Обсуждение: Rows removed on child table when updating parent partitioned table.


Rows removed on child table when updating parent partitioned table.

Eduard Català
Hi developers,
We have a strange case where some rows are removed. I think it is a bug, but before notifying it I prefer to ask here where I am wrong.

Postgres 12
Given the following structure:

create table parent ( id serial, constraint parent_pkey primary key (id)) partition by range (id);
create table parent_10 partition of parent for values from (0) to (10);
create table parent_20 partition of parent for values from (11) to (20);

create table child (
 id serial,
 parent_id int constraint parent_id_fk references parent(id) on update cascade on delete cascade);

-- Notice the on update cascade on delete cascade.

insert into parent values(0);
insert into child values(1,0);

-- Here are the rows

postgres=# table parent;
(1 row)

postgres=# table child;
 id | parent_id
  1 |         0
(1 row)

-- Update the parent table id, with a value contained in the same partition
update parent set id = 5;

postgres=# table parent;
(1 row)

postgres=# table child;
 id | parent_id
  1 |         5
(1 row)

-- Update the parent table, with a value contained into other partition
update parent set id = 15;

postgres=# update parent set id = 15;
postgres=# table parent;
(1 row)

postgres=# table child;
 id | parent_id
(0 rows)

No error or warning was thrown. The rows in the child table were removed.
I think what has happened is: The update caused a DELETE in the table parent_10 (removing the rows from child table) and then the INSERT into parent_20. 

We've checked the documentation but didn't find something about this unexpected behaviour.

Trying without "on delete cascade" clause throws a "parent key not found error".

Thank you!

Re: Rows removed on child table when updating parent partitioned table.

Jonathan Strong
I've been away from coding for several years, but dusting off my chops and getting back up to speed with PostgreSQL (love it!). So please forgive me if my early answers here come off as naive. But my understanding of this suggests that you shouldn't be using "update" on a serial field. I'm guessing that under the covers things are getting confused because your update doesn't also address the sequence that's implicitly created when you define a field as "serial". If you use "update" I'm guessing that nextval in the corresponding sequence is *not* updated accordingly.

Have you tried this with setval() or nextval() rather than update? You can compare the difference between these and "update" by checking currval() after each. Again - I apologize for incomplete knowledge here, but I'm speculating that use of "update" on an auto-incrementing serial field is outside intended / supported behavior, and it may well just be that it winds up being handled differently under the covers when the data table and/or associated sequence are partitioned.

- Jon


Jonathan Strong

CIO / CTO / Consultant

P: 609-532-1715 E: jonathanrstrong@gmail.com

Quora Top Writer

On Thu, Oct 1, 2020 at 1:00 PM Eduard Català <eduard.catala@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi developers,
We have a strange case where some rows are removed. I think it is a bug, but before notifying it I prefer to ask here where I am wrong.

Postgres 12
Given the following structure:

create table parent ( id serial, constraint parent_pkey primary key (id)) partition by range (id);
create table parent_10 partition of parent for values from (0) to (10);
create table parent_20 partition of parent for values from (11) to (20);

create table child (
 id serial,
 parent_id int constraint parent_id_fk references parent(id) on update cascade on delete cascade);

-- Notice the on update cascade on delete cascade.

insert into parent values(0);
insert into child values(1,0);

-- Here are the rows

postgres=# table parent;
(1 row)

postgres=# table child;
 id | parent_id
  1 |         0
(1 row)

-- Update the parent table id, with a value contained in the same partition
update parent set id = 5;

postgres=# table parent;
(1 row)

postgres=# table child;
 id | parent_id
  1 |         5
(1 row)

-- Update the parent table, with a value contained into other partition
update parent set id = 15;

postgres=# update parent set id = 15;
postgres=# table parent;
(1 row)

postgres=# table child;
 id | parent_id
(0 rows)

No error or warning was thrown. The rows in the child table were removed.
I think what has happened is: The update caused a DELETE in the table parent_10 (removing the rows from child table) and then the INSERT into parent_20. 

We've checked the documentation but didn't find something about this unexpected behaviour.

Trying without "on delete cascade" clause throws a "parent key not found error".

Thank you!

Re: Rows removed on child table when updating parent partitioned table.

"David G. Johnston"
The convention on these lists is to inline or bottom-post, please do not top-post.

On Thu, Oct 1, 2020 at 10:41 AM Jonathan Strong <jonathanrstrong@gmail.com> wrote:
I've been away from coding for several years, but dusting off my chops and getting back up to speed with PostgreSQL (love it!). So please forgive me if my early answers here come off as naive. But my understanding of this suggests that you shouldn't be using "update" on a serial field.

Yes Jonathan, your present understanding is flawed.  The OP has provided a self-contained simple test case for the problem at hand - which even if not "best practice" is indeed valid to do and demonstrates the problem quite clearly.  Without actually testing it out I would say that this is likely indeed an oversight in the partition row movement feature - it didn't take into account the ON UPDATE/ON DELETE clause.

Adding Robert Hass who committed the row movement feature [1].

We document on the UPDATE reference page that such an update is performed as a DELETE + INSERT.  Given that implementation detail, the observed behavior is what one would expect if no special consideration has been given to make row movement between partitions preserve (via deferred evaluation), or recreate the foreign key relationship.

For now I would say you should consider the two features incompatible; and we need to update the documentation to reflect that reality more directly, barring a solution being proposed, and hopefully back-patched, instead.  I concur with the observation that one would expect these two features to interact better with each other and think it could possibly be done as a bug fix for the POLA violation.

David J.

Re: Rows removed on child table when updating parent partitioned table.

Jonathan Strong

On Thu, Oct 1, 2020 at 2:02 PM David G. Johnston <david.g.johnston@gmail.com> wrote:
The convention on these lists is to inline or bottom-post, please do not top-post.

On Thu, Oct 1, 2020 at 10:41 AM Jonathan Strong <jonathanrstrong@gmail.com> wrote:
I've been away from coding for several years, but dusting off my chops and getting back up to speed with PostgreSQL (love it!). So please forgive me if my early answers here come off as naive. But my understanding of this suggests that you shouldn't be using "update" on a serial field.

Yes Jonathan, your present understanding is flawed.  The OP has provided a self-contained simple test case for the problem at hand - which even if not "best practice" is indeed valid to do and demonstrates the problem quite clearly.  Without actually testing it out I would say that this is likely indeed an oversight in the partition row movement feature - it didn't take into account the ON UPDATE/ON DELETE clause.

 Understood - thx. I'll watch and learn for a while. Thanks as well for the list etiquette advice. I'll endeavor to follow convention.

- Jon

Re: Rows removed on child table when updating parent partitioned table.

Eduard Català
On Thu, Oct 1, 2020 at 8:02 PM David G. Johnston <david.g.johnston@gmail.com> wrote:
The convention on these lists is to inline or bottom-post, please do not top-post.

On Thu, Oct 1, 2020 at 10:41 AM Jonathan Strong <jonathanrstrong@gmail.com> wrote:
I've been away from coding for several years, but dusting off my chops and getting back up to speed with PostgreSQL (love it!). So please forgive me if my early answers here come off as naive. But my understanding of this suggests that you shouldn't be using "update" on a serial field.

Yes Jonathan, your present understanding is flawed.  The OP has provided a self-contained simple test case for the problem at hand - which even if not "best practice" is indeed valid to do and demonstrates the problem quite clearly.  Without actually testing it out I would say that this is likely indeed an oversight in the partition row movement feature - it didn't take into account the ON UPDATE/ON DELETE clause.

Adding Robert Hass who committed the row movement feature [1].

We document on the UPDATE reference page that such an update is performed as a DELETE + INSERT.  Given that implementation detail, the observed behavior is what one would expect if no special consideration has been given to make row movement between partitions preserve (via deferred evaluation), or recreate the foreign key relationship.

For now I would say you should consider the two features incompatible; and we need to update the documentation to reflect that reality more directly, barring a solution being proposed, and hopefully back-patched, instead.  I concur with the observation that one would expect these two features to interact better with each other and think it could possibly be done as a bug fix for the POLA violation.

David J.

Regardless of how postgres implement the updates:

Don’t think it’s a bug that executing an update, you are ending up with fewer rows than you initially had? 
Is the perfect silent row-killer
Even worse, the deleted rows are from another table without realizing it.

If no one else gives an opinion I will open a bug for at least, force an update of the documentation.

Re: Rows removed on child table when updating parent partitioned table.

"David G. Johnston"
On Fri, Oct 2, 2020 at 9:11 AM Eduard Català <eduard.catala@gmail.com> wrote:
If no one else gives an opinion I will open a bug for at least, force an update of the documentation.

It's been seen and begun to be discussed over on -hackers [1].

David J.