Обсуждение: Upgrade mode will prevent the installer .... (pgAgent)


Upgrade mode will prevent the installer .... (pgAgent)

"Boylan, Ross"
I can't interpret this message, or figure out whether I  should select the option or not.
My main problem is that my intuition is that checking "upgrade mode" will perform an upgrade, but the text of the
messageseems to say that checking upgrade mode will  NOT perform an upgrade. 

Since I don't know if images are OK, I'll try to transcribe the message:
"Upgrade mode will prevent the installer from modifying the database cluster by loading pgAgent SQL scripts in
preparationfor upgrading from earlier releases of PostgreSQL using the pg_upgrade tool." 

Context: Running the Windows Installer for v12 with v11 still installed on the machine.  After the main install I
selectedseveral packages, including pgagent, which I also selected for v11. I have a mild preference for treating 12 as
aclean install without migrating anything from 11, since it was just a test database. 

I shut down postgres 11 and its pgagent from the Windows services dialogue, and then changed them to manual start.  My
planis to uninstall them if things go OK with 12.  Both are currently configured to use the same port. 


Re: Upgrade mode will prevent the installer .... (pgAgent)

Kris Deugau
Boylan, Ross wrote:
> I can't interpret this message, or figure out whether I  should select the option or not.
> My main problem is that my intuition is that checking "upgrade mode" will perform an upgrade, but the text of the
messageseems to say that checking upgrade mode will  NOT perform an upgrade.
> Since I don't know if images are OK, I'll try to transcribe the message:
> "Upgrade mode will prevent the installer from modifying the database cluster by loading pgAgent SQL scripts in
preparationfor upgrading from earlier releases of PostgreSQL using the pg_upgrade tool."

It's a fine example of twisty English that's been compacted down for 
length instead of clarity;  it took me a couple of passes to decide this 
is probably what it means:

If you check the box, the installation process of pgAgent will not load 
certain (any?) pgAgent scripts.  These scripts are for pgAgent's own 
internal use, when you upgrade Postgres itself using pg_upgrade.

> Context: Running the Windows Installer for v12 with v11 still installed on the machine.  After the main install I
selectedseveral packages, including pgagent, which I also selected for v11. I have a mild preference for treating 12 as
aclean install without migrating anything from 11, since it was just a test database.

It sounds like you probably want to leave this unchecked, based on "I 
have a mild preference for treating 12 as a clean install without 
migrating anything from 11".
