Обсуждение: Use multidimensional array as VALUES clause in insert


Use multidimensional array as VALUES clause in insert

Mike Martin
Is this possible? I have seen examples with array literals as VALUES string, but I cant seen to get it to work with an actual array.

testing code

--This gets me a multidimensional array
with arr AS (
SELECT ARRAY(SELECT ARRAY[fileid::text,tagname,array_to_string(tagvalue,E'\b')]
FROM tagdata_all) -- limit 100)

INSERT INTO  tagdatatest2
SELECT  arr1::text[] FROM arr --doesnt work only populates one column with original array

Re: Use multidimensional array as VALUES clause in insert

Igor Andriychuk
Hi Martin,

May be I don’t understand completely what are you trying to accomplish but based on your example bellow UNNEST function should do a magic for you, this is the example I wrote for your case:

create table if not exists foo(id int, arr text[]);
truncate table foo;
insert into foo values (1, '{"value1", "value2", "value3"}'), (2, '{"value21", "value22", "value23"}');

create table if not exists foo2(id int, val text);
truncate table foo2;

insert into foo2
select id, unnest(arr) from foo; 

Is this what you trying to do?


On Aug 11, 2020, at 3:47 AM, Mike Martin <mike@redtux.plus.com> wrote:

Is this possible? I have seen examples with array literals as VALUES string, but I cant seen to get it to work with an actual array.

testing code

--This gets me a multidimensional array
with arr AS (
SELECT ARRAY(SELECT ARRAY[fileid::text,tagname,array_to_string(tagvalue,E'\b')]
FROM tagdata_all) -- limit 100)

INSERT INTO  tagdatatest2
SELECT  arr1::text[] FROM arr --doesnt work only populates one column with original array