Обсуждение: Project Loom, Fibers, Oracle stopping work on ADBA


Project Loom, Fibers, Oracle stopping work on ADBA

Rob Bygrave

I just saw the announcement in the JDBC spec email.

Oracle has stopped work on ADBA due to Project Loom adding Fibers to the JVM/JDK.

> We stopped work on ADBA for two reasons: per the Java team the future for scalable Java code is fibers, not async and there was very little support within the Java community for ADBA. The announcement was made at a CodeONE session on scalable and asynchronous database access. The only person in attendance who was interested in ADBA was in fact happy to learn that we had stopped work on it. His interest was primarily concern about the work required to implement it if it became a standard. The Java team stated that ADBA would never be accepted as a Java standard as it was an async solution to a problem that would be addressed by fibers. Unless it became a standard ADBA would have very little impact, certainly not enough to justify the effort.

Project Loom has the effect of making anything using standard Java IO and Java Locking non blocking so for myself this isn't a surprise at all.

That is, the expectation is any Type 4 JDBC driver will effectively become non-blocking (of OS threads) when Project Loom gets into the JVM and JDK.  

I just thought this was interesting news to share in case people had not been following Project Loom.

Cheers, Rob.

Re: Project Loom, Fibers, Oracle stopping work on ADBA

Dave Cramer
Hi Rob,

I had seen the announcement.

Interesting. I'm curious when they expect loom to be mainstream?

On Tue, 24 Sep 2019 at 18:39, Rob Bygrave <robin.bygrave@gmail.com> wrote:

I just saw the announcement in the JDBC spec email.

Oracle has stopped work on ADBA due to Project Loom adding Fibers to the JVM/JDK.

> We stopped work on ADBA for two reasons: per the Java team the future for scalable Java code is fibers, not async and there was very little support within the Java community for ADBA. The announcement was made at a CodeONE session on scalable and asynchronous database access. The only person in attendance who was interested in ADBA was in fact happy to learn that we had stopped work on it. His interest was primarily concern about the work required to implement it if it became a standard. The Java team stated that ADBA would never be accepted as a Java standard as it was an async solution to a problem that would be addressed by fibers. Unless it became a standard ADBA would have very little impact, certainly not enough to justify the effort.

Project Loom has the effect of making anything using standard Java IO and Java Locking non blocking so for myself this isn't a surprise at all.

That is, the expectation is any Type 4 JDBC driver will effectively become non-blocking (of OS threads) when Project Loom gets into the JVM and JDK.  

I just thought this was interesting news to share in case people had not been following Project Loom.

Cheers, Rob.