Обсуждение: Analyze results in more expensive query plan


Analyze results in more expensive query plan

Jeremy Altavilla



We have several select statements whose performance is greatly improved by deleting some stats from pg_statistic.  With the stats present the database reaches 100% cpu at 13k queries per second. Without these stats, the same machine can handle over 29k queries per second. We were able replicate this behavior with just a single join that all these queries contain. When the stats are present the planner chooses to hash join, and without stats perform a nested loop. The plan using a hash join has a higher estimated cost, and as previously mentioned, uses more cpu.


The two tables involved in this query are described below; bag_type and bag. There are 6 bag_type rows and around 6 million bag rows. During this simplified scenario, no writes were occurring. Under normal circumstances rows can be inserted into bag, and no rows in these tables are updated or deleted.


\d bag_type

                              Table "public.bag_type"

  Column   |  Type   | Collation | Nullable |               Default


 id        | bigint  |           | not null | nextval('bag_type_id_seq'::regclass)

 name      | text    |           | not null |

 has_slots | boolean |           | not null |

 game      | text    |           | not null |


    "bag_type_pk" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)

    "bag_name_u1" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (name, game)

Referenced by:

    TABLE "bag" CONSTRAINT "bag_fk1" FOREIGN KEY (bag_type_id) REFERENCES bag_type(id)


\d bag

                              Table "public.bag"

   Column    |  Type  | Collation | Nullable |             Default


 id          | bigint |           | not null | nextval('bag_id_seq'::regclass)

 owner_id    | uuid   |           | not null |

 bag_type_id | bigint |           | not null |


    "bag_pk" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)

    "bag_owner_type_u1" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (owner_id, bag_type_id)

Foreign-key constraints:

    "bag_fk1" FOREIGN KEY (bag_type_id) REFERENCES bag_type(id)

Referenced by:

    TABLE "item" CONSTRAINT "item_fk1" FOREIGN KEY (bag_id) REFERENCES bag(id)


The pared down query joins the two tables.




FROM bag

INNER JOIN bag_type ON bag.bag_type_id = bag_type.id

WHERE owner_id = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000076100'

AND game = 'test_alpha'

AND name = ANY(ARRAY['item','wallet','buildingFixed']);


With stats on the bag_type table present, the planner uses a hash join. I noticed that the estimate of the index scan of bag_owner_type_u1 is too high at 8 rows. No owner can have more than 6 bags, so 8 should be logically impossible. Also, given 3 bag_types and a specific owner, there can't be more than 3 rows due to the bag_owner_type_u1 index.


ANALYZE bag_type;


https://explain.depesz.com/s/zcI (Slower, hash join)


If I remove the stats on the bag_type table, the planner estimates 1 row and uses a nested loop.


DELETE FROM pg_statistic s

USING pg_class c

WHERE c.oid = s.starelid

AND c.relname = 'bag_type';


https://explain.depesz.com/s/yBuEo (nested loop)


Below are various stats and configuration options, in case they are helpful. I've tried reindexing everything, clustering the tables and ran vacuum full as well. I've tried increasing the default statistics target (this actually made performance much worse). I’ve tested this on fresh volumes with synthetic data, as well as on replicas of prod data.  I’ve also tested this on different ec2 instance types (r4.16xl and c4.8xl). In all cases the bag_type stats resulted in worse performance. I was hoping someone would be able to give advice on how to improve these queries that doesn’t involve deleting stats.






SELECT version();



PostgreSQL 10.7 (Debian 10.7-1.pgdg80+1) on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Debian 4.9.2-10+deb8u2) 4.9.2, 64-bit

(1 row)


SELECT relname, relpages, reltuples, relallvisible, relkind, relnatts, relhassubclass, reloptions, pg_table_size(oid) FROM pg_class WHERE relname='bag_type' OR relname = 'bag';

relname  | relpages |  reltuples  | relallvisible | relkind | relnatts | relhassubclass | reloptions | pg_table_size


 bag      |    44115 | 5.99964e+06 |             0 | r       |        3 | f              |            |     361390080

 bag_type |        1 |           6 |             0 | r       |        4 | f              |            |         16384

(2 rows)


SELECT (SELECT sum(x) FROM unnest(most_common_freqs) x) frac_MCV, tablename, attname, inherited, null_frac, n_distinct, array_length(most_common_vals,1) n_mcv, array_length(histogram_bounds,1) n_hist, correlation FROM pg_stats WHERE attname='bag_type_id' AND tablename='bag' ORDER BY 1 DESC;

frac_mcv | tablename |   attname   | inherited | null_frac | n_distinct | n_mcv | n_hist | correlation


        1 | bag       | bag_type_id | f         |         0 |          6 |     6 |        |    0.167682

(1 row)


SELECT (SELECT sum(x) FROM unnest(most_common_freqs) x) frac_MCV, tablename, attname, inherited, null_frac, n_distinct, array_length(most_common_vals,1) n_mcv, array_length(histogram_bounds,1) n_hist, correlation FROM pg_stats WHERE attname='owner_id' AND tablename='bag' ORDER BY 1 DESC;

  frac_mcv  | tablename | attname  | inherited | null_frac | n_distinct | n_mcv | n_hist | correlation


 0.00680001 | bag       | owner_id | f         |         0 |  -0.123982 |   100 |    101 |    0.994306

(1 row)


SELECT (SELECT sum(x) FROM unnest(most_common_freqs) x) frac_MCV, tablename, attname, inherited, null_frac, n_distinct, array_length(most_common_vals,1) n_mcv, array_length(histogram_bounds,1) n_hist, correlation FROM pg_stats WHERE attname='name' AND tablename='bag_type' ORDER BY 1 DESC;

frac_mcv | tablename | attname | inherited | null_frac | n_distinct | n_mcv | n_hist | correlation


          | bag_type  | name    | f         |         0 |         -1 |       |      6 |   -0.428571

(1 row)


SELECT (SELECT sum(x) FROM unnest(most_common_freqs) x) frac_MCV, tablename, attname, inherited, null_frac, n_distinct, array_length(most_common_vals,1) n_mcv, array_length(histogram_bounds,1) n_hist, correlation FROM pg_stats WHERE attname='game' AND tablename='bag_type' ORDER BY 1 DESC;

frac_mcv | tablename | attname | inherited | null_frac | n_distinct | n_mcv | n_hist | correlation


        1 | bag_type  | game    | f         |         0 |  -0.166667 |     1 |        |           1

(1 row)


SELECT name, current_setting(name), SOURCE

FROM pg_settings

WHERE SOURCE NOT IN ('default', 'override');

                name                 |               current_setting               |       source


 application_name                    | psql                                        | client

 archive_command                     | /wal-e-shim wal-push %p                     | configuration file

 archive_mode                        | on                                          | configuration file

 archive_timeout                     | 1min                                        | configuration file

 autovacuum                          | on                                          | configuration file

 autovacuum_max_workers              | 6                                           | configuration file

 autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor      | 0                                           | configuration file

 autovacuum_vacuum_threshold         | 10000                                       | configuration file

 autovacuum_work_mem                 | -1                                          | configuration file

 checkpoint_completion_target        | 0.9                                         | configuration file

 checkpoint_timeout                  | 30min                                       | configuration file

 checkpoint_warning                  | 30s                                         | configuration file

 client_encoding                     | SQL_ASCII                                   | client

 DateStyle                           | ISO, MDY                                    | configuration file

 dynamic_shared_memory_type          | posix                                       | configuration file

 effective_cache_size                | 42432000kB                                  | configuration file

 fsync                               | on                                          | configuration file

 full_page_writes                    | on                                          | configuration file

 huge_pages                          | try                                         | configuration file

 idle_in_transaction_session_timeout | 10min                                       | configuration file

 lc_messages                         | C                                           | configuration file

 lc_monetary                         | C                                           | configuration file

 lc_numeric                          | C                                           | configuration file

 lc_time                             | C                                           | configuration file

 listen_addresses                    | *                                           | configuration file

 log_autovacuum_min_duration         | 0                                           | configuration file

 log_checkpoints                     | on                                          | configuration file

 log_destination                     | stderr                                      | configuration file

 log_line_prefix                     | %t [%p-%l] %q%u@%d                          | configuration file

 log_lock_waits                      | on                                          | configuration file

 log_min_duration_statement          | 1s                                          | configuration file

 log_temp_files                      | 0                                           | configuration file

 log_timezone                        | UTC                                         | configuration file

 maintenance_work_mem                | 3536000kB                                   | configuration file

 max_connections                     | 400                                         | configuration file

 max_prepared_transactions           | 100                                         | configuration file

 max_stack_depth                     | 2MB                                         | configuration file

 max_wal_senders                     | 5                                           | configuration file

 max_wal_size                        | 34GB                                        | configuration file

 pg_partman_bgw.dbname               | redacted                                    | configuration file

 pg_partman_bgw.interval             | 3600                                        | configuration file

 pg_partman_bgw.role                 | postgres                                    | configuration file

 pg_stat_statements.track            | all                                         | configuration file

 port                                | 5432                                        | command line

 random_page_cost                    | 1.1                                         | configuration file

 shared_buffers                      | 14144000kB                                  | configuration file

 shared_preload_libraries            | plpgsql, pg_partman_bgw, pg_stat_statements | configuration file

 stats_temp_directory                | /var/run/postgresql/pg_stat_tmp             | configuration file

 superuser_reserved_connections      | 5                                           | configuration file

 synchronous_commit                  | on                                          | configuration file

 TimeZone                            | UTC                                         | configuration file

 unix_socket_directories             | /var/run/postgresql                         | configuration file

 unix_socket_group                   | postgres                                    | configuration file

 unix_socket_permissions             | 0700                                        | configuration file

 wal_keep_segments                   | 64                                          | configuration file

 wal_level                           | replica                                     | configuration file

 wal_sync_method                     | fsync                                       | configuration file

 work_mem                            | 141440kB                                    | configuration file

(58 rows)


Re: Analyze results in more expensive query plan

Tom Lane
Jeremy Altavilla <jeremyaltavilla@gmail.com> writes:
> We have several select statements whose performance is greatly improved by
> deleting some stats from pg_statistic.

You might have better results by setting up some "extended stats" for
the combination of bag_type columns that this query depends on.  Per your
description, there's a fair amount of cross-column correlation, which
the planner will not expect without some extended stats to tell it so.


            regards, tom lane

Re: Analyze results in more expensive query plan

Jeremy Altavilla
Thanks for the suggestion. I created extended statistics objects for the two tables in question. Unfortunately the resulting plan was the same (and had the same estimates). It looks like the extended stats discovered a potentially useful correlation on bag: "2, 3 => 1" (owner_id, bag_type_id => id). I'm guessing this wasn't usable because the docs state "They are not used to improve estimates for equality conditions comparing two columns".

I created functional dependency extended stats (none of our queries use group by), and ran analyze. The resulting objects are below. For correlations of 1, the results seemed logically correct (I'm not sure how to interpret the .966 values). The limitations section said that extended stats are only applied for simple equality conditions, so I modified the query to use equality instead of any. That still resulted in the same plan and estimate. Just to be thorough, I tried with all permutations of zero, one or both stats objects. In all cases the resulting plan and estimates didn't change from the slow hash join.

create statistics bag_type_stats (dependencies) on id, name, game from bag_type;
analyze bag_type;
create statistics bag_stats (dependencies) on id, owner_id, bag_type_id from bag;
analyze bag;

select * from pg_statistic_ext;
-[ RECORD 1 ]---+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
stxrelid        | 16411
stxname         | bag_stats
stxnamespace    | 2200
stxowner        | 10
stxkeys         | 1 2 3
stxkind         | {f}
stxndistinct    |
stxdependencies | {"1 => 2": 1.000000, "1 => 3": 1.000000, "2 => 1": 0.966567, "2 => 3": 0.966567, "1, 2 => 3": 1.000000, "1, 3 => 2": 1.000000, "2, 3 => 1": 1.000000}
-[ RECORD 2 ]---+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
stxrelid        | 16398
stxname         | bag_type_stats
stxnamespace    | 2200
stxowner        | 10
stxkeys         | 1 2 4
stxkind         | {f}
stxndistinct    |
stxdependencies | {"1 => 2": 1.000000, "1 => 4": 1.000000, "2 => 1": 1.000000, "2 => 4": 1.000000, "1, 2 => 4": 1.000000, "1, 4 => 2": 1.000000, "2, 4 => 1": 1.000000}

For bag keys 1, 2, 3 are id, owner_id and bag_type_id. For bag_type 1, 2, 4 are id, name and game.


On Fri, May 17, 2019 at 9:35 AM Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
> Jeremy Altavilla <jeremyaltavilla@gmail.com> writes:
> > We have several select statements whose performance is greatly improved by
> > deleting some stats from pg_statistic.
> You might have better results by setting up some "extended stats" for
> the combination of bag_type columns that this query depends on.  Per your
> description, there's a fair amount of cross-column correlation, which
> the planner will not expect without some extended stats to tell it so.
> https://www.postgresql.org/docs/10/planner-stats.html#PLANNER-STATS-EXTENDED
>                         regards, tom lane

Re: Analyze results in more expensive query plan

David Rowley
On Tue, 21 May 2019 at 08:23, Jeremy Altavilla
<jeremyaltavilla@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks for the suggestion. I created extended statistics objects for the two tables in question. Unfortunately the
resultingplan was the same (and had the same estimates). It looks like the extended stats discovered a potentially
usefulcorrelation on bag: "2, 3 => 1" (owner_id, bag_type_id => id). I'm guessing this wasn't usable because the docs
state"They are not used to improve estimates for equality conditions comparing two columns". 

I'd say that since the time spent planning is near 3x what is spent
during execution that you're wasting your time trying to speed up the
execution.  What you should be thinking about is using PREPAREd
statements to avoid the planning overhead completely.  If that's not
possible then you've more chance of reducing the time spent planning
by reducing the statistics on the table rather than adding more
planning overhead by adding extended stats.  You might want to
and setting those down a bit then analyzing the tables again.
Although, that's likely only going to make a very small difference, if
any, than getting rid of the planning completely.

 David Rowley                   http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

Re: Analyze results in more expensive query plan

Jeremy Altavilla
Thanks for the help.  In our prod environment, we shouldn't be
planning unnecessarily. Our app uses the extended query protocol
(prepare/bind/exec) to call pg/plsql stored procedures. I left out a
lot of context and background in my question, because I hoped it
simplified things. I might have left out too much though. Immediately
after we upgraded our prod database from postgres 9.6 to 10, it
started using 2-3x more cpu with no change in requests per second. We
have a load test for this app / database; using it we eventually
discovered the effect of having stats on the bag_type table. After
that, It made sense that the upgrade triggered this, as a step in the
upgrade process is to run analyze new cluster.

I experimented with changing the per column statistics value. Setting
name and game to 0, results in no stats for those columns, and the
planner choosing the better plan. Pretty much any other set of values
resulted in the more expensive plan. I'm not sure if this is fixing
the problem, or hiding the problem, but it's definitely less fragile
than hoping the table never gets analyzed.


On Mon, May 20, 2019 at 10:04 PM David Rowley
<david.rowley@2ndquadrant.com> wrote:
> On Tue, 21 May 2019 at 08:23, Jeremy Altavilla
> <jeremyaltavilla@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > Thanks for the suggestion. I created extended statistics objects for the two tables in question. Unfortunately the
resultingplan was the same (and had the same estimates). It looks like the extended stats discovered a potentially
usefulcorrelation on bag: "2, 3 => 1" (owner_id, bag_type_id => id). I'm guessing this wasn't usable because the docs
state"They are not used to improve estimates for equality conditions comparing two columns". 
> I'd say that since the time spent planning is near 3x what is spent
> during execution that you're wasting your time trying to speed up the
> execution.  What you should be thinking about is using PREPAREd
> statements to avoid the planning overhead completely.  If that's not
> possible then you've more chance of reducing the time spent planning
> by reducing the statistics on the table rather than adding more
> planning overhead by adding extended stats.  You might want to
> experiment with ALTER TABLE ... ALTER COLUMN ... SET STATISTICS ..;
> and setting those down a bit then analyzing the tables again.
> Although, that's likely only going to make a very small difference, if
> any, than getting rid of the planning completely.
> --
>  David Rowley                   http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
>  PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services