Обсуждение: repmgr 5.1 Now Available


repmgr 5.1 Now Available

Monica Real Amores
2ndQuadrant is proud to announce the release of repmgr 5.1. [https://www.2ndquadrant.com/en/resources/repmgr/] This major release includes several important enhancements.

repmgr enhances and complements the built-in replication capabilities in PostgreSQL and is the most popular tool for PostgreSQL replication and failover management. Repmgr makes it easy to set up and manage standby servers, check replication status, and perform administrative tasks such as switchover operations. The repmgrd daemon provides automatic failover capability to maximize database uptime, and can easily be integrated with other tools such as PgBouncer for high application availability.

repmgr 5.1 introduces an important compatibility change to the repmgr standby clone: the --recovery-conf-only option has been updated to --replication-conf-only. 

In addition, repmgr 5.1 removes the requirement that the repmgr user is a database superuser, as far as possible. In theory, repmgr can be operated with a standard database user for managing the repmgr database, and a separate replication user for managing replication connections (and replication slots, if these are in use).
Some operations will still require superuser permissions, e.g. for issuing a CHECKPOINT as part of a switchover operation; in this case, a valid superuser should be provided with the -S/--superuser option.

For a detailed list of all changes, please read the complete release notes here: https://repmgr.org/docs/current/release-5.1.0.html

Upgrading to this version is highly recommended for all repmgr users. Upgrade instructions are available here: https://repmgr.org/docs/current/upgrading-repmgr-extension.html#UPGRADING-MAJOR-VERSION

Packages and installation documentation are available via 2ndQuadrant’s public RPM and APT repositories from 2ndQuadrant here: https://repmgr.org/docs/current/installation-packages.html

Source files can be downloaded here: https://repmgr.org/download/repmgr-5.1.tar.gz and installation instructions are available here: https://repmgr.org/docs/current/installation.html 

repmgr is distributed under GPL v3.

For more information, please send an email to info@2ndQuadrant.com

Monica Real Amores
Marketing & Communications
PostgreSQL Support, Services and Training
monica.realamores@2ndquadrant.com  | www.2ndquadrant.com