Обсуждение: New to PostgreSql - requires assistance


New to PostgreSql - requires assistance

"Cormar Films"

Good day


I am a VB6 programmer with plenty of MS Access Databasis and applications and would like to start using PostGreSql instead.


I installed PostGreSql, pgAdmin4 and drivers - not sure if everything required is now installed. 


I successfullly created a database and table in PostgreSql, and now want to start implimenting it in VB6.


My big problem now is the connection to the database  from VB6.  I tried the following connection strings:


  conUsers.ConnectionString = "Driver={PostGreSql Unicode(X64)};SERVER=localhost;port=5432;DATBASE=WinMedAngela;UID=postgres;PWD=Goslow22%;CommandTimeOut=300;"

  conUsers.ConnectionString = "Driver={PostgreSql ANSI(x64)};SERVER=localhost;port=5432;DATBASE=WinMedAngela;UID=postgres;PWD=Goslow22%;CommandTimeOut=300;"

  conUsers.ConnectionString = "Driver={PostgreSql};SERVER=localhost;port=5432;DATBASE=WinMedAngela;UID=postgres;PWD=Goslow22%;CommandTimeOut=300;"


... which caused error "Data Source Name not found and no default driver specified".


It seems that there is a problem with the driver.


Could you please assist me with this issue.


Kind regards


Cornie du Plessis

Cormar Films EMAIL Signature Jun 2016 ver 2


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Re: New to PostgreSql - requires assistance

Pierre Couderc

On 5/17/19 9:34 AM, Cormar Films wrote:

Good day


I am a VB6 programmer with plenty of MS Access Databasis and applications and would like to start using PostGreSql instead.


I installed PostGreSql, pgAdmin4 and drivers - not sure if everything required is now installed. 


I successfullly created a database and table in PostgreSql, and now want to start implimenting it in VB6.


My big problem now is the connection to the database  from VB6.  I tried the following connection strings:


  conUsers.ConnectionString = "Driver={PostGreSql Unicode(X64)};SERVER=localhost;port=5432;DATBASE=WinMedAngela;UID=postgres;PWD=Goslow22%;CommandTimeOut=300;"

  conUsers.ConnectionString = "Driver={PostgreSql ANSI(x64)};SERVER=localhost;port=5432;DATBASE=WinMedAngela;UID=postgres;PWD=Goslow22%;CommandTimeOut=300;"

  conUsers.ConnectionString = "Driver={PostgreSql};SERVER=localhost;port=5432;DATBASE=WinMedAngela;UID=postgres;PWD=Goslow22%;CommandTimeOut=300;"


... which caused error "Data Source Name not found and no default driver specified".


It seems that there is a problem with the driver.


Could you please assist me with this issue.


Have you checked that  the DB connect test in ODBC32 box  is ok??