Обсуждение: Is The Server Running on Host Error


Is The Server Running on Host Error




I am getting the following error message:


Is the server running on host (--.--.--.--) and accepting TCP/IP connections on port 5432?


I downloaded the newest PostGreSQL Unicode x64 ODBC driver for Windows. Then I setup the ODBC connection by searching for ODBC and right-clicking on ODBC Data Sources (64bit) run as administrator.

Next  I clicked on the add button and put in the information for the connection. However, when I click on test I get the error message. The actual PostGreSQL database is on a different server than the server I am using for the ODBC connection. 


The steps I have taken thus far to troubleshoot the issue is:

  • I first installed PortQryV2 to check whether the port 5432 is blocked.  PortQry returned TCP port 5432 (unknown service): LISTENING.  Which means the port is not blocked and is listening.
  • I updated the pg_hba.conf file for IPV4
    host    all             all                   md5

host    all             all               trust

  • For IPV6 I added
    host    all             all               ::0/0                        md5
  • Next I installed pgAdmin4 on the same server I am using for the ODBC connection.  I am able to connect to the database using the same information in pgAdmin4 as I am using for the ODBC connection.
  • I looked at the postgresql.conf and the variable listen_addresses = '*' was already set. So I didn’t change it.
  • I did read when you update the config files you have to either run the following sql SELECT pg_reload_conf() or pg_ctl reload -D "C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\12\bin"
  • I did try to use the PostGreSQL Ansi x64 ODBC but got the same error
  • I also used localhost as the server name and got a different error (Fatal: password authentication failed for the user)
  • I noticed there are two versions of PostGreSql installed version 11 and 12.  So I did update the port number in the postgresql.conf file to be 5433 and added an inbound rule to the firewall for that port.
  • I also updated the registry key to point to the directory where the new driver resides


I believe the issue might be that even though I updated the .conf files. I was never able to reload the PostGreSQL server.  So the conf files were never updated.


I got the following error:

pg_ctl: directory "C:/Program Files/PostgreSQL/12/bin" is not a database cluster directory when I ran pg_ctl reload -D "C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\12\bin"


Than I got a permission error when running “SELECT pg_reload_conf()”


Can you tell me how to access any error logs?   What are the next steps I should take to troubleshoot the issue?


I apologize for the long email just trying to provide as much information as I can.






Re: Is The Server Running on Host Error

Clemens Ladisch
WAYNE BAKER - Network wrote:
> pg_ctl reload -D "C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\12\bin"
> pg_ctl: directory "C:/Program Files/PostgreSQL/12/bin" is not a database cluster directory

That bin directory is where the Postgres .exe/.dll files are installed.
The database cluster itself is stored elsewhere (and it must be because you could
have multiple ones).

If you do not remember the directory created by the installer, open the Services window
and look at the -D parameter in the properties of the Postgres service.
