Обсуждение: Update row attribute that is part of row level security policyusing_expression


Update row attribute that is part of row level security policyusing_expression

Saupe Stefan

I'd like to use RLS to 'hide' or 'deactivate' data at some point that some rows are not visible to the application user anymore.

Let's say user a owns the data and can see all his data.

The application user 'b' can only select,update,delete... 'active' data, but is also able to 'deactivate' currently 'active' rows.


Below is how I tried to accomplish this.


But I'm not able to 'deactivate' rows in the table as application user b.

How can i accomplish this? If possible without having to change the application sql’s that run against the table(s)?



create user a with password 'a';

create user b with password 'b';


\c postgres a;

create table t1(id int,active boolean);

insert into t1 values(1,true);

insert into t1 values(2,false);

create policy mypolicy on t1 for all to b using (active);

alter table t1 enable row level security;

grant all on t1 to b;

select * from t1;

id | active


  1 | t

  2 | f

(2 rows)

--> OK

--Now connect as the application user b

\c postgres b;

select * from t1;

id | active


  1 | t

(1 row)

--> OK


--now I want to 'deactivate' the active row

update t1 set active=false where id=1;

ERROR:  new row violates row-level security policy for table "t1"

--> I want to be able to do this.

My question is:

How can user b read just ‘active’ data AND be able to ‘deactivate’ some active rows?


According to the docs (https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/sql-createpolicy.html) the reason why the update fails is:

The policy USING expression is applied to Existing & new rows on UPDATES if read access is required to the existing or new row

Re: Update row attribute that is part of row level security policyusing_expression

Adrian Klaver
On 5/3/19 4:47 AM, Saupe Stefan wrote:
> I'd like to use RLS to 'hide' or 'deactivate' data at some point that 
> some rows are not visible to the application user anymore.
> Let's say user a owns the data and can see all his data.
> The application user 'b' can only select,update,delete... 'active' data, 
> but is also able to 'deactivate' currently 'active' rows.
> Below is how I tried to accomplish this.
> But I'm not able to 'deactivate' rows in the table as application user b.
> How can i accomplish this? If possible without having to change the 
> application sql’s that run against the table(s)?
> create user a with password 'a';
> create user b with password 'b';
> \c postgres a;
> create table t1(id int,active boolean);
> insert into t1 values(1,true);
> insert into t1 values(2,false);
> create policy mypolicy on t1 for all to b using (active);
> alter table t1 enable row level security;
> grant all on t1 to b;
> select * from t1;
> id | active
> ----+--------
>    1 | t
>    2 | f
> (2 rows)
> --> OK
> --Now connect as the application user b
> \c postgres b;
> select * from t1;
> id | active
> ----+--------
>    1 | t
> (1 row)
> --> OK
> --now I want to 'deactivate' the active row
> update t1 set active=false where id=1;
> ERROR:  new row violates row-level security policy for table "t1"
> --> I want to be able to do this.
> My question is:
> How can user b read just ‘active’ data AND be able to ‘deactivate’ some 
> active rows?

The primary issue here is you are using a security policy to try to 
enforce something that is not security related, the visibility of data. 
If a user was locked out of data for security reasons, but had the 
ability to unlock that data on their own it would not be much of a 
security policy. I see two choices:

1) Don't use RLS for this. Just allow the user to toggle active as 
needed. Not sure where the user is viewing the data, but active/inactive 
could be part of the code that allows data through.

2) If you want to use RLS then create a SECURITY DEFINER function that 
runs as the user that does have non-RLS restricted access to the table. 
Have user b use that to change the active status.

> According to the docs 
> (https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/sql-createpolicy.html) the 
> reason why the update fails is:
> The policy USING expression is applied to Existing & new rows on UPDATES 
> if read access is required to the existing or new row

Adrian Klaver