Обсуждение: Query optimization assistant Joe now supports hypothetical indexes


Query optimization assistant Joe now supports hypothetical indexes

Artyom Kartasov
Joe, a chatops bot that allows troubleshooting optimizing SQL performance using fast thin clones of full-size databases (cloning of 10 TiB takes only a couple of seconds), updated to version 0.6.0 https://postgres.ai/blog/joe-0.6/.

Two new commands were added:
- "hypo" to manage hypothetical indexes. The command allows performing HypoPG functions such as creation, deleting and listing hypothetical indexes, as well as estimating the index size.
In addition, it checks if the hypopg extension exists and automatically runs the command CREATE EXTENSION hypopg; Moreover, if any hypothetical index is present in the query plan, you will see two versions of the plan, with and without HypoPG involved.
- "plan" to get a query plan without execution. The command knows about hypothetical indexes as well.

See the full list of commands: https://postgres.ai/docs/joe-bot/usage

- The blog post about Joe 0.6.0: https://postgres.ai/blog/joe-0.6/
- Git repository and issue tracker: https://gitlab.com/postgres-ai/joe.
- Community Slack (English): https://database-lab-team-slack-invite.herokuapp.com/. After joining, the live demo is available in the #joe-bot-demo channel: https://database-lab-team.slack.com/archives/CTL5BB30R.
- Joe command list: https://postgres.ai/docs/joe-bot/usage
- Extended images with PostgreSQL: https://hub.docker.com/r/postgresai/extended-postgres Includes HypoPG, pg_hint_plan, more.
- Proposals to add more extensions are welcome in the Custom Images repo: https://gitlab.com/postgres-ai/custom-images