Обсуждение: difference in the versions


difference in the versions

Morgan Hayes

I am using “Postgre SQL” 32-bit odbc and want to use my program on another computer.
My second computer is a 64-bit and when I install the odbc driver I only see “Postgre SQL ANSI” and “Postgre SQL Unicode”. Not the plain “Postgre SQL” that I am using.


The install and setup on the second computer goes fine and connection tests good. The program on the second computer shows error of “ODBC connection to PostgreSQL failed”


Do I need the exact ODBC on both computers? And where do I find the plain “Postgre SQL” ODBC?


Morgan Hayes

CC Enterprises


RE: difference in the versions

Danny Severns

The DSN probably is not setup in both the 32 and 64 odbc admin.  Look at this for how to be sure.




From: Morgan Hayes <morgan@ccenttcs.com>
Sent: Thursday, May 28, 2020 12:34 PM
To: pgsql-odbc@postgresql.org
Subject: difference in the versions


I am using “Postgre SQL” 32-bit odbc and want to use my program on another computer.
My second computer is a 64-bit and when I install the odbc driver I only see “Postgre SQL ANSI” and “Postgre SQL Unicode”. Not the plain “Postgre SQL” that I am using.


The install and setup on the second computer goes fine and connection tests good. The program on the second computer shows error of “ODBC connection to PostgreSQL failed”


Do I need the exact ODBC on both computers? And where do I find the plain “Postgre SQL” ODBC?


Morgan Hayes

CC Enterprises