Обсуждение: PgUS: Diversity Initiatives Questionnaire


PgUS: Diversity Initiatives Questionnaire

Sarah Conway Schnurr

The PgUS Diversity Committee has created a questionnaire to gather ideas 
for PgUS to improve its diversity efforts by expanding our outreach to under-
represented populations, and by taking steps to make our community
more welcoming to everyone who wants to be involved. The foundations we 
create and the resources collected for our committee we hope to make accessible 
to diversity committees in all open source organizations - and ideally, 
diversity initiatives anywhere operating in any field. 

The survey can be completed in less than 10 minutes, and is available
online at: https://bit.ly/31gnIPB

It is important to note that not all questions are required to be answered!
Please only fill out the questions that you feel called to respond to in some 

We are hoping for a wide range of respondents to gather ideas, so feel
free to share this link with coworkers and with people in other
technical / professional communities. 

A message that seems to be common at this time is: it's a time for listening,
not for sharing. While that is true, the point of collecting responses for this 
questionnaire is to be aware of ALL perspectives and viewpoints; it will take 
many ideas to create the foundation for our Diversity committee, and others, 
and it all starts with you. It IS time for sharing... time for us on the committee, 
to listen :-)

We appreciate your time in helping to make PgUS a more diverse, more
interesting, and more creative community!