Обсуждение: mysql-fdw fail


mysql-fdw fail

Emmanuel OÑA

i'm facing an issue with PG11 using the mysql_fdw with a remote Mariadb
Column Store database (10.2.10-MariaDB-log Columnstore 1.1.2-1)
Requesting a simple select on a foreign table the error message is

postgres=# select * from mysql_foreign_table1 limit 5;
ERROR:  failed to execute the MySQL query:
Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now

the select is still requesting on the MariaCS server until the PG
session is closed

i'm in trouble to see that this select runs well with this environment:
PG11/debian Stretch

but not with:
PG11/debian Buster
PG12/debian Buster

A Mysql client on the PG server requests with no issues in all cases

Thanks a lot


Re: mysql-fdw fail

Etsuro Fujita
On Thu, Sep 24, 2020 at 12:49 AM Emmanuel OÑA
<emmanuel.ona@seetickets.fr> wrote:
> i'm facing an issue with PG11 using the mysql_fdw with a remote Mariadb
> Column Store database (10.2.10-MariaDB-log Columnstore 1.1.2-1)
> Requesting a simple select on a foreign table the error message is
> postgres=# select * from mysql_foreign_table1 limit 5;
> ERROR:  failed to execute the MySQL query:
> Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now

I’m not a mysql_fdw expert, but I think the error would have been
thrown by mysql_fdw, not by the PostgreSQL core.  I recommend you to
report this to the development team of mysql_fdw.

Best regards,
Etsuro Fujita