmin is running on and I would be amazed if it was using trust (or no authentication) to connect with.  I use pgAdmin exclusively in desktop mode, so hopefully someone else who's more familiar with server mode will chime in.

I hope that helps, 


On Tue, Jul 27, 2021 at 6:28 PM Kevin Struckhoff <kevinstruckhoff@yahoo.com> wrote:
Sorry re-posting with a corrected subject.

Thanks. Kevin

On Tuesday, July 27, 2021, 3:20:39 PM PDT, Kevin Struckhoff <kevinstruckhoff@yahoo.com> wrote:

After getting pgadmin4 installed and configured, I've found out that the user credentials I specified during the setup don't work very well. I've added the user to the postgres db using the adduser command. I updated the pg_hba.conf file with an entry just for the user but I get this error when trying to connect for the 1st time:

FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host " my.dbserver.ip.addr", user "p@p.com", database "postgres", SSL off

psql postgres
postgres-# adduser p@p.com

pg_hba.conf entries (actual ip number hidden):

host    all             all             my.dbserver.ip.addr/32 trust   
host    all             p@p.com         my.dbserver.ip.addr /32 trust    # for pgadmin4 web

So I would have thought the 1st entry would cover all users. I can't create a linux user because the user name is invalid:

useradd: invalid user name 'p@p.com'

So to make it work, I'd just like to set the username/password to the postgres user. Where can I do that? I don't see a .py or .conf file other than pg_hba.conf where the user is defined.

Thanks. Kevin

Re: Resetting the pgadmin4 web user credentials

Kevin Struckhoff
Ok some additional background. I'm attempting to run pgadmin4 web from a CentOS VM hosted on my win 10 laptop. That VM also runs postgres13, so both app on 1 server. I have pgadmin4 desktop also running on my laptop just fine and I use the user postgres to login. The 1st pg_hba.conf makes that happen. So it should work for ALL users on ALL db's on that same IP address. Why doesn't it then? 

I tried to add a user in the web console, but it won't allow me to set a username, just an email address, password and whether I want an admin or user. Why is the web version requiring an email address? I couldn't care less about an email address, I just want to login the same way I do the desktop. There's no reason the web user shouldn't be the same as the desktop user, at least that's what my inner-Spock tells me. I'm only confused by the lack of similarity in the login process. Very frustrating.

Thanks. Kevin

On Tuesday, July 27, 2021, 4:04:01 PM PDT, richard coleman <rcoleman.ascentgl@gmail.com> wrote:

I don't think that the pgAdmin user and the database user are necessarily the same thing (though I could be wrong) [see: https://www.pgadmin.org/docs/pgadmin4/5.4/user_management.html ].  The pg_hba.conf file defines what users/machines/methods are allowed to connect to a postgresql server.  So for the first line in your example:

host    all             all             my.dbserver.ip.addr/32 trust  

this would mean; host  == connections made over TCP/IP, the first all == which databases, the second all == which users, the my.dbserver.ip.addr/32 == means only allow connections originating from that exact ip address, and trust == allow connections without a password or any other form of authentication [see: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/13/auth-pg-hba-conf.html ].  I am guessing that you have gotten the pgAdmin users confused with the postgresql database users.  

I would imagine that the pgAdmin server would need an entry in the pg_hba.conf file for whatever machine pgAdmin is running on and I would be amazed if it was using trust (or no authentication) to connect with.  I use pgAdmin exclusively in desktop mode, so hopefully someone else who's more familiar with server mode will chime in.

I hope that helps, 


On Tue, Jul 27, 2021 at 6:28 PM Kevin Struckhoff <kevinstruckhoff@yahoo.com> wrote:
Sorry re-posting with a corrected subject.

Thanks. Kevin

On Tuesday, July 27, 2021, 3:20:39 PM PDT, Kevin Struckhoff <kevinstruckhoff@yahoo.com> wrote:

After getting pgadmin4 installed and configured, I've found out that the user credentials I specified during the setup don't work very well. I've added the user to the postgres db using the adduser command. I updated the pg_hba.conf file with an entry just for the user but I get this error when trying to connect for the 1st time:

FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host " my.dbserver.ip.addr", user "p@p.com", database "postgres", SSL off

psql postgres
postgres-# adduser p@p.com

pg_hba.conf entries (actual ip number hidden):

host    all             all             my.dbserver.ip.addr/32 trust   
host    all             p@p.com         my.dbserver.ip.addr /32 trust    # for pgadmin4 web

So I would have thought the 1st entry would cover all users. I can't create a linux user because the user name is invalid:

useradd: invalid user name 'p@p.com'

So to make it work, I'd just like to set the username/password to the postgres user. Where can I do that? I don't see a .py or .conf file other than pg_hba.conf where the user is defined.

Thanks. Kevin

Fw: Resetting the pgadmin4 web user credentials

Kevin Struckhoff
Ok, so apparently I need to configure LDAP to use a username-based login. Seems like overkill.

Thanks. Kevin

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Kevin Struckhoff <kevinstruckhoff@yahoo.com>
To: richard coleman <rcoleman.ascentgl@gmail.com>
Cc: pgadmin-support@lists.postgresql.org <pgadmin-support@lists.postgresql.org>
Sent: Tuesday, July 27, 2021, 4:35:27 PM PDT
Subject: Re: Resetting the pgadmin4 web user credentials

Ok some additional background. I'm attempting to run pgadmin4 web from a CentOS VM hosted on my win 10 laptop. That VM also runs postgres13, so both app on 1 server. I have pgadmin4 desktop also running on my laptop just fine and I use the user postgres to login. The 1st pg_hba.conf makes that happen. So it should work for ALL users on ALL db's on that same IP address. Why doesn't it then? 

I tried to add a user in the web console, but it won't allow me to set a username, just an email address, password and whether I want an admin or user. Why is the web version requiring an email address? I couldn't care less about an email address, I just want to login the same way I do the desktop. There's no reason the web user shouldn't be the same as the desktop user, at least that's what my inner-Spock tells me. I'm only confused by the lack of similarity in the login process. Very frustrating.

Thanks. Kevin

On Tuesday, July 27, 2021, 4:04:01 PM PDT, richard coleman <rcoleman.ascentgl@gmail.com> wrote:

I don't think that the pgAdmin user and the database user are necessarily the same thing (though I could be wrong) [see: https://www.pgadmin.org/docs/pgadmin4/5.4/user_management.html ].  The pg_hba.conf file defines what users/machines/methods are allowed to connect to a postgresql server.  So for the first line in your example:

host    all             all             my.dbserver.ip.addr/32 trust  

this would mean; host  == connections made over TCP/IP, the first all == which databases, the second all == which users, the my.dbserver.ip.addr/32 == means only allow connections originating from that exact ip address, and trust == allow connections without a password or any other form of authentication [see: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/13/auth-pg-hba-conf.html ].  I am guessing that you have gotten the pgAdmin users confused with the postgresql database users.  

I would imagine that the pgAdmin server would need an entry in the pg_hba.conf file for whatever machine pgAdmin is running on and I would be amazed if it was using trust (or no authentication) to connect with.  I use pgAdmin exclusively in desktop mode, so hopefully someone else who's more familiar with server mode will chime in.

I hope that helps, 


On Tue, Jul 27, 2021 at 6:28 PM Kevin Struckhoff <kevinstruckhoff@yahoo.com> wrote:
Sorry re-posting with a corrected subject.

Thanks. Kevin

On Tuesday, July 27, 2021, 3:20:39 PM PDT, Kevin Struckhoff <kevinstruckhoff@yahoo.com> wrote:

After getting pgadmin4 installed and configured, I've found out that the user credentials I specified during the setup don't work very well. I've added the user to the postgres db using the adduser command. I updated the pg_hba.conf file with an entry just for the user but I get this error when trying to connect for the 1st time:

FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host " my.dbserver.ip.addr", user "p@p.com", database "postgres", SSL off

psql postgres
postgres-# adduser p@p.com

pg_hba.conf entries (actual ip number hidden):

host    all             all             my.dbserver.ip.addr/32 trust   
host    all             p@p.com         my.dbserver.ip.addr /32 trust    # for pgadmin4 web

So I would have thought the 1st entry would cover all users. I can't create a linux user because the user name is invalid:

useradd: invalid user name 'p@p.com'

So to make it work, I'd just like to set the username/password to the postgres user. Where can I do that? I don't see a .py or .conf file other than pg_hba.conf where the user is defined.

Thanks. Kevin

Re: Resetting the pgadmin4 web user credentials

Aditya Toshniwal
Hi Kevin,

On Wed, Jul 28, 2021 at 5:05 AM Kevin Struckhoff <kevinstruckhoff@yahoo.com> wrote:
Ok some additional background. I'm attempting to run pgadmin4 web from a CentOS VM hosted on my win 10 laptop. That VM also runs postgres13, so both app on 1 server. I have pgadmin4 desktop also running on my laptop just fine and I use the user postgres to login. The 1st pg_hba.conf makes that happen. So it should work for ALL users on ALL db's on that same IP address. Why doesn't it then? 

I tried to add a user in the web console, but it won't allow me to set a username, just an email address, password and whether I want an admin or user. Why is the web version requiring an email address? I couldn't care less about an email address, I just want to login the same way I do the desktop. There's no reason the web user shouldn't be the same as the desktop user, at least that's what my inner-Spock tells me. I'm only confused by the lack of similarity in the login process. Very frustrating.
pgAdmin users are altogether different from postgres users. postgres credentials are used to connect the servers. The purpose of email id is to reset password in case a user forgets. While installing pgAdmin in server mode, admin user creation credentials are asked from the user. You can use them to login to pgAdmin. For more details, please refer - https://www.pgadmin.org/docs/pgadmin4/5.5/server_deployment.html

Thanks. Kevin

On Tuesday, July 27, 2021, 4:04:01 PM PDT, richard coleman <rcoleman.ascentgl@gmail.com> wrote:

I don't think that the pgAdmin user and the database user are necessarily the same thing (though I could be wrong) [see: https://www.pgadmin.org/docs/pgadmin4/5.4/user_management.html ].  The pg_hba.conf file defines what users/machines/methods are allowed to connect to a postgresql server.  So for the first line in your example:

host    all             all             my.dbserver.ip.addr/32 trust  

this would mean; host  == connections made over TCP/IP, the first all == which databases, the second all == which users, the my.dbserver.ip.addr/32 == means only allow connections originating from that exact ip address, and trust == allow connections without a password or any other form of authentication [see: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/13/auth-pg-hba-conf.html ].  I am guessing that you have gotten the pgAdmin users confused with the postgresql database users.  

I would imagine that the pgAdmin server would need an entry in the pg_hba.conf file for whatever machine pgAdmin is running on and I would be amazed if it was using trust (or no authentication) to connect with.  I use pgAdmin exclusively in desktop mode, so hopefully someone else who's more familiar with server mode will chime in.

I hope that helps, 


On Tue, Jul 27, 2021 at 6:28 PM Kevin Struckhoff <kevinstruckhoff@yahoo.com> wrote:
Sorry re-posting with a corrected subject.

Thanks. Kevin

On Tuesday, July 27, 2021, 3:20:39 PM PDT, Kevin Struckhoff <kevinstruckhoff@yahoo.com> wrote:

After getting pgadmin4 installed and configured, I've found out that the user credentials I specified during the setup don't work very well. I've added the user to the postgres db using the adduser command. I updated the pg_hba.conf file with an entry just for the user but I get this error when trying to connect for the 1st time:

FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host " my.dbserver.ip.addr", user "p@p.com", database "postgres", SSL off

psql postgres
postgres-# adduser p@p.com

pg_hba.conf entries (actual ip number hidden):

host    all             all             my.dbserver.ip.addr/32 trust   
host    all             p@p.com         my.dbserver.ip.addr /32 trust    # for pgadmin4 web

So I would have thought the 1st entry would cover all users. I can't create a linux user because the user name is invalid:

useradd: invalid user name 'p@p.com'

So to make it work, I'd just like to set the username/password to the postgres user. Where can I do that? I don't see a .py or .conf file other than pg_hba.conf where the user is defined.

Thanks. Kevin

Aditya Toshniwal
pgAdmin hacker | Sr. Software Engineer | edbpostgres.com
"Don't Complain about Heat, Plant a TREE"

Re: Resetting the pgadmin4 web user credentials

Kevin Struckhoff
Not in my environment, I'm the only user. The DBA role is handled by the user postgres by default. I'll just use the desktop version, since it's working fine and I've been using it since v3.

Thanks. Kevin

On Tuesday, July 27, 2021, 10:42:02 PM PDT, Aditya Toshniwal <aditya.toshniwal@enterprisedb.com> wrote:

Hi Kevin,

On Wed, Jul 28, 2021 at 5:05 AM Kevin Struckhoff <kevinstruckhoff@yahoo.com> wrote:
Ok some additional background. I'm attempting to run pgadmin4 web from a CentOS VM hosted on my win 10 laptop. That VM also runs postgres13, so both app on 1 server. I have pgadmin4 desktop also running on my laptop just fine and I use the user postgres to login. The 1st pg_hba.conf makes that happen. So it should work for ALL users on ALL db's on that same IP address. Why doesn't it then? 

I tried to add a user in the web console, but it won't allow me to set a username, just an email address, password and whether I want an admin or user. Why is the web version requiring an email address? I couldn't care less about an email address, I just want to login the same way I do the desktop. There's no reason the web user shouldn't be the same as the desktop user, at least that's what my inner-Spock tells me. I'm only confused by the lack of similarity in the login process. Very frustrating.
pgAdmin users are altogether different from postgres users. postgres credentials are used to connect the servers. The purpose of email id is to reset password in case a user forgets. While installing pgAdmin in server mode, admin user creation credentials are asked from the user. You can use them to login to pgAdmin. For more details, please refer - https://www.pgadmin.org/docs/pgadmin4/5.5/server_deployment.html

Thanks. Kevin

On Tuesday, July 27, 2021, 4:04:01 PM PDT, richard coleman <rcoleman.ascentgl@gmail.com> wrote:

I don't think that the pgAdmin user and the database user are necessarily the same thing (though I could be wrong) [see: https://www.pgadmin.org/docs/pgadmin4/5.4/user_management.html ].  The pg_hba.conf file defines what users/machines/methods are allowed to connect to a postgresql server.  So for the first line in your example:

host    all             all             my.dbserver.ip.addr/32 trust  

this would mean; host  == connections made over TCP/IP, the first all == which databases, the second all == which users, the my.dbserver.ip.addr/32 == means only allow connections originating from that exact ip address, and trust == allow connections without a password or any other form of authentication [see: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/13/auth-pg-hba-conf.html ].  I am guessing that you have gotten the pgAdmin users confused with the postgresql database users.  

I would imagine that the pgAdmin server would need an entry in the pg_hba.conf file for whatever machine pgAdmin is running on and I would be amazed if it was using trust (or no authentication) to connect with.  I use pgAdmin exclusively in desktop mode, so hopefully someone else who's more familiar with server mode will chime in.

I hope that helps, 


On Tue, Jul 27, 2021 at 6:28 PM Kevin Struckhoff <kevinstruckhoff@yahoo.com> wrote:
Sorry re-posting with a corrected subject.

Thanks. Kevin

On Tuesday, July 27, 2021, 3:20:39 PM PDT, Kevin Struckhoff <kevinstruckhoff@yahoo.com> wrote:

After getting pgadmin4 installed and configured, I've found out that the user credentials I specified during the setup don't work very well. I've added the user to the postgres db using the adduser command. I updated the pg_hba.conf file with an entry just for the user but I get this error when trying to connect for the 1st time:

FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host " my.dbserver.ip.addr", user "p@p.com", database "postgres", SSL off

psql postgres
postgres-# adduser p@p.com

pg_hba.conf entries (actual ip number hidden):

host    all             all             my.dbserver.ip.addr/32 trust   
host    all             p@p.com         my.dbserver.ip.addr /32 trust    # for pgadmin4 web

So I would have thought the 1st entry would cover all users. I can't create a linux user because the user name is invalid:

useradd: invalid user name 'p@p.com'

So to make it work, I'd just like to set the username/password to the postgres user. Where can I do that? I don't see a .py or .conf file other than pg_hba.conf where the user is defined.

Thanks. Kevin

Aditya Toshniwal
pgAdmin hacker | Sr. Software Engineer | edbpostgres.com
"Don't Complain about Heat, Plant a TREE"